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Hit tier 25 in the Grand Conquest mode. Making it so that enemies couldn't attack after moving made me actually do lunatic (and conquer the fort half the time), which gave me more points, but I actually made sure that I used every single conquest lance I could. That meant getting in a round before school, after I woke up, etc. Doing all that actually does help you get into tier 25.

My only regular Ike was from the legendary banner, the first one, and he's -atk. Why.

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I'm at tier 19 in GC, but I've also got 13 lances in reserve so I assume I'm good. Going to try to stay active not just in the final round but in the preceding rounds to ensure we have a lot of territories secured and untouchable by the end.

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The last round of voting guantlet my team had 15 areas before I went to sleep, and when I woke up, we ended with 1.

This mode needs a ton of polish to keep my interest, but even the 1 area still gave a decent chunk of feathers


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8 hours ago, Hawk King said:

I really hate it when people say this. If your team is backed up to their base with only 1 area, It doesn't matter what your team does, you will finish with terrible results. Holding key chokepoints or just areas with a large number of paths branching out from them is always beneficial no matter what round you're in.

The "good" time to use lances is in the last 30 mins of each round so that you can take advantage of the troops bonus multipliers, and you can view the map to see where you can be the difference in holding or losing an area.

The thing is, trying to enforce a strategy like holding chokepoints doesn't work if you don't have teammates with the same idea. I've been on teams that have held chokepoints for 90% of the round and lost everything in the last few matches even when we've had ideal set-ups. I've also been on teams that have had 3 or 4 territories in the next to last or final match and ended up getting 15+ territories in the end. Maybe it's not too accurate to say that only the last few rounds matter, but the tides can turn VERY quickly. 

If we could communicate with our teammates, knew what kind of resources we all had going into the round/how many people we were with and maybe against, and each team had similar chokepoint set-ups, there would be far more you could do to work strategically. 

52 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Meanwhile I've only pulled 3 Ikes (2 of them off banner) and the second one was +ATK/-HP. This game sometimes.

@Rafiel's Aria Funnily enough I've used all of my Lances and am a little less than a quarter away from the last tier. I'll have to probably get a perfect infernal clear an hour or so because GC is over in order to get that last orb. They should probably drop the difficulty to get to the last tier just a bit, as most of my runs had 7k to perfect scores. Not to mention they cap your score for the first few runs now until you unlock the higher difficulties.

I think I've pulled three Ikes too, and my second one was +ATK. XD....Same for Brave Ike.....and steroid Ike... lol IDK why Ike likes me. He must be mistaking me for my boyfriend. 

I wish you luck. I've got one lance left...and it might be enough to get me to tier 25. I'm waiting a little bit to use it however. I've been just playing Lunatic because I can enjoy it whereas Infernal is a bit more frustrating. I definitely think we need an "EXP bar" to see how many actual points we need until we level up. I left that feedback last time, so I suppose I'll leave it again.

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9 hours ago, Jingle Jangle said:

As a massive Tharja fan, in find the JP summoning quote to be a bit too much pandering toward a certain audience. It goes "they I'm a virgin, let's have some fun". I prefer some subtlety to things like this. 

I think in general pretty girls in Heroes are many times pandering when they needn't be, and sometimes doesn't fit the character at all.  This is often especially seen in the level 40 confession, but sometimes in other lines.  I guess this is something that gacha games have to have, and besides OP top tier units or units with new skills something that draws tons of whales.  


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I checked to see if it was brought up, but has anyone encountered the bride Tharja glitch? Apparently she can disappear from the map if you have her rally someone.


There's also another video of it using autobattle: https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/8lddmn/vanishing_tharja_kamikaze_autobattle_version/.

The Bridal Bloom might as well be the most fucked up banner at this point. Bride Ninian's twisted leg in her injured art being weird to some, the child bride Sanaki issue, bride Tharja being what Mia was to Athena, and now bride Tharja is a bit glitchy. Also, there was a post on the FEH subreddit about how groom Marth is an awful unit, has terrible, effeminate art, and that he was shafted by the developers.

Y'know, glitchy bride Tharja is a bit funny when you consider her being the creepy, dark bride. P.T. Silent Hills featuring bride Tharja from the Fire Emblem series?

Edited by Kaden
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Feels good to hit tier 25 in GC with like 4 lances left. I don't have to play anymore but I'll use those lances during next round because it seems my team is starting to go ham right now which means disaster if we lose steam in the last 2 rounds.

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Oh, I heard about the bride Tharja glitch over in gamefaqs. If I'm correct, I think it's speed link being used on a rallied dancer that's causing the glitch, and not Bride Tharja herself.

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1 minute ago, Sunwoo said:

Oh, I heard about the bride Tharja glitch over in gamefaqs. If I'm correct, I think it's speed link being used on a rallied dancer that's causing the glitch, and not Bride Tharja herself.

Whatever the case, I wonder what's causing her to fly out of the screen. Rallies don't move anyone and you can't rally units if their buffed stats can't go any higher.

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2 minutes ago, silverserpent said:

Hmm...debating on changing up Clair's special. Currently running Iceberg on her, but I'm wondering if Galeforce would be better? I've got two BH!Roys hanging around that can donate it.

If Claire have enough speed to double often(buff included) then use galeforce. 

Also for GC after Alfonse's offensive and Sharena counter attack, this now Anna that dominates the end game, but table can turn on because most player are going to go full offensive at the very end. My predictions:1-Anna



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As for GC tier 25: I've had no problems this time reaching it with 4-5 lances left in doing auto-battle infernal.

Horses worked best, with the extra boosts on day 1-2 they captured the enemy fort a bit too early (making me loose points for kills) but from day 3-6 they didn't capture the enemy fort most of the times. Usually I got a score of 7,000-9,000 when activating 8x multiplier. 

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so for these final rounds I've been doing Boostx1 on every possible territory so that I've "helped out" each of them for better scoring. But with 11 stamina lances, plus the few three I still have yet to earn from the final tiers, I'm ready to to start blasting.

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57 minutes ago, silverserpent said:

Hmm...debating on changing up Clair's special. Currently running Iceberg on her, but I'm wondering if Galeforce would be better? I've got two BH!Roys hanging around that can donate it.

Clair needs iceberg to reliable oneshot some units. Galeforce only makes sense on units with very high attack and very high speed. Clair lacks the attack part.

Of course for PVE it would be fine but for Arena mmmm not so much

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Wow. Last round, Alfonse had 5 territories. Now he’s got 21, and he’s winning by blowout on ALL the ones my team can fight on. There’s nowhere to battle. Glad I didn’t wait until the last minute to finish getting into tier 25...

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Similar to my realm, I woke up this morning with Alfonse sitting pretty at 15 tiles. Then he was reduced to 9, and then 6 heading into the final round. However it looks like a whale has woken up and we've somehow knocked out 8 tiles through brute force. I spent about 7-8 lances myself so I can pretend I'm helping, but I suspect the knockouts would have happened anyway.

Got to tier 25 with two crests remaining, although closer to 2.75 in reality. Closer than I'd have liked but happy to get all the rewards. 90% manual Lunatic, the rest were small 1-3 sword spends with autobattle hard.

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I noticed from last Grand Conquest that there are a significant number of people who still have all of their lances to use, whether they saved them or only just earned them. As a result, there are a large number of knockouts in the end of the 3rd battle, no matter where you are. I was pretty frustrated by it, so I used all but the 3 quested lances in the previous battles. With that in mind, if I still wanna contribute, it's better to fight a single stamina worth across as many areas as I can, to provide the score boost for the crazy people dumping a bunch of lances.

As luck would have it, I'm being helpful!


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Our team had 7 spaces at the start of the final round and 10 by the end. But yikes, Alfonse who had 12 lost it all. I'm glad we closed off some major chockepoints with knockouts early in the round. That could have been us, too.

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Yeah, 13 knockouts for Alfonse, 5 for Anna, and Sharena is dead. Finished 18:3:9, having started the round with a mere 6 tiles. 5000 feathers takes me just over 40k too, didn't think I'd get enough for a double promotion this week but here we are.

The knockout mechanic can be a bit problematic, I've read that on some realms every tile ended up being knocked out with half an hour to go, making it literally impossible for anyone to battle at all. That would suck if someone needed to fight to get their GC tier up.

Second account ended up at tier 24.5 from Hard autobattle, d'oh. At least it ended up on the winning side of 9:12:9.

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I reached tier 25 at the start of the 3rd battle. My advice would be to make a brigade entirely of the unit type that gets the +4 to all stats, and play infernal on the maps that give the additional boost. The changes make it easy to gain the maximum possible score consistently, which should allow you to get to tier 25 easily.

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Ah no!  I tried infernal for my last lance, and I took a camp, but tried to get the other two and instead lost the one camp I lost.  Defense tiles, bricks to break, narrow passages, and the enemies were ridiculous.  If I just kept that one camp I captured I would have gotten tier 24, instead missed it by a sliver.  2 sacred coins down the drain.  


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Final round had 18 knockouts between all 3 armies. I only wish my team knew to drive ours into the enemy territory instead of into dead ends.

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