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Y'know, I'm starting to wonder if the developers would make possessed Julia a unit in Heroes. And cue that actually happening as she becomes a green armor mage with Corrupted/Dark/W-what? Naga or whatever as our next legendary hero. All of possessed Julia's lines making her sound even more confused would just make it even better.

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8 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Y'know, I'm starting to wonder if the developers would make possessed Julia a unit in Heroes. And cue that actually happening as she becomes a green armor mage with Corrupted/Dark/W-what? Naga or whatever as our next legendary hero. All of possessed Julia's lines making her sound even more confused would just make it even better.

I really support this idea because possessed Julia would surely be totally adorable a very strong unit, but I'm not sure whether she's quite popular enough to get the spot as legendary hero. But hey, maybe we'll know more soon because the channel might actually tease some content of the next legendary banner.

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27 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Y'know, I'm starting to wonder if the developers would make possessed Julia a unit in Heroes. And cue that actually happening as she becomes a green armor mage with Corrupted/Dark/W-what? Naga or whatever as our next legendary hero. All of possessed Julia's lines making her sound even more confused would just make it even better.

I will fully support a Julia that looks even more clueless than she normally does.

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55 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Y'know, I'm starting to wonder if the developers would make possessed Julia a unit in Heroes. And cue that actually happening as she becomes a green armor mage with Corrupted/Dark/W-what? Naga or whatever as our next legendary hero. All of possessed Julia's lines making her sound even more confused would just make it even better.

Talking of possessions, Mareeta, Ninian, Child Tiki, and Unpossessed Idunn are all variants we could do as well. And Deadlords of Eyvel, Raydrik, Mareeta, Sara, and Galzus. And Forseti Lewyn. And Yune!Micaiah. And maybe Naga!Julia- she exists for two seconds.

A second Lyon maybe. The one we got is more Ephraim's rendition than Eirika's right? Or is it pre-events of SS?

Anyone else?

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10 minutes ago, r_n said:

So the weapon filters now includes Bows with colors


Maybe they feel that by doing this, they'll be able to reuse the same stat spread multiple times over in the Bow category without it being repetitive? And it'll give those with inferior builds possibly a niche being in a different color.

Blue Swords when?

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Well, that's definitely a clue for people who haven't played Thracia 776 and want to know Saias's backstory.

Also, their stats were just datamined.


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5 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Now we just need Linus

Also 3* Kleins, thank goodness he'll be more available!

I wouldn't count on it. Slightly easier to get him, but there's also every demoted colorless unit plus the ones from launch as well.

My favorite thing about the demotion is that you can get Reinhardt at 3* now

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55 minutes ago, Poimagic said:
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Looks like the second round of GHB elite quests were moved to Lunatic and are blessing based quests. Neat. Also, appearently, their are movement based quests coming soon


Blessed based? Uh oh.

That is going to make it difficult for me to find guides to beat them.  ._.'

I wonder if they'll ever make game based quests. 

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11 minutes ago, Vince777 said:

Blessed based? Uh oh.

That is going to make it difficult for me to find guides to beat them.  ._.'

I wonder if they'll ever make game based quests. 

I'm guessing the usual people who do guides will try to give multiple solutions and suggest all around good units worth blessing. So hopefully it wont be too hard to adapt as needed.

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3 minutes ago, r_n said:

I'm guessing the usual people who do guides will try to give multiple solutions and suggest all around good units worth blessing. So hopefully it wont be too hard to adapt as needed.

Well you will need to have the available blessings and it may sting to give it to units you have already given other kinds of blessings to. It is in that sense that it is going to be very annoying.

Perhaps I'll try to actually figure stuff out on my own for a change.. 

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14 minutes ago, Vince777 said:

Well you will need to have the available blessings and it may sting to give it to units you have already given other kinds of blessings to. It is in that sense that it is going to be very annoying.

Blessed Gardens and various quests have handed out free Blessings, so it's not horrendously terrible (unless you used all of yours already).

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I hate blessings. I could never figure out who to give them to. It's not a problem of which stats a unit would want, but WHO do I give these wretched things to. Those GHB quests are going to infuriate me.

Quick edit: Also, Lloyd's Regal Blade still does not display properly.

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Saias's tome animation is dope. Laser beam from the sky

Oh my. From what I read, people are comparing foddering Saias and Deirdre for quad ploy so he might have Speed Ploy


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6 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

According to the in-game notification the English translations of 650 skills (edit:) descriptions have been changed @Ice Dragon

Oh. Fun. Maybe they're getting things done right for a change.

Seems nothing changed in Japanese.

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