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3 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Just a thought... wouldn't Yune be a flying Beast unit, but like a really tiny bird with god powers?

She technically has a human form. They could just use that.

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21 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Just a thought... wouldn't Yune be a flying Beast unit, but like a really tiny bird with god powers?

That would be really weird. Although it would pave the way for Deceiver Fellgod of Zenith: Feh.

She does have official artwork:



they just need to give her a solid body for it. But I could see them make her a Flier even so. We need some levitating units. She'd obviously be Red, being Chaos itself. Beast or Tome I can't say, but since Ashera's Judges are Strikes in RD, and given Beast units will be rare in FEH, Beast could work.

She is adorable, and there is a crowd that is into lolis. Her form I think is supposed to be a counterpart to Ashera's "old mother, yet not wrinkled grandmother" form. Yune also acts childish, and this is a child's body. And Ashunera, as being a balance of Ashera and Yune, is between young and old, looking like "a mother with young children" to me.



With the awesome new Mythic, who I'm going to wait for a while on, despite the promise of what he foretells, I think I can safely snipe for Elincia. Having a third Red Flier, for I'm willing to use Caeda and the Wing Sword sounds good, still has a purpose, since I can only have one Blessing on a character at any time. So I can make Elincia my dedicated Water Red Flier, Caeda my Wind (outside of Vike, I won't have any LHs, so the stat boosts don't matter to me), and Tibarn my Earth, or something, more efficient on the Blessing consumption than reanointing Tibarn every so often.

Still not sure about Nephenee, since I sorta dissected her character, and while putting a positive spin on it, I'm not so enthused about her after doing it. 

I'd like a canon Staff Flier, and I would be happy if Elincia ever got such an alt, but as a Legendary, she'd have to share a color with two others who I'd probably not want, I don't like those odds.

As for the Orbs, well I admittedly hoard them because they're precious. When I stopped playing Dragalia Lost, I had enough Wyrmite for +100 summons, and a Tenfold Ticket or two. And in RPGs with consumable items, if I buy 40 of a healing item and use 3, I then end up buying 13 more. Also, as a newbie without the well-honed hordes of two years of playing able to tackle everything and anything, I'm afraid a bunch of Orbs are inaccessible to me.

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The dilemma... I really, really don't want Loki and I don't much care for Summer Linde, but I do want that Duma >.< 

However, I know my luck on legendary banners. I'm going to wait to pull for him when there are others I won't scream to be pitybroken by... 

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1 hour ago, Cute Chao said:

The dilemma... I really, really don't want Loki and I don't much care for Summer Linde, but I do want that Duma >.< 

However, I know my luck on legendary banners. I'm going to wait to pull for him when there are others I won't scream to be pitybroken by... 

I believe Duma returns in April, because Grima is in February and Eir is in March.

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9 hours ago, Lewyn said:

Isn't this a million no a zillion times better than just an alt of a lord?  Lord in a new outfit, or a god that one could never even play in the game they originate from?  Which is more interesting which is more fresh?  This is what I was saying, my wish for legendary heroes which didn't turn out that way.  Thankfully looks like mythics will be something very special and a stupendous first choice (after OC Eir) which honestly I never even thought of.


It is. I'm hyped.

1 hour ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I believe Duma returns in April, because Grima is in February and Eir is in March.

As long as we don't get a new colorless legendary in April, that should be the case. Either way, we'll find out which month Duma will return in when his banner launches.

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Just now, Othin said:

As long as we don't get a new colorless legendary in April, that should be the case. Either way, we'll find out which month Duma will return in when his banner launches.

Well... we started to have banners with 2 Legendary/Mythic Heroes of the same color. January's Banner has Ike and Eirika, March has Lucina and Azura confirmed... The February banner will have Hrid, Ephraim, Gunnthra, Female Grima, so another color will repeat... Maybe April will have 2 colorless heroes. March's Banner could also have Eir and Duma on the same banner...

But, like you said, we will know it when the banner launches.

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1 minute ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Well... we started to have banners with 2 Legendary/Mythic Heroes of the same color. January's Banner has Ike and Eirika, March has Lucina and Azura confirmed... The February banner will have Hrid, Ephraim, Gunnthra, Female Grima, so another color will repeat... Maybe April will have 2 colorless heroes. March's Banner could also have Eir and Duma on the same banner...

But, like you said, we will know it when the banner launches.

True. My impression is that the doubling up is just happening in red and blue right now, since they have more legendaries than the other colors, but that could change.

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Just ranting. tldr; I'm quitting this game for good.


Not getting Leanne with a 7.5% rate was the final nail in the coffin. Not that this didn't happen before (Azura or Lewyn on Hero Fest, Alm on TT2 and L!Azura) but apparently I just needed that one more kick between the legs to wake up to this being a gacha game.
Oh, what's that laying on the ground? Tons of salt? My bad, there's more coming from this point onwards.

CYL3 mid-results just showed me that Heroes' problems will not improve anytime soon. People are voting for OCs and Fates characters while mostly disregarding the other series (with few exceptions as always).
Is it the fault of the players though? No, I don't think so. As much as I hate the idea of her having a 7th Camilla that's what people want. Can't hardly fault people for not knowing anything else at this point. But I can peg this issue onto something else; IS' lack of competence to market their games.

Fates is the most recent title in the series (Echoes is a remake) so naturally many people will have a connection to it and there are evidently enough people who only play Heroes. Of course these two will be more recognizeable than others and have a bigger following. What other reason is there that nobodies like Lif and Thrasir manage to be in Top 20 over hundreds of other characters?
Yet Fire Emblem has a longer and richer history than this. It's nearly 30 years old now and spans over 12 unique titles. Just padding Heroes with only a single game is a stupid idea and its uninspired OCs doesn't help either.

What they should have done is to make these older games familiar to players. That way they would satisfy older fans but also open up more potential material to sell later on, even outside of Heroes. Think about it if we had the perfect scenario of having a relatively diverse banner line-up from different games that would not only sour the minorities of older games but also help to sell more Echoes games (the Judgral series in particular) to a new audience.
FEH having that back-up of a big name means there shouldn't be too much work to make these characters interesting since there is enough background material.

But no, IS' inability to make these characters appealing through the story, events or general dialogue blocks any hope of this game being anything but about its OC and Fates.
Look at Binding Blade which had no new banner for 2 years and the sad tale of Thracia 776. Considering how IS treats these two games how can someone new be interested in these games? It's just sad that Reinhardt and Roy are carried by their memes or other media, not through their origins.

Honestly, does it even matter what game we're getting at this point? There is nothing accompanying it to sell these characters, outside of gameplay reasons or being a personal favorite (which applies to anyone so a moot point). The entire Heroes plot is "Contract. Fight. We freed them. OC talk. End". Even in Book 3, read the latest story chapter if you want further confirmation. TT's one-liners are a teardrop in a bucket and most FB are more about stroking the avatar's crotch than about the characters themselves. Of course only the cast of the newer games have any chance of being recognized for something more than a picture.

I could look away at Heroes' other flaws like constant powercreep, abundance of alts or several others, if at least the story would be engaging and characters are not just their art. But that's not the case and combined with:
- garbage PvP
- lack of meaningful or engaging content (events, grinding resources)
- almost complete dependence on gacha for skill inheritance
make this gacha game a lost case and considering its nature as a gacha that's awful. It's few positives like Tactics Drill and challenge maps aren't enough to keep me interested and there are much better games within the gacha hell that are actually worth the time and dedication.
Heroes will still rake in money for the coming years that's a fact but it comes at the expense of bastardizing its origins and that's something I absolutely regret to ever have spent so much money into over the past 2 years.

At the topic of CYL3; another good example is the sheer support coming from YouTube campaigns. Louise and FemRobins are very good examples of this, where people bandwagon behind something they can recognize quickly.

Edited by Magus of Memery
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1 hour ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I just want to inform all the summoners that the GHB Elite Quests have just 10 days left.

I believe most of the players already completed the quests, but it's always good to remember.

Still haven’t gotten around to making an armor team ...

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12 minutes ago, silverserpent said:

what to do with 80k feathers...and not enough grails to use them all on Naesala when he gets to the shop?

Use them for a unit you may have collected if that one gets a refine.
I safe up my feathers and try to use them at the beginning of a month if I know which units get a refine.

Still hope for Sophia, Beruka, Selena, Boey or Mae to get one soon.

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1 hour ago, Magus of Memery said:

Just ranting. tldr; I'm quitting this game for good.

Fare thee well from this board. Sorry you've hit your breaking point, you aren't the first in the recent month or so to quit, and might not be the last.

I can't quite sympathize on all points, I don't care about story for instance, and I'm not sure FE could ever do PvP well. But on others, I can see where you are coming from. We're at two years, and if it was said that the game will last for five, well several games by two and half years will be below 50% inclusion at the present rate. And given gatchas I would think should be heavier in their content in the first half, due to age causing a die off later, this is even worse news.

Although admittedly, the facade of Fire Emblem is all that draws me to this game. I wouldn't bother with anything I wasn't already familiar with.

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2 hours ago, Stroud said:

Use them for a unit you may have collected if that one gets a refine.
I safe up my feathers and try to use them at the beginning of a month if I know which units get a refine.

Still hope for Sophia, Beruka, Selena, Boey or Mae to get one soon.

yeah...i'll hold off until after the second anniversary. Maybe they'll have another mass rarity drop with someone I'd be happy to invest in. Still, Naesala's my priority.

Edit: Second. not first. i can't math X|

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4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

What is this coding supposed to mean?

Did the Reddit thread's title not show up?


People are guessing that we will be able to see what the boon and bane of a character is in a later, probably the February update. Previously, the only characters who you could see their boon were New Year's Camilla (+Spd), regular Tharja (+HP), and I think winter Tharja or someone else that I don't remember.


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1 minute ago, Kaden said:

Did the Reddit thread's title not show up?

Now I see it looking carefully. I'm using Night Forest, so the black lettering blended in so well that I couldn't see it.



This is a little convenience that has been long in being needed, since launch one could even say. If it is coming, such is good.


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Reyson confirmed demoted. He's in the 4-star pool on Duma's banner. (You can even see the green beast icon in the list of summonable weapon types when selecting a green umbrella.)

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Yes, I was hoping very much for this.  Now with Tibarn, Leanne, Naesala I should be able to get a good IV Reyson eventually since he is now 4 stars.  

Asset/flaw thing is going to be awesome, and apparently there is some code that says pick free legendary or something.  So I think instead of hero rises perhaps we can pick a legendary hero of choice, which should make everyone happy.  

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I'm so glad Reyson demoted, and a little sad I pulled Elincia so quickly because now I have no excuse to go after greens (don't get me wrong, I'm hyped to have her still). Since I don't have legendary Lyn, maybe I'll just pull the green anyway if I get only one per session.

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Grim thought... you don't think the devs would lie about the upcoming update to merged units, do you? I mean, that has to be illegal, if not completely immoral.

I mean, I've recently made so many merging decisions based solely on the fact that "the bane won't matter, I'll just merge it away!" and have so many units on standby indefinitely because their bane would negatively impact them if I gave it to them now... a lot of my army would be screwed if they go and say "JK lol".

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