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2 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Much as I like the class lineup of EO: Nexus, it's a bummer than fencer and necromancer and other really cool unique classes got left out. And as much as I like arcanist and especially imperial, it's weird seeing them in Nexus. They were very tied to the world of EO4 and seem a bit out of place without it.

In FE-related things, we likely won't get a calendar until after the Greil's Devoted banner comes out.

I don't really miss Fencer, same with Masurao. Reason for this is less i dislike them(lol hell no, i LOVE Fencer) and more because their playstyle and team synergy are pretty much retained in Nexus. I kinda wish we had Chain killer in Nexus though. Still sad about Dragoon

Necro otoh i miss really hard. Its the only Summoner class i particularly enjoy in V T_T

Was there a specific lore about them in 4?


2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Fencer is fun, I've used a Chain Duelist recently and its my first use of a chaser. I've got to do another V run with a Phantom Duelist, Shield Bearer and Blade Dancer, and then Spirit Broker and Divine Herald. 

Admittedly, one of my issues with Nexus is that they needed more backrow stuff. A Warlock with an Omnimancer focus and Alchemist with a leaning on Palms (yeah I know these are front row) would've been nice, as would Dancer for a non-Sovereign buffer.

This said, I've already got my Nexus team in mind. Definitely Hero, a Ninja sans clones (so ails and dodgetanking), a Gunner or Zodiac for backrow offense, a Harbinger for healing, and... not sure but maybe Highlander or Shogun, or the other of the Zodiac/Gunner. I want to raise a Farmer, but since I'm afraid my team would be seriously lacking if I tried raising it as a 5th without a backup, I'll use the Memory Conch for it.

*Sigh* I wish we'd have gotten a III Untold. I want a Wildling, plus Buccaneer, throw in a Monk with Cesti available as weapons now thanks to V so I could use it offensively well (which I heard you couldn't in III). Add in an Arbalist, and either Gladiator, or a Yggdroid that isn't a crawling tin can of problem. I never got to play EOIII, and I heard it horribly lacks class balance, and it is antiquated by now, so an Untold would've been great for it. I really like the exotic, dramatic, and eclectic class designs.

Regardless, I'm looking forward to the successor to Etrian Odyssey Atlus has planned and teased presumably for Switch.



If this seems totally off topic, well Eclipse shouldn't mind being fellow traveler of the Labyrinths of the World Tree. And this will be my last post on the matter. Plus I'm just killing time waiting for the next calendar to drop. Where are my next back to back Seasonals?


You'd be surprised how good Nexus Backrow option actually are. Beyond the ranged intended class, Hero and Ronin is surprisingly enough the strongest Ranged Attacker for the early portion of the game

Buffer are what Nexus really suffer from, more than the series ever been imo. Shogun, Zodiac, and Highlander + Sovereign and i think Magus is the option for their 1 offensive buff in their skillset?


Honestly i feel Farmer is the one class that "feel" out of place and theres kinda way too many Ailments class around although i don't feel its that bad since Ailment is what makes EO.... EO

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43 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Well, I have BH!Roy at +5 so there is no need for Eliwood (even if his refine closes the gap), I don't like armors, but I was playing with the thought of a super-donnel.

Biggest problem I'm having with choosing my next +10 unit is the limited utility. For example: I was considering Oscar for +10, because I'm using him for Galeforce shenanigans. But I do have a +SPD and a +ATK Summer Cordelia. At +1 Cordelia has -1 ATK and +1 SPD compared to Oscar +10 with the same nature. 

The best thing is to take your time and not rush in the making of the +10, because then it gets more frustrating. 

On the way between Niles +7 and +10 I’ve:

- 5*ed Peri

- Given regular Celica Brazen Atk/Spe

- Given Aether to Zephiel and Effie

- Given Berkut’s Lance+ to Effie

- 5*ed Male Robin



Also, sometimes is better to spread your merges between some characters than concentrate them in one. The +10 is going to arrive, sooner or later

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2 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

- Given regular Celica Brazen Atk/Spe

How do you like it so far? I would miss the Fury-damage and so far she killed everything, especially with Flashing Blade and AoE. 

3 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

- 5*ed Male Robin

That guy would deserve a promotion ... hmm. Not sure which nature to use. 

4 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

Also, sometimes is better to spread your merges between some characters than concentrate them in one. The +10 is going to arrive, sooner or later

Yeah, the feathers are there (575k).

Also I'm thinking of giving the +1 merge to some neutral units. With the update they profit much more from the first merge. 

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52 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

How do you like it so far? I would miss the Fury-damage and so far she killed everything, especially with Flashing Blade and AoE. 

Yeah, the feathers are there (575k).

I’ve only used her for Aether Raids defense until now, and the rest of the team is not the best, so I can’t really say if she’s good enough.

I wish I had just a 10% of your feathers T.T

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1 hour ago, Javi Blizz said:

I’ve only used her for Aether Raids defense until now, and the rest of the team is not the best, so I can’t really say if she’s good enough.

I'd love Fury for for her, but I won't pull for the new Valentine units. 

1 hour ago, Javi Blizz said:

I wish I had just a 10% of your feathers T.T

I'm not doing much with them and we are getting many feathers with every event. I'm promoting GHB units mostly and sometimes SI fodder for my clears. 

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Now I just realized how short I am on fodder. One reason is that my most pulled color is still green. (All my favorite merge projects are gathering there and even Rinkah will).

But after I got my hands on Rinkah I should be free from green. Then the time comes I will start to go for blue mostly. And red for fodder.

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19 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:


  • Melee infantry and all armors got +1 base and +10% growths.
  • Ranged infantry got +1 base and +5% growths.
  • Melee fliers got +10% growths.
  • Melee cavalry and ranged fliers got +5% growths.
  • Ranged cavalry got nothing.

Valentine Titania has 145 BST, Mist and Soren are 144, is it safe to assume that in book 3 too ranged cavalry are not getting BST boost?

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1 hour ago, DraceEmpressa said:

Valentine Titania has 145 BST, Mist and Soren are 144, is it safe to assume that in book 3 too ranged cavalry are not getting BST boost?

Stat generations have nothing to do with story Books.

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17 hours ago, Troykv said:

What do you expect of the potential arrive of Gen 3 Infantry Units?

+2 Bases and +15% growths compared with Gen 1?

Maybe +2 Bases +10% in Ranged's cases?

If flowers are an indication of anything, then the cap to the boost is +1 base and +10% growths relative to Gen 2, as that combination would result in +5~7 points of stats at level 40. As for what it actually will be if it happens, I don't care enough to try to make predictions.

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9 hours ago, Sunwoo said:


This stupid paralogue ...

It's making me cry.

It made me want to pull for the characters, despite none of them being characters I normally care to get >< That Ike and Greil interaction - that's what I want from these games (along with interactions between heroes of different fes).


Gotta stay strong for the voted banner, though!

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While touching, seemed like a wasted opportunity to use Hel, although it can be referenced later, I think she could have  appeared at the very end without breaking the scene too much.

I’m not even sure who is contracting enemies at this point to be honest.

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13 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

Well then, when is the release timespan of Gen 1, gen 2, and have Gen 3 starts yet? 

Brave Heroes was the last Gen 1 banner. Farfetched Heroes was the first Gen 2 banner. The banners in between had a mix of Gen 1 and Gen 2 units (and Sigurd, who doesn't match either one).

Gen 3 doesn't exist yet.

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3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Sigurd, who doesn't match either one

In my opinion, Sigurd is best described as a Gen I cavalry with CYL1 bonus, or Gen II cavalry with an extra 5% growth. I prefer the former description since CYL1 bonus already exists as a class on BH!Ike and BH!Lyn, and no other unit has a random extra 5% growth.

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My Arvis hit +10 today!!! I can finally pair him up with Gunnthra *sob*

Not sure which one to do next ._.. Aversa would be the most logical choice, but i lost the fun in Aether raids completly so i dont care for that mode (i just do the battle for rewards).

I'll prolly start building a Black Fang group and start with Lloyd, while promoting Regular Nino to +10 and get a chance a Jaffar. Maybe i'll just wait until more GHB arrive.


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One more Valor skill added to the collection. Just need Staff Valor to complete it. I feel like it's going to be a while before Maribelle will be back on a non-legendary banner but that just means I can save up more orbs. 

Edited by Flying Shogi
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I am really starting to feel the problem of not being able to access newer and/or rarer skills. Every time I go and think about building a unit, I either end up feeling like I've done the same thing already with another character or several at this point or that I don't have the skills to do it or something different. For example, I could just go with Fury/L&D and Desperation on Tharja. It's a tried and proven build for a bunch of characters, but I want to do a Fortress Def/Res build on her because why the hell not. That skill is locked to Kliff and I have never summoned him nor would I burn my only copy of a character. Or something as "simple" as giving Oboro Steady Stance 3 for more defense when she's attacked and to do something with her spear. I've summoned only one Silas so far and BH Ike at this point seems to have a grudge with me.

And I'm still hating heroic grails as usual. Just freaking put them into the appropriate summoning pool, goddamn. I'd even take a permanent GHB/TT banner where you can only summon them as 1* to 2* at this point. The fact there's an arbitrary cap to how many you can get from using heroic grails is also dumb. Sure, we can summon hundreds to thousands of other heroes, but these guys are stuck at 20 from grails and however many more we can get from GHBs or TT revivals assuming they're returning a TT. Masked Marth is even worse when you consider masked Marth has no passives, so what's the point of summoning for more after making a +10 one? At most, you can make two +10 ones and one +5 one since if you played from the all the times masked Marth was available as a reward, you'd have eight copies and eventually would get 20 from using heroic grails where 22 could be used for two +10 and six would remain for a +5.

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"Sigh" that point when I am ready to do the last lunatic CC and found a good f2p guide only to find out I don't have the spd smoke SS upgraded to the needed level and I only have 40 coins.  Good thing TT starts tomorrow so I can get more coins to upgrade it.  

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The TT tomorrow will probably be one of the few times I HM grind in those things. This is because I need around 18k more feathers to complete my Eirika merge project. Well, besides also needing a  A!F!Corrin/V!Mist/V!Soren/Quan for their dual rally+ (Soren or Corrin preferred)

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I find it interesting that with the recent update, of the Fates royals, only Leo's and Takumi's retainers, Niles, Odin, Hinata and Oboro, have been given new weapons. The retainers of Camilla, Elise, Hinoka, Ryoma, Sakura, and Xander all have not received new weapons. So, Beruka, Selena, Arthur, Effie, Azama, Setsuna, Kagero, Saizo, Hana, Subaki, Laslow, and Peri.

Edit: Forgot about Ryoma and Sakura.

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26 minutes ago, Kaden said:

I find it interesting that with the recent update, of the Fates royals, only Leo's and Takumi's retainers, Niles, Odin, Hinata and Oboro, have been given new weapons. The retainers of Camilla, Elise, Hinoka, and Xander all have not received new weapons. So, Beruka, Selena, Arthur, Effie, Azama, Setsuna, Laslow, Peri, Hana and Subaki.

Fixed. You forgot Sakura's retainers. Azama is a staff user, so...he's waaaaay low on their priority list. My guess for next month's update is Arthur and Laslow/Peri. From Awakening...I'm guessing Henry and Nowi.

Personally, I'd be interested to see Subaki's refine. I'm interested in building him as another blue flying tank.


As a general question, who's a good unit to give Special Fighter to? I've got two spares.

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35 minutes ago, silverserpent said:

Fixed. You forgot Sakura's retainers. Azama is a staff user, so...he's waaaaay low on their priority list. My guess for next month's update is Arthur and Laslow/Peri. From Awakening...I'm guessing Henry and Nowi.

Personally, I'd be interested to see Subaki's refine. I'm interested in building him as another blue flying tank.


As a general question, who's a good unit to give Special Fighter to? I've got two spares.

Dagnabbit! I forgot about Ryoma too. For next month's update, I'm personally hoping for Clarine and Klein to be part of it since March is when Binding Blade gets a banner. Personal bias also makes me wish for Selena to be on next month's update.

Special Fighter would be good on armors who can followup naturally or in some way like with Brave Ephraim who introduced the skill and has Garm which guarantees followups if he gets a field buffed including Armor March or Armored Boots or GD Ike who is a ridiculously fast armor with his 38 base speed and also has Special Fighter by default. Regular Hector, brave Hector, and spooky Myrrh can also guarantee followups, but theirs might be a bit more shaky, especially regular Hector because he only has Quick Riposte 2 on Armads. Brave Hector has a larger threshold with Maltet having Quick Riposte 5, but you'd replace his default Bold Fighter meaning Special Fighter would kind of make it like he was using Vengeful Fighter since he probably would not be able to double on initiation. Spooky Myrrh suffers from the opposite problem where if her defense is >= 5 than her foe's, then she can followup on initiation with her Spirit Breath. On defense, though, she wouldn't be able to do much and you'd replace her default Vengeful Fighter, so...

Anyway, for the speedy armors, devil Niles (39), LA Lyn (36), legendary kid Tiki (35), Amelia who also gains Spd/Def+4 from her newly acquired Grado Poleax's unique refinement effect which works like Garm's, the Black Knight, Halloween Henry, and winter Robin (34), Zelgius (33), Draug and LA Eliwood (32), and winter Lissa (30). Winter Lissa and legendary kid Tiki do come with Bold Fighter, so take that into consideration if you want to give them Special Fighter as the other armors don't come with any Fighter skill or even a B passive.

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@Kaden I forgot Ryoma too XD

And I don't know why i put Special Fighter when I meant Special Spiral >_< I think it was training up GD!Ike and using Brave Ephraim that got to me. No, I've got two Lewyns staring at me. I was thinking of possibly building a Tharja with that and her refine for nuking shenanigans.

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