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3 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Or just how much people aren't aware of the game's easily accessible cheese tactics.

That too. To be fair, I needed to be reminded that a guaranteed follow-up and follow-up nullification cancel each other out, but other than that yeah I could have told you half of what that article says, and I'm not even that reputable an authority on this game.

Hegemon is certainly hard to deal with if you don't have counters, but otherwise it's like when non-prepared players were all scared of Reinhardt and Brave Lyn in year 1.

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Or just how much people aren't aware of the game's easily accessible cheese tactics.

I think a lot of players also just do not like to use and invest in different playstyles/strategies/tactics than they are used to, so they just do not bother to keep up with the meta until something forces them to adjust and improve their gameplay. For example, I rarely bothered with enemy phase until Aether Raids came along, and I did not make major investments into a super tank team until Counter-Vantage was well on its way out the Aether Raids meta. I was pretty adamant and stubborn about utilizing player phase for a long time, and it took me some conditioning and ease-in through a dual phase transition phase to start to really appreciate and actually invest in what enemy phase has to offer. But even now though, I still find it hard to commit to big enemy phase projects when merges are a much bigger deal than player phase projects.

Additionally, while player phase stuff has a lower barrier of entry in terms of cost, enemy phase stuff has a lower barrier of entry in terms of ease of use and familiarity. A lot of players come from mainstream Fire Emblem games where enemy phase is extremely dominant, and I do not think player phase was ever a thing until Fates' PvP made it a big deal; and while player phase was a big deal in that mode, that mode and PvP as a whole was never a big thing in the Fire Emblem community, and there are a lot less exposure to the creativity (or asininity depending on how you look at it) that human players show.

1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Despite the fact that there is, in fact, no incentive at all to optimize defense scoring.

Despite the fact that beasts can't learn Ruptured Sky in the first place.

I was confused a bit as well, but I do not think those mistakes were a huge deal.

You do want some optimization in terms of scoring though to meet the defense rewards, although the bar is pretty low, so I think you can use any unit as long as they got full kits and a little bit of high scoring skills.

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2 minutes ago, XRay said:

I think a lot of players also just do not like to use and invest in different playstyles/strategies/tactics than they are used to, so they just do not bother to keep up with the meta until something forces them to adjust and improve their gameplay. For example, I rarely bothered with enemy phase until Aether Raids came along, and I did not make major investments into a super tank team until Counter-Vantage was well on its way out the Aether Raids meta. I was pretty adamant and stubborn about utilizing player phase for a long time, and it took me some conditioning and ease-in through a dual phase transition phase to start to really appreciate and actually invest in what enemy phase has to offer. But even now though, I still find it hard to commit to big enemy phase projects when merges are a much bigger deal than player phase projects.

Additionally, while player phase stuff has a lower barrier of entry in terms of cost, enemy phase stuff has a lower barrier of entry in terms of ease of use and familiarity. A lot of players come from mainstream Fire Emblem games where enemy phase is extremely dominant, and I do not think player phase was ever a thing until Fates' PvP made it a big deal; and while player phase was a big deal in that mode, that mode and PvP as a whole was never a big thing in the Fire Emblem community, and there are a lot less exposure to the creativity (or asininity depending on how you look at it) that human players show.

I was confused a bit as well, but I do not think those mistakes were a huge deal.

You do want some optimization in terms of scoring though to meet the defense rewards, although the bar is pretty low, so I think you can use any unit as long as they got full kits and a little bit of high scoring skills.

I remember having to do a lot of player phase focus in Awakening's highest difficult modes, it made for a really interesting challenge. Very different beast from Heroes player phase, though.

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Speaking of Fallen Heroes being a pain ... I should mention how I almost couldn't beat Abyssal Fallen Ike and Julia because my unmerged Reinhardt could not kill Fallen Ike and got killed upon counterattack. Mind, all of my Heroes are unmerged to give myself more of a challenge, but that was ridiculous. Had to give everyone around him some attack-boosting seals and/or skills to finally deal enough damage to take him out.

(Yes, admittedly I don't have atk/res lull for him yet and I didn't give him the extra joint drive attack yet. But still.)

Edited by Sunwoo
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Just saw this on Reddit. Poor guy managed to get 100% 5* rate. The last green Orb was Corrin: Dream Princess according to him. That means at least 120 summons with no Focus units I think.


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2 minutes ago, XRay said:

Just saw this on Reddit. Poor guy managed to get 100% 5* rate. The last green Orb was Corrin: Dream Princess according to him. That means at least 120 summons with no Focus units I think.


Yeah, 120 is the threshold they've given. That's 480-600 orbs.

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2 hours ago, XRay said:

Just saw this on Reddit. Poor guy managed to get 100% 5* rate. The last green Orb was Corrin: Dream Princess according to him. That means at least 120 summons with no Focus units I think.


That was a very unlucky whale... Not only having to reach that rate without getting any 5* hero (I hope they got a bunch of 4* specials at least), but also getting a Hubert which pretty much wasted one of the 5* heroes.

The green one was a Adrift Corrin, which this player already have her at +10.

It was funny that 4/5 heroes are from Three Houses though.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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Wow, that's pretty fucking bad.

The only consolation is probably that they at least got Mercedes and a (duplicate) Duo Hilda on that last circle? >_>

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Looks like Nidavellir Merric is next. His art is solid, but not jaw-dropping.

His stats are... still pretty underwhelming. 28/34 offenses is still not great (literally just Dancer Inigo), even with the option of an Atk superboon and his weapon options.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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Well, that was a Resplendent well wasted especially so soon after the common green mage people actually invested in (Nino).

How does Fates still only have three Resplendents while Archanea is about to hit six? And they didn't even pick one of the more popular Archanean characters still on the board (like Catria, Palla, Katarina, Ogma, etc.) either.

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I liked Resplendent Merric. Not a fan of his white shorts... kinda like they gave him the outfit, and he was like... "but this pants are... quite tight... quite revealing... can i use some shorts on top of it?"

Even though this Resplendent will not save him... Extra stats are always welcomed. If he had Winds of Change as Weapon Evolution option, he would be great. Sadly, weapon evolution is something of the past... 

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I use him as an Ignis nuke in AR-D, although I'm F2P anyway. Not sure if there's any overlap between people who use him and ones who actually get FEH Pass.

Looks like the fairy outfits are now the ones that have been away the longest.

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12 minutes ago, Othin said:

I use him as an Ignis nuke in AR-D, although I'm F2P anyway. Not sure if there's any overlap between people who use him and ones who actually get FEH Pass.

Looks like the fairy outfits are now the ones that have been away the longest.

Before the game became Fallen Edelgard Heroes, I was a FEH pass user and Merric was on my to-build list. FEH passers aren't necessarily try hards, and to be honest, it is one of the least eggregious parts of the game's business model.


FEH pass is more for "dolphins" than for "whales" though whales will certainly buy it on top of all of their other spending. It's a cost-effective way to get some useful resources and extra units to play with. In regards to the overall money sink that is the game, the pass is cheap and value-packed. That said, I will certainly be glad to save the $120 year minimum from the pass now (plus whatver I was spending on the occassional promo pack). Could buy me a few actual games per year.

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Stupid easy skip.

Merric's one defining trait as a Green Tome Infantry is his access to Dark Excalibur, and even that isn't necessarily enough for me to justify another month of Feh Pass just to make sure I get him. Poor offensive stats, average at best defensive ability (pretty good HP for a ranged 1st gen Infantry though), bad fodder options, a Prf weapon that barely covers his weaknesses... there's just so little here for me.

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So, Kid Merric but older with a couple of steampunk world accessories is the new Merric resplendent. Personally, I think they could have gone more steampunk and less Altean Mage.

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Speaking for myself, I quite like the FEPass as somebody who does not spend money on this in any other way - it's a way to steadily support IS as a lifelong FE fan without feeding bad impulses and you get a helping of orbs/feathers/grails/etc to boot. For the amount I play, two starbuck's worth per month is not too shabby, especially when Covid made me quit the starbucks habit cold turkey.. 

(that being said, the resplendents lately after Micaiah have been sent straight to feathering, oops.)

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ht?I like Merric, he looks super cool! I am happy for him, I will glad budget build him.


Anyway, next refines... we should be expecting Gerome, Ares and Spring Catria, correct? Gerome and Catria are the next Grail and seasonal units respectively, and Ares is the last 4*-with-a-PRF that has yet to receive a refine (which means an update for Eldigan, too?). After that... well, L Robin is getting her remix in July, huh? I wonder if they will bite the bullet and just refine Expiration on Fallen M Robin as well. That could leave... Maribelle as our last unit and we would have a nice New Power banner with one of each color. Plus, she is one of the last 4* Special Focus units without a PRF or refine, right? Just give her a fancier Trilemma and built in Wrathful and we are good to go! Just in time for CYL3 in August... 

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8 hours ago, SockPuppet said:

Anyway, next refines... we should be expecting Gerome, Ares and Spring Catria, correct? Gerome and Catria are the next Grail and seasonal units respectively, and Ares is the last 4*-with-a-PRF that has yet to receive a refine (which means an update for Eldigan, too?).

We could have Soleil or Shigure before Ares, with new Prfs. But if it is Ares's time... Then yes, Eldigan will get a refinement as well.

8 hours ago, SockPuppet said:

Just in time for CYL3 in August... 

We know Bride Sanaki is in August because IS already announced that in her Bridal Banner rerun... would be kinda weird to have the 4 CYL 3 units and Sanaki on the same update. Unless they put her on the Double Special, she will not have a New Power banner that way.

So because of that, I kinda dont expect CYL refinements in August...

HOWEVER... previous CYL refinements didnt occur in August. They happened in September's update. I am not saying that it will not happen, but they will skip a good amount of Book 2 Heroes by doing that (Book 2 OCs, Farfetched, Adrift and Fire & Ice banners) by doing that. I could see they holding the CYL 3 refinements a little more, but I wouldn't be surprised if IS doesn't care for the rest of Book 2 and start of Book 3, and skip all those for CYL 3 refinements.

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51 minutes ago, Rinco said:

 We should be hearing about the update and refines soon, right?

Yes, probably within the next couple of days.

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2 hours ago, Rinco said:

 We should be hearing about the update and refines soon, right?

We usually get these update notifications between the last 2 days of the month and the first 2 days of the update's month.

I will say... until Friday, we should get it.

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Picked up my Far Save Winter Fae and sent her into AR for the first time. I don't have an Astra Close Save unit yet, but as I'd hoped, Far Save seems to do fine on its own. I had Spring Idunn join her to help her take on Thrasir, which worked perfectly.

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