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3 minutes ago, DLNarshen said:

The notifications have indicated that the Forma Soul packs will include 60 orbs, meaning a price point somewhere between the 48 and 75 orb packs.  Aside from that, dataminers have determined that the pack will cost $29.99.

Oh. Well, the orbs are what cause that pricing, it looks like. Does feel like a cashgrab since it comes off to me as IS believing hardly anyone will buy these unless some orbs are thrown in. 😕

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Hm... I was thinking about it, and I don't see myself buying Forma Souls at all.

It's cool to get a unit with these skills, but... I don't see it that worthy. For example, if someday Laevatein appears in a Hall of Forms I can get her with a lot of premium skills, but I will not remove the DC Vantage build. I can get her to have a +6 Laevatein, but then I will be missing the good boon I have on her. Basically, I will pay to get one merge (and orbs, of course).

I would not buy a Forma Sould to have a +0 unit. I would do it to get units I would invest, but the heroes I want to invest I don't see appearing in Hall of Forms which are Legendary, Mythis and Duo Heroes. Outside Brave Alt last year, all Hall of Forms heroes were Book 1 and 2, and none of them would be worthy for me... even Celica who is a incredible mage.

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16 minutes ago, Othin said:

Wonder when we'll get the event calendar, they're usually around this point in the month.

Daylight savings was probably involved, now everything won’t be a day behind 

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33 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Hm... I was thinking about it, and I don't see myself buying Forma Souls at all.

It's cool to get a unit with these skills, but... I don't see it that worthy. For example, if someday Laevatein appears in a Hall of Forms I can get her with a lot of premium skills, but I will not remove the DC Vantage build. I can get her to have a +6 Laevatein, but then I will be missing the good boon I have on her. Basically, I will pay to get one merge (and orbs, of course).

I would not buy a Forma Sould to have a +0 unit. I would do it to get units I would invest, but the heroes I want to invest I don't see appearing in Hall of Forms which are Legendary, Mythis and Duo Heroes. Outside Brave Alt last year, all Hall of Forms heroes were Book 1 and 2, and none of them would be worthy for me... even Celica who is a incredible mage.

For now I think the Forma Souls will be most optimal for free units.  They don't have boon/banes anyway so the inability to choose a boon doesn't matter, and especially for TT units like Finn, that extra copy will save 500 grails. 

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Thank goodness DST has started so now the monthly calendar won't be a day off. I'm guessing the calendar will go up tonight or tomorrow.

Edited by NSSKG151
wasn't completely awake when I wrote this and got DST mixed up
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I've been thinking back and forth about the Forma Soul thing, and I have to say it's really cool - depending on the unit. For example - Had they done this with Brave Alm, I could have decked him out with basically his main kit and then any and all pity breakers can be killed for Threaten Atk/Spd (which i need for a few units). I do think this is a good idea because you COULD have a fully decked out Unit (like if i had gotten Draug with DC and a fighter skill etc, then poof. +10 Forma draug). 

using Olwen for an example - i have her at +1 (could be 2) with a Def boon. she's been a pitybreaker everytime i've gotten her - and I know i'll never actively pull for her. I know for a blade tome it's always #morespeed - but in this case, if I could for whatever reason get her with Swift Sparrow 3, a Lull Atk/Spd (or Atk/Res), and Res Smoke or something - then all of a sudden she's great to feed the rest of my olwens into. and if i ever DO get a +atk/+spd Olwen then i guess i have two?  (but i mean - I know for a fact i'd never give that fodder to Olwen. and I'd never pull for her)

basically long winded way of saying -  it gives you a great neutral primo fodder unit - if you can afford it which is fair (because theoretically most of those skills you'd have to save up/pay for it anyway). It would depend on whom the Forma are though truthfully and what my entertainment budget is looking like. there are a lot of games i'd like to get this year compared to last - so my FEH budget is very reduced. 

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On 3/5/2020 at 9:18 PM, Vicious Sal said:

My Jeorge is a staple in AR where he shrugs of units like thrasir, ophelia and kiria with ease.

Would you mind sharing his build? I still have no anima tank ready. 

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1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

Would you mind sharing his build? I still have no anima tank ready. 

Yeah no problem! I use him in Light myself with 1 Eir mainly, but he has no support units like M!Corrin or Mathilda. This means you can easily offset his 5 less Res with a unit like that. 

Jeorge is a mage tank and CC vantage unit in 1, he does struggle against teams with heavy physical DPS if he cannot vantage them properly. That is to say, unsnipable healing tower with razzle dazzle/high def lunge units or so. 

This is my setup:

Jeorge +10 / + 3 (Will go to +7 soon)

- Parthia (Eff)

- Reposition

- Miracle

- Close Counter

- Vantage

- Def Smoke/Pulse Smoke

- Brazen Atk/Res


Jeorge does not have the highest atk of all archers, but vs mages he gets a + 6 in both phases and effective dmg vs fliers is pretty much always enough when buffed. he's such a good tank vs mages because he has Parthia, which besides the aforementioned +6 vs mages, also grants a 30% dmg reduction vs the first magic attack in combat. More and more people are running dragon fang and glacies instead of AOE specials, which gives more value to Parthia as well. It only work in combat, not pre combat. The dmg reduction means he is able to comfortably take a hit and safely enter vantage range, then proceed to sweep the rest of the enemy team. It does require some AI knowledge, since you need to be able to bait out units like ophelia. Since she is usually the rally trap unit with Hardy bearing, it tends to not be so hard. Ophelia rallies, gets danced, attacks a full health Jeorge. Jeorge lives and Ko's back, and now is in vantage and sweeps the rest of the mages with ease. 

So he is not an omnitank, but vs two common threats, flier balls and mage IP teams, he is a great unit and sees a lot of use for me. You can take out miracle, but I prefer it for when i have to deal with a HB user and a firesweep/dazzle unit. 

For dedicated mage tanking, Lull Atk/Def is viable with either Life and Death 4 (dmg reduction is just that useful that you can forgo some defense), or go for Mirror stance or something similar.



Without flowers, buffs and summoner support. Vs mages his atk goes up by another 6.

With 2 Altina as Astra units. Once a Res Mythic is released, his value will go way up in Astra.

Edited by Vicious Sal
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Still waiting for Bernadetta to be added into the calculator. Using BH!Lyn and Fishie Bow as substitute, it seems like Persecution Bow rivals Brave Bow in damage output. Lunar Arc also rivals Brave Bow, but still a bit inferior to it—major caveat here though: if Lunar Arc is inheritable, it would surpass Brave Bow on low Atk archers, but on high stat archers like SK!Alm himself, Brave Bow still reigns supreme. 

Against Hard List enemies, Persecution Bow scored one more kill over Brave Bow when no buffs are involved on either side. With 6/6/0/0 buffs on Challengers and 6/6/6/6 on Enemies, Persecution Bow got 11 more kills. With only Enemies having buffs, Persecution Bow has a whopping 28 kill lead over Brave Bow (Lull Spd/Def helps a lot).

If we are using SK!Alm's stat line instead of Bernadetta's stat line though, Brave Bow is still better than Persecution Bow if both sides are unbuffed, but Persecution Bow has a slight 2 kill lead if both sides have buffs. If Brazen Atk/Spd 4 gets released as a Sacred Seal though, then Brave Bow retakes the lead completely.

Basically, Brave Weapons will give you more bang for your stats, so the more Atk/Spd you have, the more it makes sense to use Brave Weapons over other Weapons. However, Brave Weapons' performance is also more vulnerable to each point of increase to enemies' Def/Res, so depending on the ratio between the unit's Atk and the enemies Def/Res, Weapons with Desperation, Lull Spd/Def, and/or Lunar Arc/Saintly Seraphim effect can rival Brave Weapons in performance.

Challenger's List: Debuff Atk-1 and Spur Spd+3 for Lyn to get Bernadetta's stat line. Debuff Atk-5 and Spur Spd+1 for Alm to get Bernadetta's stat line. To get Persecution Bow, Fishie Bow needs Spur Atk+10 (Mt+2, Atk+3, Atk+5 when initiating) and Spur Spd+5. Celica is just there as a partition between Bernadetta's stat line and Alm's stat line; makes it easier to differentiate between different builds on the calculator.


Lyn (Brave) (5*+10 +atk -hp)  
Weapon: Brave Bow+  
Special: Luna  
A: Brazen Atk Spd 4  
B: Desperation 3  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  
Lyn (Brave) (5*+10 +atk -hp)  
Weapon: Fishie Bow+  
Special: Moonbow  
A: Brazen Atk Spd 4  
B: Lull Spd Def 3  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  
Alm (SK) (5*+10 +atk -hp)  
Weapon: Luna Arc  
Special: Lunar Flash  
A: Brazen Atk Spd 4  
B: Desperation 3  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  
Lyn (Brave) (5*+10 +atk -hp)  
Weapon: Brave Bow+  
Special: Luna  
A: Brazen Atk Spd 4  
B: Desperation 3  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  
Lyn (Brave) (5*+10 +atk -hp)  
Weapon: Fishie Bow+  
Special: Moonbow  
A: Brazen Atk Spd 4  
B: Lull Spd Def 3  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  
Alm (SK) (5*+10 +atk -hp)  
Weapon: Luna Arc  
Special: Lunar Flash  
A: Brazen Atk Spd 4  
B: Desperation 3  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  
Celica (5*)  
Weapon: Ragnarok  
Special: Blazing Light  
A: Distant Def 3  
😄 Spur Def 3  
Alm (SK) (5*+10 +atk -hp)  
Weapon: Brave Bow+  
Special: Luna  
A: Brazen Atk Spd 4  
B: Desperation 3  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  
Alm (SK) (5*+10 +atk -hp)  
Weapon: Fishie Bow+  
Special: Moonbow  
A: Brazen Atk Spd 4  
B: Lull Spd Def 3  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  
Alm (SK) (5*+10 +atk -hp)  
Weapon: Brave Bow+  
Special: Luna  
A: Brazen Atk Spd 4  
B: Desperation 3  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  
Alm (SK) (5*+10 +atk -hp)  
Weapon: Fishie Bow+  
Special: Moonbow  
A: Brazen Atk Spd 4  
B: Lull Spd Def 3  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  


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Sounds to me like I need to build a Jeorge! I've been working on trying to get more AR units ready since I struggle a bit in that mode. I'm at Tier 20, and that's where I've been for...well, months. Hopefully that can change, but that mode is garbage incarnate, so, I guess we'll see.

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And Resplendent Ike is out! And... eh. I prefer his original artwork.

But... butbutbut... The next Resplendent Hero is Sophia, Nabata Prophet!

...well sheesh IS, I was thinking of +10ing her looooooong ago, mostly cause she was one of the first mages I ever used, but pull my leg much? Alright I'll make her my next +10ing project...

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Ah, great. Resplendent Ike is here to remind me that of the 18 copies of vanilla Ike that I've pulled, none of them are +Atk.

Oh, well. Sophia being next is a pleasant surprise. She was one of my Arena core units back before running full Armor teams became mandatory, and she's one of the units that can make use of nearly every stat.

I'm still a bit disappointed that her exclusive weapon is so underwhelming, though.

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I’m really happy Sophia is getting the next one! She deserves it. Not only is her original art really bad (unlike Ike or even Lyn, who arguably still have good art compared to some of the other book 1 units...), I’m happy it shows that IS isn’t going to go down the more obvious route and give units with 2 seasonals or whatever resplendent forms before anyone else.

Takumi or Leo next please?!

Hmm... it makes me feel like maybe I shouldn’t pull for more book 1 units in case we get them for free as part of FEH pass...

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I am so excited about Sophia! I just finished Binding Blade and she was my favourite unit (I put a ton of work into training her and she turned out even better than my Lilina). I recently started on her as a +10 project in Feh as well. Her art really needed an update as she was often called Giraffe for that awkward looking neck. The new art looks so amazing and is definitely my fave of the resplendent heroes so far. Her release date made me chuckle as well considering it’s exactly on my birthday of all days.

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I wonder if there's gonna be some story behind the existence of these Resplendent Heroes, at least once they make enough of them...?
Bonus question, will Xander be given a Resplendent upgrade to Emblia standards? Cause of any Resplendent armor, that'd be the most fitting.

Edited by Xenomata
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While the art is still not up my alley (and not influencing my thoughts on the FEH pass at all), it's a good precedent - very glad they're not just picking the most popular characters in the game. So props for that.

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Sophia is a weird and random choice. 😕 Minor unpopular female.

But this does open the door for other unpopular characters like Frederick! If IS is willing to give men not named Ike anything, that is.

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I'm pleasantly surprised to see Sophia is the next Resplendent. She was one of the very first units I got, along with Stahl (except I got him as a free unit, not summoned like her), and the very first staple of my main team. Getting her kinda brings my FEH journey full circle.

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