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Man its so annoying how some characters i want to build did not have a default refinement on their build path. This makes stocking up Divine Dew rather hard but mainly its SO ANNOYING when your a fan for like say Ogma(who have fantastic stats and such) but need to go an extra step to build him with Killer and such. My reason to build best girl Palla died the day Caeda got WING SWORD and become one of the best character in the game but it still sucks

I guess i could have build Beruka who fits everything i need but eh


This Legendary banner ironically gives out everything i want out of it, for how much i whined the first 2 days. Got a decent amount of Hardin merges, and once i finished raising Hinoka, i would have a solid team for every typing(Flier, Marth, Armor, and Horse. And yes, Marth team because lets not pretend im not using him for practically everything now lmao)


They need to release what is essentially "Green Marth" and by this i don't mean the Horsie Axe Marth we just got to satisfy my lust for POWER

Edited by JSND Alter Dragon Boner
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You know what I have been lowkey hoping for? A Daein banner, similar to the Crimea banner, with Jill, Ilyana, and Haar (okay he’s technically not from Daein but it still works). I admittedly have no attachment to the Tellius games, but I keep thinking Ilyana could be a great way to bring Blue Tomebreaker into the summoning pool since as of now the only way of obtaining it is killing a F!Robin. I also think bringing in Warding Stance and Keen Blarwolf are possibilities which I’d like as well. Plus she’s cute. If the banner does happen, maybe we’ll have Ashnard as a GHB or even a future TT with Zihark as a reward.

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3 hours ago, silveraura25 said:

Wouldn't you have some kind of survival instinct kick?

I don't wanna discuss this kind of topic any further (my apologies if I was the one who brought it up) since it's morbid so we'll treat as you were right and I was wrong


This is probably how a number of happy-go-lucky children perish every year. Parents should probably be aware. Slight PSA.


4 minutes ago, SilvertheShadow said:

You know what I have been lowkey hoping for? A Daein banner, similar to the Crimea banner, with Jill, Ilyana, and Haar (okay he’s technically not from Daein but it still works). I admittedly have no attachment to the Tellius games, but I keep thinking Ilyana could be a great way to bring Blue Tomebreaker into the summoning pool since as of now the only way of obtaining it is killing a F!Robin. I also think bringing in Warding Stance and Keen Blarwolf are possibilities which I’d like as well. Plus she’s cute. If the banner does happen, maybe we’ll have Ashnard as a GHB or even a future TT with Zihark as a reward.

I don't think Ilyana is Daeinian either, I don't think her nationality is ever given. Although to be far, Haar is Begnionite by origin and Jill has at least one Begnionite parent (probably the other is one too, given the Shiharam chapter suggests it took years before the locals came to trust these foreigners).

Jill-Haar-Ashnard sounds like too much wyvern all at once. But I do want all three of them. Haar definitely goes Axe, Ashy has Gurgurant, I'd be okay if Jill was Lance instead of Axe for variety or Staff because Mist is her bestie. Although Marcia and Sigrun would probably both be Lance fliers (Tanith would hopefully go Sword).

Zihark is best Navarre by a thousand yards. But don't forget the other Daeinian Myrm, Edward, and thus his pals Leonardo and Nolan. Or Pelleas. Or Tauroneo. So many good Daeinians to choose from. And there is PoR Sothe. Plus Aran and Laura (who?) and Fiona- dreaded pain of train!

Though having no standard BTb source is strange, why doesn't IS fill in these random gaps? Like the Thoron one. Not every character can have all their slots filled with new ideas.

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39 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I don't think Ilyana is Daeinian either, I don't think her nationality is ever given. Although to be far, Haar is Begnionite by origin and Jill has at least one Begnionite parent (probably the other is one too, given the Shiharam chapter suggests it took years before the locals came to trust these foreigners).

Jill-Haar-Ashnard sounds like too much wyvern all at once. But I do want all three of them. Haar definitely goes Axe, Ashy has Gurgurant, I'd be okay if Jill was Lance instead of Axe for variety or Staff because Mist is her bestie. Although Marcia and Sigrun would probably both be Lance fliers (Tanith would hopefully go Sword).

Zihark is best Navarre by a thousand yards. But don't forget the other Daeinian Myrm, Edward, and thus his pals Leonardo and Nolan. Or Pelleas. Or Tauroneo. So many good Daeinians to choose from. And there is PoR Sothe. Plus Aran and Laura (who?) and Fiona- dreaded pain of train!

Though having no standard BTb source is strange, why doesn't IS fill in these random gaps? Like the Thoron one. Not every character can have all their slots filled with new ideas.

I swear I saw that Ilyana was born in Daein according to the FE wiki, but maybe my mind is playing games with me. Besides, it’s not like Heroes hasn’t taken slight liberties concerning nationalities (I’m looking at you, Oscar).

If my I’m somehow correct, I think Jill will hands down be the banner rep, and could come with the Wishblade and a full kit of skills (Brazen Atk/Spd, Hone Fliers, a dual rally, maybe a new skill comes to mind). Ilyana might be the potential cockblock and future demotion, but as I said she could bring in some much needed skills to the table like Keen Blarwolf, Blue Tomebreaker, Warding Stance etc (all three? PLZ???). However, she might even get Rexbolt or something. Haar I’m guessing would simply be a Cherche/Gerome 2.0 with Brave Axe to begin with and a better base kit, maybe he could be the drop should Ilyana get Rexbolt. That would be fine considering how few greens have gotten dropped, and if Haar gets something like Quick Reposte at 4* then my life would be complete. I don’t think the amount of fliers would matter too much imo. Look at the current Bridal Banner. :P

I’m pretty sure the three I mentioned are would be locks considering they’re the most popular non-laguz characters from Tellius. Zihark unfortunately had a disappointing placement in CYL2, but he should fit the theme and has wild card potential. I like Zihark too so it’d be awesome for him to squeeze in. The remaining members of the Dawn Brigade should probably have their own banner, though they’re currently tough sells on their own due their placements ranging from alright to dismal.

The priorities are so weird to me. Sure, let’s throw in Bold/Vengeful Fighter just a month and a half later after they’re introduced, but no need to worry about things like Blarwolf and Blue Tomebreaker which haven’t had alternate sources in over a year. Huh?

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16 minutes ago, SilvertheShadow said:

 it’s not like Heroes hasn’t taken slight liberties concerning nationalities (I’m looking at you, Oscar).

He was in a Crimea banner. Did I miss anything?

He was in the Crimean army along with Kieran before joining the Greil Mercenaries. I'd consider him very much tied to Crimea as far as nationality goes (although not as much as other cavalry folks they could have added instead).

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25 minutes ago, SilvertheShadow said:

Besides, it’s not like Heroes hasn’t taken slight liberties concerning nationalities (I’m looking at you, Oscar).

Isn’t Oscar a Crimean?

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*Looks up Oscar. Sees he’s actually Crimean*

Damn. This is why nobody should listen to be me regarding Tellius trivia lmao.

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If we're talking Tellius, Edward and Ilyana. I like a lot a characters from Tellius, but if I were to get those two I'd be 100% satisfied with representation from those games.

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If we're talking about Tellius representation, all I want is Tormod. Stefan, Marcia, and the herons would be nice but Tormod's my actual favorite FE character, so I'd really like to have him in the game.

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On 2.6.2018 at 7:08 PM, Javi Blizz said:

So, I'm starting to make a team for Galeforce fun, I have the units more or less built, but I still need to decide a few skills. Could someone give me advice? I remember some people here doing something similar. My team is:

Eliwood (+Atk/-Def):

  Reveal hidden contents

Blazing Durandal



Death Blow


 -                              (actually he has Ward Cavalry, but it has to be replaced by something)

Atk +3 

Cordelia (+Atk/-Res):

  Reveal hidden contents

Brave Lance +



Death Blow

Drag Back



Raven (+Def/-Res):

  Reveal hidden contents

Basilikos (LnD)





Threaten Def (could be replaced I suppose)

Heavy Blade

Any ideas of which skills could I use? And which type of unit should I consider for the fourth slot?

Sorry I'm responding late, but my weekend was kind of full. Great you want to build GF themed team! 

Your team already got three colors and three different movement types covered, so Tactic skills will be your friend. ATK and SPD tactic are rare and expensive, but perhaps you happen to have a spare Siegbert, LA!Lilina or L!Lyn?

Generally you want to proc Galeforce fast, so you need to take advantage of heavy blade (which needs high ATK) and doubling/quatting (which needs high SPD). Life and Death 3 plus Desperation is a good start in most cases. 


You want to make him a BH!Roy, but Roy and even Siegbert are better to do the GF stuff. With his current set he'll proc Galeforce reliably only against Axe users. He would need more SPD while maintaining his high ATK. In most cases he would rely on a partner with Hone Cav. 


Without Heavy Blade she'll need more speed in every case. You could give her a quad set (Brave+/LnD3/Desperation) or go the Slaying Lance+ route. With speed refined Slaying Lance+ and LnD3 plus either QP seal or Heavy Blade seal, she could proc GF immediately. 


I have not built him yet, but apart from his movement type, he is the perfect GF candidate. An +ATK or +SPD nature would be better though. 

The fourth team member should be support (dancer or healer, depending on what you want to do) or another GF unit. Preferably a green Cav to compensate Raven's limited range and to buff Eliwood with Hone Cav. S!Alfonse, Titania, BB!Marth are good candidates. L!Ryoma, Elincia or Caeda if you want another Flier. 

Edited by mampfoid
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8 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Just give me Calill, and I can be satisfied with Tellius representation forever.

4 hours ago, Vince777 said:

I can't be satisfied with Tellius representation for as long as Bastian and his theatrical mannerism isn't in Heroes. 

1 hour ago, eclipse said:

The lack of Stefan in the Tellius representation makes me sad.  Hell, he has his own sword already!

Aside from Laguz, these need to get in. Calill and Bastion have perfect personalities that could really shine if done right, and Stefan >>>>>>>> Zihark or Edward all the way.


There is literally zero reasons for not being able to put Dragon Laguz in the game yet. They can just operate the same exact way as the dragons we currently have.

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One set of alts that I wouldn’t mind seeing is heroes is the opposite alts for the Fates Royal’s. This would be Wyvern Rider Ryoma, Armor Knight Sakura, Cavalier Takumi, Maid Hinoka, Ninja Elise, Samurai Leo, Basara Camilla, and Onmyoji Xander

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27 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

One set of alts that I wouldn’t mind seeing is heroes is the opposite alts for the Fates Royal’s. This would be Wyvern Rider Ryoma, Armor Knight Sakura, Cavalier Takumi, Maid Hinoka, Ninja Elise, Samurai Leo, Basara Camilla, and Onmyoji Xander

Most non-seasonal alts for characters in Heroes have at least some level of possibility in their original games though, or at least possible without extreme reclassing shenanigans. Chrom, for instance, can be a Cavalier/Paladin in Awakening, and Ryoma can be a Kinshi Knight in Fates, albeit not a sword wielding one, though that would be cool. Even Amelia, despite not being an alt, can become a Knight/General eventually.

I don't want to say that it's completely impossible, but Sakura, Camilla, and Takumi can't even reclass to Knight, Onmyouji/Spear Fighter, and Cavalier respectively without marriage to the Avatar. Meanwhile, Hinoka would have to S support with Jakob, Elise with Kaze, Ryoma with Camilla, Xander with Sakura, and... well Leo at least can get Samurai from Odin.

It's too extreme, and we'd just get a bunch of "THIS CONFIRMS MY SHIPPING AS CANON" nonsense.

Edited by Xenomata
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@Xenomata I see what you mean. Maybe they could make one of these as some sort of seasonal alt for a Nohrian new year, but who knows?

I realize that we’re missing one Lord. Al, from the FE6 manga. They could make a banner with him, Tiena, and a third unit, maybe Jemmie 

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1 hour ago, Poimagic said:

I realize that we’re missing one Lord. Al, from the FE6 manga. They could make a banner with him, Tiena, and a third unit, maybe Jemmie 

GHB- Tempestuous King Zephiel, wields "Harmut's Blades", the Binding Blade and Eckesachs. King's Whirlwind as Special. Another Zephiel GHB? Fine TT instead. Or make him pullable and pass the TT to somebody else. Give him a really distinct art style from "normal" self for distinguishable contrast, plus proper power creeping, Zelgius-BK has already done the same with himself.


4 hours ago, eclipse said:

The lack of Stefan in the Tellius representation makes me sad.  Hell, he has his own sword already!

Since he joins with Astra in PoR, no small feat, I'd also like him to have a unique Leonine Astra, in reference to his Soane heritage.


4 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

but Tormod's my actual favorite FE character, so I'd really like to have him in the game.

Glad to see another Tormod fan! Not sure what he should get exactly to allude to Celerity (which is in RD given an explanation as him having been taught to run by the Laguz).


3 hours ago, Hawk King said:

There is literally zero reasons for not being able to put Dragon Laguz in the game yet. They can just operate the same exact way as the dragons we currently have.

I'd be perfectly fine with this, no need to replicate the Thunder weakness and make 'em all Green or make them "Strikers" either. Ena and Gareth would definitely be Red, Nasir should probably go Blue. Kurthnaga can go Green, but Dheginsea should be Colorless.

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15 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Glad to see another Tormod fan! Not sure what he should get exactly to allude to Celerity (which is in RD given an explanation as him having been taught to run by the Laguz).

How about a B-slot skill (either personal or infantry-only) that lets him move one extra space if his HP is above a certain threshold?

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1 hour ago, Poimagic said:

@Xenomata I see what you mean. Maybe they could make one of these as some sort of seasonal alt for a Nohrian new year, but who knows?

Cause what we need is even more seasonal Nohrians before we even get one not-seasonal alt Nohrian noble *sarcasm sarcasm*

It's certainly a good idea for a nothing-but-alts banner, given that so far we really don't have anything in Heroes that suggests it comes from the Revelations path (the Corrins only allude to making a decision, while every other Fates character doesn't even mention such a decision being made), so having a "Allegiance of Fate" banner in which the characters of Fates in classes opposite their nation would be a neat way to show the... bonds forged in Revelations.

...except if a class used is Basara. Hate how that class looks to be honest...

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2 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Most non-seasonal alts for characters in Heroes have at least some level of possibility in their original games though, or at least possible without extreme reclassing shenanigans.

It’s in Cipher, though, so they have the justification if they need it.

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