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As someone who likes Eirika, she needs a break from getting alts. We don't need to get an alt for her every single year. Especially when Celica and Seliph have no stand alone seasonal alt and Alm hasn't gotten anything for several years now. Also, not sure how number 1 dude Ike has less alts across both his forms than some of the women who are all the way down in CYL 4/5/6. Plus, even though I don't care for her, not sure how Marianne doesn't have a stand alone seasonal alt yet either.

I dunno man. Sometimes which characters get the alts just doesn't make sense.

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Yeah, Marianne is another surprise. As exhausted as I am from the Three Houses bias, it's shocking that they haven't given hardly anything at all to Marianne. Ya know, Marianne, a CYL 1st place winner, who has proven to be incredibly popular (and not just for memes or anything, either). It's so odd.

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I'll take this shot now and say that Marianne (specifically Three Hopes Marianne) will be on the Winter seasonal banner this year. 

Given that the only Winter seasonal banners without any Fodlan characters were the ones (2017 and 2018) that predated the release of Three Houses, I'm at least expecting a minimum of two Fodlan characters on this year's banner. So hopefully, we end up with Marianne instead of an Edelgard with a buffed Raging Storm.

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Am I the only one that likes Rebecca's art? Her idle art looks like she came out of a shoujo manga.


3 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

So I'm guessing Ice Dragon's walk to the other side of the Pacific didn't have any affect? 😛

I haven't gotten there yet. Give me another couple months. (It's 6,000 miles away, so it should take about 4 months to make the walk.)

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Young Becky looks basically just like normal Becky with redone art so I can let that slide for now. Well, except for the fact I don't actually have her. 😞 I did pull normal Becky at 5* back in 2017 though, and she was +Spd even ...not that it really helped.


I don't think I'm someone who generally gets annoyed at alt selection, mostly because there aren't enough characters I care about to make me feel like I'm missing out on anything valuable. Like sure, it's weird that Ursula gets so much attention, but the Fangs are such a profoundly pants-on-head silly organisation that I frankly don't care about any of them getting alts. Another Claude? No strong feelings but at least he's not doubling up on his class anymore.

Hmm, maybe I lied though. On reflection I think I do get pretty annoyed whenever Marth gets anything, because "anything" just means another sword. Marth sucks and should never appear ever again.

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I agree as an Ursula liker that it's odd that she is getting the attention she is.

Lloyd is the odd one out for sure, but I imagine the unpopular first impression from the artwork of the only version of him must've had to do at least a little why he isn't worth investing in for IS.

As for interesting alts, what about the non Askr trio starting characters Raigh, Matthew, and Virion? They had to be somewhat popular if they earned that spot back then.

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It looks like the skills from the second summer banner, the Engage banner, and Freyr have been added to the Hall of Forms skill pool.

Specifically, these are now available:

  • Weapons:
    • Defier's Sword (sword)
    • Wooden Tackle (axe)
    • Seashell Bowl (blue tome)
  • Passive A:
    • Fireflood Boost 3
    • Flash Sparrow
    • Atk/Def Finish 4
  • Passive B:
    • Spurn 4
    • Beast Sense 4
    • Lull Atk/Def 4
  • Passive C:
    • Soaring Guidance


For the units in this Hall of Forms, Seashell Bowl is a viable option on Camilla (and only really competes with Magical Lantern), Fireflood Boost is a viable option on Flora (and is potentially best-in-slot), and Soaring Guidance is a viable option on Camilla and Kagero (competing mostly only with Oath and Hold skills).

Edited by Ice Dragon
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About Hall of Forms:

As expected, Three Houses is winning by a good amount in both English and Japanese voting events. And in both, Heroes is losing. So looks like Three Houses and Heroes are the ones leaving, and open space for Shadow Dragon and Echoes next voting.

The next voting options will be:

  • Young Marth, Young Caeda, Young Merric and Female Kris (their babysitter).
  • Valentine Rudolf, Valentian Catria, Python and Rinea.

To me, the Echoes batch is the better one, however when this voting happens we should already be getting the Young Heroes refinements, so that could give them a help in votes.

About Seer's Snare:

Next event will begin in the 11th, Monday, and the bonus titles will be Genealogy of the Holy War and Fates. If we follow the patten they did for the 2 previous events, the final boss should be Legendary Ryoma.

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One of those awkward ones where I think "hey I wouldn't mind setting up a good Summer Ingrid so I can efficiently fodder off Rearmed Ingrid to her". Then I realise that if I do that, then efficient skill inheritance is pointless because the Forma Summer Ingrid would already have the optimal kit already, sans the weapon.

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I can't wait to try to figure out how the fuck I'm supposed to build a Summer Lorenz again. (This is only half sarcastic.)

I'm hoping Echoes wins the one after this one since I'd love to get Firestorm Dance 3 on Rinea.

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21 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

One of those awkward ones where I think "hey I wouldn't mind setting up a good Summer Ingrid so I can efficiently fodder off Rearmed Ingrid to her". Then I realise that if I do that, then efficient skill inheritance is pointless because the Forma Summer Ingrid would already have the optimal kit already, sans the weapon.

You can go for Gambit 4 in Hall of Forms, and save Guard Bearing 4 to pick alongside Arcane Luin. And if you get S/D Rein Snap in HoF, you can collect Spd/Def Hold from Rearmed Ingrid too.

The next Hall of Forms Revival will be in November, and it will have skills up to September's Legendary Hero Banner, so all skills releasing until the end of this month will be there, and that's include Gambit 4 from Brave Robin and even Atk/Spd Prime from Wind Tribe Claude.

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1 minute ago, Diovani Bressan said:

You can go for Gambit 4 in Hall of Forms, and save Guard Bearing 4 to pick alongside Arcane Luin. And if you get S/D Rein Snap in HoF, you can collect Spd/Def Hold from Rearmed Ingrid too.

True, but I'm not really someone who ever switches skills around, so that extra SI will not be of any practical use. Rationally I should probably use it for one of the many inevitable new lance fliers that will come this generation. Hopefully Guard Bearing 3 turns up in the common pool by then.

Wonder if I'll be around for Trio Palla and Summer Ingrid's refines.

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14 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

True, but I'm not really someone who ever switches skills around, so that extra SI will not be of any practical use. Rationally I should probably use it for one of the many inevitable new lance fliers that will come this generation. Hopefully Guard Bearing 3 turns up in the common pool by then.

My opinion about giving Arcane Luin to Summer Ingrid is that you are pretty much making a 2nd Rearmed Ingrid but with less stats and without Knightly Devotion.

16 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Wonder if I'll be around for Trio Palla and Summer Ingrid's refines.

For Trio Palla, it depends. This HoF will rerun in November, and in November we will have the first Young Heroes refinement. So Palla could be the first one of the four banner units.

For Summer Ingrid, her refinement should be in July or August 2024.

  • October 2023 we will finish the Spring Heroes refinements, with Spring Fir.
  • From November 2023 to February 2024, we will have the Young Heroes: Marth, Caeda, Merric and Palla. (Not in this order) (Minerva is part of the grails unit rotation, and should get her refinement in January 24).
  • March and April of 2024 will be the Bride Heroes, Nailah and Micaiah.
  • May and June of 2024 we have the Summer 1 units: Selena and Mia (first Harmonized Hero refinement)
  • July and August of 2024, we arrive at Summer 2 refinements: Ingrid and Byleth.
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4 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

My opinion about giving Arcane Luin to Summer Ingrid is that you are pretty much making a 2nd Rearmed Ingrid but with less stats and without Knightly Devotion.

Yep. It's slightly offset with a few extra merges and a non-awful nature, but even then I would guess the new Ingrid would still win handily in terms of pure effectiveness. Not a huge fan of her Rearmed art though. (That said, I just checked and my +Spd Summer Ingrid outspeeds my -Spd Rearmed Ingrid)

Ultimately it's all fairly secondary anyway. I have a perfect Duo Cordelia set up as my primary lance flier and she won't be replaced anytime soon. Logically I suppose the recipient should therefore be an easily mergeable unit for scoring purposes, but that for me at the moment is only Spring Michalis who would be a horrific user of Arcane Luin. So I've got nothing for now.

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About Limited Hero Battles that we will have this month:


We have data for the first 4 maps, the Friday's map will be alongside the New Heroes data.

Yes, what we were predicting will happen: Mythic Hero Battle Fomortiis & Gotoh, with Fire Emblem Engage Limitation. One dancer allowed, not that it matters unless the next New Heroes banner is a Engage Banner and it has Seadall on it.

I hope everyone got some nice Engage units, because... oh boy. That map is already annoying without the limitation, not we need to do it without a Dancer, a Healer (Céline doesn't count), or even Saviors.


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25 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

About Limited Hero Battles that we will have this month:

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We have data for the first 4 maps, the Friday's map will be alongside the New Heroes data.

Yes, what we were predicting will happen: Mythic Hero Battle Fomortiis & Gotoh, with Fire Emblem Engage Limitation. One dancer allowed, not that it matters unless the next New Heroes banner is a Engage Banner and it has Seadall on it.

I hope everyone got some nice Engage units, because... oh boy. That map is already annoying without the limitation, not we need to do it without a Dancer, a Healer (Céline doesn't count), or even Saviors.



I'm just gonna guess that IS's thought process here was: "they can pull Legendary F!Alear or die, lmao".


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I am upset.

Peony, who was schedule to return in January 2024, suddently appeared in Mirabilis's Remix Banner. Since Peony's last rerun in May, we never had any notification about her being moves to September.

I had plans to save gather orbs and spark for her in January after summoning for Plumeria in November, which now have to be changed because of this.

IS skipped Monika, Hardin and Caeldori of the normal Heroes to have Alfred in last month's Remix, and instead of giving us one of them sharing with Fjorm they decided to pull back a Mythic that would be 4 months from now. Sigh...

Sadly I can't go for her at this moment, and now she will be in March instead of January, which I was hoping to have orbs for AHR. Thanks IS.

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6 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

By the Power of Bots, Awakening won the Hall of Forms Revival Poll.

I am very disappointing. Because Awakening won? No. I am disappointed because of all the botting that always happen during these Polls.

As someone who really likes Summer Cordelia, this doesn’t even benefit me since I already got her as a Forma the first time.

As for the botter, I’d like to think they’re the same one who got Halloween Nowi (who conveniently is on this Forma lineup) a ridiculous amount of home screen taps.

Perhaps if IS would just give Nowi a new alt, we wouldn’t be dealing with nonsense like this.

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Oh, this is actually an interesting dilemma for me. Bride Tharja isn't especially interesting in her own right, but out of the units with prfs from the first two years of the game, she's one of just a handful I'm missing and the only one who isn't in the main pool. Completionism might call me to pick her up.

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8 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Perhaps if IS would just give Nowi a new alt, we wouldn’t be dealing with nonsense like this.

I wonder what the botter would think about old Nowi being added. I do admit Halloween Nowi's teleporting shenanigans are pretty fun ...but then Summer Ivy exists to scratch that itch for me.


Anyway, no real impact for me. There are units I feel I would have considered enough to properly attempt to build them during the event, but none that I'd actually pull the trigger on. FEH being the one kicked out makes me feel a liiiittle better about having already picked up an imperfect Summer Laegjarn last time around.

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The units do seem reasonably modern but I never really learned what they did even when they were new. Mostly because they were units I never considered seriously summoning for I guess. Still, I'll probably consult a PM1 video or somesuch to try to figure out how relevant they are today, at least in terms of having a niche that hasn't been taken by an even newer unit.

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1 hour ago, Humanoid said:

The units do seem reasonably modern but I never really learned what they did even when they were new. Mostly because they were units I never considered seriously summoning for I guess. Still, I'll probably consult a PM1 video or somesuch to try to figure out how relevant they are today, at least in terms of having a niche that hasn't been taken by an even newer unit.

Bride Tharja simply has a lot of stats. She has solid 40/40 neutral base offenses with maximum Dragonflowers, and her weapon grants her a total of +13/12 offenses when there are 2 allies within 3 spaces or +15/14 offenses when there are 3 allies within 3 spaces. No Slaying effect means she needs to run some form of Special acceleration in her passive skills in order to activate a Special with more than 2 cooldown. No other gimmicks means she can run pretty much any cookie-cutter build. She's really only outmatched by Brave Lysithea and Desert Nino among fast red tome infantry and is comparable with Hugh.

Halloween Nowi's combat performance is a bit underwhelming at this point, having only 38/36 neutral base offenses with maximum Dragonflowers, and her weapon only grants her a total +8/8/4/4, which isn't quite enough to allow her to compete with modern units like Zephia, who is free. Her main gimmick is her ability to teleport within 2 spaces of an ally within 2 spaces, which is the same effect Ninja Igrene later got. Nowi also lacks the Slaying effect, which pretty much locks her into a 2-cooldown Special due to the fact that fliers don't really have access to Special acceleration.

Summer Cordelia has decent 36/42 neutral base offenses with maximum Dragonflowers, but has no exclusive weapon, which means she has to rely on an Arcane weapon to really compete with other lance cavalry. Unfortunately, her competition is extremely strong, with Brave Eirika recently getting an incredibly powerful refine and Valentine Owain having better stats and being easier to merge as a 4-star Special Hero.

Performing Arts Inigo is an infantry dancer. His 33/38 offenses with maximum Dragonflowers makes him mostly unviable for combat, even more so when he doesn't have access to an Arcane weapon (though . However, he is a green tome, which gives him access to Teatime Set for Canto, and Hall of Forms gives him easier access to Firestorm Dance 3, Wings of Mercy 4, and Atk/Spd Oath 4 that can be difficult to get on dancers normally.

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