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Skipping Canas? Lame. Super, super lame. Come on, IS. He better get a darn good refine when they circle back around to him.

Nailah is getting a weapon refine, nice. I guess we'll be seeing more beast units there now, which means Caineghis is getting near. I'm looking forward to that, hopefully he gets a good one.

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I just noticed that I only have 1 copy of Arden. I have no idea what I did with the other copies/manuals or when I did it, but now I'm frustrated. If I want to build him eventually, I'll have to spend a lot of grails.

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1 hour ago, Rinco said:

I just noticed that I only have 1 copy of Arden. I have no idea what I did with the other copies/manuals or when I did it, but now I'm frustrated. If I want to build him eventually, I'll have to spend a lot of grails.

Are they in your cold storage boxes?

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Well, that's it. I've been subscribed to Feh Pass since it came out, and I've been holding out for Resplendent Brave Lyn, but I can't anymore. I have to cancel the subscription, and I cannot spend anymore money on Feh for the foreseeable future. Money right now is just way too tight, even for this cheap thing.

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10 minutes ago, Seafarer said:

Anyone else find it odd that Thórr and Eitri's battle is listed as a Bound Hero Battle?

I think that's either just a fuck up or laziness at play. The in-game notification calls it a "Legendary & Mythic Hero Battle" and makes no mention of a Bound Hero Battle.

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9 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Book VI Feh Channel was announced to December 5th, at 4 PM PT.

Looks like we are going back to Embla! Will Veronica or Bruno finally become playable in their original forms?


That's an unusual time, I believe it will be 9am Jp time

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7 minutes ago, Naoshi said:

That's an unusual time, I believe it will be 9am Jp time

For normal Channel and others trailers, it is. Its when the Maintenance begins. This Channel will be released some hours before the version 6.0 update.

Its not the first time it happens though. I believe Book 3 and 5 channels were during this time as well.

To me, Channels and Trailers are at mid-night, while this one will be a 9 PM, so I actually like this time. lol

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1 hour ago, Seafarer said:

What's it called in-game in Japanese? Bound, like in English, or Legendary + Mythic, like the announcement?

Neither. The Japanese (and Chinese) titles of Bound Hero Battles don't waste space mentioning that Bound Hero Battles are Bound Hero Battles in the first place.

In all languages other than Japanese and Chinese, the first line of the title for a Bound Hero Battle is "Bound Hero Battle" and the second line is the initials of the two characters (separated by an ampersand). In Japanese and Chinese, the first line of the title is the first character's full name (followed by an ampersand) and the second line is the second character's full name.

The Eitri & Thorr battle follows the same pattern with "エイトリ &" ("Eitri &") as the first line and "トール" ("Thorr") as the second line.

For comparison, the currently running Palla & Catria battle has "パオラ &" ("Palla &") as the first line and "カチュア" ("Catria") as the second line.


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And for reference, in the announcements, the Eitri & Thorr battle is called "伝承神階英雄戦" (denshō shinkai eiyūsen), "Legendary-Mythic Hero Battle". Bound Hero Battles are called "絆英雄戦" (kizuna eiyūsen), "Bonded Hero Battle".

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3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Neither. The Japanese (and Chinese) titles of Bound Hero Battles don't waste space mentioning that Bound Hero Battles are Bound Hero Battles in the first place.

In all languages other than Japanese and Chinese, the first line of the title for a Bound Hero Battle is "Bound Hero Battle" and the second line is the initials of the two characters (separated by an ampersand). In Japanese and Chinese, the first line of the title is the first character's full name (followed by an ampersand) and the second line is the second character's full name.

The Eitri & Thorr battle follows the same pattern with "エイトリ &" ("Eitri &") as the first line and "トール" ("Thorr") as the second line.

For comparison, the currently running Palla & Catria battle has "パオラ &" ("Palla &") as the first line and "カチュア" ("Catria") as the second line.

And for reference, in the announcements, the Eitri & Thorr battle is called "伝承神階英雄戦" (denshō shinkai eiyūsen), "Legendary-Mythic Hero Battle". Bound Hero Battles are called "絆英雄戦" (kizuna eiyūsen), "Bonded Hero Battle".

Interesting, thanks! Looks like a localisation mess-up, then.

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4 hours ago, Dylan Corona said:

Man, they should match you with similar numbers for Summoner's Battle. I keep having to fight ridiculously high level people

Yep. I keep getting matched up with people with double the points I have...literally struggling to increase my points this way.

Also, a lot of PVPs implement a ban system where you can choose one character from the enemy team to 'ban' for the match. I think it will help so I'm not forced to build teams around countering B!Eirika without completely banning all units after a certain book.  

Not sure how much a ban system will help against whales though...

Edited by zuibangde
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While doing Allegiance Battles, I just suddenly realized that I can have a single Sacred Seal equipped on both a front-line and back-line unit at the same time when the team is locked because the back line doesn't lock.

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After ten battles in Summoner Duels, I have 7 wins and 3 losses. I recommend bringing your super tank team from Aether Raids (ideally Spd based one for duel phasing) since your captain should ideally be doing most of the kills and the opposing team cannot rush you very easily. Player Phase teams are gimped due to limited Dancers/Singers and your opponent can react between Dances/Sings. Save tank teams are gimped since you can only bring one Save tank; you can bring a Save tank to support your super tank though to take off some of the heat from combat and better protect your back line though. In this mode, since everyone is still new and there has not been an established meta yet, I am drawing on some strategies and principles in chess, so hopefully these tips help.

- For now at least, it is vital to control the center, so make sure to reach there first! Your units can exert immense pressure from the center by denying your opponents enough safe spots to just sit back and reap control points, while giving you the ability to do the same.

- Ranged player phase units can control the center too, although they do it a bit differently by threatening an area without being in that area. Ranged player phase units can exert even greater pressure if they are from the center, but they are also more vulnerable from doing so, so it is pretty risky. Only place them in the center if you can make trades in your favor.

- Speaking of trades, do not be afraid to lose units! Sometimes it is better to just bite the bullet and take the first kill, losing your first nuke, but then use a second nuke to kill the enemy that just killed your first nuke, assuming the opponent cannot kill your second nuke. If you can trade one unit for two and do it safely, I recommend doing so.

- Galeforce gets interrupted, but Trace does not! While I have not used player phase teams so far, from how I see it, Trace seems to give you a more traditional player phase experience without needing a Dancer/Singer.

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Yuri seems especially well suited to SD, since he can target especially distant foes and then jump back to safety. Also Reginn/Otr/Eitri to a lesser extent.

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It really seems like the game is screaming at me to finally build a direct Edelgard counter.

I hope the book 3 unit option stays popular, I only have half an idea what newer units like Sigurd do. New units get too much text.

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i have been running leg.Hector leg.Ephraim Thrasir Lif and Brave Veronica as a captain with null follow up

havent lost so far. 

Ephraim does the leg work for positioning, Hector gives pules vibe support and tanks, and the rest kills stuff

tough i am currently only at 260ish points

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