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3 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Ayther arena was stillborn.

Honestly, I was already getting sick of Aether raids since I don't have the units necessary to deal with 4 cavalries with overlapping range huddled in a corner and surrounded by traps, but this pretty puts the nail in the coffin for me. Really wanted to +10 GHB and TT units, but I don't think I'll be willing to deal with AR's crap much longer. Really hope Grails can be obtained elsewhere soon.

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1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

I'm pretty disappointed at the Robins' new weapons. Both of them have pretty lackluster combat performance even with the stat boost from Litrowl, and the new weapons are worse than Litrowl at combat, which basically just makes them dedicated buffbots.

Pretty much. My main problem with them honestly isn't combat (you know the kind of units I work with), it's that they're not mobile enough to go the obvious 'next step' of stacking Goads on top of Waves. If my horses ever had problems combat wise despite all the hoops I jump through, I would've added another pair of hoops and ran Atk Wave & Goad, which is another 10 merges of combat stats.


On the plus side, F!Robin's budget set is a bit cheaper.


Regarding Aether Raids, what I dislike the most about the mythic heroes is that you want to run 2 of them (for 2 * 3 * 10 rather than 1 * 4 * 10) for max bonuses, meaning +10 is 20 lift per match (a free unit dead) rather than +10. Meaning you need to grab 2 heroes, per season.

That said, it's definitely how I would've implemented Aether Raids (although I would've PR'd it better---it's better to make the mode ridiculously whale favored at the start and go down than vice versa). Making people who are bad, but spend on the game, feel bad is a good way to lose money in games like this.

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So from the datamining~


So there will be color bow and color dagger enemies, color flying Manaketes, flying tomes, and flying bows~ Qool~

And it appears Eir gets Swift Sparrow so she's totes dying soon as I get her~


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2 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

So there will be color bow and color dagger enemies, color flying Manaketes, flying tomes, and flying bows~ Qool~

There already are in the story chapters that are already available.

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1 minute ago, Landmaster said:

And it appears Eir gets Swift Sparrow so she's totes dying soon as I get her~

RIP your ability to do quests and stuff that require her if you sacrifice the free one. :p

Also, I think the game just told us Gustav is going to die. Well, he himself said he's going to die. Henriette being Sharena, but older is both awesome and adorable because she's super nice and bubbly like her daughter. Her being a green mage makes me wonder if that was hinted with bun-bun pal Sharena being a green mage. Probably just a coincidence.

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1 minute ago, Kaden said:

Also, I think the game just told us Gustav is going to die. Well, he himself said he's going to die. Henriette being Sharena, but older is both awesome and adorable because she's super nice and bubbly like her daughter. Her being a green mage makes me wonder if that was hinted with bun-bun pal Sharena being a green mage. Probably just a coincidence.

I wonder if Gustav and Henriette are going to become playable after they inevitably die.

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23 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I'm pretty disappointed at the Robins' new weapons. Both of them have pretty lackluster combat performance even with the stat boost from Litrowl, and the new weapons are worse than Litrowl at combat, which basically just makes them dedicated buffbots.

I feel like Navarre and Catria won this round of the refine lottery.

Same. Robin's new weapon is pretty crap. Blarserpent+ is a much better fit for him. It would be better if the Rally Spectrum applied to Robin as well (a +4 in all his stats would do wonders), but without it, it doesn't really do anything except make him a support unit. And I much prefer him as an active member.

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53 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

We get it, you’re salty that people dare to be salty. Can it already.

Maybe I will when people do drop the game. Until then, no

Edited by Zangetsu
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1 minute ago, Alkaid said:

Mythic heroes also reduce lift loss from defenses..

Thanks IS. Instead of fixing a common complaint for Aether Raid, you just put the fix behind a paywall/incredible amount of luck and patience.

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1 minute ago, Zangetsu said:

Maybe I will when people do drop the game. Until then, no

Is it too hard for you to understand that some people are unhappy because they want something they care about to be better?

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1 minute ago, Alkaid said:

Mythic heroes also reduce lift loss from defenses..

Oh that rolls it back from stupid into possibly genius territory. My implementation of Aether Raids would've been 2 steps of hilariously whale favored into pretending to back off by implementing the final mode as a 'concession'


But this, this could be part of a 3 part plan:

Part 1: Aether Raids on max difficulty---everyone feels how hard it is to get and keep lift.

Part 2: Aether Raids significantly easier---but Whales get it hilariously easy (similar to my part 1).

Part 3: Pretend to back off and implement the final mode as a 'concession.'


My plan only gets grudging acceptance, but they could spin this into helping F2P as well if they just made it sound like they're only making it so unfair so that everyone has it easy in getting and keeping lift.

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26 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I wonder if Gustav and Henriette are going to become playable after they inevitably die.

Gustav looks like he'd be an axe general and that's whale bait if I ever seen one. Watch him get an axe version of Golden Dagger. That would not only give him a unique niche among the Hectors other axe armors, but he'd have a Killer axe with a conditional Distant Counter that would not be difficult for him to keep up given armors can not only use Breath passives, but stuff like Bold Fighter, Special Fighter, and Vengeful Fighter. Alternatively, he could be an axe cavalier or maybe an axe wyvern or pegasus knight. I'd laugh if he was a pegasus knight. Gustav's axe looks massive. Poor thing would have to carry him and the damn axe.

Henriette on the other hand, I'm not sure. She could be a green mage anything.

20 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

Well......I only do the Sharena Quests as it is~ I'll probably survive~

Ah yes, best girl quests. :p

Eir looks like she'd still be really useful for dealing with dragons and healers given her weapon and default skill set. She's also a free flying dagger who can at least prevent follow-ups if she attacks, so debuffing enemies can be somewhat safe if they don't one-shot her. It's no Firesweep Dagger and the after combat damage isn't as huge as Deathly Dagger, but it's still something.

The other thing is that considering she's a mythic hero, she probably won't be regularly available unlike your other, numerous Swift Sparrow sources because apparently every high offense ranged unit needs that nowadays. The upcoming Hero Fest banner is half Swift Sparrow fodder through Eir and Lewyn with the remaining half made up of a Wrath and one of the most busted blue mages in the game.

Edited by Kaden
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2 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

Oh that rolls it back from stupid into possibly genius territory. My implementation of Aether Raids would've been 2 steps of hilariously whale favored into pretending to back off by implementing the final mode as a 'concession'


But this, this could be part of a 3 part plan:

Part 1: Aether Raids on max difficulty---everyone feels how hard it is to get and keep lift.

Part 2: Aether Raids significantly easier---but Whales get it hilariously easy (similar to my part 1).

Part 3: Pretend to back off and implement the final mode as a 'concession.'


My plan only gets grudging acceptance, but they could spin this into helping F2P as well if they just made it sound like they're only making it so unfair so that everyone has it easy in getting and keeping lift.

I remember people were expecting them to let us upgrade the fountain soon, since we realized it was basically impossible/almost impossible to make it into tier 21 even with no defense losses and perfect play as things were. Now we see the plan was to make 21 pretty much exclusive to whales who can afford to deck out their teams with the blessings/merges needed to boost their lift gain to hit the threshold.

Overall I like the other stuff in this update, but damn they sure were quick about dumping on AR. I thought it favored whales enough just by being able to field stronger units for offense and defense, but IS had to one-up things.

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