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I pulled a nice female Morgan, which gives me a 40% tempest trial bonus unit that is not 4-star Gerome. And she's +spd -def, which makes me wish I could switch her nature with summer Corrin's. I don't think +HP -spd hurts Morgan that much compared to Corrin.

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1 hour ago, Johann said:

Just noticed that August was the last time we had a banner with 4 brand new heroes (excluding seasonals), bleah

yeah i doubt it will ever happen again. And now we get variants in the permanent banner!

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53 minutes ago, SilvertheShadow said:

*cough Choose your Lengends 2 cough*

Only if you count alts as entirely brand new.

With fully brand new characters... yeah, those halcyon days are long past :(

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On 3/12/2018 at 1:00 AM, Zeo said:

People want to pair her with Nino and put her on mixed teams but why would I put it a bunch of work creating a mixed team, sacrifice expensive Tactics skills or delegate her to buffbot when I can run her with Sothe and reach a ceiling of +14 DEF/RES and +17 ATK/SPD.

Well, Nino is associated with Eirika because of their synergy with each other that was noticed early on in the game. The other thing is that it's a cute, totally platonic pairing of gentle Eirika watching over and protecting little, innocent Nino.

On 3/12/2018 at 1:00 AM, Zeo said:

Cherche for me isn't really one of those units that needs a prf. Raven is an infantry so it's different but Cherche is pretty much the premiere Brave Axe+ flier. There's not a unit that runs that build better in her field. Minerva and Michalis want their Prfs so they don't count. If they're going to be handing out personal weapons there really are other characters who could use them more. Like Odin. Seriously give him the most broken tome you possibly can and he'll probably be mid-tier at best. If he had Dire Thunder with no Speed penalty he would probably still suck.

It's less of Cherche needing a legendary/personal weapon and more of with how things are going and Cherche's inexplicable association with Helswath in her artworks that it feels likely she could end up with Helswath. I'm going play devil's advocate here and say that except for Caeda and kind of Hinoka that none of the units who gained personal weapons should have received them. Caeda actually has a claim to having Wing Sword because of Wing Spear in the Shadow Dragon remake and Hinoka is a Fates royal, but Hinoka's existence was shafted in general, so Hinoka not having a personal weapon in Fates or Heroes would have been expected. Basilikos was used by (morph) Brendan, Felicia's Plate is among many weapons that "belong" to characters in Fates and Awakening, but aren't actually their personal weapons, and Wind's Brand doesn't exist in the Tellius games and Soren doesn't have a personal weapon in the Tellius games either. Keep in mind that I'm being a massive asshole when you consider these weapons are not only really helpful to the characters, but arguably the game as a whole. For example and as you noted, Basilkos means there's a 4* summonable axe infantry who has a personal weapon out of Anna, a starter unit, PA Azura, a singer and limited unit, and Dorcas and BH Ike, 5*-only summons. Another is Hinoka's Spear means Hinoka's existence isn't overshadowed by Cordelia and Tana and you could even argue Catria and Valter if you want physically tankier lance fliers where except for Tana, all of them are at least 4* summonable or obtainable in Valter's case. Even Est could be argued as a better Brave Lance flier than Hinoka if you're mainly looking for two hit kills and availability.

Anyway, in terms of needing, I've said it already, but axe fliers only have Minerva as someone with a legendary/personal axe and they lumped Michalis with her because he could use Hauteclere since it wasn't locked to Minerva their games. If Michalis didn't have Hauteclere, then Minerva would be the only axe flier with a guaranteed legendary/personal weapon. Everyone else either has to be given it because the developers felt so meaning there won't be any guarantees that, for example, Jill or Haar have a unique axe from Tellius, or they would have to make a new axe flier with a legendary/personal weapon which can happen with CYL and Heroes originals. That pretty much screws over the axe fliers since you'd be depending on who has one and that's only really Minerva as far as I know rather than who can have one and when. The hilarious part about it is that Beruka (Beruka's Axe), Camilla (Camilla's Axe), Cherche (Helswath), and Narcian (Runeaxe/axe version of Runesword) would all be candidates for gaining a legendary/personal axe. In other words, all of the launch and preexisting axe fliers which isn't saying much when Gerome's the only really new one. This especially goes for Narcian who is associated with the Runesword as it was his weapon in Binding Blade and sort of Camilla and Cherche where Camilla does have Camilla's Axe as her personal weapon in Warriors and Cherche's inexplicable association with Helswath as mentioned before.

Cherche (38/25) being the premiere Brave Axe flier isn't saying much when your only options prior to Gerome (38/25) who is essentially Cherche without access to boons and banes were Beruka (29/23), Camilla (30/32), Michalis (34/26), Minerva (31/33), and Narcian (29/29). Beruka's a defensive unit, Camilla having Brave Axe like Draug (30/32) having Brave Sword was already questionable when all the other Brave weapon users have high attack for what they were like Cain's 32/32 is already better than Camilla and Draug's 30/32, Michalis's 34 attack is already under Cherche and Gerome's 38 neutral attack and about equal to the neutral attack of high attack, slow speed Brave weapon users like Bartre, Frederick, and Luke, so he's capping at 34 while others can have around 38 attack, and he'd be slower than his sister if she's +Atk, +Atk Minerva would have 34/33 and that's slightly under what other Brave weapons users have as their neutral offenses, and Narcian's a balanced unit whose offenses would be worse than Camilla's. Essentially, if you're looking for a +38 attack Brave Axe flier, your only option was Cherche before Gerome was added. If you were looking for a Brave Axe flier with around 35/35 offenses, then it would only be +Atk Minerva whose base stats cap under that and it's a waste of Hauteclere. Likewise, around 35 attack, but whatever speed only adds in Michalis and that wastes his Hauteclere and his good defenses let alone the fact Cherche exists, she's 3* to 4* summonable, and she can be +Atk. Now we have Gerome, so it's only really Cherche and Gerome as Brave Axe fliers with Michalis and +Atk Minerva who can use Brave Axe well, but not as well as a 35/35 neutral offenses Brave Axe flier who doesn't exist in Heroes yet or a 35 neutral, can be +Atk Brave Axe flier who exists in the form of Cherche and Gerome even though Gerome cannot be summonable.

Watch Severa show up as an axe pegasus knight with 35/35 offenses. Talk about really want to beat her mom at something.

Also, if Beruka does get Beruka's Axe, then we would have three axe fliers with legendary Killer Axes and four axe units with legendary Killer Axes.

Edited by Kaden
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37 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Even Est could be argued as a better Brave Lance flier than Hinoka if you're mainly looking for two hit kills and availability.

It's actually because Est has the Res to effectively run Def Ploy 3 in place of something like Attack +3 in the Sacred Seal slot to further improve both her and her team's offensive performance.

She basically has comparable offensive capabilities as Brave Lance+ Hinoka, but has better support options.

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

It's actually because Est has the Res to effectively run Def Ploy 3 in place of something like Attack +3 in the Sacred Seal slot to further improve both her and her team's offensive performance.

She basically has comparable offensive capabilities as Brave Lance+ Hinoka, but has better support options.

I was looking at it from a Brave Lance unit who doesn't really have the speed to double with it and how easy it would be to merge Est and Hinoka. Est's wins in that with her ability to use Def Ploy to increase her and her allies' ability to damage foes and because she can be summoned as a 3* and 4*, she can up as 4* +10 or even 5* +10 more easily than Hinoka. So, yes, to what you said.

It's all about if you want to drop a Brave Lance+ on her and if you want to use her.

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1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

@Alexmender, I just realised how much I’m bothered by the unnecessary space in your display name.


It bothers me beyond reason.

If that bothers you, try reading out the names of Cthulu mythos deities.

Edited by silveraura25
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Don't know what others are doing with their Obstruct seal but I like putting it on melee units that I'm training so enemies can't go past said unit to attack my support units. 

Edited by tobuShogi
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Ah man. I knew HM could be grinded in TT and that would give yu feathers, but I never realized it was this easy. Keep em coming. Tomorrow I can give Galeforce to legendary Ephraim.

I did a thing. Though I learned a bit of how GIMP works. I suck at this tho




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10 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

Ah man. I knew HM could be grinded in TT and that would give yu feathers, but I never realized it was this easy. Keep em coming.

HM treadmill is the best feature of the tempest, hands down.

15 minutes ago, tobuShogi said:

Don't know what others are doing with their Obstruct seal but I like putting on melee units that I'm training so enemies can't go past said unit to attack my support units. 

I still prefer Close/Distant Def or Quick Riposte. Can’t go past the trainee if you suicide into the trainee.

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44 minutes ago, tobuShogi said:

Don't know what others are doing with their Obstruct seal but I like putting on melee units that I'm training so enemies can't go past said unit to attack my support units. 

Someone like valentine Eliwood is good for this since he's  a mixed bulk unit.

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5 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Whenever she's introduced, Ishtar's Mjolnir would basically be a Killer tome, right?

I wish it also got some form of Wrath inbuilt. Wrath is the Friegian trademark, damn it!

Speaking of our goddess of thunder and thighs, she’s finally got into Cipher, drawn by Mayo (Jeorge, Sheena, Sully, Stahl, Bridal Cordelia, and Summer Robin) and Sencha (Summer Corrin). Heroes debut when?

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8 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I wish it also got some form of Wrath inbuilt. Wrath is the Friegian trademark, damn it!

That's what refinements are for. :p

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6 minutes ago, Kaden said:

That's what refinements are for. :p

And Tailtiu would have got a blue-tinted variant of Thoron. Because come on, Thoron.
And Deirdre should have had a green-tinted psychedelic Aura.

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8 minutes ago, Kaden said:

That's what refinements are for. :p

Last thing we need is even more stuff to suck up dew. Besides, new legendary weapons on new characters come as-is, refinements are for existing weapons or new weapons given to existing characters. There's no benefit to the player in breaking that precedent, it's asking for something that'd be directly detrimental to us.

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2 hours ago, Humanoid said:

Last thing we need is even more stuff to suck up dew. Besides, new legendary weapons on new characters come as-is, refinements are for existing weapons or new weapons given to existing characters. There's no benefit to the player in breaking that precedent, it's asking for something that'd be directly detrimental to us.

I didn't say anything about Mjolnir or any legendary/personal weapon needing or having refinements immediately? All I said was that refinements can add more to Mjolnir if it ends up as just a Killer Tome.

Divine Dew itself is a problem when you have no one to use Refining Stones on. I'm not about to waste Refining Stones on, for example, Lukas's Slaying Lance+ by giving it a Mt, speed, or resistance refinement just because I need +200 Divine Dew and when I only want a defense refine for him. Marisa having a speed and defense or resistance refined Wo Dao+ can work to make her more flexible, but two other units who could have had refined weapons would be missing out. It's so annoying. Getting Divine Dew from Rival Gardens is nice, but I'd like it if it could come from somewhere else every now and again like, I don't know, add in the Infernal quests for BHB and GHB revivals that reward like 10 Divine Dew.

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