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11 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Haha, I know that feeling. I gave Valter Galeforce once out of boredom. 

Velouria is a great unit, but she has problems to one-round bulkier units without a damage special due lack of WTA. Anyway she is nearly a must-have on a team with beast Galeforcers who can't quad and have no Slaying weapons. 

My first green Galeforce unit was Cherche. Her ATK is high enough to run Heavy Blade on A in most situations (entertaining quad-sets aside). I like Raven and BH!Lucina as my Infantry Galeforcers, being able to use flashing blade seal almost makes up for the inferior movement type. 

I saw a lot of Naesalas with Galeforce, his weapon helps to deal enough damage without a damage special, he is a 3-mov flier and fast. Also Clair is a good choice. Flying, Mergable, effective weapon and inbuild Flashing blade is a great combination. 

If you don't need merges on your new Galeforce unit and Heavy Blade seal isn't occupied already, Summer Cordelia and spring Alfonse are good choices. I have them with good boons though. 

Hey, Valter hungers and you fed him Galeforce from someone. A fine feast no doubt.

I don't have Velouria -- wished I did. She seems so useful. Off the top of my head, beast Galeforce units are her, Lethe, Naesala, Panne, Tibarn, and Yarne. Lethe and Panne work similarly as beast cavalry with their adjacent to beast or whatever stats Solo effect and denying follow-ups when transformed. Panne's attack ends up being deceptively low when she can use Heavy Blade and charge up Galeforce because of this, but she also has the issue of she might end up one-shotting a cavalry unit and not charge Galeforce with her effective damage and in combat buffs and debuffs shenanigans. Yarne's kind of like a green Ares with a health-based Special Spiral. Naesala and Tibarn are beast fliers who can have 3 movement where Naesala with Galeforce is often used for HM farming Rival Domains in addition to be a good user of it and Tibarn can guarantee follow-ups on foes at full health with his Hawk King Claw and his default Sturdy Impact boosts his already high attack and his defense and prevents follow-ups if needed. Kind of wished I had a bunch of Tibarns or Sturdy Impact sources since I'd like to give Naesala it.

Cherche came up as the only axe flier option for me. I don't have summer Innes and axe fliers are not in a great situation. Almost all of them are slow, bulky physical tanks. I swear if Jill shows up as a lance flier. Anyway, kind of a similar deal with axe cavalry. Axe infantry on the other hand, much easier when you have the wacky Basilikos boys Linus and Raven.

I have a +10 Clair, so yeah, she would be a good option. That said, Catria would also be a good option and she would be able to have a 4 cooldown Galeforce and depending on positioning, an easier way to charge it when she can Brave with her unique refined Whitewing Lance when she's nearby at least two flier allies.

Summer Cordelia showed only one time for me and she's +Spd, -Atk. Why is Flashing Blade more restrictive when it comes to inheriting? I get why fliers were locked out since Goad Fliers stacking is really easy, but cavalry not so much. Spring Alfonse on the other hand showed up as +Res, -Def and +Res, -Spd. It has been very tempting to burn one of them for Def Smoke on Ares, but it would also be nicer of Def Smoke was in the 4* summoning pool.

Unrelated to all of this, "Brave" Seliph or Sigurd as the TT unit. Maybe Leif, but the idea is that it would lead up and connect to the next legendary hero. Also, "Brave" Reinhardt if you want the world to burn. That is all.

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That Lost Lore trip sound. omg, seriously Fire Emblem Heroes has some of the best original soundtrack themes. The AR theme was insane too and there is so many other original FEH tracks that just rock

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4 hours ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

Counters Fallen Tiki 10/10 best unit in the game

No he doesn't:

100% coincidence I used that unit for the first time, lol. 

2 hours ago, Kaden said:

don't have Velouria -- wished I did. She seems so useful. Off the top of my head, beast Galeforce units are her, Lethe, Naesala, Panne, Tibarn, and Yarne. Lethe and Panne work similarly as beast cavalry with their adjacent to beast or whatever stats Solo effect and denying follow-ups when transformed. Panne's attack ends up being deceptively low when she can use Heavy Blade and charge up Galeforce because of this, but she also has the issue of she might end up one-shotting a cavalry unit and not charge Galeforce with her effective damage and in combat buffs and debuffs shenanigans. Yarne's kind of like a green Ares with a health-based Special Spiral. Naesala and Tibarn are beast fliers who can have 3 movement where Naesala with Galeforce is often used for HM farming Rival Domains in addition to be a good user of it and Tibarn can guarantee follow-ups on foes at full health with his Hawk King Claw and his default Sturdy Impact boosts his already high attack and his defense and prevents follow-ups if needed. Kind of wished I had a bunch of Tibarns or Sturdy Impact sources since I'd like to give Naesala it.

I prefer classic Cavs for GF over Lethe and Panne, their trick is just not useful enough. Never got a Yarne though. I'd prefer Kaden perhaps, because his buff potential is insane. 

Tibarn is a no-brainer, but I thought you were searching for a non-red?

2 hours ago, Kaden said:

have a +10 Clair, so yeah, she would be a good option. That said, Catria would also be a good option and she would be able to have a 4 cooldown Galeforce and depending on positioning, an easier way to charge it when she can Brave with her unique refined Whitewing Lance when she's nearby at least two flier allies

Quads are a great option for XHB clears, but I prefer more reliable ways to proc Galeforce in other modes, since you risk to kill your enemies too fast with quads. Whitenings have the added condition "2 fliers near", so quad-GF'ing gets very situational. 

2 hours ago, Kaden said:

Summer Cordelia showed only one time for me and she's +Spd, -Atk.

Still a good option, if you don't have a merged Oscar or Peri. 

2 hours ago, Kaden said:

Why is Flashing Blade more restrictive when it comes to inheriting?

I have no idea. It's so sad since two fliers got it as their special refinenent effect. Perhaps we'll get a Squad assault seal with HB effect in some years ... 

2 hours ago, Kaden said:

Spring Alfonse on the other hand showed up as +Res, -Def and +Res, -Spd. It has been very tempting to burn one of them for Def Smoke on Ares, but it would also be nicer of Def Smoke was in the 4* summoning pool.

I have him at +SPD luckily (after I got all the other units from his banner twice), which makes him as fast as Marth. All my Pannes died already for DEF smoke.

2 hours ago, Kaden said:

Unrelated to all of this, "Brave" Seliph or Sigurd as the TT unit. Maybe Leif, but the idea is that it would lead up and connect to the next legendary hero. Also, "Brave" Reinhardt if you want the world to burn. That is all.

That would be nice, but hopefully not another infantry sword. 

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16 hours ago, Zeo said:

I know it doesn't matter in the scheme of things, but it's irritating seeing Matthew only go from tier 5 to tier 4 on Gamepress after getting his refine. It's a reverse bladetome and you can do nasty things with it.

I know Lillina's Bladetome dagger can be inherited to everyone but you're telling me the likes of Jaffar and Gaius can use it better than him? It just annoys me that the general consensus is he went from "dirt bottom" to "slightly not bottom". I know it doesn't matter, tiers and all that. It's just, meh.

I actually watched an infantry colorless dagger review video by Akariss on YouTube not that long ago. It was as recent as Kronya so it couldn't have been too old, but Akariss had amazing things to say about Matthew being able to run an effective CC build. I think he might've even said that he was one of the best if not the best. (At least in terms of 3-4 star daggers.) At least some people recognize his power. XD

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16 hours ago, Zeo said:

I know it doesn't matter in the scheme of things, but it's irritating seeing Matthew only go from tier 5 to tier 4 on Gamepress after getting his refine. It's a reverse bladetome and you can do nasty things with it.

I know Lillina's Bladetome dagger can be inherited to everyone but you're telling me the likes of Jaffar and Gaius can use it better than him? It just annoys me that the general consensus is he went from "dirt bottom" to "slightly not bottom". I know it doesn't matter, tiers and all that. It's just, meh.

I have stopped looking at tier lists a long time ago. matthew is very good. All in all Tiers dont tell anything. A "trashy" unit can be oppressiv and very good in the right Team composition. Matthew is definitly good, he just needs a little bit of help for a setup (like Aversa as a Team companion or so) and has issues with Panic, because his buffs will allways proc.

The only Tier i would aknowledge is the one for Arena Point ranking. Thats it.

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7 hours ago, mampfoid said:

I prefer classic Cavs for GF over Lethe and Panne, their trick is just not useful enough. Never got a Yarne though. I'd prefer Kaden perhaps, because his buff potential is insane. 

Tibarn is a no-brainer, but I thought you were searching for a non-red?

Panne is gimmicky with her Spectrum Beast-Dragon Bond/Solo thing granting her Atk/Spd/Def/Res+3 and beast cavalry effect of inflicting Atk/Def-4 on her foe during combat to boost her 29 base Atk. With her weapon, she'd have 43 Atk when not transformed and 45 when transformed. With the Spectrum effect, she'd have 46 Atk when not transformed and 48 Atk when transformed in addition to 37 Spd from her 34 base. When she initiates, her attack would be like 52 for the purposes of attack checks. That's a lot of hoops to go around to "having" high attack for a 29 base Atk unit.

Lethe on the other hand is more like legendary Eirika, Eliwood, CYL Roy, and Siegbert running Galeforce with Heavy Blade in some shape or form charge Galeforce. She has 33/38 neutral offenses and her Brazen Cat Fang grants her Spd+3 and has an Atk/Spd Beast-Dragon Bond/Solo effect; Atk/Spd+6 when adjacent to beast or dragon allies or when not adjacent to anyone. When not transformed, she'd have 47/41 offenses and 53/47 with the Atk/Spd Beast-Dragon Bond/Solo effect. When transformed, she'd have 49/41 and 55/47 offenses instead and if she initiates, for the purposes of attack checks, her attack would be like 53 or 59. And she also comes with Spd/Def Solo, so she's even faster at 53 Spd when she's alone.

I mentioned Tibarn as part of the Galeforce beasts list. He's terrifying with it, but yeah, I gave my reasons for not wanting to give him Galeforce yet.

7 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Quads are a great option for XHB clears, but I prefer more reliable ways to proc Galeforce in other modes, since you risk to kill your enemies too fast with quads. Whitenings have the added condition "2 fliers near", so quad-GF'ing gets very situational. 

I meant more that Catria's Whitewing Lance lets her charge Galeforce more flexibly if a bit finicky if you can't position her nearby flier allies and locks her into a mainly flier team. The Killer effect bringing it down to 4 cooldown means she can run Heavy Blade like other Galeforce units with Killer weapons to charge it in two hits. With the unique refinement effect and if it's active, then if she isn't in Desperation range and isn't able to follow up or isn't running it for whatever reason, then she can Brave a foe and charge Galeforce provided she passes the Heavy Blade check which might be easy with all the attack she can get; Goad Fliers stacking goes up to Atk/Spd+12 for a four units team and the unique refinement grants her Atk/Spd/Def/Res+3 as well bringing it up to Atk/Spd+15. If she isn't running Heavy Blade or a unit is running a Guard skill while she has Heavy Blade, then that means the Brave effect would allow her to charge Galeforce as well through four hits provided she can double her opponent. That said, the amount of attack she can get is a double-edged sword since she could ending up killing her foe in one hit or before how many hits she needs to charge Galeforce.

7 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Still a good option, if you don't have a merged Oscar or Peri. 

I could +10 Peri. I just don't like her voice. Oscar is Oscar. I think I would have liked Oscar more if I had played the Tellius games and gotten to know him more. New Year's Laegjarn I remember some comments saying she would be a good Galeforce option. She'd be slower, much slower than +Spd summer Cordelia, though. On the other hand, she'd be easier if more painful to merge because grails. I hate grails.

7 hours ago, mampfoid said:

I have him at +SPD luckily (after I got all the other units from his banner twice), which makes him as fast as Marth. All my Pannes died already for DEF smoke.

Thank you for contributing to the extinction of the taguel. 😛

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17 hours ago, Zeo said:

I know it doesn't matter in the scheme of things, but it's irritating seeing Matthew only go from tier 5 to tier 4 on Gamepress after getting his refine. It's a reverse bladetome and you can do nasty things with it.

I know Lillina's Bladetome dagger can be inherited to everyone but you're telling me the likes of Jaffar and Gaius can use it better than him? It just annoys me that the general consensus is he went from "dirt bottom" to "slightly not bottom". I know it doesn't matter, tiers and all that. It's just, meh.

Gamepress Tiers have always been pretty weird, I always preferred Gamepedia's when they were still doing it~

14 hours ago, Lewyn said:

I asked this in GHB thread, but maybe someone can answer here.  How is Death Knight as a unit?  Worth 20k feathers to promote one?  His sprite is top notch whatever the case.   

His art is great but he's a pretty bad unit, at least with his default weapon, since you have to depend on your opponent being buffed for it to activate~

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The only applications Death Knight has are using him as an Enemy Phase cav with QR (but lol Enemy Phase cavs) or using him to troll as a WoM beacon in AR defense (which he sucks at because he will lose Spd comparisons if they have QR/NFU and die, unlike cav beasts).

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1 hour ago, Kaden said:

Panne is gimmicky with her Spectrum Beast-Dragon [...]

Perhaps I underestimated both Lethe and Panne, but how would you build them? Heavy Blade on A? The seal is better if course, but only available once. 

I still would prefer Tibarn and Naesala for red/blue beast GF. 

1 hour ago, Kaden said:

I meant more that Catria's Whitewing Lance lets her charge Galeforce more flexibly if a bit finicky if you can't position her nearby flier allies and [...]

I keep forgetting she still has the killer effect with her refinenent. Compared to your +10 Clair, I'd still prioritize her lower though.

1 hour ago, Kaden said:

I could +10 Peri. I just don't like her voice. Oscar is Oscar. I think I would have liked Oscar more if I had played the Tellius games and gotten to know him more. New Year's Laegjarn I remember some comments saying she would be a good Galeforce option. She'd be slower, much slower than +Spd summer Cordelia, though. On the other hand, she'd be easier if more painful to merge because grails. I hate grails.

I never played Oscar's game myself, I just imagine him a lance Stahl which is nice enough. 

Compared to Oscar (and Peri) Laegjarn is bulkier which makes it more difficult to get into WoM range, has no boon and will not likely never receive a prf (seasonal curse). 

(Everyone hates grails. Lost 5 AR matches today thanks to my low motivation during vacations)

1 hour ago, Kaden said:

Thank you for contributing to the extinction of the taguel. 😛

Is this a secret side-quest of yours?

Fodder gotta be foddered. 


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43 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Perhaps I underestimated both Lethe and Panne, but how would you build them? Heavy Blade on A? The seal is better if course, but only available once. 

I still would prefer Tibarn and Naesala for red/blue beast GF. 

Heavy Blade seal probably and you'd have to juggle it around. Lethe is fine with her default Spd/Def Solo and also maybe because she doesn't want to one-shot someone if she had Atk/Spd Solo. Panne on the other hand would probably want Atk/Spd Solo, Fury, L&D, Swift Sparrow, or anything to boost her attack and speed. So, the usual build for Galeforce units -- I guess CYL Roy's default kit would be a good example or Siegbert's and Yarne's with some minor changes like Desperation for their B passive. For PvE or situations where you don't need them to charge Galeforce that quickly, they could run whatever seal they would want. There's person on YouTube who does some Panne solos and on her release, she ran Galeforce, Brazen Atk/Def 3, Desperation 3, and Brash Assault 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTSZaRg6j5I.

SD King Oaks has a video on Panne and how she can use Heavy Blade: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9g96-AIjKk.

43 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

I keep forgetting she still has the killer effect with her refinement. Compared to your +10 Clair, I'd still prioritize her lower though.

I wished I had more Catrias for merges and for Killer Lance and Luna. Catria's at +2 at the moment and the most I could get her up to if I were willing to sacrifice the neutral one would be +9, but that means getting rid of all of my spare Catrias. I keep neutral units if they have been made quest units even if they aren't used much anymore since most F2P strategies are use a team made up of Eir, Fjorm, vanguard Ike, CYL Lyn or bride Louise who has slowly been replacing CYL Lyn for some people since she's free while CYL Lyn assumes the player picked her, or CYL Veronica and use Adrift Azura or Olivia as the dancer. Occasionally there's Reinhardt who hasn't been made a quest unit, but because he's so damn useful, he's assumed to be used by plenty of people.

Anyway, in terms of merge project, Catria's not a high priority for me. A high defense unit would be since my four +10 units, Clair, Eliwood, Odin, and Soren, have low to middling defense. Not sure on Galeforce either. She shines on a flier team, but if she's not on a flier team, then she's like any other Galeforce lance flier, but maybe a bit not as great since I merged the +Spd one that used to be the base into a +Atk one figuring I'd use her and the Whitewings together or mainly on a flier team which means she could have trouble doubling. She's not slow, but it's starting to feel like 40 base neutral speed -- not exactly her speed -- could be argued as slow. Cue the next mythic hero having 50 base neutral speed with a speed superasset because why not. =Spd Celica with unique refined Ragnarok, Fury 3, and a Brazen Atk/Spd 3 seal and +Spd, +10 Lon'qu with L&D6 would barely be able to double that unit as Celica would have exactly 55 Spd and +Spd Lon'qu would have 56 Spd.

43 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

I never played Oscar's game myself, I just imagine him a lance Stahl which is nice enough. 

Compared to Oscar (and Peri) Laegjarn is bulkier which makes it more difficult to get into WoM range, has no boon and will not likely never receive a prf (seasonal curse). 

(Everyone hates grails. Lost 5 AR matches today thanks to my low motivation during vacations)

I think Oscar's voice is a problem too. Go figure with him and Peri. Bryce Papenbrook's Oscar voice is kind of his Kamui in SoV, but something about it is off and I don't like it compared to his Kamui or his Karel and Raven voices for that matter.

Slapping L&D3 on NY Laegjarn isn't that bad. She would drop down to 30 Def which should be fine. At +10, though, she'd have 40 Def, so she'd drop down to her unmerged 35 Def with L&D3. She's really like a +Def, -Res lance cavalry version of Minerva and Saber.

43 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Is this a secret side-quest of yours?

Fodder gotta be foddered. 

Quite the opposite. I want a world filled with rabbit people. 😛

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16 hours ago, mampfoid said:

I don't like that his weapon's effect relies on enemy buffs, that's what has keeping me from promoting him. 

If you watch yt videos, pm1 calls DK a "tragedy":

  Reveal hidden contents



Yeah situational stuff that you can't control, PM is right on point.  Some units have stuff that you need to be careful with team composition, but here it is enemy composition.  They aren't running buffs, well Death knight is a slow unit that will be doubled by everything wielding a slaying lance basically.  He talks about Kronya.  I did 5 star one copy, she can at least be decent with expensive fodder (Close counter and Null C disrupt or Special Spiral) but yeah that is a ton of investment with hard to get fodder so unless +10 project don't know if it is worth it.  Is she better than all the 3-4 star daggers with their refine (Sothe, Saizo, Kagero, Matthew, Winter Cecilia, etc) many of which don't require as much expensive rare fodder (they may just need close counter, except Winter Cecilia who wants a fighter skill also)?


15 hours ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

@Lewyn or if you don't mind a rather.... meme answer



Counters Fallen Tiki 10/10 best unit in the game



But yea i don't think DK is fully "bad" but his weapon is awkward, buff IS more common nowadays, but since he requires buff on enemy side, that means his weapon effect only "compensates" for the requirement instead of a pure addition to your power(maybe it'd be different if you give him Lull ATK/Def so your opponent only registers speed as buff which got non doubled by his prf but idk)

Yeah that's the other thing, if teams are running visible buffs it is usual +6 or +7 to all stats, and his weapon doesn't nullify those buffs.  Then building him.  Distant counter which so many units want and is still a rare hard to get skill, then you need 20k feathers for QR3 or you fodder Lull atk/def which is new and even rarer than Distant counter.  All to make him function as an okay/decent unit.  

2 hours ago, Landmaster said:

Gamepress Tiers have always been pretty weird, I always preferred Gamepedia's when they were still doing it~

His art is great but he's a pretty bad unit, at least with his default weapon, since you have to depend on your opponent being buffed for it to activate~

Sad that such good art and apparently an important character to Three houses (haven't played so no spoilers plz) ended up like this.  PM said he has distant counter, but of course they couldn't give away that skill for free.  

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4 hours ago, Lewyn said:

Sad that such good art and apparently an important character to Three houses (haven't played so no spoilers plz) ended up like this.  PM said he has distant counter, but of course they couldn't give away that skill for free.  

Yeah, he has DC in 3H~ I mean, they could have just put it on his weapon like Xander but that would make too much sense~

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4 hours ago, Lewyn said:

Is she better than all the 3-4 star daggers with their refine (Sothe, Saizo, Kagero, Matthew, Winter Cecilia, etc) many of which don't require as much expensive rare fodder (they may just need close counter, except Winter Cecilia who wants a fighter skill also)?

Kronya has a different role than them, namely, winter Cecilia, Saizo, and I would figure Matthew. Also, Felicia, but she's self-explanatory. Winter Cecilia, Matthew, and Saizo are or can be bulky units while also having a good offensive performance; winter Cecilia is an armor who has access to Fighter skills, Matthew has a Blizzard dagger that adds all his foe's penalties to his attack and defense debuffs would definitely let him do even more damage, and similarly, Saizo defense debuffs let Saizo do more damage, but he adds debuffs to all his stats letting him become faster and have very good effective defenses.

Kronya's Close Counter, Vantage shtick can be done with Kagero and Sothe who use their high attack. Difference being that Kronya does have good enough attack, but she's dependent on her opponent's health not being full for her to have the Vantage effect and to give her Atk/Spd+5 during combat in contrast to any other Counter, Vantage unit needing them to be attacked by a unit who doesn't deny counterattacks and their health being <= 75%. Kagero relies on having higher attack than her foe to get Atk/Spd+4 during combat and her bulk isn't good except for on player phase and only against the first hit during combat if you choose her unique refinement. With the unique refinement, however, her player phase bulk can be really stupid. Sothe simply has high attack and gen 2 ranged infantry BST backing him up mainly in HP which is the thing that more or less killed Kagero before she got her new, personal weapon. That is not to say Peshkatz isn't a good weapon or a bad weapon. It's just Hlidskjalf exists. Another thing that sets her apart is her high health surpassing Gaius as the dagger unit with the highest HP allowing her to run Infantry Pulse, Panic Ploy, and Sudden Panic well.

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52 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

Yeah, he has DC in 3H~ I mean, they could have just put it on his weapon like Xander but that would make too much sense~

Of course not, since it's not the Scythe that gives him DC. I think it's his personal skill in 3H. I'll double check during the final chapter of Part 1 since that's my next encounter with him. It's also not fair how FEH treated him, he's a legitimate threat in 3H if you don't have Horseslaying weapons. 

If they do another 3H banner before the year's end, I hope they have Felix, Caspar and Bernadetta on it. Been reading their supports and I love their characters. I got Bernie in GD route and now feel incredibly guilty for not recruiting her on my BL play.

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i REALLY like refined Matthew but i wish i spent more investment on him lol


Lililna Dagger does make him "comparatively" worse but this is more because it allows Lilina Dagger user to have max stats bonus allowing Sothe to become monstrous

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On 8/12/2019 at 12:20 AM, mampfoid said:

Good luck getting more Cains, I've been lucky getting some in the last months (especially when pulling for BH!Roy copies). 

Thankfully I don't really need more copies of Cain. Funny enough, I pull enough copies of him to use as SI for my refreshers.

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1 hour ago, silverserpent said:

Of course not, since it's not the Scythe that gives him DC. I think it's his personal skill in 3H. I'll double check during the final chapter of Part 1 since that's my next encounter with him. It's also not fair how FEH treated him, he's a legitimate threat in 3H if you don't have Horseslaying weapons. 

Not his "personal" per say, but it is a skill that is, as far as I can tell anyway, "exclusive" to him, as no class in the game can learn it and it is in his Abilities slots, you know where the Weapon Affinity skills would be. I believe he has Commander, Lancefaire, and Canto as his class skills, and a few seemingly random skills for his other abilities (Lysithea's personal skill that increases Skill EXP comes to mind, even though he isn't even playable (DLC forshadowing???????))
The scythe itself has no effects besides being very powerful.

Also to be fair, they kinda give that treatment to a number of characters. Walhart is legit pretty terrifying in Awakening, even some mages might be at risk if they don't play their cards right, but here it's almost laughable just how underwhelming Walhart can be, though that may be because nobody but me has actually invested in him...

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2 hours ago, Kaden said:

Kronya has a different role than them, namely, winter Cecilia, Saizo, and I would figure Matthew. Also, Felicia, but she's self-explanatory. Winter Cecilia, Matthew, and Saizo are or can be bulky units while also having a good offensive performance; winter Cecilia is an armor who has access to Fighter skills, Matthew has a Blizzard dagger that adds all his foe's penalties to his attack and defense debuffs would definitely let him do even more damage, and similarly, Saizo defense debuffs let Saizo do more damage, but he adds debuffs to all his stats letting him become faster and have very good effective defenses.

Kronya's Close Counter, Vantage shtick can be done with Kagero and Sothe who use their high attack. Difference being that Kronya does have good enough attack, but she's dependent on her opponent's health not being full for her to have the Vantage effect and to give her Atk/Spd+5 during combat in contrast to any other Counter, Vantage unit needing them to be attacked by a unit who doesn't deny counterattacks and their health being <= 75%. Kagero relies on having higher attack than her foe to get Atk/Spd+4 during combat and her bulk isn't good except for on player phase and only against the first hit during combat if you choose her unique refinement. With the unique refinement, however, her player phase bulk can be really stupid. Sothe simply has high attack and gen 2 ranged infantry BST backing him up mainly in HP which is the thing that more or less killed Kagero before she got her new, personal weapon. That is not to say Peshkatz isn't a good weapon or a bad weapon. It's just Hlidskjalf exists. Another thing that sets her apart is her high health surpassing Gaius as the dagger unit with the highest HP allowing her to run Infantry Pulse, Panic Ploy, and Sudden Panic well.

That's a good explanation, thorough.  Kronya has enough attack if she can trigger her weapons effect which means her opponents need to be damaged.  Close counter vantage can also be done well by certain bow units.  Then if using in Aether raids there is always the problem with these type of units hardy bearing whom a lot of people will put on Ophelia or whoever is their primary nuke.  

So completed first act of lore, was expecting some cool art and expansive text but we got a really short excerpt and no art.  I guess maybe a piece of art for the end of the book?  Well if it is original created just for each tale then one is fine.  

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35 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Not his "personal" per say, but it is a skill that is, as far as I can tell anyway, "exclusive" to him, as no class in the game can learn it and it is in his Abilities slots, you know where the Weapon Affinity skills would be. I believe he has Commander, Lancefaire, and Canto as his class skills, and a few seemingly random skills for his other abilities (Lysithea's personal skill that increases Skill EXP comes to mind, even though he isn't even playable (DLC forshadowing???????))
The scythe itself has no effects besides being very powerful.

The Flame Emperor has Counterattack (I think that's its TH name) in C11, so it's not exclusive to the Death Knight.

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1 hour ago, Lewyn said:

That's a good explanation, thorough.  Kronya has enough attack if she can trigger her weapons effect which means her opponents need to be damaged.  Close counter vantage can also be done well by certain bow units.  Then if using in Aether raids there is always the problem with these type of units hardy bearing whom a lot of people will put on Ophelia or whoever is their primary nuke.

Forgot about something, but it would have fallen under Kronya needs expensive skills: Kronya can run Special Spiral with a Vantage effect while the other dagger units can't until inheritable Vantage weapons become a thing. There are only two units with a Vantage effect on their weapon with the other one being regular Bruno who isn't playable.

Edited by Kaden
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46 minutes ago, Seafarer said:

The Flame Emperor has Counterattack (I think that's its TH name) in C11, so it's not exclusive to the Death Knight.

Enemy exclusive then. Same point, slightly muddled facts.

Still, I wonder just why Death Knight comes with Mastermind (Lysithea's Personal skill) when he has no reason to have it... not like any other units in Three Houses has useless skills like that unless they're class skills...

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8 hours ago, Kaden said:

Panne on the other hand would probably want Atk/Spd Solo, Fury, L&D, Swift Sparrow, or anything to boost her attack and speed. So, the usual build for Galeforce units --

Do you consider to build Panne with Galeforce? I have already a lot of GF lances, two of them Cavs (Cordy + Oscar), so beast fliers have higher priority currently. 

Overall, did you come to a conclusion to your question of whom to give GF next? Laegjarn has really nice art, do you like her voice? 

8 hours ago, Kaden said:

I keep neutral units if they have been made quest units even

I'm doing the same thing, but I don't remember a moment when that gave me an advantage.

8 hours ago, Kaden said:

Quite the opposite. I want a world filled with rabbit people. 😛

Haha, ok. I never played them myself  in Awakening. 




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3 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Enemy exclusive then. Same point, slightly muddled facts.

Still, I wonder just why Death Knight comes with Mastermind (Lysithea's Personal skill) when he has no reason to have it... not like any other units in Three Houses has useless skills like that unless they're class skills...

Perhaps it's related to his secret identity that shall not be revealed? For all we know, part of the content coming out in a few months is a side-story relating to DK. It'd suck, as there seems to be plenty of loose threads in each path to make a third part per route. But look at the DLC stories from SoV. 

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On Donkey Kong:

One of the routes seems ...abbreviated, so perhaps he was meant to be a full-on playable character in that route before they cut it down? They better not have cut him out finished content just so they can sell it as DLC like certain other companies do...


And for something completely different, boy was Allegiance Battle a chore this week. Dealing with Legendary Alm is Not Fun, and Berkut can be a right pain too. Clutch Drive Spd on my Darting Blow seal F Grima had just enough speed to double him on player phase, yikes. Might have been the hardest week yet for me.

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