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On 3/6/2021 at 12:07 PM, Othin said:

Seliph is a common unit, it's pretty easy to upgrade a new one if you want.

I got mine to +10, and I've been quite happy with him.

Yes, I know, but it still stings, especially after Tyrfing and then Divine Tyrfing became available for refining. I also do like how Seliph was portrayed in Heroes. For someone who has never played the Jugdral games, Heroes has done a great job at introducing the characters and making really want a remake or to play the games, preferably, legally. When I sent that one 5* copy home, it was before combat manuals were a thing. Even still, I should have sent someone else home or spent an orb to expand barracks. I still have that feeling of not wanting too many units in my barracks, unique or duplicates. Regardless, all I got out of that was 2k feathers and regret. That Seliph was a merge, 18k less feathers to spend for a potential +10 Seliph, and would have saved SP from having already learned Tyrfing. I have never sent home a 5* unit or any unit since combat manuals was introduced. It's not worth it -- not even when I have +30 copies of Hawkeye, Leon, Seliph, or whoever else.

On another note, I am running out of copies of Laslow. I need more Axebreaker 3.

I feel like they should do this for post-CYL5, but really, they should have done this by now and it is all new units introduced into the game should have 3 passives or if they don't, an assist and an special. I doubt it will happen, but it would be nice if it did. For 5* heroes, it makes sense where you want to sell them regardless if they are a star of the banner or not. At the same time, I'm not asking for them to load every unit, especially for demotes, GHB, and TT units where that is arguably asking for too much.

For instance, Dedue could have come with Shield Pulse 3 to go with his Pavise as overkill as that can be for physical damage or they could have given him Pivot, Reposition, Shove, Smite, Swap, etc., or if they really wanted to sell him more, perhaps a Rally+, dual Rally, or give him a non-Wary Fighter skill. In the previous new heroes banner, Annand could have had Fortify, Goad, Hone, or Ward Fliers, maybe a tier 4 Hone, Fortify, or Joint Drive if not an assist of some kind.

For a demote, Miranda could have had Distant Def 3, Steady Blow 2, Swift Strike 2, or Warding Stance 3 for more useful or works with her default kit stuff, or Armored Blow 3, a Defiant, Warding Blow 3, or even Close Def 3 because why not or to slap random stuff on her. Ilyana could have had B Tomebreaker, Knoll could had R Tomebreaker, Natasha could have had Live to Serve, and Solon could have had Mirror Stance or Mirror Strike 2 or Brazen Atk/Res 3 even Defiant Atk 3 because he has Defiant Magic in Three Houses.

Basically, padding of skills where at worst, it's more sources of skills however useful or useless they may be. The AR offense and defense skills could be tacked onto 5* units who are not stars of a banner or if they were feeling generous a demote or grail unit. I believe we have all the Seal X/Y skills, but some of them are still 5* or seasonal locked like Seal Atk/Spd 2 is only found on summer Frederick. Well, if they wanted to make it "new" on a demote, they could have that and pad the demote with stuff or legit crap like a Defiant and a Threaten.

Another thing is I just realized the only 3* to 4* summonable unit with a Bond skill is Tethys who has Spd/Res Bond. The only way to get a Bond skill without using a 5* unit is through grail units where winter Cecilia has Atk/Res Bond, Ethlyn has Spd/Def Bond, groom Hinata and Rutger have Atk/Def Bond, winter Jaffar has Def/Res Bond, and bride Louise has Atk/Spd Bond. Also, young Azura shares Spd/Res Bond with Tethys. This is probably strange paranoia, but I wonder if they might not want to demote units with Bonds not that Unity skills are a thing. It would make it harder to get a Unity and other skills.

Edited by Kaden
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It hasn't even been half a day and I already forgot phalanx existed

7 hours ago, Javi Blizz said:

It’s funny that trying to get Dudue (in like 15 summons) I’ve got 2 Amelias...maybe she’s the true focus of this banner 👀

Oh hey, you got an Amelia off that banner too

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I still have no idea how this event works or what the point of this event even is, and I'm pretty sure I've lost every time I've tried when the success rate is lower than 99% because fuck statistics.

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2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I still have no idea how this event works or what the point of this event even is, and I'm pretty sure I've lost every time I've tried when the success rate is lower than 99% because fuck statistics.

I get the idea the percentage is what percent it would be based on the number of armies at the start of the hour, then the people add armies over the course of the hour and lower the percentage. Then it gets calculated based on the new, much lower percentage.

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1 hour ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

Good to know that they did absolutely nothing to improve FF after absolutely destroying it last time. 😐

I hope they just revert it back to the first edition of Frontline Phalanx. It would still be uninteractive like Lost Lore, but at least would be completely stress free and rewards guaranteed.

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I was hoping Reinhardt would be Embla for contrast with Olwen, but this works.


Great art, but also the one unit who is going to make the worst use of the stats. A true one stat wonder.


The bigger deal is that they haven't forgotten about 4 star resplendents, which is good because they are way more exciting.

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22 minutes ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

Great art, but also the one unit who is going to make the worst use of the stats. A true one stat wonder.

M!Robin: *laughs in awful 40/29/29/29/22 stat line + his equally awful Prf*

22 minutes ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

The bigger deal is that they haven't forgotten about 4 star resplendents, which is good because they are way more exciting.

Yeah, this is probably the least hype Resplendent for me since the butchering of Lucina. 

The character being 3*-4* means nothing to me if it isn't someone I'm particularly interested in (and Reinhardt definitely doesn't interest me).

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1 minute ago, Javi Blizz said:

When does the A Hero Rises banner start and when do we get our freebie? 🤔

Lynja arrives tomorrow, while the banner is set for the 23rd.

Oh, and the next event calendar is out. I'm not sure why no one's made a topic for that yet.

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14 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Lynja arrives tomorrow, while the banner is set for the 23rd.

Oh, and the next event calendar is out. I'm not sure why no one's made a topic for that yet.

Probably because no one cares enough anymore

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I love the blue tinge in Resplendent Elincia's hair on her sprite.



Unfortunately, I don't have any spare Rein skills lying around, but this should be plenty good enough. 70/57 offenses on initiation before buffs. Super tempted to grab Atk/Def Unity off of Fjorm for shits and giggles for a Flier Formation build, but that can wait.

Criminally low HM for her, though. I should fix that.

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I guess Reinhardt was the real hero all along. It's neat that he parallels his sister, but I kind of would have preferred a different realm's outfit. I mean, light fairy or bodysuit Reinhardt, anyone? When they get to it, Meisterhardt having a Hel resplendent would make sense. Welp, here's hoping for regular Armads and Dire Thunder to be part of the April weapon update. Give me that sweet Lull Spd/Res 3 on Dire Thunder or for more suffering, reducing a foe's Def/Res when initiating or some other condition, so, Moonbow per hit, or dealing damage equal to a percentage of a foe's resistance or maybe attack.

Replendent CYL Ike and Reinhardt, but with a gap in between where you would need to subscribe for two times or abuse something that only works on Android apparently for four resplendent heroes. It would be hilarious if the next resplendent after him is Ayra, Deirdre, Sigurd, or even Arden.

On 3/8/2021 at 7:03 PM, Humanoid said:

A good first step to improve accessibility would be to simplify skill unlocking - make all third-tier skills unlock at 4-star.

At the very least, gen 1 healer should have this because there is no reason why someone like Lucius cannot give someone HP+5 as a 4* when that's his only passive.

This would help, but the problem I hope would be addressed is that some skills, usually older or not in high demand skills, are 5* locked or even seasonal locked. Seal Atk/Spd 2 is an example where it's only found on summer Frederick. Not a great skill, but would be neat or it should be in the 3* to 4* summoning pool by now. Only recently we had Ploys trickle down into the 3* to 4* pool with Forrest, Lena, Ilyana, and Knoll along with Fortress Res for Forrest, Def/Res for Lena, and Mirror Strike for Ilyana and Knoll. Ignoring demote healer not having dual stat Balms or Trilemma, they could have also slapped Live to Serve, a -breaker, or whatever on them to make it more common. It's not going to kill anyone that they have 3 passives where at worst they only have 1 good passive.

Shield Pulse or Wary Fighter could have been slapped onto Dedue just because or a dual Rally, Rally+, or another Fighter skill if they wanted to sell him more. They could have tossed a Atk, Spd, or Def Smoke into Annand or a Fliers skill to pad our her default kit if they didn't want to give her someone more enticing like a tier 4 C passive, Atk/Spd Rein, Spd/Def Rein, Panic or Pulse Smoke, or Orders skill. Just have more stuff be there where for 5* exclusives they might look more appealing and for 3*, 4*, and grail units, some things might be more common. We can never have enough Draw Back and Reposition, nobody's going to die if Seteth had Escape Route, Lancebreaker, Renewal or what would be really nice, a Link or if Petrine had also come with a Rally, Seal X/Y, Shove, Smite, R Tomebreaker or better yet, Desperation, Dull Close, Swordbreaker, or Vantage.

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OG Reinhardt art is like the single most iconic piece of character art in the game, dunno why I'd ever want to change it. But nice that he gets something considering the continuing lack of a refine.

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...ah what the hell, he has good art and the stat boost would help his performance a bit, and I was just trying to figure out who to merge up next, I'll +10 merge him.

Surely he and Olwen have to be penciled in for a refine within the year, right? I mean come on guys, you completely redid Ayra's Blade, it's almost a Prf weapon for current gen units. For gods sake Meistershwert was refined and it's a fine refine, I don't think it'll be that big a deal to give Dire Thunder a Foxtome effect at minimum.

Edited by Xenomata
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