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Ah, another Bowlyn counter from back in the day. Irrelevant unit now but certainly one of the units most wanting better art. Not my favourite rendition of her overall, but probably the best non-evil one.

I was sort of considering a month of FEH Pass, but Ninian - Sigurd - F Robin - ??? is not a lineup at all relevant to me. Well, unless ??? is someone I want, of course (and assuming I pull off the four-resplendent trick again).

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Well... she's not exactly a premium unit, given her statline only has HP above 30. Even max merges and dragonflowers and Resplendent puts her only at 51/40/40/40/33 neutral, and her prf does her no good in actually improving her combat.

She kinda NEEDS an Arcane weapon to be of any serious use, but she might be screwed if the first G Tome arcane is one that wants to be on a fast unit.

On the other hand, she could go big and run Fury 4, Fury 3, and Halloween Larachels wep for 50/50/50/43 shenanigans.

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She looks great! And I really like the Hel attire on her (despite not having the best art, Male Robin's resplendent has my favorite outfit).

She is still not the best unit though, really needing a Green Arcane Tome.

Kinda weird, though, that we got 3 Hel Resplendents in 2 months. I guess it's a way to compensate the fact we ddin't have a Hel Attire for 5 months before Resplendent Surtr. But then were is the compensation for not having enough Nidavellir and Jotunheimr attires? And will we get our first Ymir or Vanaheimr Attire soon?

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That weird semi-circular cutout on the front of the cloak still weirds me out. On M Robin it made him look like a Teletubby (or Grimace). On F Robin it kind of looks like she's pregnant...

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Posting the art here since it hasn't been posted yet:








The art is very cute.

It's a pity her stats are complete garbage. With maximum Dragonflowers and the Resplendent boosts, she has 47/36/36/36/29, and her weapon doesn't do anything for herself other than give her the Litrraven effect.

Even if an Arcane green tome is released, there are better options, like Soren (38/38 offenses), Nino (38/41 without Resplendent boosts), Luthier (40/39), Ricken (44/40), and Bastian (45/29), just from the 4-star pool.

The only way she'd actually have a niche is if the Arcane green tome does something based on Def, as she has 2 more Atk than Boey at a cost of only 1 less Def, but even then, she'll probably be outclassed by Gatekeeper after he gets his refine.

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Weird thing to notice, but I just realized that FemRobin's original artwork stuck to the original depiction of Robin having a more neutral bodytype (as an Avatar character with an evil twin-thing going on with Grima, all of the canon Robins have the same body type to match the cloaked Grima bust in Awakening) and much baggier clothing that barely reveals anything (not that that stopped the two Grimas), but now her Resplendent shows much more form-fitting armor and an actual body outline.

Truly made... "sexier" by the adaptation, if ever a case were to happen...

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Doing Squad Assault 71 was a trip, exactly 60 Squad Assaults - or five full years - since I last did one. I briefly worried whether I'd have to do each of the 60 in sequence to unlock the newest one, but thankfully that was not the case. Nevertheless it was very amusing to see my previous squad full of Gen 1 and a few Gen 2 units pre-selected for each map, back in the days of extremely thin barracks. Indeed there were probably 4-star units involved back then.

I remember it being fairly difficult content back in the day, but now it's an absolute walk in the park. Doesn't mean I'm likely to do any of the missing 60 anytime soon though... Also not sure it's worth getting and upgrading many of the other future stat combinations besides Atk/Spd, but we'll see if I can be bothered. But hey, I went and used the new seal to beat the Abyssal Askr LHB immediately after, so worth.

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2 hours ago, Humanoid said:

Also not sure it's worth getting and upgrading many of the other future stat combinations besides Atk/Spd, but we'll see if I can be bothered.

The one use I've found for them is on Legendary Eliwood teams where I need to adjust a some units' visible Atk stats. It's convenient to have multiple Sacred Seals for +1/2/3 Atk in order to fine-tune your team's Atk stats.

The newest set of Squad Ace Sacred Seals will obviously be the best for +3 Atk going forward, but it's best to also keep Attack+3 and at least one of its equivalent Squad Ace skills maxed out just in case you need more than one (at least until we get more of the new Squad Ace skills). Then keep one set (or two sets if you think you'll ever need a duplicate for whatever reason) of the +2 Atk/* skills and one unleveled set of the +2 Atk/* skills so that you have not-completely-awful skills that grant +1 Atk.

Other than that, there isn't really any use for the older Squad Ace Sacred Seals.

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21 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

The one use I've found for them is on Legendary Eliwood teams where I need to adjust a some units' visible Atk stats. It's convenient to have multiple Sacred Seals for +1/2/3 Atk in order to fine-tune your team's Atk stats.

Yeah, that makes sense. It's probably just as well that I only have a single, unmerged, unrefined -Atk Legendary Eliwood that I've never seriously used. I did mess around with trying to build a team around him for novelty purposes, an experiment that probably died the day it was conceived.

Amusingly I just checked what other Squad Seals I had upgraded (bearing in mind I only have A-J and BS) and note that D (Spd) is upgraded to max and is on Summer Corrin, another unit I haven't used in years and not since the Hone Fliers Blarblade+ meta fizzled out. And E is upgraded and on OG Alm, nothing but a dedicated AA Dragon counter from years back. It would feel wrong to take them off now.

On the new seal, I kind of like that if I'm just looking for any old seal to boost my Atk and Spd, I can now just blindly scroll to the very bottom of the list and select Squad Ace BS. A hell of a lot easier than trying to locate the various A-slot ones.

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So, I've apparently discovered that I've been using Ascended Celica wrong this entire time. That's ... good to know.

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Well, I was having trouble getting her to proc her miracle effect in a meaningful way. But in the Askr limited hero battle, I put mystic boost seal on her and she was able to survive taking so many hits to the face. Probably the only reason I ended up beating abyssal.

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Ah, I think I only procced her Miracle once in the fight anyway, and for me she needed an offensive seal in order to one-round Askr. But that's probably generally sound advice, as I forget Mystic Boost exists most of the time.

Good unit I'm happy to have regardless (+1 with both Atk and Spd ascended), even if I confuse her with CYL Byleth sometimes. i.e. I tend to forget which one is infantry and which one flies.

EDIT: Still can't get over her wonky eyes though.

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For that specific battle I was having more issue trying to survive the onslaught of enemies, it was nice to know that Celica wouldn't die if I had to use her to block an attack or something.

A lot of the characters released within the past year or so are just overly busted, so I tend to not read weapon effects anymore.

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Yeah, after the impossible-for-me Myrrh fight last time around, it's nice to have a reasonable lineup to face what ultimately is a fairly recent MHB boss. That said, Marth was more than twice the threat that Askr himself ever was.

I probably didn't even get a quarter of the way to beating Myrrh, such is the state of my FE1 lineup. Most of the guides I saw used CYL Marth or Legendary Tiki, who I do not have. I think I did see one I technically could have done, but it would have meant buying multiple grail units and investing heavily into them, which made no rational sense given the reward on offer.

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Uhh, if my notekeeping is accurate, apparently I used Brave Marth, Plegian Katarina (redeemed her as a forma), Phina, and regular Hardin to beat Myrrh. I feel like I remember having some trouble with that map, and once again it was all about positioning.

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Hmm, that reminds me, Vantage Superunit B!Marth is kind of harder to use in Limited Battles because the one easy-to-build unit who can provide the full 5/5/5/5 bonuses needed to the team to enable Marth's Vantage effect is Fae, but she's a Binding Blade unit so can't be used in Archanea battles.

...or at least that was the case until Astram got his refine. Now there's two units perfectly capable of providing the teamwide buffs needed, and now one of them shares a title with Marth.

Ugh... guess I could build Astram up, but that makes like 5 or 6 Grail units I wanna build... maybe I'll just slap the refine on him and focus him more on support without the need for +10 merge.

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I probably could have done it had I sparked Ebil Maria earlier, but at the time that event was running I was still undecided. My only two top-class FE1 units are probably Harmonic Caeda and Ascended Tiki. I'm sure people have done it with worse units than mine, but I was unable to find any I could copy or even just approximate.

That said, the one YouTube strat I saw that I could have used employed units like Sedgar and Summer Norne. I don't have either of them because I wasn't active during their initial appearances, and also I missed Sedgar's re-run apparently? I don't remember his re-run in November last year at all. I was playing, so not sure what happened there. Regardless, I'm not going to spend grails, feathers and SI on them just to get 20 codes.

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According to the datamine, the next Hall of Forms units are:


From the Genealogy of the Holy War game:

  • Julia: Crusader of Light - Infantry Blue Tome (Legendary)
  • Tine: Rumbling Thunder - Infantry Colorless Tome
  • Larcei: Scion of Astra - Infantry Axe
  • Scáthach: Astra's Wake - Infantry Sword


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Son of a... had I been patient for a few months, I could have given Julia ARfinish 4 or even Remote Mirror from the HoF?
...oh well. I think I'll take a small hint of pride in the fact my Julia won't be surrounded in the Forma blue border.

Tine if combined with Special Spiral 4 (despite the overlap of effects) and Time's Pulse 4 can have a 4-charge special ready every combat. That'd be Dragon Fang or Astra for in-combat specials, and of course any of the AoEs (though they won't get the benefits of her weapon or SS4). Hell she could even have Aether ready pretty easily if you take advantage of her weapon's pulse effect, though without Fury damage that does work against her intended playstyle...
Tine also has the honor of being the first Colorless Tome unit to be in the HoF. That's neat for her.

Larcei just needs better passives overall. Much better has been released since her release, especially since Solo 4 isn't quite as good as it used to be.

Scathach... exists I suppose.
...wonder if that's the treatment he originally got in his home game?


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1 hour ago, Xenomata said:
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Son of a... had I been patient for a few months, I could have given Julia ARfinish 4 or even Remote Mirror from the HoF?
...oh well. I think I'll take a small hint of pride in the fact my Julia won't be surrounded in the Forma blue border.

Tine if combined with Special Spiral 4 (despite the overlap of effects) and Time's Pulse 4 can have a 4-charge special ready every combat. That'd be Dragon Fang or Astra for in-combat specials, and of course any of the AoEs (though they won't get the benefits of her weapon or SS4). Hell she could even have Aether ready pretty easily if you take advantage of her weapon's pulse effect, though without Fury damage that does work against her intended playstyle...
Tine also has the honor of being the first Colorless Tome unit to be in the HoF. That's neat for her.

Larcei just needs better passives overall. Much better has been released since her release, especially since Solo 4 isn't quite as good as it used to be.

Scathach... exists I suppose.
...wonder if that's the treatment he originally got in his home game?


I'd say initially Scathach in FE4 is about equal to Larcei in terms of power. Unfortunately, he promotes to Hero instead of Swordmaster and Hero, in addition to not having Axe use in FE4, doesn't get Adept as a class skill (Swordmaster does) and has worse stat caps compared to Swordmaster (-3 to Skl and Spd in exchange for +3 Mag).

All of that being said, both Larcei and Scathach (as well as Ayra) are infantry locked units stuck in a game where you need a mount to get anywhere fast. That fact kinda limits their usefulness as they'll struggle to get to the front lines in FE4's gargantuan-ass maps.


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1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:
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I'd say initially Scathach in FE4 is about equal to Larcei in terms of power. Unfortunately, he promotes to Hero instead of Swordmaster and Hero, in addition to not having Axe use in FE4, doesn't get Adept as a class skill (Swordmaster does) and has worse stat caps compared to Swordmaster (-3 to Skl and Spd in exchange for +3 Mag).

All of that being said, both Larcei and Scathach (as well as Ayra) are infantry locked units stuck in a game where you need a mount to get anywhere fast. That fact kinda limits their usefulness as they'll struggle to get to the front lines in FE4's gargantuan-ass maps.



You could have started with "they're infantry locked" and I'd have understood instantly. Any unit analysis on the fire emblem wikia of a non-cavalry/flier unit is gonna inevitably mention their not being on a horse or horse with wings.

If we're due for a Genealogy remake anytime soon, I have to wonder how they'll handle that. Take liberties and split the maps up into more "traditional" FE chapter progression that lets Infantry actually be useful, or remain true to the source and have massive Zelda BotW/TotK expansive map sizes and landscapes. Or just say screw it and throw second seals at the problem I guess.


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