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1 minute ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:


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Eh, probably not, but you never know. Raven and Narcian are axe users, and Lucius is a staff user.



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Oh heck I didn't even notice the blue eye! Scratch that Nils suggestion then, I guess. I suppose Lucia would be the most likely character, she's the only one I can think of that would match the hair and eyes. Maybe a PoR/RD banner with Lucia, Boyd, Jill, and Geoffrey?



I would love to get some more Tellius.  I had given up hope of getting anything beyond possible Jill in farfetched for a long time after we got like 3 Tellus banners at the beginning of the year.


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I wouldn't worry about getting +HP on Virion. He's still not all that stellar as a combat unit, so he'd appreciate any boost to damage he can get, and that does include his Atk or Spd.

Now if you just wanna use him as a pure Sudden Panic support unit, then oh boy. +HP asset, HP+5 on both A and SS slots, stat up refine instead of that Max HP measuring skill to give him extra HP, +10 merge and boom he has 65 HP. Even mergeless is still 61 HP and higher than even some Armors.

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To be honest, I don't think I ever save +HP units, usually try to keep a +Atk or +Spd version, occasionally Def or Res for a tank build.  Although Virion is common enough I'm sure he'll pop back around if I ever want to build him.

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2 minutes ago, Rezzy said:
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I would love to get some more Tellius.  I had given up hope of getting anything beyond possible Jill in farfetched for a long time after we got like 3 Tellus banners at the beginning of the year.


I'd love more just in the hope of Brom. But, my hope for that has been dwindling for a long time now.

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1 minute ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:


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I'd love more just in the hope of Brom. But, my hope for that has been dwindling for a long time now.



Maybe we can get a Brom/Meg Duo meme unit.


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So about that next banner icon,there are 4 details: 

-Eyelashes, so it must be a female character because only female chibi icon got eyelashes

-Red background, so she must be red unit.

-hair and eyes both blue

Again, I'm leaning towards Lucia, who is a sword unit, but it's also possible they make original Rinea a red mage unit since she's a witch and fire/dark is usually red magic. And Sigrun's OG version got in pretty fast after her bride alt, and looking at how popular Rinea is, they might do it . 

also is there any lost lore event? please don't start at the 13th.

Edited by DraceEmpressa
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Are we expecting the Brave Redux banner later this month or in November?  Has it been November the last couple years?

I also wonder if they'll give us 5 this time, since pretty much every banner has been 4+1 this year.

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I am going to make a wild guess hear and say it might be Juno, because dang it I want a Binding Blade banner with Elffin on it.  Plus her art has her with a sword.

Brave Redux has been at the start of November in the past.

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5 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Are we expecting the Brave Redux banner later this month or in November?  Has it been November the last couple years?

I also wonder if they'll give us 5 this time, since pretty much every banner has been 4+1 this year.

Year 1: 15th of November.

Year 2: 23rd of October.

It's anyone's guess which (if either) this year's will line up with, especially since the monthly banner patterns have changed each year.

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I want Tormod in the game the most of all the PoR/RD characters.

Unfortunately I don't foresee him anytime soon ;/

But we really should get some non-laguz popular Tellius characters in the game too. And not fucked over like Haar was.

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I'm hoping that sprite is in fact Lucia since she'd likely come with Jill and maybe Geoffrey, and both of those are characters I've been wanting to see in the game. As for the fourth I'm no sure who they'd go with, Bastian as a staff maybe? It would give the banner an easy drop. 


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3 minutes ago, Medeus said:
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I'm hoping that sprite is in fact Lucia since she'd likely come with Jill and maybe Geoffrey, and both of those are characters I've been wanting to see in the game. As for the fourth I'm no sure who they'd go with, Bastian as a staff maybe? It would give the banner an easy drop. 



No. No. Bastian does NOT deserve to be delegated to a staff unit. It'd be nice to make him a relatively easy merge project in that case, but he shouldn't get shafted like that. No matter how pretty his face, I don't think he'd appreciate it. Bastian should be a green tome and that's final.


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I am ALL here for 


Lucia and a Crimean Knights banner. Sounds like fun! As long as Geoffrey is drawn by MEKA hehe...

Also, a survey...



Short or long haired Lucia?! I kinda prefer short...


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6 hours ago, Zeo said:
  • They did Frederick dirty. Armor effectiveness with Death Blow? Terrible. Steady Stance + Guard, a Brave effect, even a Slaying effect. So many things you could have done. Sadly Frederick likely won't be seeing any sort of shift in effectiveness.

He makes armors explode. It's basically the same as Hana's except he went all in on Atk since his Spd isn't good. I'm pretty sure this weapon makes him the strongest physical armor buster in the game since Wary Fighter does zilch to stop him. Being cavalry also means he can run Lull Atk/Def.

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7 hours ago, Zeo said:

I didn't realize Lute's went from a Ploy to a Sabotage. That's really good even if you lose the cardinal direction effect and the 1 RES requirement. You can still run ATK or RES ploy in her C slot. The bonus stats during combat are great too. All in all it carves her a niche which she needed since blue mages are everywhere

Sorry you have the feeling you have chosen the wrong boon. Personally I like +SPD on most units, 38 is still high. 

Perhaps you could go with SPD ploy on her?

7 hours ago, Zeo said:

Hawkeye's is very simple but unexpected and good. I don't really know how I'd build around a Lull effect for him but the Slaying effect opens up possibilities for versatility and he'll likely be pretty tanky also so it's a good look for him. If Raven didn't have the future axe merge spot I'd definitely consider +10'ing him.

I hoped for a good refinenent for him and while this one is good, I'm not sure if I should make him my green +10 tank with this. 

I could run DC, Null C-Disrupt or QR on him, having +RES, +ATK and neutral available. 

On Rolf: I'll just slap Fury, SPD refine and a special on him and be ready for TTs. L'Arachel, Oscar and Hector will enjoy his company. 

7 hours ago, Zeo said:

So those are future goals when I revisit clears but I'm definitely done after the spree of uploading I'm going to be doing. I think what I'll do in the future is if I feel like recording I'll just do it and then upload whenever instead of planning things out so rigidly.

I think planning things is a good thing, but if you feel burned out again, perhaps you should limit yourself to a maximum you want to post in a day/week in the future. 

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

He makes armors explode. It's basically the same as Hana's except he went all in on Atk since his Spd isn't good. I'm pretty sure this weapon makes him the strongest physical armor buster in the game since Wary Fighter does zilch to stop him. Being cavalry also means he can run Lull Atk/Def.

Frederick's Axe with the Death Blow 3 unique refinement essentially gives him a 22 Mt weapon, but of course only on initiation. He has 35 neutral base Atk, so 57 Atk on initiation. +Atk would put him at 60 Atk. Either way, his A passive is free.

Considering he is a 3* to 4* launch unit, I'm going to use +Atk Frederick to make it harder to find competition. Inheritable anti-armor melee weapons are 14 Mt which means the unit needs at least 46 Atk to be level with +Atk Frederick. Nobody has 46 base neutral attack in the game. The closest are +Atk winter Ephraim, GD Greil, Halloween Hector, and Keaton who hit 45 base Atk from their 41 neutral. They're also all armors or a beast for Keaton who as a beast does not have inheritable weapons like other units and that's likely to stay since there are so few beasts in Fire Emblem. Halloween Hector's Conjurer Curios does have effective damage against armors and grants him Atk+3 giving him the same attack as +Atk Frederick on both phases, but once again, he's an armor. A Mt refined anti-armor weapon would lower the requirement to 44 Atk, but that doesn't change anything here.

Going down to =Atk Frederick requires the unit to have at least 43 Atk and only +Atk Edelgard and CYL Alm come close at 42 Atk, thus, requiring them to use a Mt refined anti-armor weapon which would put them at 58 total Atk and in between =Atk and +Atk Frederick and incidentally, where +Atk Hana is at; +Atk Hana has 38 base Atk, so with her 16 Mt katana and its Swift Sparrow 2 unique refinement, she would have 58 Atk on initiation. =Atk Frederick and a Mt refined anti-armor weapon would drop the bar by 2 to 41 Atk. That adds +Atk Hrid and Soleil.

CYL Alm's Scendscale does give him an edge where he will deal damage equal to 25% of his attack at the cost of 7 recoil damage whenever he attacks and requiring his A passive to be occupied by it. =Atk CYL Alm with a non-Mt refined Armorsmasher+ has 52 Atk and Scendscale allows him to deal 13 damage, so his total attack would be like 65 which is 1 less than +Atk Frederick with Death Blow 3.

If the other units are thrown a bone where they are running Death Blow 3 or some +6 attack boosting passive, then it opens up to who can match +Atk Frederick without an A passive which is not really competition as he can simply run Death Blow 3 on his own and blow them out of the water. They would still all need to be +Atk and for non-Mt refined anti-armor weapons, any summonable unit with >= 37 Atk and legendary Eliwood who has an attack superasset bumping his 36 neutral Atk to 40 if he's +Atk. That would include Edelgard (39 to 42), CYL Alm (38 to 42), Soleil (38 to 41) and Hrid (37 to 41) from before and add in regular and paladin Chrom, CYL Eliwood, Hilda, Laevatein, Quan (all going from 37 to 40), and as previously noted, legendary Eliwood (36 to 40). Except for regular Chrom and Soleil, everyone is a 5* only unit and some are seasonal meaning merges would be harder to come by compared to Frederick. And of those two, neither of them are cavalry, so they might find it harder to get an easy and at least +6 Atk field buff and Soleil is the only one without a personal weapon. Personal weapons may not always be the best choice, but some of them are very nifty or carve out a niche for the unit. Of these ten units, some of them are going to give up unique or very powerful weapons like Edelgard, both versions of Eliwood, Hrid, and Laevatein. Lastly, Quan is also the only non-armor or non-flier lance unit of the bunch for what that's worth.

Lowering the bar even further for Mt refined anti-armor weapons adds +Atk units with >= 35 Atk.

To sum this up, yeah, Frederick is the strongest physical armor buster in the game. His only real competition are armors with very high attack, but they can't run Lull passives and maybe CYL Alm and out of the box, Edelgard with an inherited Slaying Hammer+ can be comparable along with Hana given she has the same base neutral attack as Frederick and she trades 2 Atk or 3 against armors for 4 Spd with the Swift Sparrow 2 unique refinement.

Edited by Kaden
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Just now, NSSKG151 said:

So, unless I am doing something wrong I guess I am screwed out of the 1 orb from the 'Build a Field' quest since I made the field yesterday. That's kind of stupid.

Yeah, I was going to say the same thing.

Related to AR, I don't think I will be able to get all the AR event items. Two weeks to win some AR battles and I have been on a losing streak since last week with two wins barely letting me stay in tier 20.

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I didn't build the extra plots so I at least don't have to wait an extra week for the other orb, but yeah, a remarkable lack of foresight from IS there. Removing the field and putting it back doesn't do anything, it doesn't even remove the already-planted seeds.


In better news, Norne demoted as expected.

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