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17 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if we don't get any Feh Channel this weekend and instead get the info about the six-months anniversary event in the Notifications... like how happened in the Golden Week this year.

Yeah, they also did the same with the Book IV Midpoint stuff and didn’t release a Feh Channel until halfway into June. 

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3 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if we don't get any Feh Channel this weekend and instead get the info about the six-months anniversary event in the Notifications... like how happened in the Golden Week this year.

I still expect a Feh Channel with CYL info. Maybe its a Channel with only CYL some days before the banner... It happened before, so it can happen again.

To be entirely honest I only care about seeing CYL Edelgard and confirming that we can free pull a 5* and spark at the same time. Especially now that we know free orbs may be coming. So it doesn't matter wether we have info in notifications or in a channel. 

Edited by SuperNova125
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So, I decided against +Res for legendary Ike. But now I gotta decide between +Def and +Atk. I like him being able to tank a lot of physical stuff with that big Def stat, but would +Atk actually help him a bit more even as an enemy phase unit? I'm not sure.

When I do decide though, I finally will +10 a version of RD Ike for the first time!

I think I ended up spending too much money... Especially when I'm trying so hard to save up a little of my paychecks every time I get one for things like school and an eventual vacation when this pandemic lightens the fuck up more... But I can be satisfied that I got a +10 RD Ike and Altina is +7 and definitely within the possibility of making +10 the next time she's available. 🙂 So I got my money's worth!

This also means, though, that I don't want Fallen Ike to be reran anytime soon. XD

Edited by Anacybele
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Mist is still a 5*-only unit to this day. What the hell.

Man, these bait banners even though all banners are bait. I'm lower on the orb total than I would have liked due to the back-to-back forging bonds and while I am glad that legendary Edelgard showed up or any 5* focus on Hel's banner for that matter, it was still two full summons to get her. The pirates banner is interesting. Apparently Geese is the 4* and 5* focus and he's a lance infantry and pirate Tibarn has some kind of fancy Desperation that would be pretty nifty on Cordelia, Elincia, Mininerva, Naesala, or any fast flier that is assuming this not some weird beast fliers-only skills.

Hero Fest isn't that appealing to me. They are good units and all have good skills, but they all make me feel like I should inherit them only on certain units to get the most that I can. I don't have Bernadetta, so it would be nice to get my first copy of her and skill-wise Lull Spd/Def 3 would be nice on Eleonora, but she already has Atk/Spd Push 4, it would be a waste where I could possibly get Atk/Spd Push 4 and Lull Spd/Def 3 onto a dagger unit by getting dancer Elincia; Ephraim & Lyon I could dump Heavy Blade 4 onto legendary Edelgard I guess or inherit Lull Atk/Def 3 and maybe Heavy Blade 4 by using my only spare Ike onto someone, Nagi has Distant Counter, but she also has Special Fighter, so that makes me want to inherit her skills only onto an armor, and Sothis would be for merges for Mjolnir's Strike and Aether Raids defense lift loss reduction or infantry-only and I can't get two skills at once from her since no 3* to 4* summonable unit has Wrath much less Atk/Spd Solo.

The lance infantry thing is a bittersweet taste in my mouth. We finally get a lance infantry who is 4* summonable and a fast one at that, but it's a seasonal unit. Gen 2 has their duds like gen 1, but perhaps not as much, but I really wished there was a permanent banner that either is made up of the 3* and 4* units of gen 1 while the 5*, non-CYL and excluding certain units gen 1 and gen 2 units replaced them as 3* and 4* units for future banners or the idea of a permanent banner being the 5*, non-CYL and excluding certain units gen 1 and gen 2 with gen 1 and gen 2 GHB units to fill out/pollute the pool.

Shiro or even Nephenee considering she has Wrath and a prf Killer, anti-armor lance had they been demoted would have been great for fast infantry lance options because holy fuck, the fastest 3* to 4* available lance infantry units being +Spd Donnel and Sharena who doesn't have access to merges having 32 base speed is really dumb when at launch, +35 base speed was available for axe infantry through Anna, +Spd Barst, and Raven and we continued to get more axe infantry in whatever variety even sparingly while swords had +Spd M!Corrin, Fir, Hana, Lon'qu, +Spd Marth, +Spd Ogma, and Selena where some of them had really low attack, Fir and Selena with their 25 base neutral attack, and Lon'qu being stuck with Killing Edge+'s 11 Mt back in the day, but at least we had options. +Spd Shiro only hits 1 point of speed higher than +Spd Donnel and Sharena, but that's still better than nothing and hopefully he gets a similar effect to Balmung so he can get some extra speed.

Part of me wants them to introduce Danved and Devdan together on a banner for shits and giggles. They could even have the exact same stat spread, the same skills aside from weapon as Devdan has a Heavy Spear in PoR and Danved has a Killer Lance and Iron Greatlance in RD, both be the demote, and fuck it, the same art. Talk about a low effort way to dump a lance infantry demote on us along with probably garbage skills. "Oh, look! We have two more options for Shove in the blue pool."

Edited by Kaden
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Man, as tempted as I am to complain about a new seasonal type, it's hard to feel like we're not getting enough New Heroes banners with seasonal lineups like this. Between Rafiel, Selena, Rhys, Ingrid, Dorothra, Sylvain, Lorenz, and now Brigid, Geese, and Darros, that's now 10 new characters over the course of the last 4 seasonal banners, an average of 2.5 each.

Still, I have to wonder about the story chapter schedule. If the next story chapter is Ch10 in late September, we won't be set to hit Ch13 until late November, right before the typical book-start time of early December. Not unreasonable, but still, there's usually a bit more of a break than that.

Some possible alternatives:

  • No dancer banner this year, pirates banner counts as being in its slot (works for me, tbh)
  • CYL counts as a story chapter (would be very strange, especially after TMS didn't)
  • Extra banner somehow, like how September 2018 had three New Heroes banners (would be really nice, unless it replaces something, although that's probably too optimistic)
  • No Halloween banner this year (very unlikely)
  • Fewer than 13 story chapters (even more unlikely)
  • Book 5 starts later than normal (I guess this would be fine?)

Another interesting thing about the pirates banner is that in addition to having 3 of the 5 face units be male, tied for the highest such ratio with a few other seasonal banners, it also has 4 of the 6 total characters be male. I believe it's the first seasonal banner to have that ratio go above 60%.

That said, on the flip side, only 1 of the 3 premium face units are male, which is still fairly low. As far as I can tell, the only seasonal banners where more than half the premium face units have been male were the 2019 and 2020 Valentine's Day banners, with 3/4 and 2/3, respectively.

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If they're going to go with a rigid schedule of Double Seasonal and then a New Heroes re-run on alternating months that kind of enforces a 1:1 ratio of their source banners. Sure, it's a bit of the cart pulling the horse in terms of the re-runs determining the first run scheduling, but I'm fine with that arrangement to be honest, even with my new policy of mostly summoning on New Heroes. I don't like the thought of being incentivised to put aside 300 orbs a month for New Heroes anyway.

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2 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

If they're going to go with a rigid schedule of Double Seasonal and then a New Heroes re-run on alternating months that kind of enforces a 1:1 ratio of their source banners. Sure, it's a bit of the cart pulling the horse in terms of the re-runs determining the first run scheduling, but I'm fine with that arrangement to be honest, even with my new policy of mostly summoning on New Heroes. I don't like the thought of being incentivised to put aside 300 orbs a month for New Heroes anyway.

Hmm. It's a bit more complicated than that, since we typically get a 25th main banner in the form of New Year's, and New Heroes revivals seem to skip over banners like the FE6 one that have a TT rather than a Forging Bonds due to being the second in a month. In addition, Double Special Heroes can support up to 12 seasonal banners a year at their current pace, but they can certainly do less by bringing in older seasonal reruns, and not having the option to do that would prevent them from compensating for any color imbalances in the seasonal banners. And if they want to make 13 story chapters over the course of a year, we need at least 12 "normal" New Heroes banners per year, plus any Paralogue-associated ones like CYL and TMS. But they could work all that out with a consistent 14/11 New/Special split, with New Heroes having 12 "normal", 1 CYL, and one "miscellaneous", and seasonals having the 9 main themes (spring, brides, summer x2, dancers, Halloween, Christmas, New Year's, Valentine's) plus 2 flex slots.

That's a good point about orb strain, though. I've been a bit worried about preparing for September demanding like 400 orbs for three sparks, but if it has a seasonal banner, that's not an issue. Unless I end up wanting a premium seasonal unit, but that hasn't been happening much lately.

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Thinking about the different 5* pools and which units I'm missing from which:

  • Red:
    • Revival 1 (7/20): Leo, Lucina, Lyn, Ryoma, Tiki, Eldigan, Sanaki, Karel, Alm, Ike, Celica, Katarina, Luke, Gray, Saber, Brave Roy, Elincia, Sigurd, Ayra, Mia
    • Revival 2: (3/11): Siegbert, Zelgius, Super Eirika, Fallen Celica, Super Chrom, Leif, Super Reinhardt, Lene, Karla, Super Olivia, Brave Celica
    • Current: (14/30): Flora, Laegjarn, Laevatein, Owain, Dream Camilla, Tibarn, Keaton, Idunn, Lethe, Fallen Mareeta, Nah, Byleth F, Byleth M, Hubert, Brave Alm, Phina, Super Catria, Ewan, Igrene, Eyvel, Mareeta, Larcei, Shannan, Kiria, Lysithea, Midori, Fallen Ike, Fallen Julia, Say'ri, Kris M
  • Blue:
    • Revival 1 (2/11😞 Azura, Hinoka, Linde, Ephraim, Olwen, Ninian, Delthea, Tana, Brave Lucina, Nephenee, Lute
    • Revival 2 (2/7): Shiro, Micaiah, Fallen Hardin, Morgan F, Ishtar, Sumia, Brave Hector
    • Current (12/23): Quan, Ophelia, Kliff, Dream Corrin M, Ylgr, Nailah, Selkie, Fallen Berkut, Kjelle, Dimitri, Petra, Brave Eliwood, Sirius, Forsyth, Perceval, Altena, Tsubasa, Fiora, Nils, Lilith, Fallen Corrin M, Super Anna, Kris F
  • Green:
    • Revival 1(2/8): Hector, Minerva, Julia, Sonya, Amelia, Brave Ike, Dierdre, Dorcas
    • Revival 2 (2/7): Rhajat, Myrrh, Fallen Robin M, Super Olwen, Kana F, Super Nino, Brave Ephraim
    • Current (10/20): Lewyn, Helbindi, Dream Corrin F, Surtr, Kaden, Lugh, Sue, Ranulf, Yarne, Edelgard, Hilda, Brave Micaiah, Nagi, Gerik, Osian, Ced, Mamori, Annette, Rinkah, Fallen Lyon
  • Colorless:
    • Revival 1 (2/8): Elise, Takumi, Jaffar, Faye, Mist, Genny, Innes, Brave Lyn
    • Revival 2 (0/3): Super Hinoka, Maribelle, Brave Veronica
    • Current (9/16😞Nina, Loki, Dream Mikoto, Leanne, Velouria, Caineghis, Fallen Corrin F, Fallen Tiki, Claude, Brave Camilla, Silque, Larum, Eleanora, Leila, Bernadetta, Julian

So this change should increase my current overall new unit rate on pitybreakers to back above 50%, as well as bringing each individual non-red color to at least 50%. That's nice.

With the smaller 5* pool, I'm missing 45/89 units. With the larger one, I'm missing a somewhat less exciting 65/154.

1 hour ago, Kaden said:

Okay, more incentive for me to not summon from the Hero Fest banner for now.


Huh. Did previous Hero Fests use the smaller pool? I thought that was only for New/Special Heroes banners.

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1 hour ago, Kaden said:

Okay, more incentive for me to not summon from the Hero Fest banner for now.


So the hero fest wasn't supposed to have year 1 and 2.5 5*s? I was weirded out when I pulled on it as the Channel had said otherwise. I got a -Atk Delthea, F.Morgan and Katarina and even wasted some orbs. That has to be the biggest bullshit I have seen in the history of Feh. I don't care about their apologies that much, I and many more I believe need some sort of compensation for this, getting Katarina type of units while I wasn't supposed to. 

Sorry if I came off as salty but I am very disappointed at this especially since all we get is an apology and I still have those garbage units and my tickets and the few orbs I spent are wasted. 

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Yeah, just going back to the video and at 12:10 Feh mentioned that the summoning pool changes take effect starting from the Hero Fest, so it's quite explicit and not something they can weasel out of. Glad both my 5-stars were focus units this time around since last year I got five units, four of which were off-focus.

Still, this seems like a huge deal, possibly the most impactful in the history of the game since it's the only one I can remember that involves people paying real money and getting "less" than they paid for.


@Othin Since the notifications for the Hero Fest events themselves were unhelpful, I figured the easiest way to verify what pool prior Hero Fests used was to just check the Pull thread and see what people got. Wound back starting page 845-ish, and I saw my own post saying I pulled Lute in the August 2019 Hero Fest. So it's historically been the full pull. The issue today then is that they said they would change it, but neglected to actually do it.

Edited by Humanoid
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Thinking about Harmonic Heroes.

Our first was in June, involving Awakening and Radiant Dawn. The second is August, involving Fates and Heroes. This expands the pool of "base" games they can use to Resonant Battles to four, and adds a second of the five games that have been heavily supported since launch. The other three are FE3, FE6, and FE7.

The next Harmonic Hero will most likely be on the Halloween banner. Given that the pool of games covered by Harmonic Heroes is still small, I'm guessing they'll want to once again go with a pair that covers two games without Harmonic representation yet, and have at least one of those games be from the three remaining from launch. Wonder who that might be.

Looking over characters from FE3/6/7 who've received alts (including resplendents), but not duo or Halloween versions, there's Caeda, Linde, Minerva, Palla, Catria, Est, Merric, Tiki, Roy, Cecilia, Narcian, Bartre, Fir, Sophia, Fae, Idunn, Eliwood, Lyn, Zephiel, Fiora, Ninian, Jaffar, and Nino. Wonder how many of those have suitable connections within Heroes.

We know that Narcian befriended Leanne, but she's from FE10. I feel like he came up somewhere else, too, but I forget where. That said, while I could see him fitting a Halloween theme, I'm not sure they'd be likely to give him two seasonals in one year, even if one is a duo secondary. The Harmonics so far have all been a bit higher-profile than that.

In Fallen Tiki's Forging Bonds, she befriends both Sharena and Fallen Corrin. I could see a Tiki/Sharena or Tiki/Corrin Harmonic Hero, and that could certainly fit Halloween, but it's another case of the second character overlapping a covered game, so it's a question of if they'd go for that yet. Fiora's Forging Bonds focuses on Fjorm, but this raises both the game issue and the issue of being a relatively minor character who already got a recent alt.

Looking beyond Forging Bonds, the most recent Christmas TT involves Sothis hanging out with Nino, Jaffar, and Zephiel. I could see one of those pairs working out well. Sothis could be the lead, and the other three are all pretty memorable characters who could work for Halloween one way or another.

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2 minutes ago, Othin said:

Thinking about Harmonic Heroes.

Our first was in June, involving Awakening and Radiant Dawn. The second is August, involving Fates and Heroes. This expands the pool of "base" games they can use to Resonant Battles to four, and adds a second of the five games that have been heavily supported since launch. The other three are FE3, FE6, and FE7.

The next Harmonic Hero will most likely be on the Halloween banner. Given that the pool of games covered by Harmonic Heroes is still small, I'm guessing they'll want to once again go with a pair that covers two games without Harmonic representation yet, and have at least one of those games be from the three remaining from launch. Wonder who that might be.

Looking over characters from FE3/6/7 who've received alts (including resplendents), but not duo or Halloween versions, there's Caeda, Linde, Minerva, Palla, Catria, Est, Merric, Tiki, Roy, Cecilia, Narcian, Bartre, Fir, Sophia, Fae, Idunn, Eliwood, Lyn, Zephiel, Fiora, Ninian, Jaffar, and Nino. Wonder how many of those have suitable connections within Heroes.

We know that Narcian befriended Leanne, but she's from FE10. I feel like he came up somewhere else, too, but I forget where. That said, while I could see him fitting a Halloween theme, I'm not sure they'd be likely to give him two seasonals in one year, even if one is a duo secondary. The Harmonics so far have all been a bit higher-profile than that.

In Fallen Tiki's Forging Bonds, she befriends both Sharena and Fallen Corrin. I could see a Tiki/Sharena or Tiki/Corrin Harmonic Hero, and that could certainly fit Halloween, but it's another case of the second character overlapping a covered game, so it's a question of if they'd go for that yet. Fiora's Forging Bonds focuses on Fjorm, but this raises both the game issue and the issue of being a relatively minor character who already got a recent alt.

Looking beyond Forging Bonds, the most recent Christmas TT involves Sothis hanging out with Nino, Jaffar, and Zephiel. I could see one of those pairs working out well. Sothis could be the lead, and the other three are all pretty memorable characters who could work for Halloween one way or another.

Probably good to look at the winners of the voting jubilee. Oktober is plenty time to make a pair of units from seperate games that did well there.

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In terms of gameplay I think it'd be better to double up on at least one half of the Harmonic pair. Having three Harmonics in the game and having them all be mutually exclusive in terms of source game means that if you choose to build any one of them, you'd only have a relevant hero in Resonant Battles one week out of three. Then another pair is released and you're only covered one week out of four, etc. Sure, that might get some people to try to pull for multiples of all of them, but it feels to me it's just as much a disincentive since each individual unit you pull will be incredibly niche in terms of when they come into play.

Compare this to Legendary and Mythic heroes, which are relevant, on average, every second week. Having a Harmonic hero only be relevant once every 6-7 weeks would feel awful comparatively. Yeah, the Harmonise button partly cancels that out in that it's available any time, but I don't think that's the main appeal of the heroes? Can't say for sure of course.

What I'd instead be looking at is introducing a new game into the Harmonic pool one at a time, or even possibly not adding a new game at all. An example of the first might be an Awakening + Three Houses duo unit; and example of the latter might be a Tellius + Fates unit.

Edited by Humanoid
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13 minutes ago, Vicious Sal said:

Probably good to look at the winners of the voting jubilee. Oktober is plenty time to make a pair of units from seperate games that did well there.

Hmm. Perhaps, but looking at the two pair categories, most of the top results were single-game, and the categories don't seem very Halloween-relevant.

That does give support to Sigurd/Dierdre on the dancer banner, though, which would be fun. Although Eliwood/Ninian is the top pair to not involve characters who've already had dancer versions. Which could mean doing Eliwood/Ninian as the duo while having Sigurd and Dierdre separately, potentially pushing one or both to demote/TT slots, which would be even better for me personally.

4 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

In terms of gameplay I think it'd be better to double up on at least one half of the Harmonic pair. Having three Harmonics in the game and having them all be mutually exclusive in terms of source game means that if you choose to build any one of them, you'd only have a relevant hero one week out of three. Then another pair is released and you're only covered one week out of four, etc. Sure, that might get some people to try to pull for multiples of all of them, but it feels to me it's just as much a disincentive since each individual unit you pull will be incredibly niche in terms of when they come into play.

Compare this to Legendary and Mythic heroes, which are relevant, on average, every second week. Having a Harmonic hero only be relevant once every 6-7 weeks would feel awful comparatively. Yeah, the Harmonise button partly cancels that out in that it's available any time, but I don't think that's the main appeal of the heroes? Can't say for sure of course.

What I'd instead be looking at is introducing a new game into the Harmonic pool one at a time, or even possibly not adding a new game at all. An example of the first might be an Awakening + Three Houses duo unit; and example of the latter might be a Tellius + Fates unit.

Maybe, but it's not quite that simple. Six possible base games means a given Harmonic will only have a base game one out of three weeks, but they can also have either of their games as the secondary on any week.

In the long run, I'm sure they'll end up wanting all 13-14 games to be Resonant-viable, so that's inevitable anyway, it's just accelerating the process. At some point, they'll have to start slowing down, I just don't think they're there yet.

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5 hours ago, Kaden said:

Okay, more incentive for me to not summon from the Hero Fest banner for now.


I knew something was fishy when I got Flying Olivia and Brave Celica out of the banner. While it won't compensate for what everyone pulled, they need to do something beyond an apology. Once the rates are fixed add back the tickets and compensation orbs.

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As time goes on, one thing that could help take care of increasing numbers of old weekly revival and seasonal revival banners is "4* and 5* Heroes" banners, either in their original form or something similar. In their original form (12 units, 3 per color), they could run a cycle of 12, one per month alternating between New Heroes and Special Heroes versions, to let each version get 6 banners and therefore 18 reruns per color. For New Heroes, this wouldn't cover the full Book 1 lineup, but it could go up to around the first FE4 banner. (The complication is that including both Sigurd and Ayra would put red at 19, so it'd be a choice of making the cutoff awkwardly between them or somewhere else.) For Special Heroes, that'd be more than enough for the full first year, and could go a ways past it. Looking over the list... Red could go up to Summer Lilina, blue could get up to Spring Marisa, green could get up to Dancer Elincia, colorless could get up to Hot Springs Sakura. So green is the limiting factor here, but that's still way past the first year, so maybe that's just too many in the first place.

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1 hour ago, Jave said:

I knew something was fishy when I got Flying Olivia and Brave Celica out of the banner. While it won't compensate for what everyone pulled, they need to do something beyond an apology. Once the rates are fixed add back the tickets and compensation orbs.

Yeah, this does feel like a mistake that they should offer that kind of compensation for. Since my free pulls today got me nothing, I definitely wouldn't complain either.

On another note, I still can't decide between +Atk or +Def for my RD Ike. Keep him physically tanky, or switch him to higher Atk? I just am not sure...

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1 hour ago, SockPuppet said:

Harmonized CHOP members when?

Oh, man. A possible Harmonic Osian? I'd actually have to pull for that.

Hmm. In Osian's Forging Bonds, he spends most of his time with Bartre, Arthur, and Dorcas, but also spars with Legion and Libra and mentions having fought Hawkeye and Barst as well. Anna appears as the end, but she isn't seen interacting with them directly. I swear I remember CHOP coming up in a second Forging Bonds, with Edelgard, but I haven't been able to find it.

The one issue with CHOP is that it's a bunch of infantry axe users defined by being infantry axe users, so a Harmonic Hero based on CHOP would be kind of pressed to keep that. I could see them going for it anyway, but it'd make it feel a bit repetitive.

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8 hours ago, Kaden said:

Okay, more incentive for me to not summon from the Hero Fest banner for now.


Jeez! How do you screw up that badly?

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31 minutes ago, Othin said:

Oh, man. A possible Harmonic Osian? I'd actually have to pull for that.

Hmm. In Osian's Forging Bonds, he spends most of his time with Bartre, Arthur, and Dorcas, but also spars with Legion and Libra and mentions having fought Hawkeye and Barst as well. Anna appears as the end, but she isn't seen interacting with them directly. I swear I remember CHOP coming up in a second Forging Bonds, with Edelgard, but I haven't been able to find it.

The one issue with CHOP is that it's a bunch of infantry axe users defined by being infantry axe users, so a Harmonic Hero based on CHOP would be kind of pressed to keep that. I could see them going for it anyway, but it'd make it feel a bit repetitive.

we need a muscle Bruno/Hawkeye duo, because of the comicstrip

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19 hours ago, SuperNova125 said:

So the hero fest wasn't supposed to have year 1 and 2.5 5*s? I was weirded out when I pulled on it as the Channel had said otherwise. I got a -Atk Delthea, F.Morgan and Katarina and even wasted some orbs. That has to be the biggest bullshit I have seen in the history of Feh. I don't care about their apologies that much, I and many more I believe need some sort of compensation for this, getting Katarina type of units while I wasn't supposed to. 

Sorry if I came off as salty but I am very disappointed at this especially since all we get is an apology and I still have those garbage units and my tickets and the few orbs I spent are wasted. 

I guess? I didn't watch the FEH Channel and only looked at snippets of info from that interested me: the pirate banner and seeing CYL2 confirmed for the next weapon update. Apparently the even more damning thing for them is that in both the English and Japanese FEH Channel, they said the same thing, so it wasn't one of them accidentally said the wrong thing.

As for those three you got, well, you got free Death Blow 3 or Drive Atk 2, Blarserpent+, Mirror Stance 2, or Guard 3 without having to spend 20k feathers or use a grail unit, and Swift Sparrow 2 or Atk Ploy 3.

Edit: I guess that means you get two copies of Ephraim & Lyon and a Sothis?


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