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1 hour ago, Etrurian emperor said:

So we got resplendent Faye eh? Yeesh the devs really don't want to give Mae and Boey anything, do they?

I mean, though for reasons I can’t comprehend, Faye was popular at one point and I entirely expected her to get a Resplendent. I definitely would’ve preferred Mae (or Clair because her art is legitimately ugly) myself

Though with Faye off the board, Mae could very easily be next for a Valentia Resplendent since they’ve used up most of Valentia’s top choices (except for Berkut, since they still don’t want to give Grail units Resplendents).

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19 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

Thanks for the suggestions guys! 

I completely forgot that W!Cecilia exists. Do you have any save build for her? If not, that Lissa build seems interesting

Literally the exact same build as Lissa, but with Courtly Mask and Iceberg.

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Summons weren't amazing on the Mythic banner, but weren't bad either.
Went a bit after the spark (~250 orbs total) and got:
2 Hel
1 Medeus
1 Micaiah
1 Julia
1 Idunn
1 Dimitri (Spark)
1 Ylgr (4* special)
1 B!Eliwood (4* special)

Dimitri is up to +8 now and the only Mythic I'm missing is still Otr.

Now plans for the future:
Hoarding orbs till May's Legendary banner, where I'll spark. Aiming for Claude but would also be happy with copies of either of the Byleths and Dagr. A!Joshua will probably be on the banner and I'd like one copy as well for the floret.
June's Leg/Mythic is not appealing to me, I may pass it. Then Dimitri comes back in July and I'll try to +10 him there. Lucky he's coming back so soon. On that banner I'd also like to pull Plumeria, Peony and Ashera (and Otr is back as well). Also on July, I'll spark on the Remix for Tiki.

If I stick to the plan, I should end July with more than 300 orbs to spare. That would allow me to indulge myself on the Brave banner if I want to.

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The next update is increasing the number of free losses in the Arena from 1 to 2. Yay.

In Summoner Duels, the Erosion Captain Skill, which previously just inflicted an in-combat penalty when Savior activates will now prevent Savior from activating entirely when your captain attacks. That's terrifying and is going to make playing footsies a lot worse.

On the other hand, I can probably do something to make my New Year Reginn and Fafnir kind of terrifying as Erosion captains with their better-than-normal Cantos for ranged units. And Yuri, I guess.


And apparently, some desert maps are getting their graphics updated. I'm curious what's up.

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Fire/Wind season is the only one I don't have a shot at T21, since my highest merged legendary is F!Corrin at +4. I don't think I can go up even if I fish for the best score possible.
Sad that last week's bonus didn't align with my barracks so I could try to keep T21. Now I'll be lucky if I manage to stay on T20 for this season.
I need to get at least 2 more merges on Corrin when she comes back and I hope to get another Wind legendary project going on the sidelines. I've completely neglected Fire season (I think I have a couple merges on Edelgard and I have L!Marth at +2), but if I get my Wind season core going, that won't be a problem anymore.

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Hall of Forms is a massive troll. I finally got Ruptured Sky on Rinea on the last possible map before the event ends.

I did get Ruptured Sky as an option on one previous roll, but that roll also had Spd Cantrip on it, so I picked up Spd Cantrip since the B skill pool is way more diluted. I didn't think it'd be this long before they rolled Ruptured Sky again. Normally I can get it pretty quickly.

Ended up picking Flora Guide as her weapon even though I got Love Bouquet as an option several times. Juno is a 4-star unit, so I decided it would be better to just grab it off of her banner.


Still was really tempted to grab Thoron, though, just for the novelty.

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Ended up picking Flora Guide as her weapon even though I got Love Bouquet as an option several times. Juno is a 4-star unit, so I decided it would be better to just grab it off of her banner.

Juno's Manual is in the GBA Path of adivinhe Codes 3, so you can get that if you want to.

1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Still was really tempted to grab Thoron, though, just for the novelty.

That's me everytime we have a blue tome forma... Always wanting Thoron+, but I never pick it because of course.

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1 minute ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Juno's Manual is in the GBA Path of adivinhe Codes 3, so you can get that if you want to.

I think 40 orbs is a bit cheaper to me than 400 Divine Codes, and I don't really need any of the other manuals on that path, so it's probably still a bit more economical for me to grab her off of her banner.

Louise is probably the only other unit on that path that was interesting, but with Byleth likely sharing a color with the next Legendary Hero, I'm likely going to have a decent stock of Atk/Spd Ideal 4 after that.

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10 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

I think 40 orbs is a bit cheaper to me than 400 Divine Codes, and I don't really need any of the other manuals on that path, so it's probably still a bit more economical for me to grab her off of her banner.

Louise is probably the only other unit on that path that was interesting, but with Byleth likely sharing a color with the next Legendary Hero, I'm likely going to have a decent stock of Atk/Spd Ideal 4 after that.

Ah ok.

It's just I don't have a very good relationship with the 4* Focus pool... I already spent 100 orbs without getting one in previous banners.

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Fortunatelly I managed to keep T20 in Arena.
Had to change my blessings from Wind to Fire and swap L!Corrin (+4) for L!Marth (+2) because I was using L!Celica as my bonus unit and that way I could score higher.
It was a pain to get the 5 matches, as both Celica and Marth were unreliable most of the time. Didn't fish for the highest scores possible and I think maybe I could have even gone up to T21, but since this is the worst season combination for me, I'm glad to be staying on T20 and not falling to T19. Next week I can promote without issue.

I need to get lucky with some Wind legendaries so I can score higher. But maybe I should also go after some L!Marth merges for when the bonus unit is a Fire Legendary so I can use both of them like I did this week...
But, for now my goal stands to finish Dimitri, Claude and Tiki. Having those at +10 (and possibly luckying some more merges on M!Byleth along the way) would make things easier most of the time. Then I can worry about the other seasons.

AR is a breeze as usual. Top3k with my 4 Mythics + 2 Save Tanks, just one ladder used because I was dumb.

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With Faye out, the Resplendent after her will be Gaius: Candy Stealer.




It's not a bad look for him, a little disappointing they didn't give him his Candied Dagger in his artwork, though... given the circumstances of what the Candied Dagger even is, I don't think that's something the artist was gonna actually draw.

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Muspell Gaius. His art looks really nice. I really like the flame pattern on his headband and the flame effects in his Special art.

As far as stats go... he's still overshadowed by Cath, Colm, and Legault in the 4-star pool. He ends up pretty close to Gangrel and Kaze. He beats Kronya in damage, but his weapon only deals damage, whereas Kronya gets a conditional full-HP Vantage.

At max Dragonflowers with a Spd Asset and only their weapon equipped (Vicious Dagger+ [Spd] on units without exclusive weapons),

  • Resplendent Gaius has 48/56+α/49/28/25 with the additional damage equal to 10% of his Spd, so 6-7 at max merge with a typical build.
  • Cath has 44/54/55/28/31.
  • Colm has 46/54/53/25/33.
  • Legault has 43/64+α/55/28/23 with the additional damage equal to the total Bonuses on the opponent, so typically 12-24 in the high Arena and unreliable in other game modes.
  • Kaze has 38/61/51/21/46.
  • Kronya has 47/53/50/25/32.
  • Gangrel has 48/53+α/48/31/37 with the additional damage equal to 20% of his Res, so 8-9 at max merge with a typical build.

Gaius's main issue is his Spd, which is already lower than Cath's, Colm's, and Legault's, and isn't helped by the fact that his weapon grants less Spd than theirs. Kaze also ends up faster than him due to getting a larger boost from his weapon.

But if you like Gaius, at least this helps him catch up a bit.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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I'm not sure who I expected next, but Gaius was not a character that came to mind. I definitely don't dislike the choice, I like Gaius well enough and it's cool to see a more common character get a Resplendent. And he got some really great art, wow. I'm impressed.

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Dang, Muspell Gaius is looking good. That said, I feel like there was a missed opportunity to give him a chocolate lava cake.

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I know I am being silly but I remember @Zeo asking to be told when the sun glasses are back so I am doing that, I don't know if they will see this or not but at least I tried.

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1 hour ago, Flying Shogi said:

PM1 announced that this week is the last week he'll be doing Resonant Battles solutions. Does anyone know if there are other people who also have been doing RB solutions?

Honestly, in my opinion, Resonant Battles is not that hard that it is needed a guide to complete, but I know there are people that have a harder time with these maps... 

Anyway... There is another youtuber called Balthiar also does these RB guides.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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I'm probably not one to speak because I have enough Duo/Harmonic Heroes, especially ones with the Dance duo/harmonic skill, that I can just have a full team of 8 units and do not have a hard time as a result, but... it doesn't strike me as a mode that needs help to do.

Hero Battles it makes sense, especially if you are a F2P player and don't have a huge hero reserve, but... well again, I'm not one to speak...

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3 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Honestly, in my opinion, Resonant Battles is not that hard that it is needed a guide to complete, but I know there are people that have a harder time with these maps... 


58 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

I'm probably not one to speak because I have enough Duo/Harmonic Heroes, especially ones with the Dance duo/harmonic skill, that I can just have a full team of 8 units and do not have a hard time as a result, but... it doesn't strike me as a mode that needs help to do.

As someone who regularly forgets to do AA, I use guides more as a reminder to do RB since I like to stock up on Trait Fruits. Since I've been using RB guides from the beginning, I can't comment on the difficulty but it's definitely more convenient to follow a guide than having to trial and error my way to a solution. 

3 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Anyway... There is another youtuber called Balthiar also does these RB guides.


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7 minutes ago, Flying Shogi said:

As someone who regularly forgets to do AA, I use guides more as a reminder to do RB since I like to stock up on Trait Fruits. Since I've been using RB guides from the beginning, I can't comment on the difficulty but it's definitely more convenient to follow a guide than having to trial and error my way to a solution. 

The difficulty depends on how strong your nukes are. For me, it is pretty trivial since Harmonized nukes are all at least decently strong, and it is easier to slap two nukes and two Dancers/Singers together and just tackle it directly.

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