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Barracks space is definitely an issue even with skill books. The main problem is that even if you had a unit with 'perfect' IVs you'd still want a couple extra copies with also perfect, but different IVs. -def/-res/-hp or whatever usually isn't as important as the +atk/+spd or whatever, but they do matter slightly, and it's hard to tell before you finalize the build which bane you'd rather have.

Multiple copies of each unit + massive amounts of units = logistical nightmare for perfectionists.

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2 minutes ago, Lewyn said:

That's true but there are other 5 star skills with cheaper skills usually doing the job better.  We don't even have Fierce or Warding or Steady Stance on 4 star available units (other than free BK) and those are much weaker being single stat boosters.

Those skills are usually there not because the skill is good, but because the character the skill is on is good (either for their stats or Skill Inheritance).

Fierce Stance, for example, is only available from Dorcas, Zelgius, and female Kana, all of whom are 5-star exclusives for reasons other than simply having Fierce Stance. Warding Stance is only found on Halloween Sakura, who is a limited release character, and Steady Stance is only found on Shiro, who is a Gen 2 vanguard with a unique weapon (even if he's lost a lot of his thunder in recent months, but this was before they started dropping units with unique weapons).

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8 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Those skills are usually there not because the skill is good, but because the character the skill is on is good (either for their stats or Skill Inheritance).

Fierce Stance, for example, is only available from Dorcas, Zelgius, and female Kana, all of whom are 5-star exclusives for reasons other than simply having Fierce Stance. Warding Stance is only found on Halloween Sakura, who is a limited release character, and Steady Stance is only found on Shiro, who is a Gen 2 vanguard with a unique weapon (even if he's lost a lot of his thunder in recent months, but this was before they started dropping units with unique weapons).

Shiro is interesting because at the time, he was an obvious exclusive, especially with his shiny new Tactic skill. But if he was introduced now, with Tactic skills much more readily available, he'd feel like an obvious drop, barring anyone more obvious sharing his banner.

"Wow, his weapon only gives him +4 Atk/Def half the time."

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3 minutes ago, Othin said:

"Wow, his weapon only gives him +4 Atk/Def half the time."

Not to mention it's strictly worse than Reprisal Lance+ [Def] now.

Reprisal Lance+ [Def] is up +5 HP on enemy phase and down -2 Atk and up +5 HP and +4 Def on player phase.

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2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Not to mention it's strictly worse than Reprisal Lance+ [Def] now.

Reprisal Lance+ [Def] is up +5 HP on enemy phase and down -2 Atk and up +5 HP and +4 Def on player phase.

Huh, yeah.

I wonder if 3.0, whenever it is, is when they'll finally start releasing refinements for gen 2 weapons, like that and Grimoire. Also the option to turn Mulagir into Swift Mulagir.

Also we're getting increasing numbers of un-refineable inheritable weapons with refineable inheritable counterparts, like gem and now brave weapons. 3.0 might be an appropriate time to add refinements for those as well.

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49 minutes ago, Othin said:

Speaking of Silvia's passives: she's the third unit to have Torrent Dance 1, now giving us access to all three dual-stat dance skills involving it, but there's still no one with Torrent Dance 2 or 3.

Something something most people don't care about res?

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What kind of units do y’all like to put as your rep, and what kind of unit do you bring along (if you don’t have the chosen unit) in these voting gauntlets?

Edit: grammar

Edited by immatx
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17 minutes ago, immatx said:

What kind of units do y’all like to put as your rep, and what kind of unit do you bring along (if you don’t have the chosen unit) in these voting gauntlets?

Edit: grammar

I like to put green or colorless units as my rep as long as the unit I'm supporting isn't that color. (For example, I'm Team Veronica, so I wouldn't put Lucius as my rep. But if I'm Team Brave Ike, I'm not going to put Raven as my rep.) I've found that it's pretty easy to get red allies. Blue is hit or miss for me, but a little more common than green or colorless. You might also consider the unit you're supporting and what kind of characters might be useful in a team with them. Veronica and Roy might like having some horse buff support for example. But you can never go wrong with just putting out your "best" unit if you feel they'll be useful. I'm always pleasantly surprised when I get a fully built 5 star as an ally. 

If you don't have the unit you're supporting, you can always just go ahead and use a unit of the same color or anyone really since it doesn't matter as much. 

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10 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

I like to put green or colorless units as my rep as long as the unit I'm supporting isn't that color. (For example, I'm Team Veronica, so I wouldn't put Lucius as my rep. But if I'm Team Brave Ike, I'm not going to put Raven as my rep.) I've found that it's pretty easy to get red allies. Blue is hit or miss for me, but a little more common than green or colorless. You might also consider the unit you're supporting and what kind of characters might be useful in a team with them. Veronica and Roy might like having some horse buff support for example. But you can never go wrong with just putting out your "best" unit if you feel they'll be useful. I'm always pleasantly surprised when I get a fully built 5 star as an ally. 

If you don't have the unit you're supporting, you can always just go ahead and use a unit of the same color or anyone really since it doesn't matter as much. 

Yeah that makes sense. I usually just leave Julia as my unit for both as she’s one of my strongest units and is a green mage which doesn’t seem that commonly picked. Although perhaps it would be better if I swapped for Myrrh as my support rep since my Julia is in a very team reliant build. I generally do the swap thing like you mentioned, avoiding the same color unit as the team I’m on, but I’ve been getting almost exclusively green units this round (I’ve gotten 2 reds in like 40 battles so far). So I figured I’d ask in case the standards had shifted. 

Btw what do you mean by fully built 5*? A +10 or just one with all their skills finished?

Thats what I thought but I’m worried as soon as I change to like a red sword all I’ll get are reds, and Julia can usually solo the round if they don’t have many red units :/

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44 minutes ago, immatx said:

What kind of units do y’all like to put as your rep, and what kind of unit do you bring along (if you don’t have the chosen unit) in these voting gauntlets?

Edit: grammar

I exclusively run KING Michalis of MACEDON! at any and all times as my rep. Not once have I taken him off @Astellius @Arcanite #MacedonForever 

As for VGs? Generally the chosen unit (if I have them). The only thing that annoys me is when I get someone's unit and they aren't fully leveled to 40.

7 minutes ago, immatx said:

Btw what do you mean by fully built 5*? A +10 or just one with all their skills finished?

That would be the latter

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1 minute ago, immatx said:

Yeah that makes sense. I usually just leave Julia as my unit for both as she’s one of my strongest units and is a green mage which doesn’t seem that commonly picked. Although perhaps it would be better if I swapped for Myrrh as my support rep since my Julia is in a very team reliant build. I generally do the swap thing like you mentioned, avoiding the same color unit as the team I’m on, but I’ve been getting almost exclusively green units this round (I’ve gotten 2 reds in like 40 battles so far). So I figured I’d ask in case the standards had shifted. 

Btw what do you mean by fully built 5*? A +10 or just one with all their skills finished?

Thats what I thought but I’m worried as soon as I change to like a red sword all I’ll get are reds, and Julia can usually solo the round if they don’t have many red units :/

I'm not too sure if the standards have switched or not. I know this round I've mostly been getting random Veronicas as allies. I think for the most part, casual/newer players tend to stick characters like Legendary Ike as their leads since they're 5 stars, strong, and free. In the past, I've always gotten a lot of L!Ilkes and Brave Lyns as random allies. And now I can add Ronnie to the mix. If you're having trouble getting reds, that may be the same for others, so there's no problem in switching it around. 

And I just mean getting a 5 star unit with some skills learned. Bonus points if the unit has some SI. There have been some gauntlets in the past where I've gotten like...random 4 star units as allies with no skills learned. I don't mind it if an ally has just their base kit. Even Legendary Ike with his normal skills is totally fine. Legendary Ike with nothing but Ragnell isn't. 

Since there's no penalty for losing a round in VG, you can just surrender as many times as you want until you get a team set-up that works for you. Just surrender until you get a red ally. It can be a little tedious, but you only really waste time. And we've got plenty of that.

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4 minutes ago, Motendra said:

I exclusively run KING Michalis of MACEDON! at any and all times as my rep. Not once have I taken him off @Astellius @Arcanite #MacedonForever 

Hmm, that’s pretty interesting. I didn’t realize people still used him. (Does Arcanite not rep oboro anymore???) 

5 minutes ago, Motendra said:

As for VGs? Generally the chosen unit (if I have them). The only thing that annoys me is when I get someone's unit and they aren't fully leveled to 40.

Oof, I meant when you don’t have the chosen unit to choose from.

7 minutes ago, Motendra said:

That would be the latter

Huh, I didn’t realize that was really a problem. Guess I’ve just been lucky or havnt noticed. 

7 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

I'm not too sure if the standards have switched or not. I know this round I've mostly been getting random Veronicas as allies. I think for the most part, casual/newer players tend to stick characters like Legendary Ike as their leads since they're 5 stars, strong, and free. In the past, I've always gotten a lot of L!Ilkes and Brave Lyns as random allies. And now I can add Ronnie to the mix. If you're having trouble getting reds, that may be the same for others, so there's no problem in switching it around. 

Ahh yeah I always forget there’s people that are really behind. I just don’t like putting a red unit as my rep cuz I assume most people will use a red unit (Also my red units are a looooot weaker than my green units just cause I’m too lazy to do grind for them). 

13 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

And I just mean getting a 5 star unit with some skills learned. Bonus points if the unit has some SI. There have been some gauntlets in the past where I've gotten like...random 4 star units as allies with no skills learned. I don't mind it if an ally has just their base kit. Even Legendary Ike with his normal skills is totally fine. Legendary Ike with nothing but Ragnell isn't. 

Seriously? Jeez that sucks. I figured everyone would have at least a handful of 5* fully skill inherited units by now, if not several +10’s. 

15 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

Since there's no penalty for losing a round in VG, you can just surrender as many times as you want until you get a team set-up that works for you. Just surrender until you get a red ally. It can be a little tedious, but you only really waste time. And we've got plenty of that.

Oof but that takes so long. I can usually solo most teams with my unit, but it’s nice when my teammates help out a little too. 

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Team 1 for me is labelled "Ambassador" and only ever has one unit in it. Generally it's Lilina these days but I will switch her out if I'm on a red team for whatever reason.

As for why it's Lilina when I haven't even played Binding Blade and don't know all that much about it - it's for a few reasons. One is that a 4* Lilina was (tragically perhaps) my best unit in the first month of the game and she therefore carried me for most of the story maps. The other is that my heavily merged units are her, Nino, Cecilia and Nowi, and a) blade mages don't have great independent performance, and b) I don't want to go to jail. If and when I get some other viable candidates I'll start rotating again, just like I used to when I only had a bunch of +0 to +2 units at best.

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About time I was able to give most adorkable boy another merge! He hadn't gotten one since his (and my) birthday. :P


I just can't seem to pull him much, or even find many reasons to pull red on banners lately at all. :( So I'm glad I actually did pull him again while hunting for legend Marth and Sword Rein. IVs didn't matter, my base is already a perfect +Spd, -Def. :D I was lucky enough to have had that be my first and only 5 star male Morgan pull!

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6 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Those skills are usually there not because the skill is good, but because the character the skill is on is good (either for their stats or Skill Inheritance).

Fierce Stance, for example, is only available from Dorcas, Zelgius, and female Kana, all of whom are 5-star exclusives for reasons other than simply having Fierce Stance. Warding Stance is only found on Halloween Sakura, who is a limited release character, and Steady Stance is only found on Shiro, who is a Gen 2 vanguard with a unique weapon (even if he's lost a lot of his thunder in recent months, but this was before they started dropping units with unique weapons).

If we are talking about units, I think you said Dorcas was mediocre when we were discussing DC refines.  He does come with infantry pulse 3.  F Kana isn't much better, if better at all than Fae who is 3 and 4 star.  She does have goad dragons.  Zelgius I can agree yeah he is amazing as a unit.

The other two the only reason is stuff besides their power as a unit.  They both offer multiple things Dorcas with Fierce Stance and Infantry pulse 3, F Kana with Fierce Stance and Goad Dragons.  However Sylvia has more to offer than just Mirror stance (which many would consider better than Fierce), she also is the first with barrier sword, and has that new dance skill.  In addition she is a dancer, and no dancer has been dropped from 5 star rarity yet.  

I mean they very well decide to drop her, but again not surprised if she doesn't no similar unit has dropped yet. 

Edited by Lewyn
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2 minutes ago, Lewyn said:

If we are talking about units, I think you said Dorcas was mediocre when we were discussing DC refines.  He does come with infantry pulse 3.  F Kana isn't much better, if better at all than Fae who is 3 and 4 star.  She does have goad dragons.  Zelgius I can agree yeah he is amazing as a unit.

Dorcas is mediocre as you get higher in the Arena, but he's certainly not a bad unit. He's effectively a cheaper-to-build version of Distant Counter Brave Ike.

Kana is a souped up green Corrin, which is a very good stat line to have, even if she's still a side grade of Fae. In particular, Kana has an easier time initiating combat due to her higher Spd, which also allows her to avoid doubles a bit more often.


8 minutes ago, Lewyn said:

However Sylvia has more to offer than just Mirror stance (which many would consider better than Fierce), she also is the first with barrier sword, and has that new dance skill.  In addition she is a dancer, and no dancer has been dropped from 5 star rarity yet.

I'm not terribly convinced that Barrier Blade is that game-changing of a weapon. It's identical to Berkut's Lance, but sword armors are notoriously bad at having a Res stat. Among the sword armors with full access to merges, Zelgius's 21 Res is the highest... which is lower than Effie's 23 Res, the lowest among lance armors. That's really, really pathetic.

Deluge Dance is also not terribly impressive, mostly because it isn't Firestorm Dance.

I think the only thing Sylvia actually has going for her in terms of consideration for rarity demotion is the fact that she can dance. If she doesn't drop, then we know for a fact that the development thinks Dance is too strong of a skill to drop to the 4-star pool. If she does, then we know that it isn't because I don't think there are any other factors strong enough to keep her as a 5-star exclusive (besides being female and being cute).

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"I'm nothing more than a wayward bard".

I'm glad we're rid of the "welp, I don't know who you guys are but the contract says we've got to fight!" opening to chapters but c'mon, game.

Also shame on all you horn dogs trying to get Hrid's sweaty physique into our ranks.

Edited by Glennstavos
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Never played Geneaology and here I am hating Silvia before I'll ever play it. And look, double dancer + limited turn chapter CC; such fun, much wow. Not hard to beat, but obnoxious to keep everyone alive in.

As for the chapter and its story.... yawn, several Paralogues and a long wait for the thing that shall surprise nobody. At least it's out of the way; it had to happen at some point or another.

Fjorm uttering "It's not possible!" was hilarious, though, I'll give it that.


Btw, could Hrid stop sweating now?

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