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37 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Except Ike's alts were pretty spread out and I'm definitely not asking for him to get another one anytime soon. What I meant by spamming a character was not just how many alts they got, but the general timeframes between each too.

Micaiah was spread out too

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45 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:


@Maaka Is this you? Sothe LAzura Cherche YMarth? This was AA, so I didn't get to add you. Also I gave you the win lol.

Yep. That's Maaka's team.

Last season I got him in Arena. I asked him if he already had a Arena Defense Win, so if not I could give him one. He already had it, so I could defeat his team without feeling bad. lol

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1 hour ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Yep. That's Maaka's team.

Last season I got him in Arena. I asked him if he already had a Arena Defense Win, so if not I could give him one. He already had it, so I could defeat his team without feeling bad. lol

Ah, I see.

Actually now that I think about it, I think I ran into Maaka before...

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7 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

If the next Arena season really is Earth and Fire as I've been told, then I'm gonna make a final prediction and say that this month's Legendary Hero is Seliph, as a red unit on a horse, with an Earth blessing.

You called it, dude.

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2 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I think this is the first time I've been right in a Heroes prediction.

Really? Though I admit I did call one ENTIRE BANNER right once, though kinda by a fluke. lol

It was, fittingly enough, Greil's Devoted. In one post in the thread on the silhouettes for this banner, I was like "what if Ike is actually the left silhouette and Greil is on the right and the rest of the banner is Mist and Soren with Titania as the TT unit?" I'm not joking. I actually said this.

So since this game's been going for a few years now, I guess it's not surprising for someone to get at least ONE guess right!

Edited by Anacybele
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Caught up on all my quests! Haven't done that in quite a while, I spent a long time ignoring the TT ones. I can't actually claim the pass quest rewards, but still.

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@Landmaster I've got a potential new profile pic for you if you're already getting tired of Mirabilis:


elise_budding_flower_info01.png or this elise_budding_flower_info04.png

Jakob, Garon, Xander, and Silas also now have pages in addition to Legendary Seliph's page going up.

So now, I guess they'll start back with Archanea next month? All of the Three Houses and TMS characters have pages, after all.

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Looking at the update news, Berkut, F!Corrin, Fellica and Sheema all get refines, which means my dew's safe despite having Fellica unless her's is amazing, AR's getting its update and as for the next batch of Ephemeral manuals, turns out Echidna's there so that's a Hell Yeah from me.

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About the update:

  • Autpo-Dispatch is coming, which is nice for people that needs it... which is not my case.
  • 5* Limited-Time Manuals are kinda.... ok-ish. Summer Linde is nice for the weapon, but Summer Leo is very bad! I am considering not getting him, and get some Reposition,Moonbow and Atk Tactic instead.
  • Not interesting in the refinements... I am happy for Corrin, but unless she has the same effect as Refined Yato I am not caring. Meh for Sheena, Celica and Berkut.
  • Be able to set Assist Skills off in Auto-Battle is welcomed.
  • Be able to turn notificatins off is nice as well, ,but I am ok in having them. They inform me that I have Lore to collect or Mjolnir's Strike to play.

If I didn't mention any more news outside the ones above it's because they are not worthy to be mentioned in my opinion

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1 hour ago, Diovani Bressan said:

5* Limited-Time Manuals are kinda.... ok-ish. Summer Linde is nice for the weapon, but Summer Leo is very bad!

It's so bad, Lu Bu got intense brain damage! Heh.

Sheena refine, for those have been waiting for eons (Draug got his refine fairly recently, so you have THAT precedent). Meanwhile, an unintentional +4 merged Fallen Celica sitting in my barracks is waiting for how that Beloved Zofia refine will up her gameplay.


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Okay so, questions about a couple pitybreakers I ended up getting while trying for Ephraim merges.

+Atk or +Def for Fallen Berkut?

+Def or +Res for Hardin?

Cause I'm not really sure whether to replace my base versions or not. Though I am thinking +Res is a bit nicer for Hardin so he's more useful in tanking and killing mages on the counter with his innate DC. I got no idea for Berkut.

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25 minutes ago, Karimlan said:

It's so bad, Lu Bu got intense brain damage! Heh.

Maximum Brain Damage!

6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Okay so, questions about a couple pitybreakers I ended up getting while trying for Ephraim merges.

+Atk or +Def for Fallen Berkut?

+Def or +Res for Hardin?

I would go with Atk Bekut since his Def is quite good, but you can make him more def bulky if you want to, while Res Hardin would make him more mixed bulky for sure.

With that said, there is the "Ask Fire Emblem Heroes Questions and Get Them Answered Here" Thread... you know, for questions like those...

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3 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I would go with Atk Bekut since his Def is quite good, but you can make him more def bulky if you want to, while Res Hardin would make him more mixed bulky for sure.

With that said, there is the "Ask Fire Emblem Heroes Questions and Get Them Answered Here" Thread... you know, for questions like those...

That doesn't really help me decide on Berkut. 😕 As for Hardin, mixed tank is nicer to me than just being tanky in one defensive stat, so I think I'll just use the +Res one instead of manualing him.

Yes, I'm aware. But I can still ask here and have for a long time. I never really thought that questions thread was necessary anyway since this one could be used for that.

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5 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

His Atk is 35, which is not high. At least with a boon he reaches 39, since it's a super boon.

35 is fairly high though? It's not the highest out there, but there are certainly lower Atk stats.

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10 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

35 is fairly high though? It's not the highest out there, but there are certainly lower Atk stats.

You can blame stat creep.

That said, it's really hard to justify not going for a superboon in Atk on an enemy-phase unit. Normally, I'd say that it's a toss-up depending on what you want to do with the unit and how much you're willing to invest in them (merges boost bulk twice as fast as they boost damage, so the more merges you have the more I'd lean towards +Atk), but 4 points in Atk is a lot harder to say no to than 3 points.


19 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Yes, I'm aware. But I can still ask here and have for a long time. I never really thought that questions thread was necessary anyway since this one could be used for that.

Having a dedicated questions and answers thread reduces the clutter here and also prevents questions from getting buried during periods of high traffic.

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4 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

You can blame stat creep.

That said, it's really hard to justify not going for a superboon in Atk on an enemy-phase unit. Normally, I'd say that it's a toss-up depending on what you want to do with the unit and how much you're willing to invest in them (merges boost bulk twice as fast as they boost damage, so the more merges you have the more I'd lean towards +Atk), but 4 points in Atk is a lot harder to say no to than 3 points.

Berkut would be +2 if I merge the one I got pitybroken by. So not a lot of merges, but yeah. Still, an Atk superboon is a nice thing, I forgot he had one. So I think I'll keep that. I do put him on AR defense sometimes, so maybe I should just focus on that.

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15 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:


@Maaka Is this you? Sothe LAzura Cherche YMarth? This was AA, so I didn't get to add you. Also I gave you the win lol.

Haha yea, that was me. Thanks for the win! You're welcome to add me whenever if you have room on your list, my fc is in my signature.

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The version update is going to take place after 8pm PST on Sunday, July 5th (via the notification board)... that means we have to know the next new Summer Units before the 5th. I wonder if we will actually get the trailer on Friday the 3rd rather than Saturday the 4th because the 4th would technically be Sunday in Japan, and they usually don't do updates on Sundays?

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18 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

@Landmaster I've got a potential new profile pic for you if you're already getting tired of Mirabilis:

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elise_budding_flower_info01.png or this elise_budding_flower_info04.png

Jakob, Garon, Xander, and Silas also now have pages in addition to Legendary Seliph's page going up.

So now, I guess they'll start back with Archanea next month? All of the Three Houses and TMS characters have pages, after all.

ADORBS, I'm so happy she was finally added~ I defs want to use the Chibi art for something~ 

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