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I already expected the Resplendent reveal today, since they usually dont make these announcements or release trailers on Saturday or Sunday.

Leif looks... Alright. Azura is still my least favorite Nifl Resplendent.

I think if someone wants to inherit Steady Impact + another skill, now that have an option other than promoting a 4* Python, I guess. I dont have Leif, since I foddered mine a long time ago... So its nice to have him back. He will stay in the bench forever, but still. lol

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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Alright, so Leif is in Niflian garb and...I don't really...get it. Is there something thematic here that I'm missing? It doesn't really go with his design very well, and I can't think of any ice association he has. So, even though the art's not bad, I'm just kind of left confused. I considered that his parents weren't fireball'd to death, but they didn't exactly die somewhere cold.

Edited by Mercakete
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So next up after Leif is probably either Embla or Nioveller. I think Frederick is the best possible fit for that steampunk theme, but it's probably a woman. Any ideas as to which women would look good in Nioveller garb? 


Maybe Rebecca as a steampunk huntress with fancy alchemist goggles?

Edited by Fabulously Olivier
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6 hours ago, Mercakete said:

Is there something thematic here that I'm missing? It doesn't really go with his design very well, and I can't think of any ice association he has.

No, most of the choices have no rhyme or reason. There are only a few that do for certain.

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On one hand, Leif is one of my favorite characters in the entire franchise. On the other hand, to me, this feels like a Micaiah situation where it's too soon for it. There's so many Book I 5-star characters that don't have a Resplendent yet. Ephraim, Celica, Sigurd, Ayra, Deirdre, Ninian, Ryoma, Leo, Elise, Hinoka, Genny, Mist, etc. All relatively popular and/or important characters (except for maybe Genny?). And that's not even mentioning the notable 3/4-star characters lacking a Resplendent, like Chrom, Tharja, Nino, Camilla, Seliph, the Whitewing sisters, either Corrin, Fae, etc.

Mixed feelings on Leif. Hmm. Art is nice, though.

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I just saw the lineup of enemy units in this Lost Lore. I was wondering if any other Lost Lores had a wrong enemy lineup?

Yen'fay does not appear in Valm Castle, given that he is already dead. Yet here he is, in Valm Castle...

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15 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

I just saw the lineup of enemy units in this Lost Lore. I was wondering if any other Lost Lores had a wrong enemy lineup?

Yen'fay does not appear in Valm Castle, given that he is already dead. Yet here he is, in Valm Castle...

I was under the impression that the standard procedure is "choose a climactic location from the arc in question and foes fought throughout that arc", often resulting in foes that died beforehand or otherwise didn't show up there.

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1 hour ago, Othin said:

I was under the impression that the standard procedure is "choose a climactic location from the arc in question and foes fought throughout that arc", often resulting in foes that died beforehand or otherwise didn't show up there.

Maybe? I dunno, I've little memory of the map lineups in most FE games...

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Huh. The weirdest thing just happened to me in Heroes. Apparently, while trying to download the patch, the game told me that my country is not supported, then logged me out of my account, and made me sign into it again.

That's never happened before.

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8 minutes ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

The best part of the update is no more Save skills in Pawns of Loki. I've never seen a mode so thoroughly disrupted by a single skill.

Yeah, that's really nice. Also, fewer turns should make it less time-consuming.

Checking the manual list - Hana, as expected, as well as Ishtar and Bride Sigrun. I've already pulled like four copies of Ishtar, it's getting to the point where I could actually get her to a decent merge level.

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Yeah good riddance to Save skills, making me spend 5+ minutes analyzing a round so that the Save unit doesn't ruin my run. I wonder about how the number of rounds adjustment will work. I know it was nutty on the last 3 rounds for the enemies to be level 70+ when the game is too busy not giving you any units for you to upgrade the that ones you're using.

As someone with FEH Pass and uses different OS devices, having it available on both devices is really nice. This is one of those things that I would have liked to send feedback on, but felt it would never happen.

The Ephemeras this time look really good all around. I hope that they don't do the 650 codes bs that they do every other month.


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1 hour ago, LoneStar said:

Yeah good riddance to Save skills, making me spend 5+ minutes analyzing a round so that the Save unit doesn't ruin my run. I wonder about how the number of rounds adjustment will work. I know it was nutty on the last 3 rounds for the enemies to be level 70+ when the game is too busy not giving you any units for you to upgrade the that ones you're using.

As someone with FEH Pass and uses different OS devices, having it available on both devices is really nice. This is one of those things that I would have liked to send feedback on, but felt it would never happen.

The Ephemeras this time look really good all around. I hope that they don't do the 650 codes bs that they do every other month.


They've been in the 700s since they started adding TT units, I think that's the new standard.

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Finally took a look at what the update is going to bring and I am very happy.  I need that last Nanna merge and another merge for Ishtar would be great, so the Ephemeras are really good for me this time.  DC weapon refines are finally coming and my Xander and Camus are both ready and waiting.  I Am also glad to here save skills are gone from pawns of Loki because boy can they mess up a run.

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Pff, Ninja Hana is already in the Limited Time compile menu. I'm sure that'll make so many people who already +10ed her (and don't care about her weapon since they all use Deck Swabber) upset.

Yeah I'm gonna take advantage of the Coma Ward. I have too many units, and no amount of organization is gonna distract from that fact, so vegetate them!
...what, that's basically what we're doing.

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1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

Pff, Ninja Hana is already in the Limited Time compile menu. I'm sure that'll make so many people who already +10ed her (and don't care about her weapon since they all use Deck Swabber) upset.

Yeah I'm gonna take advantage of the Coma Ward. I have too many units, and no amount of organization is gonna distract from that fact, so vegetate them!
...what, that's basically what we're doing.

I mean, at least she has Wrath fodder. That has to be worth something. 

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1 hour ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

I mean, at least she has Wrath fodder. That has to be worth something. 

Damn thing, Quick Riposte 3, Swift Sparrow 2, (Keen) Blarwolf, (Keen) Gronnwolf, Close Def 3, Distant Def 3, Live to Serve 3, Bracing Stance 2, Kestrel Stance 2, Warding Stance 3, and the other Bonds among other skills aren't truly available in the 3* to 4* regular summoning pool. Some of them can show up on the special 4* units, but I'd rather burn more common units for skills than rarer ones or merge them when some of them are pretty damn good. The fact Close Counter, Dazzling Staff, Distant Counter, Death Blow 4, Special Fighter, and Wrathful Staff technically demoted before more mundane or shittier skills is hilarious and at the rate we're going, we might see Null C-Disrupt, Null Follow-Up, Sturdy Impact, and Swift Sparrow 3 technically demote before Quick Riposte 3 shows up on a 3* to 4* demote if and when they decide to make the CYL3, gen 3 units special 4* units. On the bright side, 5* Erk can give us Spd/Res Solo 3.

Also, to this day, no summonable blue mage has Thoron+ as their default tome. Let's see who gets the Travant treatment.

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...you know what'd be neat?

Brave Hero Battles. Just one massive melee against the Brave Heroes of the year. All at the same time I mean, plus reinforcements.
Maybe it could be done using Rival Domain map sizes and army sizes, just to expand the scope of the battle.

Edited by Xenomata
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10 hours ago, Xenomata said:

...you know what'd be neat?

Brave Hero Battles. Just one massive melee against the Brave Heroes of the year. All at the same time I mean, plus reinforcements.
Maybe it could be done using Rival Domain map sizes and army sizes, just to expand the scope of the battle.

I like this.


I wasnt expecting Sigurd to be the legendary. He's good, and more importantly, he's got good art. But I gotta say, what's got me the most excited about this is the possibility of what might be coming in the future...legendary Deirdre.

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Hey everyone! I took a long break from feh exactly after getting Lynja. Felt like I was getting bored and that the game was becoming pretty hard to keep up with. I was on and off for a while even before that however now I am set on returning. 

Did I miss anything important? What's happening right now anyway? 

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5 minutes ago, SuperNova125 said:

Hey everyone! I took a long break from feh exactly after getting Lynja. Felt like I was getting bored and that the game was becoming pretty hard to keep up with. I was on and off for a while even before that however now I am set on returning. 

Did I miss anything important? What's happening right now anyway? 

I feel like things haven't changed much in the past few months. We've got Golden Week banners, Celestial Stones, an upcoming barracks expansion, and some cool new units like legendary Sigurd.

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