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22 minutes ago, Rinco said:

Oh, didn't even see that. 

I guess it's an easy mistake to make, we don't usually get a non-seasonal banner that lasts longer than the typical two weeks. No prob. 😛

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10 hours ago, Zeo said:


Yeah, I think I really just need to be more resolute. There are one or two fodders that I genuinely would give an arm and a leg for (Time's Pulse for Lyn/Ross and CC for Serra.) Outside of that... I've put orbs into shiny new units that I don't really need all that much I've come to realize. Then I'll pull them, use them for a short while and they collect dust. In terms of fodder I'll rarely pull the fodder I want, I'll pull fodder I don't know what to do with or a unit that I don't have any more copies of so I'm either stuck or indecisive. 

I'm talking in circles just a bit but I think you're right. The only banner in recent memory (aside from Halloween Hector and Ilyana, I really wanted them) that had units that were considered "must" pulls for me was the sacred stones banner that just dropped. Everything else has been a glorified bonus. Because at the end of it even if you don't pull those units you just keep going because you have no choice. Or you pull them, experience a high and keep going. And I'm kind of sick of that when the reality is that I can live without any of it.

Your +10 Brave Roy and Ginko's soon to be +10 Shiro was the straw that broke the camel's back though. I've been doing a "soft" save where I'll pull if the units interest me or if it's high profile fodder but I realize I'm an all or nothing type of person and I think I'm going to have to apply that here. I'll try this month's legendary, try for CC on the Takumi revival banner and try my free pull or a few orbs on Dorcas. After that I think I'm done summoning, full stop. Saving to +10 OG Lyn is going to be my goal from here on out. Had I had a nest egg of 200-500 orbs I could have +10'ed her here but I didn't have enough and I missed what might be my biggest chance. Not going to let that happen again. I've been doing a good job not claiming my orbs from the Feh mail and saved up to 22 orbs just in there before the Lyn banner drops.

The next new heroes banner might be tough, the Christmas banners might be tough but I'm done. After this month? Free pull, discount session and that's it. I'm officially a saver.

TL;DR: Not having enough orbs to pull a single copy of Lyn made me realize saving here and there isn't enough so when this month is over I'm officially quitting summons cold turkey. First summon session (if that) and that's it until the next Lyn banner whenever that may be.


These two. There the only thing that will sway me. That's my pledge.

That's the way to go about it~ Often times these new units look cool but they're not really needs and can be gotten when they return on a Legendary (unless they're Red and not a Seasonal, then tough cookies I quess). I had just recently gotten into the habit of not claiming the Bank Orbs when I was saving for Elise. Now I'm saving those again for her (unless Sothis makes me dip in there a bit)~

I usually decide when the Calendar comes out what I'll be pulling on, if anything, and start planning out my Orb spending from there. Like this month, Sothis is the only thing I have in mind to Summon on (before Lugh was shown to be on the TT Banner, that is). And I'll likely only drop 50-ish for Sothis and just quit if I can't get her~ Always try to make sure I have 100 on hand at all times, especially when Seasonals are incoming~

Yeah, defs go for the CC! I'll probably try to grab a spare Taku, too~ Good luck!

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@Zeo Now that's a plan! It's gonna be quite tough at the beginning but I've heard that it gets easier once you reach the 200 orbs benchmark. Good luck! 

I kinda wish I had that level of self control, haha. I tend to just go and dump my orbs on the first shiny thing that I see...

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2 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

@Zeo Now that's a plan! It's gonna be quite tough at the beginning but I've heard that it gets easier once you reach the 200 orbs benchmark. Good luck! 

I kinda wish I had that level of self control, haha. I tend to just go and dump my orbs on the first shiny thing that I see...

Doesn't wanting to +10 all versions of Eirika motivate you to do so? Unless I'm wrong and that was never your plan. 

I want to +10 all versions of Micaiah so I have no problem in saving orbs to do so. 

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16 minutes ago, Icelerate said:

Doesn't wanting to +10 all versions of Eirika motivate you to do so? Unless I'm wrong and that was never your plan. 

I want to +10 all versions of Micaiah so I have no problem in saving orbs to do so. 

Not quite. I don't plan to +10 L!Eirika due to the problems I have with Legendary/Mythic banners. 

The other 2 I'll get to +10 for sure but it's quite tough for Eirikalter (mage) because now that she's a freebie I fear she isn't going show up in a  banner until IS starts doing Gen 2 weeklies. If the banner comes it shouldn't be that difficult to max her as I already have her at +5.

As for W!Eirika, it'll probably take 2 years to +10 her between the upcoming re-run and the next one so getting her up to +5/+6 with the December/January orbs this year and then finishing her up next year is the plan I'm going for. 

I'd like to say that Brave Eirika would throw a wrench in my plans but with CYL4 most likely being a 3H fest (and Anna's revenge if IS skips farfetched) it doesn't seem like a strong possibility.  I'll still throw all my votes for her as I've done for the last 3 years.

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13 hours ago, mampfoid said:

@Zeo Sounds like a plan! I wish you luck and strength to reach that goal!

Btw: I get Dorcas (missing favorite) and Takumi (Fodder for a favorite), but why do you want to pull from the legendary banner? 

L!Lyn is still a unit I want very much, L!Tiki is a crater missing in my barracks, L!Marth is fodder for Inigo for Infantry Flash for Matthew and most importantly? Lyn and Ross are both in line for Time's Pulse and I don't have a single Sothis.

13 hours ago, mcsilas said:

@Zeo Yeah having the fodder but not having the heart to go through with it can be a bit..frustrating (?) at times, I know I'm super indecisive about these things, too. I would give Bold Fighter to a ranged armour though at least (I say that but I still hadn't had the heart to give my spare Bector to Jakob yet..)

Good luck in the saving though! Tellius banners still have a good chance of appearing because of untapped beast units, and who knows maybe Edward would randomly come in a banner with Volug or something lol.

My goal is to get Caspar/Sylvain for Three houses but I kept doing some bored summons (like today) just because of lack of content/emotional summoning lol. Luck can swing one way one day, and the other on another but as long as I get new units, it's fine for me as a casual collector. I just hope you get your faves when they drop, it hurts to see people save up so much orbs only for them not to get one (especially if it's red hell..). Would it please you if they become free TT/GHB units? 

At least Caspar isn't too popular so whenever he shows up I might get a decent stash by then...(or hopefully he is injected straight to 3* or 4*)

I actually gave my spare -ATK W!Lissa to Jakob and made him a monster. If you think you're going to use him a lot it's definitely worth it, he's a monster.

Edward is pretty low priority so he probably won't show up unless they decide to do a Dawn Brigade banner for January. Ilyana just got an alt and Charlotte still doesn't have her original version so I should be fine for a while. Ilyana is a *5 exclusive guaranteed. As for Edward, if he showed up as a TT unit I'd be ok if he had his prf (realistically it would be Aran or Laura though.) but I'd prefer if they just released him as a *5 with Wrath and demote him (since Wrath is F2P now anyway). If he's released as the *3-*4 they'll gimp him and he probably won't even get his prf and I don't want that.

Caspar and Sylvain are actually units I'm interested in as well so I hope you have a stash when they show up. 

6 hours ago, daisy jane said:

that's a good idea. I try to have a bevy of orbs so i can be all tralalla. but i tend to save my hoard for the important stuff. so like w/ my XX amount of orbs. about 2/3rds of it is for the heroes i wanna +10, and the rest are just for stuff. (and sometimes you just need some fodder and HOPEFULLY something pops out)  and nest eggs are such weird things. I saved so much for LAzura but i only got one copy, but i was able to finish Myrrh easily for the most part. but being armed to have enough chances is the ebst thing.

(but i will also say i do think from time to time it's a good thing to let yourself try for something fun. it keeps it fresh i feel or at least you get some fodder. i am always in need of some). 

I've accumulated quite a bit of fodder in my fruitless 300+ orb ventures (original Sothis banner, Soiree banner) and I don't build units often so I'll be fine there for a while. Trying for fodder almost never works for me so it's something I can pull back on. Plus free pulls are still a thing. But when you think about it free pulls are actually a brilliant strategy on IS' part. You would think that they'd lose money and never do something like that but it was actually extremely smart for them to implement them.

For example, you have the savers, for the savers the second you see a new banner and that orb 5 icon you think "nah, not spending orbs" because you're saving right? But when you just see "Redeem" of course you're going to do it. I mean you'd be a fool not to, right? Now you've bypassed the mental barrier telling you not to summon. Now what happens when you pull a *5? You want to replicate that feeling. Maybe you'll keep pulling until you get more and if you run out of orbs, maybe you'll spend on that orb pack to keep going. It's honestly a brilliant strategy. It would be a lot easier to save orbs if free summons weren't a thing realistically. Though I love the free fodders and *5s as well. So it kind of balances out.

5 hours ago, Landmaster said:

That's the way to go about it~ Often times these new units look cool but they're not really needs and can be gotten when they return on a Legendary (unless they're Red and not a Seasonal, then tough cookies I quess). I had just recently gotten into the habit of not claiming the Bank Orbs when I was saving for Elise. Now I'm saving those again for her (unless Sothis makes me dip in there a bit)~

I usually decide when the Calendar comes out what I'll be pulling on, if anything, and start planning out my Orb spending from there. Like this month, Sothis is the only thing I have in mind to Summon on (before Lugh was shown to be on the TT Banner, that is). And I'll likely only drop 50-ish for Sothis and just quit if I can't get her~ Always try to make sure I have 100 on hand at all times, especially when Seasonals are incoming~

Yeah, defs go for the CC! I'll probably try to grab a spare Taku, too~ Good luck!

Not claiming the bank orbs is actually where I started. When I learned on here that the mail doesn't expire "like in other mobile games" and I could just save them I stopped redeeming them every day and that felt pretty great. Really helped me mentally knowing I'd always have a nest egg after a certain point even if it looked like I don't have many orbs.

I plan around the calendar most of the time but I always waver when I see a fodder that looks interesting. Or I give myself a limit and tell myself "I'll stop after the first *5" and then it takes 150-300 orbs to get that first *5. Especially when seasonals are involved. That's the biggest trap for me.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the orbs I'll be getting in the rest of this month. Between a few more tries for a least one copy of Lyn, trying on the DC banner for (probably) Nailah or Nagi or saving for Sothis (or maybe L!Lyn/L!Tiki) I'm at a crossroads. But it'll be the last one I'll be on. The CC banner is in early december after the Sothis banner is a wrap, but everything after that is a hard pass. 

2 hours ago, Alexmender said:

@Zeo Now that's a plan! It's gonna be quite tough at the beginning but I've heard that it gets easier once you reach the 200 orbs benchmark. Good luck! 

I kinda wish I had that level of self control, haha. I tend to just go and dump my orbs on the first shiny thing that I see...

You'd be surprised at how easy it gets after a certain point. I'd gotten to 130. After that it was a lot easier. Just that the banner I was saving for had came. I think it'll happen to you at one point though. Weather you decide to +10 a shiny new Eirika or you commit to a +10 Hilda project. Then when your mind is made up you'll tell yourself "nope" when you look at all the temptations around you.

Seeing all the stuff I've pulled aside from the new SS units makes me feel good. Then I look at my *3 Lyn and I'm brought back to the reality that I don't have what's almost commonplace for vets at this point. That one *5 exclusive +10 that every player has. The one that they post going "finally after xx years!". I never thought that would even be possible for me without being a whale, but at this point it is. I've been playing this game since April of it's release year. It's my turn now.

Thanks everybody. After the CC banner in early December my bank is officially closed.

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1 hour ago, Othin said:

You can save the mail orbs forever once they load? Maybe I can use that to cut down on how many times I bother opening the mail, then.

Yep, you can only see 99 items in the mail so it can be a bit worrying if you save more than that, but the older mail is still there. For example, if you have 200 pieces of mail with 1 orb each in them, you might notice that tapping "accept all" only gives you 99 orbs, but fret not, the next 99 items will load once you accept the first 99. I've only ever saved about 150 pieces of mail, mind you.

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On 11/19/2019 at 3:37 AM, Ice Dragon said:

I see none of the weapons I listed in the Arena, and that has nothing to do with how good or bad the weapons are.

Arena defense has a completely different distribution of unit and skill usage than any other game mode (other than Arena Assault defense for obvious reasons) and how common units and skills are in Arena defense says nothing about them other than how common they are in Arena defense.

Since we're talking about how strong weapons are, the only metric that matters is how strong they are, not how often you see them in this or that arbitrary game mode.

RIP nameless blade for being godlike weapon but never seen in Arena ever

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5 hours ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

RIP nameless blade for being godlike weapon but never seen in Arena ever

That and all of the other Hauteclere clones. They're amazing weapons, but on units that are simply irrelevant for Arena defense.

Of the ones I've listed, I think only Creator Sword is on a relevant unit, but both Byleths are still new and therefore rare because so few players actually have them merged up.

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Oh yeah, I pulled a +Atk creepy Berkut not long ago (this was one of my many pitybreakers trying for Ephraim + Lyon whom I still do not have...) and now I can get rid of the -Atk on the one I already had. But that -Atk one is also +Def. Should I just keep +Def and delete the -Atk or use the +Atk one as the base? I'm not sure which would be best. xP

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25 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Oh yeah, I pulled a +Atk creepy Berkut not long ago (this was one of my many pitybreakers trying for Ephraim + Lyon whom I still do not have...) and now I can get rid of the -Atk on the one I already had. But that -Atk one is also +Def. Should I just keep +Def and delete the -Atk or use the +Atk one as the base? I'm not sure which would be best. xP

If you are only using him to tank ranged enemies, I would go with +Atk since he prevents them from doubling. If you are using him to tank melee units too, I would go with +Def so he can survive better.

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Just now, XRay said:

If you are only using him to tank ranged enemies, I would go with +Atk since he prevents them from doubling. If you are using him to tank melee units too, I would go with +Def so he can survive better.

His DC effect is situational, but I would like to use him to tank ranged enemies since his Res is good with that Warding Stance 4 and Odd Res Wave there. So I guess +Atk is the better option.

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On 11/19/2019 at 3:20 PM, Icelerate said:

Doesn't wanting to +10 all versions of Eirika motivate you to do so? Unless I'm wrong and that was never your plan. 

I want to +10 all versions of Micaiah so I have no problem in saving orbs to do so. 

me tooo

(though i dunno if i can do the summer version). 
actually it took me an entire year to get my first Blueciah. at one point the majority of my blue 5*s were directly because of going for Micaiah. it was crazy

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2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

His DC effect is situational, but I would like to use him to tank ranged enemies since his Res is good with that Warding Stance 4 and Odd Res Wave there. So I guess +Atk is the better option.

Just keep in mind Alm: Saint King can still wreck him though. SK!Alm shuts down any skill that modifies the natural Spd based follow-up system.

He might be able to tank Blazing mages if you bump his visible Res high enough, although that could be expensive since he needs Fort. Def/Res.

He might be able to tank Blade mages too, although he might need Lulls.

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11 minutes ago, XRay said:

Just keep in mind Alm: Saint King can still wreck him though. SK!Alm shuts down any skill that modifies the natural Spd based follow-up system.

He might be able to tank Blazing mages if you bump his visible Res high enough, although that could be expensive since he needs Fort. Def/Res.

He might be able to tank Blade mages too, although he might need Lulls.

Legendary Alm can wreck just about anybody though, from what I've seen. xP But I see.

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26 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Legendary Alm can wreck just about anybody though, from what I've seen. xP But I see.

You probably want a super tank to deal with him. With 50+ in every stat, not many units can break through a super tank's bulk. If you are running a unit with 60+ or 70+ Res, not even Blazing mages can do much.

14 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

In other news: The sky is blue.

The sky is not blue at night though.

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I’m just 3 units away from having all GHB units at 5* (Cynthia, Conrad and Death Knight, just upgraded Cormag to 5*). Also, I have 63 different units at 4* rarity yet in my barracks, so there’s still a long way to go (plus I haven’t pulled Valbar, Python, Ross, Tethis, Chad or Echidna yet). At least more than half of them have merges at 4*, which means that they will be cheaper to promote. 

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On 11/18/2019 at 3:23 PM, Landmaster said:

Isn't Kris mentioned in Norne's section?

Yeah, and I'm fairly certain Boyd is mentioned in Rolf's. I just find it interesting that we're getting a slow and steady increase of "closely associated heroes" without those heroes actually being in the game.

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I just realizef something. Since we got DLCs for the main games, I wonder how long will it take for Heroes to release their own DLCs. I guess summoning Foci are basically DLCs, but Heroes can potentially release paid content that is not about summoning Heroes.

I am imagining buying a DLC mode that allows easy farming for SP, Hero Merit, and maybe even Grail units, kind of like the grinding maps for levels and weapons in the main games' DLCs. They can also release paid side stories to satisfy those who want better writing, so players can pay for better writing directly. And add a cosmetic shop for the Accessories too for those of us who like to dress up our characters.

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The maligned Aether Pass thing is pretty much FEH's equivalent of paid DLC as it is. Stuff like upgrading the castle for the XP bonus would have been if the feature was added post-release.

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