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Just now, MonkeyCheez3K said:

I don't think a dancer is a good candidate for the Yato boost, then again, everyone likes +4 on everything.

That Olivia is splendid and I'm sad I'll never +10 her fan alt, good additions to the list.

The sad part is that all those Olivia's were pulled trying to get a single F!Grima. It took 5 Neko!Sakuras, 4 Jaffars and 11 Fanlivias to get a single F!Grima. Also, with her current Res, she's mage-bait. 

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4 minutes ago, silverserpent said:

The sad part is that all those Olivia's were pulled trying to get a single F!Grima. It took 5 Neko!Sakuras, 4 Jaffars and 11 Fanlivias to get a single F!Grima. Also, with her current Res, she's mage-bait. 

But Fanlivia wasn't even on the same banner as F!Grima? There's only ever three 5*s to a colour on an LG banner, and Fanlivia shared her's with Summer Gaius and Jaffar. Which was before Frima was even introduced. 

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14 minutes ago, silverserpent said:

The sad part is that all those Olivia's were pulled trying to get a single F!Grima. It took 5 Neko!Sakuras, 4 Jaffars and 11 Fanlivias to get a single F!Grima. Also, with her current Res, she's mage-bait. 

In her base kit, she mostly is just mage bait, but I'd definitely find a sweet spot for that +10 one with some SI (mine is a Smoke Dagger Windsweeper)

Btw, when were FanOlivia and Jaffar ever relevant in acquiring F!Grima? BraveLyn, Genny, NekoSakura and Jakob were the units running next to F!Grima on the banners if I recall correctly? Gaius was the one running next to Olivia/Jaffar. Am I missing something?

@Nanima was faster than me, but yeah same premise.

Edit: And now you were faster, ninjas everywhere XD (or not, the forum decided my post was faster, now that I reloaded the page, whatever)

Edited by MonkeyCheez3K
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1 minute ago, Nanima said:

But Fanlivia wasn't even on the same banner as F!Grima? There's only ever three 5*s to a colour on an LG banner, and Fanlivia shared her's with Summer Gaius and Jaffar. Which was before Frima was even introduced. 

Was it? ...right. i was hunting Summer Gaius because he was the only seasonal I was missing...I thought my numbers were off for that. Right. Frima had BraveLyn and NekoSakura on her banner. Still. It took 11 Fanlivia and 5 Jaffar to get one S!Gaius. It's late where I'm at and I just got off work not too long ago.

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2 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Best advice and highest defense win (personally) at the same time:

Don’t tell me how to live my life!

But seriously, I need to know what exactly the units are going to be. I already know that I won’t give a fig about Hector or Ephraim no matter how OP they are, and Celica and Veronica depend on how much justice they do to them. Dagger Celica, for example, is a no right away.

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10 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Don’t tell me how to live my life!

But seriously, I need to know what exactly the units are going to be. I already know that I won’t give a fig about Hector or Ephraim no matter how OP they are, and Celica and Veronica depend on how much justice they do to them. Dagger Celica, for example, is a no right away.

The only right thing for IS to do would be a third Hector with Armads.

I have enough Celicas, but Veronica seems like a must have. 

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Free summon:Lucina (+spd,-atk) 

I hate when the game is trolling me by giving me at the same time the best and worst IV. At least it's a free aether. 

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13 minutes ago, Kozac said:

Free summon:Lucina (+spd,-atk) 

I hate when the game is trolling me by giving me at the same time the best and worst IV. At least it's a free aether. 

Oh man. Slap on fury, refine Falchion to Parallel and slap on heavy blade. Beautiful

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@mampfoid Saving for CYL is honestly an extremely smart thing to do. But when I see a unit I like I pull for them and when it's a unit you actually want it always takes more orbs to get them in my experience. For one thing, if the special heroes is another typical set of Fates/Awakening units then I'll feel safe to avoid, but if it's say... a Horse Dagger unit or Elibe/Tellius/Magvel, things might not be so simple. Heck, if it's brides I can take a pass, but Bride Anna I could potentially pull for. For the most part I feel pretty safe saving until the next legendary banner, but realistically CYL probably won't come around until the fall or even the winter.

In other news, I have enough feathers to take a single unit from +0 all the way to +10 but I can't pull copies of any of the main units I actually want to +10 and the only other units I'm interested in either don't have the right nature or don't have the fodder they need to be built.

Sitting here with 250k feathers looking like a jacka**. Never thought I'd see the day.

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Ah man. I've somewhat stopped caring about new heroes banners. The units that get dropped do excite me, but realistically speaking there's no way I'm gonna ever really merge 5* exclusive units, especially since 3-4* units are getting prfs, which is good for arena scoring. Alts I guess can tell you why I'm not excited to see. Not being summonable in the normal summoning pool is a big minus for me

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17 minutes ago, Zeo said:

@mampfoid Saving for CYL is honestly an extremely smart thing to do. But when I see a unit I like I pull for them and when it's a unit you actually want it always takes more orbs to get them in my experience. For one thing, if the special heroes is another typical set of Fates/Awakening units then I'll feel safe to avoid, but if it's say... a Horse Dagger unit or Elibe/Tellius/Magvel, things might not be so simple. Heck, if it's brides I can take a pass, but Bride Anna I could potentially pull for. For the most part I feel pretty safe saving until the next legendary banner, but realistically CYL probably won't come around until the fall or even the winter.

I don't know if I'll be able to save many orbs. Depends on the next banners like you wrote. There is not much that my roster needs though. 

18 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Sitting here with 250k feathers looking like a jacka**. Never thought I'd see the day.

Yup, a lot of resources but nothing really to do. IS, that's not really smart ... 

If I ever arrive to 300k (currently 230k), I'd promote a full team to 5* and replay the story. 

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I wish I could save for CYL, but it's highly likely I'll be more interested in the seasonal banners along the way. Since Camilla got bumped out, I have no favorites among the CYL group. I don't care about Ephraim, and Hector is probably going to be busted, but that just makes him a "would like to have" for me. If we get a free pick again, I'll probably want Veronica or Celica and pull for the other. It'll mostly depend on what they do with them in terms of art and unit type. I'm going to try and not pull just based off how good the units are, since I still regret making Lyn my free pick instead of Lucina last time. Lucina was the only one I really wanted, but Lyn was just too busted at the time to turn down for free, and it avoided colorless hell by doing it that way too. Little did I know she'd be on the first 8% banner and she'd end up pity breaking me there, while I'm otherwise still Lucina-less..

33 minutes ago, Zeo said:

For the most part I feel pretty safe saving until the next legendary banner, but realistically CYL probably won't come around until the fall or even the winter.

You know know that you said that we'll be getting it next month. I'm not even completely kidding, since that "four heroes" thing coinciding with the new heroes banner next month seems a little spooky. Hopefully not, though, since I'd like to have orbs for the summer banners after that..

33 minutes ago, Zeo said:

In other news, I have enough feathers to take a single unit from +0 all the way to +10 but I can't pull copies of any of the main units I actually want to +10 and the only other units I'm interested in either don't have the right nature or don't have the fodder they need to be built.

Sitting here with 250k feathers looking like a jacka**. Never thought I'd see the day.

This is the real hell right here. I've got like 4-5 units I'd want to work on merging, but they all refuse to show up. It's dangerous having this many feathers (at 300k right now, and I spent 100k the other day giving Peri 5 merges), since I'm tempted just to promote some units I have passing interest in just for the sake of promoting something new to play with. I have to stay strong and hold off for merges for my goal units.

Edited by Alkaid
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The CYL banner was a regular 3% focus banner wasn't it? I don't see it being particularly worth saving for, especially as the CYL units will inevitably be some of the most re-run focus units of all. We also don't know if the next edition of CYL will come with another BST boost. As a result, I think I'm happier saving for regular seasonal banners instead because that's where we get units which are both interesting and rare.

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43 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

the CYL units will inevitably be some of the most re-run focus units of all.

That's a good point, no reason to get crazy over getting every one of them immediately. 

44 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

We also don't know if the next edition of CYL will come with another BST boost.

The BST boost of the CYL units never mattered much to me. It was their design (Lucina), broken skills (Ike), fun skill set (Roy) and new weapon/movement type combination (Lyn) which made them shine. 

52 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

since I'm tempted just to promote some units I have passing interest in just for the sake of promoting something new to play with.

That's really dangerous. I build a Quatsuna only because I always wanted to. Never using her makes me feel the resources wasted. 

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I remember now after looking at the banner archive. The CYL1 banner started right after Nohrian Summer ended. I spent upwards of 200 orbs trying to get Summer Corrin and finally did get her on that final day (and no other 5-stars whatsoever), leaving me with barely anything to use on CYL. The Sacred Stones banner ended on the same day and I could only do the free summon on that, which luckily was Amelia.

I got enough together after a few days to do one full round on CYL, luckily getting Brave Roy, and then picked up the free Bowlyn. That was all I saw of the CYL banner. No regrets whatsoever though, Summer Corrin to me is worth more than Brave Lucina, Brave Roy and Brave Ike put together. I suspect I'll be summoning somewhat more than 15 orbs worth this time around.

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20 hours ago, silverserpent said:

Considering it's Fury 1 without the HP penalty after combat? Plus stack on Fury 3 as his A-skill? He can be pretty good.

I didn't want L&D to take away from his bulk.


You should run Ignis or Bonfire instead of Dragon Fang.

Corrin's special refinement is extremely powerful in the player's hands. With double drives or double spurs for his C-skill and Seal he can boost his support partner to the point of getting wins in 90-99% of all match-ups.

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So this is my current project



I plan to use this build for tier 20 when I get the merges for her and I'm currently waiting for a +spd -res one. The one you're seeing now is +spd -hp, but that's only because I don't have a better bane nature at the moment and it's my current merge level. The point of this build is to attack DC units like Effie or Hardin who she'll survive if she gets the cooldown charge from infantry pulse and defense from drive def (in case the opponent has buffs). Poison strike to do some chip damage if she isn't doing enough damage and it scores well. And then have Soleil WoM to finish off the foe who she attacked. Thoughts?

Edit: Sturdy Blow doesn't increase her score so I'll change it to Fury

Edited by silveraura25
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20 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

As for a support partner, I'm personally leaning towards female Corrin... if I ever get around to building either of them with my dozens of other projects lying around.

I find the fact that I'm not alone in KamuKamu pretty amusing. Even for different reasons.

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Only just noticed after doing the Tap Battle extra level that the one quest orb you get for it is not actually an additional orb at all - they've just taken away one orb from the "do 20 tap battles" quest reward and put it as a separate quest. Bit of a dick move, as trivial as it is.

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22 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Only just noticed after doing the Tap Battle extra level that the one quest orb you get for it is not actually an additional orb at all - they've just taken away one orb from the "do 20 tap battles" quest reward and put it as a separate quest. Bit of a dick move, as trivial as it is.

There were three? Right, there were three. Thank you, IS.

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37 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Only just noticed after doing the Tap Battle extra level that the one quest orb you get for it is not actually an additional orb at all - they've just taken away one orb from the "do 20 tap battles" quest reward and put it as a separate quest. Bit of a dick move, as trivial as it is.

Shh, you're not supposed to break the illusion of tap battles having more content.

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6 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

Shh, you're not supposed to break the illusion of tap battles having more content.

I mean, it does have more content. It just doesn't have more rewards.

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On the topic of Tap Battle, I'm finding taking four of same unit into it more amusing than I probably should. Never thought I would see the day one of my party slots is allotted for that one.

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