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Binding/Blazing could be combined into one game pretty feasibly. The weird side of that is that Genealogy/Thracia, which seem like they'd have a harder time selling well as separate games, would be a lot harder to combine since their mechanics and perspective are so different. One thing I could see, though, is making an FE4 remake, then basically releasing FE5 as DLC for it. It'd be able to use the same engine and share a lot of visuals, just... with massive differences in execution. Three Houses did something kinda similar with the Ashen Wolves story, having it as DLC with some substantial mechanical changes and a different kind of narrative, so it'd be basically taking that principle and taking it to a way bigger extreme.

Setting up the framework for that could work similarly to FE7's collection of lord stories. Start with "Sigurd's Story", progress into "Seliph's Story" at the halfway mark and unlock the ability to start from there, and then having "Leif's Story" as a sort of alternate take on the second part of the story (albeit in this case a more extreme, DLC-exclusive alternate). For that matter, an FE6+7 remake could frame Roy's story as a fourth addition to FE7's Lyn/Eliwood/Hector lineup.

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58 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

I saw some YT videos saying why this isn't a good idea.

but really, Roy/Eliwood game would be really awesome. i keep hearing great things about it. 

Of course when I say "combining Binding and Blazing", I mean both games in the same cartridge and not related to the other. Like... Who Eliwood ends with in the Blazing Remake would not influencie Roy's stats in Binding Remake.

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Not a fan at all of combined remakes, and I'm not sure why the idea is so popular.  It would be one thing if the Elibe and Jugdral games were short and lent themselves well to being combined with their respective partners, but...they're not, and they don't.  Each game is just as long as any other, and have more than enough content to provide a complete experience on their own.  Maybe with the Elibe games have a transfer system similar to PoR/RD to exchange certain data between them, but there's no reason for them to be on the same card and risk the need for development to cut corners trying to squeeze it all in.

Combining the Jugdral games is a meme.  Their mechanics and narratives are so far apart both games would suffer greatly in the attempt.     

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28 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Of course when I say "combining Binding and Blazing", I mean both games in the same cartridge and not related to the other. Like... Who Eliwood ends with in the Blazing Remake would not influencie Roy's stats in Binding Remake.

I'd actually really love that. The idea that Roy could have potential access to a dragonstone or sky high RES because you paired Eliwood with Ninian is something I really like the idea of (even if I don't really like pairing mechanics, Awakening's doesn't appeal to me even if I do still want to play it). On top of that it allows a more seamless experience and would be a great opportunity to fill in blanks like what happened to characters created for FE7 that there was no mention of in FE6 (Erk, Serra, Raven, etc).

I actually saw that video explaining why merging the games is a bad idea but I didn't watch it, I wouldn't mind a link. I'm interested in hearing the disputes.

5 minutes ago, DLNarshen said:

Not a fan at all of combined remakes, and I'm not sure why the idea is so popular.  It would be one thing if the Elibe and Jugdral games were short and lent themselves well to being combined with their respective partners, but...they're not, and they don't.  Each game is just as long as any other, and have more than enough content to provide a complete experience on their own.  Maybe with the Elibe games have a transfer system similar to PoR/RD to exchange certain data between them, but there's no reason for them to be on the same card and risk the need for development to cut corners trying to squeeze it all in.

Who says the games have to cut corners and can't be a complete experience? If we're limiting the series to a handheld perhaps, but Radiant Dawn was comprised of 43 chapters. As far as I recall, FE6 and FE7 both had around 20-24 chapters each. I don't see why we couldn't make a 45-50 chapter full FE game with both generations spanning around 23+ chapters. In fact that would be a dream. It's pretty reminiscent of FE4 and it's two generations actually, and that idea appeals to me quite a bit.

To me if we separated the games into their own remakes, they'd feel short unless we stuck to handhelds or added padding which would be incredibly unnecessary. FE6 could make an argument for new characters and fleshing out FE7 characters not present in the original FE6, but FE7 as it is was a complete game.

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Yeah, honestly, I wouldn't be super surprised to see either Elibe game remade before the Jugdral ones. I do think Jugdral should get remade first, though, and I say this as an ENORMOUS Elibe fan.

I'm honestly not sure how I'd handle an Elibe remake, though. I do think they could stand to be connected more, it'd make for a narrative that flows a bit better and it could address some issues some people have with the overall plot. I don't really think a Genealogy-style skill/inheritance system would work, though. There just aren't enough characters in Binding's cast that are the kids of the Blazing cast to really justify it, and several of them have official canon parents (Bartre and Karla for Fir, Canas and his unplayable wife for Hugh, Pent and Louise for Klein and Clarine). I just don't see a Genealogy inheritance system working. Best bet would probably be to do a PoR/RD save transfer-like system, but even that has its own issues.

Another concern is, honestly, even with loose or no connectivity, people are gonna wanna see the cast of Blazing (those alive, anyway) in Binding, to see what happened to them and what they're doing during Binding's story. That presents a big issue when you look at all the possible romantic pairings in Blazing. How would that be addressed? Some of them could be totally ambiguous (you could totally have both Wil and Lowen at Eliwood's castle with Rebecca and just have none of them speak romantically), but others would be SUPER hard to address. I suppose you could have a save transfer system read who you paired with who, and put them in Binding's story accordingly; if Lyn is Sue's mom, have her recruited along with Sue; if she's Lilina's then have her recruited with Lilina; if she's Roy's, well. But it'd still be super hard. Like, if Ninian is Roy's mom in your transfer...they just never gonna address his dragon blood? There's just tons of variables.

Hector x Florina is definitely the more canon pairing! *Mischievous cackling*

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4 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Hector x Florina is definitely the more canon pairing!

Honestly, you're entitled to your opinion that you like that pairing more, but it's not really more "canon" than Hector and Lyn when those two get far more interaction, Hector canonically admits he's fallen for her, and they get a special conversation unlocked somewhere at the end of the game if they get an A support and this isn't the case for Hector's or Lyn's other options. They're not quite as pushed as Eliwood and Ninian, sure, but they're still a little more pushed than their other options.

But I suppose this is off topic.

I don't care if the Jugdral games are remade separately or combined into one, I just want them remade and localized so I can finally experience the cool dude that is Sigurd (even if he sadly gets, well, burned up...).

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I very strongly prefer Lyn/Rath and Hector/Florina. Hector/Lyn always came off as more one-sided on Hector's part to me and I get wouldn't-actually-be-a-good-couple vibes from them while Lyn and Rath actually seem like they'd be more stable. But a part of me thinks Rath deserves better than Lyn anyway.

Just don't make Mark the Tactician an avatar character in a potential Elibe remake. That's all I ask. Or else, RAGE.

And Jugdral needs a remake. It needs to exist outside of Japan, in general.

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16 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Honestly, you're entitled to your opinion that you like that pairing more, but it's not really more "canon"

It's just as canon.

16 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Hector canonically admits he's fallen for her

Nope. This is false. He only says this if they're, ya know, supported together for that A support marriage. 


17 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

and they get a special conversation unlocked somewhere at the end of the game if they get an A support

Exactly, if they get an A support. Which automatically puts it in the non-canon, could be/could not be side of things, with the same amount of viability as any of their other supports.

19 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

and this isn't the case for Hector's or Lyn's other options.

And Lyn is the only character Rath has a child with. "But random village girl!" Nope bullcrap FE has NEVER done that with any parent-child relationship, they're not gonna randomly do it with Sue. This pairs perfectly with the conversation Hector and Lyn can have at A support at the end of the game; something unique to that specific support, but not in any way at all making it more "valid" than another support.

21 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

They're not quite as pushed as Eliwood and Ninian, sure, but they're still a little more pushed than their other options.

They're pushed the same amount as Lyn/Rath, Hector/Florina, Lyn/Kent, Hector/Farina...

And also the official IS approved (wouldn't have ever been released if not IS approved!) light novel pairs Hector and Florina, and Lyn and Rath.

22 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

But I suppose this is off topic.

Correct! Which makes it puzzling why you felt the need to push your opinion over mine about your preferred pairing being more "canon" when it isn't. Off-topic, so don't reply.

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14 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Nope. This is false. He only says this if they're, ya know, supported together for that A support marriage. 

Nope, you're wrong. I saw a screenshot of the conversation myself. It's an in-battle thing where Lyn tells Hector to hit her and he says "I can't hit the woman I've lost my heart to." This isn't in a support.

14 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Exactly, if they get an A support. Which automatically puts it in the non-canon, could be/could not be side of things, with the same amount of viability as any of their other supports.

You're missing the point. Hector doesn't get another conversation with Florina or Farina if he A supports one of them. A special conversation only exists for him and Lyn upon getting A support.

14 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

They're pushed the same amount as Lyn/Rath, Hector/Florina, Lyn/Kent, Hector/Farina...

And also the official IS approved (wouldn't have ever been released if not IS approved!) light novel pairs Hector and Florina, and Lyn and Rath.

No, they are not. They are pushed more. And that book is not considered canon either just because IS approved it. IS has to outright say what pairings are canon, not just like someone's fanfiction.

And as for the idea that an unknown woman is Rath's wife, there's a first time for everything.

And imo, Florina makes no sense with, well, pretty much any guy. She's too cowardly around them. And all her support with Hector is is her constantly saying sorry or trying to say sorry. Not very interesting.

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Hector and Lyn are also both required to be alive, while Farina and Florina aren't. Also, that conversation that occurs after Hector and Lyn's A-support really doesn't do it for me. It just makes me think "wow, was their A-support so unconvincing that they had to make a separate conversation just so we knew they were in love?"

Also, unless IS outright says who the canon partners of Eliwood, Hector, and Lyn are, there is no canon. No, Eliwood/Ninian and Hector/Lyn aren't "more" canon because they have more conversations in the game because if you don't pair them up, then both of those pairings just turn into an unrequited one-sided crush. Which totally happens in FE. So, I mean, Hector/Florina and Hector/Lyn and Hector/Farina are currently all just as equally canon as one another. Having more in-game conversations don't automatically mean canon. Like how Ike/Elincia technically isn't canon even though they sure talk a lot in PoR. Or like how Chrom/f!Robin isn't automatically canon just because they talk a lot in-story.

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2 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Hector and Lyn are also both required to be alive, while Farina and Florina aren't. Also, that conversation that occurs after Hector and Lyn's A-support really doesn't do it for me. It just makes me think "wow, was their A-support so unconvincing that they had to make a separate conversation just so we knew they were in love?"

Also, unless IS outright says who the canon partners of Eliwood, Hector, and Lyn are, there is no canon. No, Eliwood/Ninian and Hector/Lyn aren't "more" canon because they have more conversations in the game because if you don't pair them up, then both of those pairings just turn into an unrequited one-sided crush. Which totally happens in FE. So, I mean, Hector/Florina and Hector/Lyn and Hector/Farina are currently all just as equally canon as one another. Having more in-game conversations don't automatically mean canon. Like how Ike/Elincia technically isn't canon even though they sure talk a lot in PoR. Or like how Chrom/f!Robin isn't automatically canon just because they talk a lot in-story.

You're technically right, but you can't argue that a few pairings aren't blatantly pushed more than others, like Eliwood and Ninian and Chrom and Sumia. The opening video for Awakening has Chrom and Sumia as a couple for crying out loud. Hector and Lyn are not pushed on the same level as those two, but they're still pushed more than Lyn and Rath/Kent/Eliwood and Hector and Florina/Farina.

And I'm not even a fan of Ninian, Chrom, or Sumia. And I have to admit this stuff, as much as I don't like it. I'm a Chrom x Olivia shipper. And Eliwood...well, I don't care for any of his options, honestly, since I either ship them with other guys (in the case of Lyn and Fiora), or I don't like them (Ninian).

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41 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Who says the games have to cut corners and can't be a complete experience? If we're limiting the series to a handheld perhaps, but Radiant Dawn was comprised of 43 chapters. As far as I recall, FE6 and FE7 both had around 20-24 chapters each. I don't see why we couldn't make a 45-50 chapter full FE game with both generations spanning around 23+ chapters. In fact that would be a dream. It's pretty reminiscent of FE4 and it's two generations actually, and that idea appeals to me quite a bit.

To me if we separated the games into their own remakes, they'd feel short unless we stuck to handhelds or added padding which would be incredibly unnecessary. FE6 could make an argument for new characters and fleshing out FE7 characters not present in the original FE6, but FE7 as it is was a complete game.

Once you take into account side quests and split routes, both FE6 and 7 have over 40 unique chapters with their own stories and characters.  Combined you're looking at more than twice as many maps as Radiant Dawn, and that's assuming that nothing new is added.  Three Houses, the most recent console title and a huge game by any estimation, doesn't have anywhere near that many.  Expecting no cuts to be made in this scenario is...optimistic.  

Beyond that, neither game's story was crafted with a generational/inheritance system in mind, and differ in the style of narrative they present so as to be jarring to me if played as one continuous story.  FE7 is a group of close-knit friends and allies fighting street brawls and local conflicts with assassins and morphs on a scale so small that most of Elibe was blissfully unaware that anything significant even happened.  FE6 is army on army, continental warfare.  This is reflected in the game's map design as well.  FE4's generational system works because each generation is only half a game, and both generations are similar in scale and tone so as to feel continuous.  Separated, FE4's two generations cannot stand on their own legs, nor were they meant to - FE6 and 7 can.

As for length, both Elibe titles in their current form are roughly 25-30 hour games for a blind, first playthrough.  The addition of full voice acting and cut scenes will add quite a bit to that, in addition to whatever other content is added.  Personally I think that's very respectable for FE games that tend to have high replay value, and the only title to really deviate from that rough completion time is Three Houses, which has its own unique reasons for being as long as it is.

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16 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Nope, you're wrong. I saw a screenshot of the conversation myself. It's an in-battle thing where Lyn tells Hector to hit her and he says "I can't hit the woman I've lost my heart to." This isn't in a support.

I am 100% correct and you are 100% wrong. The conversation takes place in Chapter 31x, and can only be viewed if Lyn and Hector have an A support. Check Serenes itself if you don't believe me (like I literally just did to confirm this). Go play the game and beat it before you try and talk about these things.

17 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

You're missing the point. Hector doesn't get another conversation with Florina or Farina if he A supports one of them. A special conversation only exists for him and Lyn upon getting A support.

I understood the point perfectly. You're missing the point that there are certain special things that happen to multiple pairings in their A supports, such as Rath having a child. That is just as valid, if not MORE valid, than Lyn and Hector's conversation. You can't put one over the other.

18 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

No, they are not. They are pushed more. And that book is not considered canon either just because IS approved it. IS has to outright say what pairings are canon, not just like someone's fanfiction.

They are pushed the same amount. Go beat the game before talking about this. And you're right, the book isn't considered canon...just like Hector x Lyn. But if you wanna use their conditional non-canon conversation as support, then the book is absolutely fair game.

19 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

And as for the idea that an unknown woman is Rath's wife, there's a first time for everything.

Lol no.

20 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

And imo, Florina makes no sense with, well, pretty much any guy. She's too cowardly around them. And all her support with Hector is is her constantly saying sorry or trying to say sorry. Not very interesting.

'Tis your opinion.

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6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

You're technically right, but you can't argue that a few pairings aren't blatantly pushed more than others, like Eliwood and Ninian and Chrom and Sumia. The opening video for Awakening has Chrom and Sumia as a couple for crying out loud. Hector and Lyn are not pushed on the same level as those two, but they're still pushed more than Lyn and Rath/Kent/Eliwood and Hector and Florina/Farina.

And I'm not even a fan of Ninian, Chrom, or Sumia. And I have to admit this stuff, as much as I don't like it. I'm a Chrom x Olivia shipper. And Eliwood...well, I don't care for any of his options, honestly, since I either ship them with other guys (in the case of Lyn and Fiora), or I don't like them (Ninian).

And again, being more blatantly pushed doesn't automatically make it more canon. The developers may want you to do it, sure, but until they outright say that a certain pairing is supposed to be canon or take away your choice to do different pairings it's still not canon. Besides, FE7 didn't have as complex dialogue choices as PoR and some later games did.

In Hector's mode, he and Florina specifically have an interaction after she falls on him with her pegasus. That didn't need to be there, but it is. Lyn's support growth with Rath is much faster than her growth with Hector, and they have some meaningful interactions in Lyn's mode. Are these important? Perhaps they are, perhaps they're not. It could be nothing or it could be a subtle way of hinting at those two pairings.

However, what is for certain is that you sure are arguing a lot about a pairing you're probably not THAT much into compared to certain others from a game that you claim to dislike because it's boring. Are pairings really that big of a deal for you???

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3 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

And again, being more blatantly pushed doesn't automatically make it more canon. The developers may want you to do it, sure, but until they outright say that a certain pairing is supposed to be canon or take away your choice to do different pairings it's still not canon. Besides, FE7 didn't have as complex dialogue choices as PoR and some later games did.

In Hector's mode, he and Florina specifically have an interaction after she falls on him with her pegasus. That didn't need to be there, but it is. Lyn's support growth with Rath is much faster than her growth with Hector, and they have some meaningful interactions in Lyn's mode. Are these important? Perhaps they are, perhaps they're not. It could be nothing or it could be a subtle way of hinting at those two pairings.

However, what is for certain is that you sure are arguing a lot about a pairing you're probably not THAT much into compared to certain others from a game that you claim to dislike because it's boring. Are pairings really that big of a deal for you???


i agree with you. unless IS says it's canon, it's not canon. (except for FByleth and Dimitri. that is canon, AND YOU CAN'T CHANGE MY MIND!.. i kid i kid).  the game pushes ideas, but that's just ideas. 


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16 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I am 100% correct and you are 100% wrong. The conversation takes place in Chapter 31x, and can only be viewed if Lyn and Hector have an A support. Check Serenes itself if you don't believe me (like I literally just did to confirm this). Go play the game and beat it before you try and talk about these things.

It's still outside the support though, and it's still a thing that doesn't happen for Hector's and Lyn's other pairings.

16 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I understood the point perfectly. You're missing the point that there are certain special things that happen to multiple pairings in their A supports, such as Rath having a child. That is just as valid, if not MORE valid, than Lyn and Hector's conversation. You can't put one over the other.

Hector and Lyn obviously have Lilina if they get an A support too. There are more kids born than just Rath's you know.

16 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

They are pushed the same amount.

Except they're still pushed a little more. And I'm not saying the pairing is 100% canon. Just the closest one other than Eliwood and Ninian.

16 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Lol no.

So there's never a first time for anything. Right.

16 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

In Hector's mode, he and Florina specifically have an interaction after she falls on him with her pegasus. That didn't need to be there, but it is. Lyn's support growth with Rath is much faster than her growth with Hector, and they have some meaningful interactions in Lyn's mode. Are these important? Perhaps they are, perhaps they're not. It could be nothing or it could be a subtle way of hinting at those two pairings.

Frederick's fastest support growth is with Maribelle. But nobody says they're the closest to canon for them. More people ship Frederick with Lissa or Cordelia or Sumia. Hector and Lyn have some meaningful interactions too, like Lyn comforting him over Uther's death.


Are pairings really that big of a deal for you???

I am a big fan of shipping, but in this case, it's more the fact that it's a big deal when someone denies actual facts (not talking about you, btw).

I never finished FE7 due to being bored with it, sure, but I still played pretty far into it (chapter 25 or somewhere close).

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6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

It's still outside the support though, and it's still a thing that doesn't happen for Hector's and Lyn's other pairings.

It is only viewable if they have an A support meaning it isn't a canon thing like you were claiming. Do not switch gears as if this is what you meant the whole time when you clearly and DIRECTLY stated something entirely different before. 

8 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Hector and Lyn obviously have Lilina if they get an A support too. There are more kids born than just Rath's you know.

>Has never beaten an Elibe game.

>Tells big Elibe fan there are other kids born than just Rath's.

I don't mean this in a mean way, but I kinda chuckled. Of course I know that, and if you actually beat these games and saw these endings and didn't just rely on screenshots, you'd know that Hector has Lilina no matter who he is paired with. You tell me I missed the point of one of your arguments? I'm very sorry, but the point I was making sailed over your head at least five different ways. Again, go actually play and beat these games before you talk about these things.

10 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Except they're still pushed a little more.

Wrong again. Just stop.

11 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

So there's never a first time for anything. Right.

Lol no.

11 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

it's more the fact that it's a big deal when someone denies actual facts (not talking about you, btw).

You are literally describing yourself.

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5 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

It is only viewable if they have an A support meaning it isn't a canon thing like you were claiming. Do not switch gears as if this is what you meant the whole time when you clearly and DIRECTLY stated something entirely different before. 

>Has never beaten an Elibe game.

>Tells big Elibe fan there are other kids born than just Rath's.

I don't mean this in a mean way, but I kinda chuckled. Of course I know that, and if you actually beat these games and saw these endings and didn't just rely on screenshots, you'd know that Hector has Lilina no matter who he is paired with. You tell me I missed the point of one of your arguments? I'm very sorry, but the point I was making sailed over your head at least five different ways. Again, go actually play and beat these games before you talk about these things.

Wrong again. Just stop.

Lol no.

You are literally describing yourself.

Since you've gone to the point where you can only insult me and my intelligence instead of actually continuing to debate with me, I'm just going to assume you've just got no more real constructive arguments to present and decide that continuing this conversation is no longer worth my time.

To change the subject, I'd love to get a +Spd fallen Ike because holy heck his Spd stat, but I'm wondering if he'd actually like +Atk more because his Spd is going to be high no matter what, but his Atk is a tad low.

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Chill out everyone, this is the wrong place to discuss this.

As in, if this goes on any longer, this topic's getting a time-out.

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Just now, Anacybele said:

Since you've gone to the point where you can only insult me and my intelligence instead of actually continuing to debate with me, I'm just going to assume you've just got no more real constructive arguments to present and decide that continuing this conversation is no longer worth my time.

I didn't insult anything. Don't you DARE start acting like I'm insulting your intelligence, I will not tolerate that kind of bullcrap from anyone. YOU are the one who first came to me saying "you're entitled to your opinion but blah blah this is off topic," YOU are the one who insisted I was wrong about the Lyn/Hector convo and then switched gears when you were proven wrong, YOU are the one who came out with "more than one kid, ya know!"

So, no. Don't you dare. "No longer worth my time" my butt.

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53 minutes ago, DLNarshen said:

Once you take into account side quests and split routes, both FE6 and 7 have over 40 unique chapters with their own stories and characters.  Combined you're looking at more than twice as many maps as Radiant Dawn, and that's assuming that nothing new is added.  Three Houses, the most recent console title and a huge game by any estimation, doesn't have anywhere near that many.  Expecting no cuts to be made in this scenario is...optimistic.  

Beyond that, neither game's story was crafted with a generational/inheritance system in mind, and differ in the style of narrative they present so as to be jarring to me if played as one continuous story.  FE7 is a group of close-knit friends and allies fighting street brawls and local conflicts with assassins and morphs on a scale so small that most of Elibe was blissfully unaware that anything significant even happened.  FE6 is army on army, continental warfare.  This is reflected in the game's map design as well.  FE4's generational system works because each generation is only half a game, and both generations are similar in scale and tone so as to feel continuous.  Separated, FE4's two generations cannot stand on their own legs, nor were they meant to - FE6 and 7 can.

As for length, both Elibe titles in their current form are roughly 25-30 hour games for a blind, first playthrough.  The addition of full voice acting and cut scenes will add quite a bit to that, in addition to whatever other content is added.  Personally I think that's very respectable for FE games that tend to have high replay value, and the only title to really deviate from that rough completion time is Three Houses, which has its own unique reasons for being as long as it is.

I... actually agree with just about all of these points. Perhaps it's due to the fact that FE7 was technically an afterthought and FE6 was made to stand on it's own two feet (I found that video I was talking about earlier) but both could be very large games even on consoles.

I concede. They should be separate remakes. There aren't realistically enough child characters as you said anyway. I do think FE7 should be first from a timeline point of view though.

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3 hours ago, DLNarshen said:

Not a fan at all of combined remakes, and I'm not sure why the idea is so popular.  It would be one thing if the Elibe and Jugdral games were short and lent themselves well to being combined with their respective partners, but...they're not, and they don't.  Each game is just as long as any other, and have more than enough content to provide a complete experience on their own.  Maybe with the Elibe games have a transfer system similar to PoR/RD to exchange certain data between them, but there's no reason for them to be on the same card and risk the need for development to cut corners trying to squeeze it all in.

Combining the Jugdral games is a meme.  Their mechanics and narratives are so far apart both games would suffer greatly in the attempt.     

nah compared to Three Houses Binding or Blazing on its own are not really that big. Three houses has around 21 Chapters on 4 different paths without the DLC, and 11 chapters that are prologue the same. and i am not even counting the amount of sidequests that is unlocked here with various characters you support/recruited. Needless to say the amount of other stuff you can do in the game

Binding Blade has 25 chapters

Blazing Blade has 31 chapters on Eliwood
and 32 on Hectors path
10 of them are prologue chapters that are the same

I am not sure how you wanna sell one of them alone as a standalone full price AAA title if you dont incorporate alot of NEW stuff and features.

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18 minutes ago, Hilda said:

I am not sure how you wanna sell one of them alone as a standalone full price AAA title if you dont incorporate alot of NEW stuff and features.

You say that, but Nintendo did charge $60 for Link's Awakening. If they could get away with that, they can do the same for remakes of two GBA titles.

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I personally am open to the idea of future remakes being completely new retellings of the old stories. Like, rephrase/restructure them so it’s not a direct remake, but the same story captured in a new way. That may sound vague lol but I hope it doesn’t. 

Anyway, I agree that Nintendo will happily get away with selling bare bones content for full price no matter what series it is from.

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Hm... I wonder when they will release May's Special Orb Pack. I do not remember purchasing it, so I think they have not released it yet. I am hoping this month's pack has Feathers as a bonus.

My Feather consumption has been through the roof for the past several months or so. My infantry Galeforce team is pretty much on hold for the foreseeable future.

I dropped 60,000 Feathers prematurely on Ross to get him merge +1 and Galeforce cause I was worried about completing Limited HBs. Those Feathers were originally meant for Soleil.

The last Røkkr Sieges really highlighted how poorly I do against bow Røkkrs, so I dropped 40,000 on Guard for both Abel and Cain, and I dropped another 40,000 Feathers on Galeforce intended for them. However, The Start of It All Palla got released and Edelgard: Flame Emperor came right after, so those Galeforce copies went towards those two.

I have 20,000 Feathers now, but I want that as an emergency buffer for things like the upcoming Limited HBs, so I will just pretend I have no Feathers right now. I need to 5* the main copies of Abel and Cain, so that is 40,000 Feathers. I need another two copies of Galeforce, so that is another 40,000 Feathers. I also want to get Cain to +2, so that is another 40,000 Feathers (I already got two 5* copies of Abel back from the first year). I also want to give Reyson another 4 merges to take him to +5 so he got better bulk and give him Guard 3, so that is 100,000 Feathers. That totals 220,000 Feathers which is almost three months of waiting. I guess I can make do with just 100,000 Feathers to get both to 5*, give them Galeforce, and to eliminate the HP flaw on Cain with the first merge. I just hope that a bow Røkkr does not show up for the next few Røkkr Sieges so I got enough time to prepare.

Edited by XRay
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