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27 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

Why did they remove Nephenee's skirt? :( 
I sent feedback so they can put it back

They didn't. It's still there, but they accidentally set her legs on a layer higher than her skirt instead of lower than her skirt. You can see her skirt clip above and back below her legs in some of her animations, and you can see the edges of the skirt poke out to the left and right of her legs.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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13 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

They didn't. It's still there, but they accidentally set her legs on a layer higher than her skirt instead of lower than her skirt. You can see her skirt clip above and back below her legs in some of her animations, and you can see the edges of the skirt poke out to the left and right of her legs.

yeah i noticed it when she's attacking. 
so they'll probably fix it in another update.

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Maybe it was intentional. Nephenee wanted to further improve her mobility by going commando. She can now jump really high and move really fast, basically having flier movement with 3 movement spaces.

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7 minutes ago, XRay said:

Maybe it was intentional. Nephenee wanted to further improve her mobility by going commando. She can now jump really high and move really fast, basically having flier movement with 3 movement spaces.

Except that the skirt is still taped to her butt and flops around as she moves.

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4 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Except that the skirt is still taped to her butt and flops around as she moves.

So... now her skirt got stucked in her butt and her crotch is exposed (?)

Edited by Troykv
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3 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Except that the skirt is still taped to her butt and flops around as she moves.

Reminds me of one pair of pants in Rock Band. Why couldn't I remove those stupid butt flaps, were they even punk?

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2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Except that the skirt is still taped to her butt and flops around as she moves.

2 minutes ago, Troykv said:

So... now her skirt go stucked in her butt and her crotch is exposed (?)

Maybe that is to encourage enemies to fight her face to face so they get to peek at her. If they sneak up from behind, they do not get a good view.

1 minute ago, Lewyn said:

She's worried about her country accent, but that isn't why everyone is looking Nephenee!

Poor Nephenee forgot to look at herself in the mirror before heading out.

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5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Merric vs. Linde isn't really slow vs. fast. It's more Crit tome vs. Power tome, concrete durability vs. offense (and Nosferatu in Mystery), and in the case of FE1/3B1/SD- early recruit vs. semi-Est. To use SD 20/20 averages:

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HP 48.8 Str 3 Mag 17.3 Skl 23 Spd 23.15 Lck 20.1 Def 6.9 Res 14.5



HP 39.2 Str 3 Mag 20.1 Skl 20.2 Spd 22.25 Lck 29.8 Def 4 Res 13.6


So they're very close, Merric a bit more accurate and .9 faster, and more durable everywhere. But Linde has Mag and Luck leads. NM 20/20 averages ups Merric's HP lead to 50 over 40, gives him a .6 lead in Magic, she outdoes him in Skl by 2.15 (3) points, both cap Spd, the Luck gap is narrowed to 3.7 (4) points with Linde capping, Merric has an 7.4 (8) Def lead, and a .1 Res lead on her.

So actually, Merric I think is historically generally better outside of lacking Aura and less Mystery availability. Assuming bases don't matter too much and Linde has some crazy advantage in those.


As for Tellius males vs. females, here is the data for PoR:

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20/20 Stats:

  • Soren: 39/4/30/28/25/16/10/28
  • Ilyana: 39/11/26/27/21/21/10/28
  • Tormod: 40/10/25/24/25/19/14/25
  • Calill: 39/12/25/24/24/20/14/22
  • Bastian: 39/15/24/26/20/17/14/24
  • (Rhys: 39/3/29/22/21/25/11/30)
  • (Mist: 38/16/26/15/25/29/11/24)


Soren and Tormod tie for Spd at 25, and Soren also has more Mag than Ilyana. Her Str and thus ability to use heavier tomes is there to compensate, but a Thunder forge negates this. Her only other win is in Luck over Soren, and that 1 Mag & 3 Res lead is barely anything over Tormod, her main lead on him is availability.

Calill is faster than Bastian, and even Ilyana, but slower than the boys. Bastian actually has a higher growth than Calill, but his base is significantly worse and he has less levels to grow.

Rhys and Mist are there just because. Notice Rhys is lower than all but Bastian.

RD is a totally different story.

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Bastian comes with a terrible 24 Spd and 40 growth but ends with a respectable 38/40 Mag. Oliver is somehow worse, with a 45 growth and a mere 20 on a 3rd tier unit! He has only 35/36 Mag at 20, so he is relatively weak here as well. Ilyana has a crappy 30 growth and 30 3rd tier cap- the lowest among the 3rd tiers- and a 50 Mag growth, getting up to 37.5/39 at 20/20/20; although Thunder magic is the weakest and most inaccurate.

Soren as a Wind Archsage musters a still slow 32 he barely fails to cap, with a 18 base and a pretty bad 35 growth, although he has a 80 Mag growth. Micaiah has the same Mag and Spd growth as Soren, with the same Mag cap and a 33 Spd cap (Ike has the same growth, but damn his base is good). Rhys has 14 base and a 35 growth despite being only two levels lower than Soren, with Ilyana's awful 30 cap. He hits his 36 Mag cap (the lowest of any magic class) with a 65 growth no probs though.

Laura starts at 1/0/0 with an meh for the level 5 base, but she does have a 70 growth, undermined by a still bad 31 cap as a female Saint. Her Mag has a higher base, cap and same growth. Pelleas has a Spd 60 growth, but again, a 31 cap. His 55 Mag growth is enough to hit 38.45/39 at 20/20.

Tormod has a 55 growth and 32 cap, while falling 5-6 points of his 38 cap, which is bad, but he does get Rexflame access as a Fire Archsage, which he can use to get a good 35 Spd. Calill has higher Mag than Tormod by a few points (35.55 vs. 32.6), and still hits her 32 cap, making her another "speedy" Rexflamer. 

Sanaki has a 32 cap, but Soren's 35 growth and a base too low for 20/20/1, so she won't hit it on average, falling 2-3 points short. And even if she did, she unlike practically every other magic user in RD has Str issues, so she'll be losing 3-4 AS from Rexflame on average, not hitting that 35 Spd. Her 33 Mag base and 60 growth ensure she'll hit the 40 cap.


So of allllll the mages in RD, only one hits 34 and above sans Rexflame. Which is enough to double Auras with White Pool, and thus is considered at the very very endgame "good".

Sephiran Chancellor Lv 20 HP 50 Str 11 Mag 40 Skl 40 Spd 40 Lck 40 Def 23 Res 40


I rest my case for RD.


As for GBA, well Lugh and Hugh are both faster than Lilina by several points, and Hugh is also physically more durable than either of his rivals. Saul on average is 8 points faster than Elen, but she still outspeeds old Joder. Erk is fast, but Nino ties and creams him by 4 in Magic. Artur is slightly slower, 2 points, than Lute. Ewan can be the same as Knoll, Saleh, and Artur, or just faster than Lute as a Druid. Moulder and Natasha are about as fast as each other.


For Jugdral, besides the Ced, Azelle is certainly faster than Tailtiu, 50 vs. 40 growth, and the ability to actually naturally double. All he needs to replace his Fire with a Thunder or Wind. Thracia brings Asbel and his 75 growth, Homer has 70 growth too, and Ilios a 50. The men are not alone however, Linoan has 55 Spd and a higher Mag growth than Asbel and Homer, Miranda has 70/70, and Sara has 80/80. Although with high promotion bonuses and low 20 caps everywhere, seeing 20/20 on a bunch of freshly promoted magic units is not uncommon, so they end up statistically the same.


Awakening is no hope at all for the speedy mage, since Ricken loses squarely to Miriel in both Mag and Spd. Laurent's absolute growths pre-parental modification are no better. And while hope still shines on Hayato, Forrest the beautiful is HP/Mag/Res.

Ah guess I was totally off about Linde. I must admit I never used her in Shadow dragon and just assumed she'd be the basis for Lilina's stat as a 'nuke mage'. That does explain her heroes stats a lot more.

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Been along time since I posted. Well, might as well post my most current merge project, besides Roderick 



Yes, I foddered a NY!Hrid. No, I never cared for him. He could’ve been a Gunnthra merge, but he wasn’t. Besides, I never cared for that gay man


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2 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

Been along time since I posted. Well, might as well post my most current merge project, besides Roderick 

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Yes, I foddered a NY!Hrid. No, I never cared for him. He could’ve been a Gunnthra merge, but he wasn’t. Besides, I never cared for that gay man


I approve of the scalping of all Hrids. 

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Just as a reminder people, I mentioned this before, but it might have gotten lost:

PoR Nephenee Soldier:



PoR Nephenee Halberdier and RD Nephenee Halberdier:



RD Sentinel (Lancer for you Europeans):



Shedding clothing from her lower regions is a thing for Nephenee as she moves up in the ranks. IS must have given her a little promotion.

Although her fellow RD Soldier/Halberdier/Sentinel Aran moves in the opposite direction:



Hmm... I wonder why the difference? <_<


And let us not forget the animation for the Sentinel Mastery Skill- Impale- consists of this (thumbnail SPOILERS).

What is with that ending flourish?


Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Goddamn...I tried pulling for Nephenee on the beginner's hero fest banner with no luck but off-banner. At a 4% pity rate for HS!Ryoma and she finally decides to appear ? I officially give up. I need to save for the possibility of HS!Micaiah appearing on the mythic banner.

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6 hours ago, Sasori said:

Ah guess I was totally off about Linde. I must admit I never used her in Shadow dragon and just assumed she'd be the basis for Lilina's stat as a 'nuke mage'. That does explain her heroes stats a lot more.

@Interdimensional Observer


To be actual exact


In Archanea Saga Kaga balanced mage by making res effectively 0 so you do good damage with tomes base MT regardless and mage generally had lower ATK gain to compensate. Consider that most Mystery Res growth is 1 digit, a trend you can also find in FE11 and FE12


Original mage balancing can be summed up as: Merric have an early access to a very strong tome and Linde had an even stronger one later. As a compensation they struggled to compare against Wendell due to promotion timing. If you notice Shadow Dragon had very annoying Master Seal distribution right? That shit was worse in FE1 since FE1 used unique promotion items so Merric cant promote until late and his promoted stats barely outdo Wendell

This actually makes Merric super good, and Wendell batshit broken while Linde joins too late


In Mystery the balancing quirks remains but this time around its flipped Linde gets access to early alvailability, Merric get Excalibur. Ellearan got a better stats than Merric with early promotion so hes not as bad as one might think. Excalibur is significant here since Merric arrives right before Anri Way with so many flying Dragons which he can OHKO while having free movement on the desert. Dracoknights isnt too rare either


....the best Mage is STILL Wendell. They nerfed his base speed but he have massive wlv lead that allows him to sufficiently use high end staves, Shaver acted as a pseudo Excalibur, he have better mov. And because FE3 staves is stronger than FE1 one can argue Wendell is arguably more broken coming to FE3


Shadow Dragon souped up Meric in Bulk while Linde got speed. Excalibur become a male exclusive and Aura female exclusive at A rank. Merric and Linde can use them.


And then they forgot to note that Wendell base speed even in the nerfed version of Mystery Book 1 is based off how high Bishop base speed are while SD treats Sage as a low speed class so you got Wendell who have literally sanic speed, can use Excalibur, a few staff use away from Warp and Physic, and have 1 more mov than Merric making him the best again.


It took New Mystery not giving Wendell good growth and sizable base stats boost before he actually isnt Top or God tier. FE12 Etzel is basically what Wendell used to be



Lilina is pretty much the original nuke mage but the basis behind her isnt mage. Shes a literal copy paste of Caeda. FE6 had several characters who both resembles or had effective role relative to story progression heavilly mirrors FE1 and FE3. Some of the less obvious ones: Lilina is Caeda. Percival is deliberate fake out version of Camus. Zephiel is Dark Hardin. Minerva is both Juno and Miledy. Guinivere is Nyna. Zealot is Hardin etc. 



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5 hours ago, Poimagic said:

Been along time since I posted. Well, might as well post my most current merge project, besides Roderick 

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Yes, I foddered a NY!Hrid. No, I never cared for him. He could’ve been a Gunnthra merge, but he wasn’t. Besides, I never cared for that gay man


Welcome back!

Wow, that Eirika is looking awesome. Now fodder her a Tibarn or a Surtr. 

Curious for your Roderick plans. 

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I'm sure someone's already pointed it out, but seeing Rutger and Ranulf on the CYL random art thing makes me think they'll be coming to the game within the year, since every other character there is in the game (except, debatably, Bruno and Sirius).

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1 hour ago, DraceEmpressa said:

most of my friends are hyping over (okay, not that much but still kinda hype) this TT banner guess why

2 person banners are the ones with better pull rates for a specific character, Takumi has Close Counter and doesn’t share colour with another gray unit

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5 hours ago, Johann said:

I'm sure someone's already pointed it out, but seeing Rutger and Ranulf on the CYL random art thing makes me think they'll be coming to the game within the year, since every other character there is in the game (except, debatably, Bruno and Sirius).

Seems plausible. We know we'll be getting an FE6 banner soon, with Rutger as one of the top candidates. And now that laguz are in the game, I'm sure there's another Tellius banner on the radar, with Ranulf as a very strong candidate whether it's FE9 or FE10.

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10 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Welcome back!

Wow, that Eirika is looking awesome. Now fodder her a Tibarn or a Surtr. 

Curious for your Roderick plans. 

It’s nice to be back.

I’ll probably fodder a Tibarn rather than a Surtr, because I would need to pull 2 Surtr’s to fodder rather than one Tibarn.

Roderick will run a standard Fsweep build, but will probably run B duel Cav if that comes out

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11 hours ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

Original mage balancing can be summed up as: Merric have an early access to a very strong tome and Linde had an even stronger one later. As a compensation they struggled to compare against Wendell due to promotion timing. If you notice Shadow Dragon had very annoying Master Seal distribution right? That shit was worse in FE1 since FE1 used unique promotion items so Merric cant promote until late and his promoted stats barely outdo Wendell

This actually makes Merric super good, and Wendell batshit broken while Linde joins too late


I've examined the stats and I can see this, a weird case where unpromoted units struggle to compete with the promoted ones and NEED their special tomes to stand out. Why in the world they gave FE1 Bishop such high Spd, I'm not sure- it was the first time is the only explanation. Not to deny other games have their own godly promoted mages, although they generally come much later than Wendell, which helps balance them. Imagine if Pent joined around Chapter 15 Eliwood/Hector Mode, the CEL trio are useful much because Pent isn't around to compete with them for a long time.

And with regards to Linde, she is probably triple obsoleted, since you failed to mention Boah joins one chapter after her, with practically identical bases to Wendell. Boah by comparison to Wendell seems to have, besides becoming a victim of Gradivus in Book 2/NM, not fared as well as Wendell in later games.

Toss some stat boosters on Jagen, and use a glitch or spare a Dracoshield for Bantu, and FE1 looks like the game where old men are at their best.




So I never actually did any of that GC thing, I registered for it once just to see what it was, and then felt intimidated by one battle I previewed, so I just pulled right out of it. Nonetheless, I saw an exclamation point on it today, after the event has ended, and tapping it to see what it meant, I somehow got ~10k Feathers and some medals, despite having done absolutely nothing. Weird. 

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