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2 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

So the next heroes in Hall of Forms are:

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2020 Choose Your Legends winners:

  • Dimitri: King of Faerghus
  • Claude: Almyra's King
  • Edelgard: Adrestian Emperor
  • Lysithea: Earnest Seeker



Well that's frightening. They were all pretty good even before they got their refines, but now they're probably the most valuable units a person could possibly get from HoF
Shame I already refined Lysithea and Edelgard, the two I'm most likely to build, but... oh well. Maybe if I have enough spare plays I'll consider building Claude as well...


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Figures that happens the week after I refine (and merge) my Dimitri manually. But I guess his base kit is good enough such that the Forma would have been pretty questionable value anyway. Eddie and Claude are also already refined and would probably benefit more, but I'm not really in need of their roles. Lysithea is the only one I have unmerged and unrefined, but eh, I'm good on infantry mages.

One big disappointment is that the lack of a Rearmed hero this month, who could have been a dagger unit, means there's no way I can justify claiming Forma Hinoka who's about to expire. Without knowing how well the Arcane Dagger would suit a Lethality build, it's far too risky. Oh well.

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Also the following skills are being added to the HoF pool, featuring skills from the units introduced in December including Rearmed Ophelia, Seidhr, Winter Cordelia/Selena, and New Year Askr/Embla. Image from the official english FEH twitter.
Frankly I don't know why they even bother putting the Arcane weapons in the pool when the chances of us actually seeing Rearmed heroes in HoF won't even be going up for a good few years, but whatever future-proofing is a thing tech people do.

Edited by Xenomata
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I have kind of wanted to have a Brave Edelgard for each defensive season so I might forma this one and slowly merge the forma up so I can have two +10 Edelgards. Already have one for Anima/Astra so this one will be for Light/Dark. Now that the brave houses units are in the 4 star special its more realistic to happen.

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Looks good, but strictly a sidegrade so there's not terribly much incentive there for me. Just a merge for a unit I don't use certainly won't sell me anything.

Besides, who's going to give up her iconic voice line? You know the one. 😛

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 My most wanted resplendent is next huh. I am a big fan of her art too.  I am going to wait until she is the active resplendent though as I don't care for any of the current ones. It will be nice as the resplendent will be the final copy I need to get Brave Lyn to +10.

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Wow, they're really early this time. Here's the art for anyone too lazy to go to the page:








Would've preferred Nidavellir because I like the aesthetic, but the Muspell colors work really well on the pelt over her shoulder. The slight white glow from it also looks pretty nice.

Not sold on the scale armor around the waist, though. It looks like it was tacked on just to meet the Muspell design elements quota.

But the art is still very pretty.


As far as stats go, she has 39/41 offenses (as always, with max Dragonflowers), which is good, but not amazing, given that Summer Leonie is a Grail unit with 39/42+ offenses, giving her +0/+2 offenses over Lyn when both have a Spd Asset.

Python has worse stats, at 36/39 offenses, but makes up for it with a much stronger weapon that grants +17/+10 offenses and in-combat Spd/Def Panic.

Her weapon is quite underwhelming, as its refine comes from back when bows still had worse skill effects compared to other weapon types, granting only +4/+7 offenses and Dull Ranged, with 4 points of each stat conditional on Lyn having higher visible Spd than the opponent. This essentially locks her into running Life and Death 4 as her A skill if she wants to continue using her default weapon instead of being able to run the slightly stronger Atk/Spd Catch 4.

As such, it's currently still advisable to run her with Whitecap Bow for its conditional Brave effect and effective +3/+7 offenses (relative to an exclusive weapon's Mt). Alternatively, she's a very good candidate for an Arcane bow when one is released, as it will certainly have comparable stats to Mulagir along with multiple skill effects.

Lyn's advantage over her competition is her access to Sacae's Blessing, which disables Distant Counter on human opponents, leaving only beasts, dragons, ranged units, and units with Null C-Disrupt capable of counterattacking. Essentially, this gives her a more limited Firesweep role in exchange for not locking her into running Firesweep Bow, allowing her to perform the same role, but with the superior Whitecap Bow, a future Arcane bow, or even her default weapon, which, for all its shortcomings, is still better than Firesweep Bow, even when considering the loss of the B slot (unless you're running Seal Def 4).

If the Arcane bow is released with the Slaying effect and +1 Special charge rate, Lyn will actually be quite viable, as it would let her land Deadeye while also Sweeping.


They really ought to give Mulagir and Geirskogul a second refine, though. And add an upgrade to Beorc's Blessing and Sacae's Blessing. (While we're at it, the early Legendary Heroes really need another Remix, too.)

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Honestly, for Mulagir, even if they just changed "At start of combat, if unit's Spd > foe's Spd, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 during combat" to "At start of combat, if unit's Spd > foe's Spd, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+6 during combat, and also, if unit initiates combat, unit attacks twice" that'd do wonders.

And for Sacae's Blessing, if they just upgraded it from "If foe has sword, lance, or axe, foe cannot counterattack" to "If foe has sword, lance, axe, dragonstone, or beast weapon, foe cannot counterattack" plus enabling Canto and maybe a stat penalty to the foe, it'd be a much much much better skill.

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3 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Honestly, for Mulagir, even if they just changed "At start of combat, if unit's Spd > foe's Spd, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 during combat" to "At start of combat, if unit's Spd > foe's Spd, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+6 during combat, and also, if unit initiates combat, unit attacks twice" that'd do wonders.

And for Sacae's Blessing, if they just upgraded it from "If foe has sword, lance, or axe, foe cannot counterattack" to "If foe has sword, lance, axe, dragonstone, or beast weapon, foe cannot counterattack" plus enabling Canto and maybe a stat penalty to the foe, it'd be a much much much better skill.

I'm not going to say there's anything wrong with those ideas, but I wouldn't say they're "just" small changes.

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@Fire Emblem Fan @Othin

I think it's at least worth mentioning that Wolf's weapon is just +9 Atk, +6 Spd, and the Desperation effect at high HP. Also, Wolf's offensive stats are only +2/+3 over Resplendent Brave Lyn's when both have max Dragonflowers and a Spd Asset.

In order to match Wolf in stats, all Mulagir needs is an additional +7 Atk and +2 Spd, which is a very small gap to fill. With just those stat boosts, she doesn't really even need additional effects to be comparable to him since Sacae's Blessing is a still a good enough skill to make up for the difference.

You could literally replace Mulagir with just the stat-boosting half of Sue's Quick Mulagir (+10 Atk/Spd and additional damage on first attack equal to 15% of Spd), and Lyn would already be better than Wolf.


Lyn with Resplendent boosts is already that close to the best units of her class. Wolf is on the low end of the best bow cavalry units, and this pittance of a boost is already enough to put her above him.

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The AHR VG matchups have been announced. Most likely joining SV!Edelgard since her kit fits my Galeforce play style. She's also a Harmonic so any extra copies directly contribute to scoring in Resonant Battles. Not sure which team to join if SV!Edelgard loses. While I want Ophelia, I only need one copy of her, 2 copies max. As for Fomortiis vs Robin, I think I'm leaning towards Robin a little more since she's technically more rare compared to a Mythic that will always have reruns.

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On 2/24/2023 at 8:28 PM, Ice Dragon said:

If the Arcane bow is released with the Slaying effect and +1 Special charge rate, Lyn will actually be quite viable, as it would let her land Deadeye while also Sweeping.


Considering the Arcane Bow will have NFU (or at least the offensive part) and she runs Windsweep on the B slot, right?

Because outside the real owners of the Arcane Weapons, heroes that inherit them cannot run their Prf skills. Which means Brave Lyn cannot run Sacae's Blessing alongside an Arcane Bow.

Without Sacae's Blessing in consideration, I would just say use Leonie instead... unless the player really like Lyn more or already has her at +10 and well invested.

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11 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Considering the Arcane Bow will have NFU (or at least the offensive part) and she runs Windsweep on the B slot, right?

Because outside the real owners of the Arcane Weapons, heroes that inherit them cannot run their Prf skills. Which means Brave Lyn cannot run Sacae's Blessing alongside an Arcane Bow.

Without Sacae's Blessing in consideration, I would just say use Leonie instead... unless the player really like Lyn more or already has her at +10 and well invested.


Yeah, just give her a second refine.

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So much delicious Atk/Spd Catch 4 fodder but still no viable source of Atk/Spd Catch 3 in sight. I can easily see myself holding onto 20k of these codes and not being able to justify spending any of them until we do. 😞

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A number of Ascended heroes in the lineup. Three Houses/Hopes line has the most offensive-offerings between two AScatch4's, one ASideal4 alongside SRtempo, and even an ASoath4. Binding/Blazing/Stones having a Near Save and even Godlike Reflexes + Spd Smoke 4 is quite good defensively. Vital Astra at the end of Genealogy/Thracia... salivating over here.
There's not one unit in this years exchange that I would want to even consider using as merge fodder, which is saying something considering every other exchange had at least one. The skills lately have just been getting too good. The only way it could be better is if there was any of the premium Distant or Close Counter fodder in here...
Something about Heroes being on two paths, yet only having two units between them feels... hilarious.

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The DS and GBA tracks both look solid. The Fodlan track is great if you're looking for Atk/Spd Catch 4 and has solid skills along the way, too.

Ninja Male Corrin has Ninja Naginata or Special Spiral 3. Fallen Lilith is loaded with Atk/Spd Catch 4, Dive-Bomb, and Spd Smoke 4. Spring Lucina has Savvy Fighter. Brave Chrom has Surge Sparrow and S/D Near Trace.

Ascended Joshua has Life and Death 4, and you can grab either Null Follow-Up or Green Feud at the same time. Pity he doesn't have Lethality, but then he wouldn't be second on the track. Fallen Ninian has B Duel Infantry (which might be useful with the new Arena scoring mechanics if they cycle back to Lucina as the Legendary bonus unit). Odd Pulse Tie and Cross Spur Atk aren't particularly high in demand, but are hard to get. Ascended Idunn's skills aren't particularly notable, as D/R Near Save is generally weaker than the slightly easier to get A/D Near Save, but Save skills are still hard to get, and merges on Save tanks are good even if you don't need the skills. Flame Lyn has Godlike Reflexes and Spd Smoke 4.

The Fodlan track has Atk/Spd Catch 4 in the second slot on Summer Dimitri and again in the last slot on Brave Byleth. Byleth also has Spd/Res Hold, but can't transfer it at the same time until someone comes with an easily accessible Atk/Spd Catch 3 (currently only on New Year Lyre, who is a 4-star, but is not easily accessible out of season). Monica also has great fodder, having both Atk/Spd Ideal 4 and Spd/Res Tempo, both of which can be transferred at the same time. Male Shez can transfer Spd/Def Bulwark and Atk/Spd Oath 4 at the same time, too.


The other three tracks are also good, but aren't quite as ridiculously stacked, unless you're specifically in need of some of the slightly less premium premium skills, like Lulls.

The Jugdral track has Vital Astra. You do get Luminous Grace, Life and Death 4 and one of Lull Spd/Res or Time's Pulse 3, and Even Recovery on the way.

The Tellius track has Ninja Shinon with Ninja Yumi and Deadeye and Flame Muspell with Dragon's Wrath 4. You get Spd/Def Tempo on the way. Also Sturdy Surge, which is rare, but very situational.

The Akaneia track has Spring Delthea with Atk/Spd Catch 4 and S/R Far Trace, though it's still difficult to get both at once. You also get Life and Death 4, Serpentine Staff or Dazzling Staff, and Hardy Fighter (or A/R Far Save). Infantry Null Follow-Up is rare, but isn't in particularly high demand, especially now that the still-not-high-in-demand Infantry Spd Tactic exists.


I usually don't compile manuals from the permanent pools (the only time was to grab Amelia for Armor March because I ran out of copies), but I'm tempted to grab the GBA track just for Godlike Reflexes. While the manuals on the way there are pretty good, I don't really need them. Joshua is the only unit in that track that isn't already fully merged.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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And the only times NY Lyre's been re-run, she's colour-shared with another unit (NY Plumeria and Xane) in an eight-unit banner.

Guess I'm using Swift Sparrow 3, Atk/Spd Push or Life and Death 4 as filler for the time being. Actually pondering which of these skills to multiply using Rearmed Ophelia at the moment, already have two and might get more with AHR (though hopefully not as the event winner). Might decide on which unit I can feed her also has a convenient C-skill to pass on. Ironically the new remixed Legendary Celica would have been a candidate here...

Edited by Humanoid
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