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5 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:
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I thought I should have mentioned Cordelia breaking the horse speed barrier here since breaking the ceiling for stats of a unit typing seems something that you'd put in general. If I wanted to talk about the entire banner then I'd have posted in the banner topic


It’s the usual thing of seasonal units being stupid and happens every time.

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@Vaximillian Yeah. One thing that kills them for me is their limited availability. Also, they're just pngs. Don't need them at all if all I'm going to do is oogle at them


Nothing much to say about quests. Grand conquest, but nothing really that stands out


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i'll never understand people complaining about their limited availability; first, because the chance of getting a particular off focus 5 star is ridiculously low, and second, legendary banners take away their limited availablity 

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42 minutes ago, Lemmy said:

i'll never understand people complaining about their limited availability; first, because the chance of getting a particular off focus 5 star is ridiculously low, and second, legendary banners take away their limited availablity 

It's that most units (as long as they're not shit) in the normal summoning pool will be featured on future banners. Good luck sniping on a legendary banner for one specific seasonal unit of one color. Also, IV hunting on a legendary banner, not pretty

EDIT: I forgot to mention one more thing. The uncertain future of seasonal banners. I honestly see them shoving last year's seasonal banners aside for next year. It'd be pretty insane if they have 3 seasonal banner of the same theme running around the same time. Imagine this: if they decide to repeat all seasonals then we're looking at 6 summer banners in a row next year. Thing will get out of hand. Your orbs will just poof

Edited by silveraura25
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So to nobody’s surprise Legault droppped. Now which skill is at 4*? I sure hope it’s Attack Tactics.

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5 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

You are correct.

Man, IS sure is being generous with the inheritable skills lately. Not that I’m complaining. I never got a Siegbert and my one copy of LA!Lilina is a keeper, so it’s going to be fun using tactics more often.

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34 minutes ago, SilvertheShadow said:

So to nobody’s surprise Legault droppped. Now which skill is at 4*? I sure hope it’s Attack Tactics.

Nice. Colorless slightly more appealing to pull for

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1 hour ago, silveraura25 said:

EDIT: I forgot to mention one more thing. The uncertain future of seasonal banners. I honestly see them shoving last year's seasonal banners aside for next year. It'd be pretty insane if they have 3 seasonal banner of the same theme running around the same time. Imagine this: if they decide to repeat all seasonals then we're looking at 6 summer banners in a row next year. Thing will get out of hand. Your orbs will just poof

Could be they will bring all of the 2017 and 2018 summer units on one or two banners. Perhaps they will to so already this year (all 2017 summer units on one banner)? 

ATK Tactic available at 4* is cool (RIP my spare Siegbert some months ago), but I still need SPD tactic in the regular pool at all. 

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So, I didn’t want to summon in the new banner because I wanted 2 units and sniping two colours haven’t given me good experiences (except in Halloween). I got a +Atk -Def Summer Tana on my free pull. I had 320 orbs. ‘Well, I can safely snipe for Cordelia, then’. Here I am, with 201 orbs (I can’t drop below 200 for Brave Ike reasons) and a 4.25% rate :(

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9 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

So, I didn’t want to summon in the new banner because I wanted 2 units and sniping two colours haven’t given me good experiences (except in Halloween). I got a +Atk -Def Summer Tana on my free pull. I had 320 orbs. ‘Well, I can safely snipe for Cordelia, then’. Here I am, with 201 orbs (I can’t drop below 200 for Brave Ike reasons) and a 4.25% rate :(

Feels bad man. But stop pulling on that banner. The pity rate might look appealing, but it'll be one of the reasons that'll lead to your downfall

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so i got summer Tana on my free pull round. Considering to give Boost atk/spd to my +4 Arvis. Synergizes well with his kit... but i think he is better of just using Fury to help with his 4 ploys. Its notblike that 2 more speed will help him double much *shrug*

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6 minutes ago, Hilda said:

scrap what i said... push spd/atk is perfect for healers. with the new seal live to serve....

I'm stunned that they actually let healers inherit it given they can't have Fury.


EDIT: Interesting bug where Noire's Infantry Rush also grants Heavy Blade to the enemy. Uh oh.

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6 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

I'm stunned that they actually let healers inherit it given they can't have Fury.


EDIT: Interesting bug where Noire's Infantry Rush also grants Heavy Blade to the enemy. Uh oh.

My Elise just reached 53 spd and 56 attack on my tactics buff Fjorm team with this seal... now waiting for push def res so Azama can push for 44 def and 39 res pre any kind of ally buffs with martyr 

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@mampfoid @silveraura25, don’t worry, I know when it’s time to stop. I was thinking about ir tonight and while DC fodder would be nice, I only want to give it to Roy, and I already have a spare Hector. So I’ve only used the orbs that were going to be destined to that banner. The other 200 orbs are untouchable, as if the didn’t exist. In fact, I did something similar in the last bridal banners row (I wanted Charlotte and ended with Cordelia and a regular Ninian). That 200 orbs resisted then and will resist now!


To be honest, I don’t know, Mampfoid. It seems still too distant, since I can’t imagine them putting B!Ike in a banner before CYL2 (if they do like with the seasonal banners, they should make CYL1 banner available again). I lost the hopes of seeing him in a legendary banner when Lancina and Brave Lyn appeared in their second legendary banner but next month there wasn’t any Brave Roy or Brave Ike. But I think I’ll do full pulls just to get fodder. I’ve been half a year now snipping green almost exclusively, so my fodder is almost inexistant. Also, I’ve my other current project, Niles +6, and seeing how interestingly is evolving gray hell that could be another option. But, as I said, it’s too early to think about it

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1 minute ago, mampfoid said:

@Javi Blizz Yeah, I also missed Roy on that month. But I wasn't too disappointed, since my luck on legendary banners is pretty bad. Looking forward to see final Niles! 

I’ve set him as my lead now. I’m not sure, but if I have you in my friend list, you can try him. If you don’t have me, I can send you a request. His 42 res (without counting skills) is just glorious. He could even Atk ploy Julius in the Infernal GHB xD

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24 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

I’ve set him as my lead now. I’m not sure, but if I have you in my friend list, you can try him. If you don’t have me, I can send you a request. His 42 res (without counting skills) is just glorious. He could even Atk ploy Julius in the Infernal GHB xD

I don't have you in my list, would you mind to add me? FC: 5719621907

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