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3 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

I'm hoping Lon'qu's weapon will be different enough from Wo Dao that I don't feel too bad sacrificing an Athena for him

Given the name, I wouldn't be surprised if it were just a 16-MT Slaying Edge with ATK/SPD Solo 3 or something like that. Just going off of the name there, but still. Dunno if that's better than Wo Dao tho, since I don't use Lon'qu at all.

And yeah, I was kinda thinking we might see 3.0, but I guess that'll be November/December.

On the plus side, I have Tana and Innes, so I'm looking forward to what they'll be getting.

Edited by ILikeKirbys
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Neat that Lon'qu gets a refine, but since I still don't like his art I doubt I'll be promoting him to use it. Innes sure needed some help, since he's sucked since the original refinery update that killed his anti-dragon archer niche. I know people like Tana and her weapon was kind of outdated, but like Celica I don't think she was really dying for help yet.

Pretty unexciting update otherwise. Guess it's another month's wait to hope for an Azura and Kagero refine.

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12 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

Abyssal GHBs. Fuck off

Haha... You know, this means we'll probably get Abyssal Takumi in the future. I'll cry when that happens T_T

Anyways, I don't have the Frelian siblings nor have I ever built a Lon'qu before so there's nothing there for me. Depending on Lon'qu new weapon I might consider him as a merge product down the line. His low attack has always been off putting but I really like him so I'm hoping his weapon will be amazing. Being able to name the heart sorting thingy is honestly a blessing since I love to be organized. This update is rather lackluster which is unfortunate :C

Edited by ChickenBits
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11 minutes ago, ILikeKirbys said:

Given the name, I wouldn't be surprised if it were just a 16-MT Slaying Edge with ATK/SPD Solo 3 or something like that. Just going off of the name there, but still. Dunno if that's better than Wo Dao tho, since I don't use Lon'qu at all.

And yeah, I was kinda thinking we might see 3.0, but I guess that'll be November/December.

On the plus side, I have Tana and Innes, so I'm looking forward to what they'll be getting.

Hmm I guess that makes sense.

Although I'd also take Wrath as a Divine Dew effect somehow. He needs as much damage as possible, which is why I originally went Wo Dao (and also because the colour scheme fitted him). He's all about specials anyway.

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Wow, this new update brings nothing new! xD

I hope that at least Lon’zu’s refine to be interesting. Probably the weapon or the refine will have Solo Atk/Spe

Abyssal keeps being a not bother doing as long as the rewards are just golden accesories

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It's interesting to see it's 2.10. When book 3?

Abyssal GHB. Yeah, that'll go down well.

Also, Tana and Innes are finally up.

I might utilise that lite data version, especially if it runs faster. Sure, it'll be butt ugly, but I could actually use the space on the phone.

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Hey, Lonqu gets a refine and just when I was recently thinking about building him. Hopefully his personal weapon gets a good effect. So Abyssal GHB only gives out gold accessories huh. That's kind of disappointing since I would not have minded getting another 4 star or even a 5 star of those characters. Really Lite Data might be the most exciting new feature in the next update for me since Heroes eats up so much space on my phone already and the reduced graphic and sound quality probably won't bother me since I play the game with no sound anyways.

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Couple of things in this update.

  • Abyssal Difficulty for GHB battles: new golden accessories rewards for completionists. Actually I'm fine with it. I'm not into collecting accessories, but for some people this is going to be a fun challenge for sure. Good luck out there Youtubers.
  • Lite Data Version: I absolutely love this, and I fully support this. That doesn't mean that I'll downgrade, but I love the option to reduce the game size by 75%. This is the mobile way of gaming we should see. :^_^::^_^::^_^:
  • New Weapons to refine: Innes, Tana and Lon'qu gets good stuff. I only have Lon'qu, but I'm curious what good stuff they get.
  • Favourite names: Sounds good, names for favourite groups is better than Favourite 1, 2 or 3

So this is not Book 3 update, but instead some quality changes before we head out there.

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Oh joy, weapon refines for two characters I've never summoned and Lon'qu. All right, guess I'm shelving my merge projects for Athena, Hana, and Mathilda who I was banking on one of them getting new weapon for now. I'll just sit here with my ever growing stash of feathers that I'll have to eventually use or else I'll reach the cap with all this mindless HM grinding. I guess I should promote Ares, L'Arachel, and maybe Nanna by now.

Okay, so I went through the version updates listed on Gamepedia and excluding the first update after 2.0.0 to compare. For the record, I'll be going off rarity at the time, so anything before the April 10, 2018 update, 2.5.0.

  • 2.1.0 was after the massive introduction of the weapon refinery, so only Jeorge (4*-5*) and Sanaki (5*) being given refines make sense.
  • 2.2.0 was a massive update as it was the first one to give weapons to preexisting characters. Caeda (4*-5*), Felicia (1*-4*), Raven (4*-5*), and Hinoka (5*) were given new weapons while Alm (5*), Chrom (4*-5*), Lucina (5*), Marth (4*-5*), masked Marth (4*-5*), and Zephiel (3*-4*) were given refines.
  • 2.3.0 gave new weapons to Eirika (4*-5*) and Soren (4*-5*) and a refine for Leo (5*).
  • 2.4.0 gave new weapons to Fir (3*-4*), Lilina (4-5*), and Karel (5*), refines for Lloyd (3*-4*) and Roy (4*-5*), and the ability for Ephraim (5*) and Hector (5*) to use another version of their weapons.
  • 2.5.0 gave new weapons to Camilla and Clair and a refine for M!Corrin who by this point in time along with all the other 4*-5* summonable units, were made 3*-4* summonable.
  • 2.6.0 gave new weapons to adult Tiki (3*-4*) and kid Tiki (5*) and refines for Linde (5*) and Merric (3*-4*).
  • 2.7.0 gave new weapons to Katarina (5*), Nephenee (5*), and Titania (3*-4*) and the ability for Eldigan (5*) to use another version of his sword.
  • 2.8.0 was the Askr trio's refines.
  • 2.9.0 gave new weapons for Cherche (3*-4*) and Odin (3*-4) and a refine for Celica (5*).
  • 2.10.0 weird number, but whatever is slated to give Lon'qu (3*-4*) a new weapon and refines for Innes (5*) and Tana (5*).

This is the first time only one character will be given a new weapon. All the other updates gave two even if they were the same weapon, but for two characters. This is the third time only one unit is 4* or lower obtainable who will be given a new weapon or refine, but in 2.1.0's case, it was after a massive update and in 2.7.0's case, at least two others were given new weapons too even though they are 5*-only summons.

Nothing against him, but unless Lon'qu's new sword is extraordinarily amazing, this might be the most disappointing new weapon update not just from a I guess F2P aspect with Lon'qu being 3*-4* summonable, but also in general since the only new weapon is being given to a sword infantry and one who is a player phase, speedy one where it's kind of hard to stand out with all the other monsters. At least Titania has the claim of being the only regularly summonable axe cavalier who isn't slow and physically bulky. The best part was that we were just introduced another monster of a sword infantry through Laevatein who isn't fast, but she hits really, really hard -blade blade buffs or otherwise and the current legendary banner has Karla on it.

Also, I love how their plans were to introduce a monster of a dragon unit and not to give Deirdre and Julia the ability to refine their weapons when people would want either of them.

57 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

I'm hoping Lon'qu's weapon will be different enough from Wo Dao that I don't feel too bad sacrificing an Athena for him

Sword Basilikos would be neat with his high HP pool, but going off of its name, maybe a Solo skill as someone already mentioned? Specifically, Atk/Spd Solo 3 as its unique refine and it keeping Killing Edge's special cooldown count-1 as its base effect. Special Spiral would be neat on it as well, but I doubt they're going to give him Dark Mystletainn considering he'd able to combine it with Wrath.

Edited by Kaden
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5 minutes ago, Kaden said:

2.10.0 weird number, but whatever

Software versioning does not work like decimals.

To break it down, the 2 is the version of the product; the launch of 2.0.0 coincided with the launch of Book II and major updates and almost a redesign of the whole game.
The 10 is the number of a major update since the last Big Version Increment; there have been nine major patches since 2.0.0, and the tenth is coming soon.
The 0 is the number of a minor update not worth of incrementing the major number. The current version is 2.9.1; first minor revision to the ninth patch of the second iteration of Heroes.

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I'm very happy to at least see some news about the update. I've been waiting for Innes and Tana to get refines forever. I'm first in line for Innes, but since I can't stand in two lines at the same time, I'll let @LordFrigid be first for Tana. Haha. 

I'm actually intrigued by Lon'qu too. He's been sitting at 4*+10 for a while, and I've considered promoting/merging him since he's actually kinda' scary with the quad Brave build I gave him. Plus I like him. All three characters were definitely in need of some weapon love. I'm actually kinda' considering trying to add more merges to my Innes since he likes to pitybreak me. lol


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12 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Software versioning does not work like decimals.

To break it down, the 2 is the version of the product; the launch of 2.0.0 coincided with the launch of Book II and major updates and almost a redesign of the whole game.
The 10 is the number of a major update since the last Big Version Increment; there have been nine major patches since 2.0.0, and the tenth is coming soon.
The 0 is the number of a minor update not worth of incrementing the major number. The current version is 2.9.1; first minor revision to the ninth patch of the second iteration of Heroes.

No, I just find Nintendo's version history weird to look at compared to, say, From Software or Konami's where theirs are X.XX instead of X.X.X. Sometimes I also expect longer numbers like it's version 1.9 for Skyrim, but the full number is I don't know why, I just do.

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My friend Pandog likes Lon'qu a lot. Her lead is a +5 Lon'qu with a forged slaying edge. When I told her he was getting a weapon refine, she was really excited XD

Plus, Innes and Tana getting refines means they'll probably be on a banner. And that'll be another shot for me to (not) get them.

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2 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Plus, Innes and Tana getting refines means they'll probably be on a banner. And that'll be another shot for me to (not) get them.

I’m really excited about the forge for my Def/HP Tana+1. I’m absolutely not getting Innes—not with my luck or nonexisting orb stash—so oh well. Lon’qu exists, I guess.

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I'm looking forward to Innes's refine. I hope they make him even bulkier. Atk/Res Bond 3? Warding Breath? Bracing Stance 3? +20 Def?

I've been holding off on building Tana for a bit ever since I finally pulled a good nature for her, but hopefully we get something that makes the weapon actually viable.

Lon'qu can go rot in the corner.


And I'm somewhat disappointed that the new Abyssal Grand Hero Battles will presumably only reward a gold accessory. They really need to speed up the rate that they give out additional copies. But I'm looking forward to the maps.

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5 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I'm looking forward to Innes's refine. I hope they make him even bulkier. Atk/Res Bond 3? Warding Breath? Bracing Stance 3? +20 Def?

I've been holding off on building Tana for a bit ever since I finally pulled a good nature for her, but hopefully we get something that makes the weapon actually viable.

Lon'qu can go rot in the corner.


And I'm somewhat disappointed that the new Abyssal Grand Hero Battles will presumably only reward a gold accessory. They really need to speed up the rate that they give out additional copies. But I'm looking forward to the maps.

In your opinion, was abyssal the right way to tackle giving a challenge? I personally liked the elite quests, since it applied restriction to teambuilding

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I have a feeling if someone gets Bond effect on their new weapon, it's going to be Tana. Also I predict Lon'qu gets some effect that is going to boost his attack, it seems like he could use that. As for Nidhogg, I have zero idea.

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3 minutes ago, Garlyle said:

I have a feeling if someone gets Bond effect on their new weapon, it's going to be Tana. Also I predict Lon'qu gets some effect that is going to boost his attack, it seems like he could use that. As for Nidhogg, I have zero idea.

Vidofnir: If foe initiates combat and uses sword, lance, axe, or dragonstone, grants Def/Res+8 during combat.
                If unit is within 2 spaces of infantry or flying ally, grants Spd/Def+5 during combat.

Solitary Blade: Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count −1).
                           If unit is not adjacent to an ally, grants Atk/Spd+6 during combat.

Nidhogg: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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