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7 minutes ago, Othin said:

She's the most popular of the trio, so I think she'll get there.

Oh, getting a Resplendent is pretty much a given. It's just that it may not be a sure thing she'll keep the theme... but it might be a remote chance of that happening anyway. After all, they've managed to put them in various sets already.

All three with Spring alts. All three with Child alts (even if on a technicality, as all three are the same unit). All three got their Valentian reps too. So yeah, all three having fairy Resplendents might as well is a matter of when, not if.

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Another bug spotted on the subreddit, apparently not just a display one either: Altena has a 29% 4* focus rate on the HoF banner. Man, if only Spring Ashe was subject to this bug...


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1 hour ago, Humanoid said:

Another bug spotted on the subreddit, apparently not just a display one either: Altena has a 29% 4* focus rate on the HoF banner. Man, if only Spring Ashe was subject to this bug...

The ramifications of this are kind of wild. Due to blue getting a hilariously large portion of the total summoning pool (at 48% of all orbs generated instead of the expected 26%), the chances of pulling 5-star units from the other colors is significantly increased at the cost of fewer orbs of those colors to begin with. The results end up looking like this with zero pity rate:

  • 8.0% focus rate (4.0% each per unit) and 4.4% regular 5-star rate per red orb
  • 1.6% focus rate, 1.9% regular 5-star rate, and 61% 4-star focus rate per blue orb
  • 4.8% focus rate and 4.4% regular 5-star rate per green orb
  • 3.4% regular 5-star rate per colorless orb

If you're looking for any of the characters on this banner, you should pull.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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Holy shit. I don't need anyone here so there's nothing for me to make use of, but this is very funny.

How did they even do that? I assumed they just switched two numbers, but no, she took half the regular 4* rate.

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With the new remixes now live, we have an updated scheudle for these heroes and... it looks interesting. Thanks to Mina, btw.


Tiki and Julia alone in those months, and 5 colorless heroes in May... Something is happening and a lot of people (myself, included) has a theory for that.

Our guess is that Legendary/Mythic Heroes are coming to Hall of Forms. The even even has a banner now, so that would be their reruns. Some of these heroes even match the theme of that month's HoF:

  • In April we have Shadow Dragon / (New) Mystery of the Emblem for Hall of Forms. Tiki is scheduled to rerun that month.
  • May is Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, and both Alm and Duma are candidates for that.
  • June is Genealogy of the Holy War, and Julia is alone in that month for the reruns.

Just to remember the themes for the remaining of the year:

March: Heroes / April: Shadow Dragon / May: Echoes / June: Genealogy / July: Thracia / August: Binding Blade / September: Blazing Blade / October: Sacred Stones / November: Path of Radiance / December: Radiant Dawn.

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9 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

It's wild just how far off into the future some units get thrown due to the number of units in the remix pool. Ike is literally getting yeeted off to next year, and it's still only March.

It goes to show how this is only postponing the issue. It will continue to get worse.

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6 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

So, predictions on who the next Legendary character will be? If it really is a red unit, I'm leaning towards Male Corrin.

That's my guess as well. Seems weird to cluster avatars together this much, but at this point he's a clear first in the line of units waiting for one.

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Male Corrin with the Yato blade would be a reasonable option. Watch as they decide to make m!Alear's debut into the game be a legendary though.

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But I want Male Corrin to be a Staff Unit T.T

Please let it be Emperor Alvis, please let it be Emperor Alvis. They've got to start using villains for legendary units eventually (well I suppose they already started the trend long a go with female Grima and then quickly abandoned it for non OCs).

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Oh good it's not just me

Yeah, nothing's working for me either. It keeps on telling me to retry or go back to title screen. And ... nothing happens.

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According to the datamine, the next Forma units are:

  • Henriette - Overflowing Love (Red Tome Armor)
  • Gustav - Majestic Love (Axe Armor)
  • Veronica - Bestowed Love (Blue Tome Cavalry)
  • Laevatein - Ninja of Múspell (Axe Flier)
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I may have missed this, but I was surprised the new batch of characters wasn’t Engage. As someone who hasn’t played Tana’s game, we’re they filling out the rest from her game?

Also, and let me preface by saying I completely get why devs did what they did, but the first Engage drop to me should have had Boucheron over Céline. If you have played it I think you would get my reasoning. I totally get - royalty over chronology, I just found it funny.

Also, do we think the next drop will be Brodia or Lythos when they drop?

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I was actually on the fence about Engage so long because of how it looks, but I've now agreed with my sister that we'll do a parallel playthrough of it next month. Maybe the characters will be less off-putting to me by the time they appear on a banner. Ironically though that may happen when I take my next break from FEH as I'm currently planning to do so in the dead space after Golden Week and before the CYL event.

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It's about fucking time we got another Grail unit in Hall of Forms.


Valentine Veronica is actually a decent unit held back by the fact that her default kit is godawful, and she can now get her biggest shortcomings fixed with newer premium skills.

Drifting Grace is still a good weapon as always, though she might want to grab Magical Lantern instead to not have to spend Grails on a copy of Soren.

Remote Sparrow should be in the skill pool now, which fixes her lack of bulk, and while it might be tempting to grab the usual S/R Far Trace in the B slot, I think there's an argument to grab Guard 4 instead due to its relative rarity.


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25 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

It's about fucking time we got another Grail unit in Hall of Forms.

I, uh, completely forgot that she was a grail unit. Actually mildly tempting now but it'd be a gamble on the Arcane Bluetome.

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4 hours ago, jameslove001 said:

As someone who hasn’t played Tana’s game, we’re they filling out the rest from her game?

Yeah, more or less. Sacred Stones now only has five missing playable characters left.

4 hours ago, jameslove001 said:

Also, do we think the next drop will be Brodia or Lythos when they drop?

I personally think it’ll be Elusia because pairing male Alear with two girls (Ivy and Hortensia) makes more sense than pairing him with two other guys (Diamant and Alcryst).

The fact that we didn’t get Vander and the twins on the first banner implies to me that we won’t be seeing them in FEH for quite some time.

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Is there a chart any of predicted orb availability over the rest of the current calendar? I've seen a few of those, but not one for this month.

Edited by Othin
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3 minutes ago, Othin said:

Is there a chart any of predicted orb availability over the rest of the current calendar? I've seen a few of those, but not one for this month.

Here's the current one.

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