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Well, we will have Hector Emblem when CYL 2 drops. 4 axes and it will still be a good team...

Is it just me or is Legendary Hector going to be broken? With his base kit, he is the ultimate player phase bait-to-kill unit. Up in whale country, during the Fire season, I can totally see teams having two +10 L!Hectors on mixed teams so that all of them have -2 to their special cooldown. Not going to be fun.

This banner is absurdly good though. My goal is to pull 5 more Myrrhs to +10 her since I recently got the +Def/-Spd I wanted. B!Ike and L!Hector are fantastic pity breakers too!

Every color is really good so I will probably do full pulls for a long while until I need to start sniping.

Oh shit, I need to clear some barracks space. I have no idea what I am going to do about that...

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I’m gonna take the orbs from the legendary banner and continues for Tana, since she is worth 100 Hectors in my eyes. I also only want 4 units on this banner and the odds for this don’t look to good. Plus, I think arena is a waste, so I don’t need legendary heroes or blessings

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3 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

I’m gonna take the orbs from the legendary banner and continues for Tana, since she is worth 100 Hectors in my eyes. I also only want 4 units on this banner and the odds for this don’t look to good. Plus, I think arena is a waste, so I don’t need legendary heroes or blessings

You and me both.  While I would like one version of Hector just so I can have him I have lived without him since the start of the game and I can keep doing so.  S!Tana is the only flying red mage I like and a flying red mage will help me a lot for clearing GHB maps among other things.

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Thinking on the missed opportunity of not giving Hector a non-Armads weapon, I wish every lord had a starting weapon variant.

I know that'd mean a lot of Rapiers, but I'm sure they could diversify them like they did the Falchions. Altean Rapier, Lycian Rapier, Renaissian Rapier, Noble Rapier (for Awakening's C&L). Mucho anti-Cav & Armor, but it is overwhelmingly Red at least- how bad could the impact of that be? Or they could do as they did with Durandal and Armads and just forget about the effective bonuses.

Ike, well it'd be incongrous, but PoR Lord!Ike with the Regal Sword (not to be confused with the Regal Blade) would be another Rapier in all but name, but feasible. Were it not for DC making the Ragnell already great, PoR Ike getting a Regal Ragnell would help the original self and not be another separate variant. As for RD Ike, well they could use his Hero self and give it the Ettard, perhaps with innate Heavy Blade since it is a hulking piece of metal. Mani Katti is also a Rapier in all but name.

For Sigurd, well go with his Gifted Silver Sword (or perhaps call it the Bestowed or Treasured Sword- something to allude to it being given by Arvis as a reward for Sig's service to Grannvale), since a Steel Sword and Iron Lance are nothing to write home about. Seliph can have some twist on a Slim Sword with a creative effect attached to it since it has none at all- or another Rapier, which I guess the Slim is supposed to be reminiscent of, but I don't get why he just didn't have one of those in FE4? Or we can show FE4 inheritance at work and give him a Memento Sword- his father's Silver with the passing of time.

Alm- well his Falch already opts for referencing the Royal Sword, so I'm not sure what they could do. Since Alm doesn't actually start with a weapon equipped in Valentia. Maybe a fabricated "Zofian Spare Sword", to reference how everyone in SoV has a default weapon to use even when not equipped? Room for creativity.

Celica, besides the Golden Dagger, could go for Blue Tome Seraphim, since it is relatively unique, and her dialogue for the Necrodragon Sea Shrine battle changes based on whether she has it or not.

Eph and Hec- Reginleif and Wolf Beil, 'nuff said.

Corrin- True Ganglari would be Fury or whatever the Beloved Zofia has, right?

Leif and Micaiah- these don't need starting weapons, a Light tome for Micaiah would be be boring, and Leif already has his Light Brand and an Iron would be very boring too. Leif should instead get the Bragi Sword. And Micaiah- well invent an endgame weapon for her since RD didn't even give her one! Or she get get Rexaura or shafted with the Matrona Staff (I'm sure few remember that hunk of junk).

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Feeling a bit torn, part of me wants to get this Hector, and I want to make a tactics team; but CYL Hector. 


I should be patient because this one will rotate back in, but I’m bored

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Feeling a bit torn, part of me wants to get this Hector, and I want to make a tactics team; but CYL Hector. 


I should be patient because this one will rotate back in, but I’m bored

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59 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Thinking on the missed opportunity of not giving Hector a non-Armads weapon, I wish every lord had a starting weapon variant.

I know that'd mean a lot of Rapiers, but I'm sure they could diversify them like they did the Falchions. Altean Rapier, Lycian Rapier, Renaissian Rapier, Noble Rapier (for Awakening's C&L). Mucho anti-Cav & Armor, but it is overwhelmingly Red at least- how bad could the impact of that be? Or they could do as they did with Durandal and Armads and just forget about the effective bonuses.

Ike, well it'd be incongrous, but PoR Lord!Ike with the Regal Sword (not to be confused with the Regal Blade) would be another Rapier in all but name, but feasible. Were it not for DC making the Ragnell already great, PoR Ike getting a Regal Ragnell would help the original self and not be another separate variant. As for RD Ike, well they could use his Hero self and give it the Ettard, perhaps with innate Heavy Blade since it is a hulking piece of metal. Mani Katti is also a Rapier in all but name.

For Sigurd, well go with his Gifted Silver Sword (or perhaps call it the Bestowed or Treasured Sword- something to allude to it being given by Arvis as a reward for Sig's service to Grannvale), since a Steel Sword and Iron Lance are nothing to write home about. Seliph can have some twist on a Slim Sword with a creative effect attached to it since it has none at all- or another Rapier, which I guess the Slim is supposed to be reminiscent of, but I don't get why he just didn't have one of those in FE4? Or we can show FE4 inheritance at work and give him a Memento Sword- his father's Silver with the passing of time.

Alm- well his Falch already opts for referencing the Royal Sword, so I'm not sure what they could do. Since Alm doesn't actually start with a weapon equipped in Valentia. Maybe a fabricated "Zofian Spare Sword", to reference how everyone in SoV has a default weapon to use even when not equipped? Room for creativity.

Celica, besides the Golden Dagger, could go for Blue Tome Seraphim, since it is relatively unique, and her dialogue for the Necrodragon Sea Shrine battle changes based on whether she has it or not.

Eph and Hec- Reginleif and Wolf Beil, 'nuff said.

Corrin- True Ganglari would be Fury or whatever the Beloved Zofia has, right?

Leif and Micaiah- these don't need starting weapons, a Light tome for Micaiah would be be boring, and Leif already has his Light Brand and an Iron would be very boring too. Leif should instead get the Bragi Sword. And Micaiah- well invent an endgame weapon for her since RD didn't even give her one! Or she get get Rexaura or shafted with the Matrona Staff (I'm sure few remember that hunk of junk).


the funny thing about Rapier is how it would be broken back then(due to standard 1 typing only coverage), but now that we have precedence from Wing Sword i am super hype for it


Although i'd be honest here and say Wing Sword is fucking broken and in a weirdly unexpected ways too

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7 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

the funny thing about Rapier is how it would be broken back then(due to standard 1 typing only coverage), but now that we have precedence from Wing Sword i am super hype for it


Although i'd be honest here and say Wing Sword is fucking broken and in a weirdly unexpected ways too

Thani predates Wing Sword by half a month.

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Hmm...I’ll just do the free roll and get out of the legendary banner. A third Hector that’s basically the same as his 2 previous versions is just stupid to me. He could use some variety: another weapon, make him a flier, infantry, something that isn’t monopoly on DC and Armads variants. 

Edited by Lord-Zero
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3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Thinking on the missed opportunity of not giving Hector a non-Armads weapon, I wish every lord had a starting weapon variant.

I know that'd mean a lot of Rapiers, but I'm sure they could diversify them like they did the Falchions. Altean Rapier, Lycian Rapier, Renaissian Rapier, Noble Rapier (for Awakening's C&L). Mucho anti-Cav & Armor, but it is overwhelmingly Red at least- how bad could the impact of that be? Or they could do as they did with Durandal and Armads and just forget about the effective bonuses.

Ike, well it'd be incongrous, but PoR Lord!Ike with the Regal Sword (not to be confused with the Regal Blade) would be another Rapier in all but name, but feasible. Were it not for DC making the Ragnell already great, PoR Ike getting a Regal Ragnell would help the original self and not be another separate variant. As for RD Ike, well they could use his Hero self and give it the Ettard, perhaps with innate Heavy Blade since it is a hulking piece of metal. Mani Katti is also a Rapier in all but name.

For Sigurd, well go with his Gifted Silver Sword (or perhaps call it the Bestowed or Treasured Sword- something to allude to it being given by Arvis as a reward for Sig's service to Grannvale), since a Steel Sword and Iron Lance are nothing to write home about. Seliph can have some twist on a Slim Sword with a creative effect attached to it since it has none at all- or another Rapier, which I guess the Slim is supposed to be reminiscent of, but I don't get why he just didn't have one of those in FE4? Or we can show FE4 inheritance at work and give him a Memento Sword- his father's Silver with the passing of time.

Alm- well his Falch already opts for referencing the Royal Sword, so I'm not sure what they could do. Since Alm doesn't actually start with a weapon equipped in Valentia. Maybe a fabricated "Zofian Spare Sword", to reference how everyone in SoV has a default weapon to use even when not equipped? Room for creativity.

Celica, besides the Golden Dagger, could go for Blue Tome Seraphim, since it is relatively unique, and her dialogue for the Necrodragon Sea Shrine battle changes based on whether she has it or not.

Eph and Hec- Reginleif and Wolf Beil, 'nuff said.

Corrin- True Ganglari would be Fury or whatever the Beloved Zofia has, right?

Leif and Micaiah- these don't need starting weapons, a Light tome for Micaiah would be be boring, and Leif already has his Light Brand and an Iron would be very boring too. Leif should instead get the Bragi Sword. And Micaiah- well invent an endgame weapon for her since RD didn't even give her one! Or she get get Rexaura or shafted with the Matrona Staff (I'm sure few remember that hunk of junk).

Let's give Creiddylad to Legendary Micaiah because spoilers... Please... It's animation is beautiful.

Edited by Troykv
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On 6/26/2018 at 7:20 AM, Ice Dragon said:

Of the 8 Inigos that I have pulled, all 8 of them are either -HP or -Atk.

Does he have an ideal bane? While BH!Lyn and Reinhardt are still commonplace in arena, back during his release, he was hailed as one of the best units to counter both of them with TA and Gronnraven. Because of that, I would think he likes to keep both of his defensive stats in tact. 

I can't remember when I last aimed for colorless but of the 7 Nanna's that I've got, 6 of them have been -Atk or +Def. 

As for the new legendary banner, as tempting as it looks, I will have to take a pass due to low orb stash. I haven't been this low with orbs since the February legendary banner. 

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1 minute ago, tobuShogi said:

Does he have an ideal bane? While BH!Lyn and Reinhardt are still commonplace in arena, back during his release, he was hailed as one of the best units to counter both of them with TA and Gronnraven. Because of that, I would think he likes to keep both of his defensive stats in tact. 

I can't remember when I last aimed for colorless but of the 7 Nanna's that I've got, 6 of them have been -Atk or +Def. 

Both -HP and -Atk are banes...

I didn't really care for the hype for Inigo back when he was implemented. By that point, I had no need for dancers in the Arena or Arena Assault, Reinhardt was a thing of the past for my score range (and Fae demolished him if he dared show up), and Lyn could be baited and killed by Tiki and Nowi.

Not to mention Inigo was an extremely shaky counter, being only barely able to survive one round of combat.

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Ugh... I don't see how infernal Robin with fliers can be won without a flying dancer, which I don't have. I tried for NY Azura on the Ryoma legend banner, but around 300 orbs did not get her for me. And I don't care about Ninian, so I didn't bother trying for her bride version.

I also don't see how this map is possible with armors when it's full of mages and almost every armor has low Res. :/

What the heck did other people do in these?

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12 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

I really cannot bring myself to use Eliwood because of his art, even if he's my favorite lord. The Valentine's Eliwood has lovely art, but I also don't like armors very much. If both Lyn and Hector are getting legendary versions, Eliwood better get one at some point. He is the main lord.

Also, literally any Sacaean who's not another bow Lyn or primarily a sword wielder when

I use Valentine Eliwood, he is really good and is one of the best free units they've given out.  Though I do like armors.  

Marth finally got a TT free unit.  Eliwood has 2 versions also.  I wonder cause they are kind of less manly, more sensitive type males that they don't sell as well?  Like Chrom is a tough dude. Xander is as well.  Hector too.  

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33 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Ugh... I don't see how infernal Robin with fliers can be won without a flying dancer, which I don't have. I tried for NY Azura on the Ryoma legend banner, but around 300 orbs did not get her for me. And I don't care about Ninian, so I didn't bother trying for her bride version.

I also don't see how this map is possible with armors when it's full of mages and almost every armor has low Res. :/

What the heck did other people do in these?

Caeda+distant defense 3 seal

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It doesn't necessarily have to be Caeda, but a flier with high res is ideal. If not Caeda, your other choices are really Clair and Est.

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5 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

It doesn't necessarily have to be Caeda, but a flier with high res is ideal. If not Caeda, your other choices are really Clair and Est.

I despise Est, but I do have a 5 star built up Clair. Maybe she'll work.

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Oh geez. The elite quests. Thank god I finished all of them on their first day, except Ursula. I spent hours trying to clear them each day. Scary times. Positional assist skills are really important for these maps. I used Elincia, firesweep Tana, Hallonowi, gronraven Camilla. 2 units are seasonal so that can't be of much help. Damn. If you don't have Tana you can use Cordelia or Shigure. Since you're an hardcore Elincia fan I'm assuming you might have her. Instead of Camilla you can try building Beruka. As for the Nowi replacement, I dunno. I guess Caeda if you get her at some point

As for armors. Sheena and Gwendolyn are good picks because of their good mixed bulk.

Edited by silveraura25
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