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58 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Two of those still have balanced colors. Ayra is red, Sonya is green, CYL Lyn is colorless. Sigurd is red, Delthea blue, and Mist colorless. So IS still did balanced colors at least half the time.

You are right that these are all 5 star exclusives though. Very weird. What happened to getting chances to pull characters at 5 star who are not normally 5 star? Not everyone wants to waste feathers on certain units... I'd rather have a chance at pulling a 5 star Lon'qu than use feathers on him. Just using an example, I know he doesn't have Luna.

I also wish four character banners would come back. More opportunities for focus units.

But I've been steadily losing interest in this game all together, so...

Half balanced colors, half unbalanced colors. The point is that balanced colors aren't a guarantee. And of those four banners, only one had a green unit.

The assumption seems to be that units available at 3-4* are already available in decent quantities for pretty much anyone who's been playing long, so very few people are likely to use orbs to try to get more, outside of maybe the 4-5* banners. 5* exclusives are the ones people can't expect to get randomly, so those are the ones they lean towards on banners.

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8 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

RD Ike needed Vantage 3 and I had no other fodder for it at the time. I'd used up what I had previously. And I have no idea what Flashing Blade is or does and didn't bother to check. I needed Vantage way more since RD Ike is someone I use a lot and is also my favorite besides Freddy. Also, not like I was ever going to use Mia. I had a lot of good sword units already and I don't like her.

Flashing Blade is basically a speed version of Heavy Blade, which is very good and useful.

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Speaking of 4-5 star banners, I wonder why we haven't had one recently at all. So weird.

EDIT: Oh, that'd be useless to me then. I hardly use any fast characters. Mainly because one, I have very few of them, and two, I generally prefer tanks.

Edited by Anacybele
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I would have been happy to see Freddy rather than Mia on this banner. Not so much because I want to pull him at 5*. My 4*+10 is quite serviceable. But because getting that pity breaking gal off my Celica focus would have been nice. And I wouldn't have to worry about Freddy pity breaking me since if there were no reds I could just pull another color. I have never seen a 5 green session before so just pull something that isn't green if you don't want him. Plus a 5* Freddy would be good Hammer+Luna+WoM fodder that I wouldn't have to spend 20k feathers on. He is pretty good for skill inheritance in general. So even he broke me on a 5 green session I would like it more than yet another Mia pity breaker.


I miss the 4-5star banners even if they weren't a priority for me due to my dislike of a dozen units on the same color(I exaggerate). I guess they weren't profitable enough. Personally I would prefer such banners with only 1 from each color. So 4 person banner.

Edited by Usana
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Just now, Anacybele said:

Speaking of 4-5 star banners, I wonder why we haven't had one recently at all. So weird.

Good question. Maybe they weren't very popular?

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Just doing this as reference, here are ALL the Skill banners, featuring units who have the mentioned skill... I'm not counting 4*/5* focus banners, since they do not have a singular skill focus, even if they mostly feature fodder units.


Weapon Triangle (Units with skills that affect color advantages): Azura, Hinata, Titania, Cecilia

Heroes with Vantage: Lon'qu, Reinhardt, Gordin

Heroes with Fury: Eldigan, Jagen, Bartre

Heroes with Hone Attack: Sanaki, Female Corrin, Nino

Heroes with Quick Riposte: Leo, Subaki, Klein

Heroes with Life and Death: Hana, Minerva, Jaffar

Heroes with Blade skills (Bladetome weapons): Tharja, Odin, Nino

Heroes with Threaten Defense: Ephraim, Peri, Raven

Heroes with Death Blow (September 2017): Effie, Hawkeye, Klein

Heroes with Threaten Speed: Shanna, Takumi, Jaffar

Flier Boost skills: Caeda, Hinoka, Minerva

Heroes with Death Blow (November 2017): Elincia, Delthea, Klein

Skills that boost Special Damage: Karel, Nephenee, Sonya

Effective Against Cavalry: Gray, Mathilda, Rhajat

Movement Skills: Elincia, Tana, Amelia

Heroes with Falchion: Marth, Alm, Chrom, Lucina

Countering Skills: Ike, Hector, Takumi

Heroes with Miracle: Sigurd, Delthea, Mist

Cooldown Bonuses: Mia, Nephenee, Brave Ike

Heroes with Combat Boosts: Ayra, Sonya, Brave Lyn

Countering Weapon Skills: Ryoma, Nowi, Dorcas

Heroes with Stance skills: Zelgius, Female Morgan, Shiro

Heroes with Death Blow (June 2018): Siegbert, Sword Reinhardt, Delthea

Heroes with Luna (Current): WoF!Hinoka, Mia, FH!Celica

All I can figure from the above is that the focus of Skill banners has changed over time, as many of the early banners featured a mix of units from both the 5* exclusive pool as well as the 3*, 4*, and 5* mixed pools. Then as time went on and if they could help it, the focus of the Skill Banners shifted to 5* exclusive units who have the skill, see the Miracle banner.

Since banners these days seem to mostly consist of 3 units at best, damn TT/GHB units taking up precious unit slots, they probably looked at the pool of units with Luna by default and said "Perfect!" without caring about color balance, because many of the later Skill Banners also had a little better color balancing... until DB June 2018 and Luna.

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10 minutes ago, Usana said:

I would have been happy to see Freddy rather than Mia on this banner. Not so much because I want to pull him at 5*. My 4*+10 is quite serviceable. But because getting that pity breaking gal off my Celica focus would have been nice. And I wouldn't have to worry about Freddy pity breaking me since if there were no reds I could just pull another color. I have never seen a 5 green session before so just pull something that isn't green if you don't want him. Plus a 5* Freddy would be good Hammer+Luna+WoM fodder that I wouldn't have to spend 20k feathers on. He is pretty good for skill inheritance in general. So even he broke me on a 5 green session I would like it more than yet another Mia pity breaker.


I miss the 4-5star banners even if they weren't a priority for me due to my dislike of a dozen units on the same color(I exaggerate). I guess they weren't profitable enough. Personally I would prefer such banners with only 1 from each color. So 4 person banner.

This was part of my argument earlier and you're also right that greens don't even show up much, so you can easily pull another color if you don't want him to pity break you. So yeah, this post 100%. I have heard of people getting an all green session before, but yeah, that's extremely rare.

9 minutes ago, Othin said:

Good question. Maybe they weren't very popular?

They seemed to be pretty popular in terms of fodder hunting though. But yeah, who knows.

Edited by Anacybele
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Flashing Blade would be one of my most wanted skills, if it wasn't restricted to infantry and armors. 

@Anacybele I know you choose your units very much after your preferences and you have many swords in your roster, but if you have few fast units, Mia would have been a good one to keep. 

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Whoa, that is totally the opposite of me. There are characters that  I love as characters and would bother to look for their fanwork, and there is unit that I would use as units, but I would never like a character I dislike no matter how useful they are , as much I would constantly whining why my fave character is unusable as units. 

Also, I'm a player phase summoner and I do think I lack enemy phase units/tanks, especially tanky fliers. 

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I don’t like Ike. It’s secret to nobody that I don’t like Ike as a character. Doesn’t stop me from using him in gameplay because Brave Ike is a damn good axe and Legendary Ike is a damn good DC sword.

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3 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I don’t like Ike. It’s secret to nobody that I don’t like Ike as a character. Doesn’t stop me from using him in gameplay because Brave Ike is a damn good axe and Legendary Ike is a damn good DC sword.

He's also got OP lungs.

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2 minutes ago, Thane said:

He's also got OP lungs.

He can breathe. Not unlike how Hector is the only one who possesses the ancient and secret art of throwing an axe into someone’s face.

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

He can breathe. Not unlike how Hector is the only one who possesses the ancient and secret art of throwing an axe into someone’s face.

The classic:

Also reminds me of:


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1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

Flashing Blade would be one of my most wanted skills, if it wasn't restricted to infantry and armors. 


I actually just noticed that Flashing Blade isn't non-staff only, unlike Heavy Blade. Weird.

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6 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:


I actually just noticed that Flashing Blade isn't non-staff only, unlike Heavy Blade. Weird.

Yeah, I still don't know why Flashing Blade is restricted where Heavy Blade wasn't. Until healers get better specials, they won't profit much from it though. 

Perhaps an unkillable fast healer with Flashing Blade, Miracle, Absorb+, Wrath Renewal, QP and some Infantry Pulse?

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6 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Yeah, I still don't know why Flashing Blade is restricted where Heavy Blade wasn't. Until healers get better specials, they won't profit much from it though. 

Perhaps an unkillable fast healer with Flashing Blade, Miracle, Absorb+, Wrath Renewal, QP and some Infantry Pulse?

Mind, Flashing Blade is also non-staff, it just happens to be non-cav, non-flier as well. (I should've been clearer.)

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4 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

Mind, Flashing Blade is also non-staff, it just happens to be non-cav, non-flier as well. (I should've been clearer.)

Would have been strange otherwise. Mixed that up, sorry.

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I have quite a few units that I'm indifferent to or downright dislike yet use anyway like Lucina, Alm, Reinhardt, Winter Tharja, and Micaiah. On the flipside, some favorites of mine like Gaius, Henry, Leo, Florina, and Jaffar are either rarely used if not touched at all. 

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I really don't use characters I outright dislike. Soleil can be as broken as she wants, but all she'll ever be to me is Firesweep fodder. Ditto for the Corrins, although I have been thinking about getting a Summer F!Corrin, since I still don't have a blue tome flier. But spending orbs on her doesn't sit well with me. 

 On the other hand, I have no problem using units I am eh about, provided they are actually competent. Bunmilla was a free pull surprise, but she has proven herself to be a vital member of my flier emblem. 

Absolute faves will get used no matter their performance. Takumi could be the worst unit in the entire game and I'd still think of him as the best. Sakura is a mediocre healer, but if I had to choose between her and Elise, she'd still be the winner.

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56 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

I do think I lack enemy phase units/tanks, especially tanky fliers. 

Michalis is your friend.

This is mine:

Well, everything minus the Def refine, out of lack of Divine Dew, but he's gotten me through the worst

@NanimaThat reminds me of the time I fed Karel to my Navarre. Note that this was before he got the refinement, but I still don't regret it

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3 minutes ago, Motendra said:

This is mine:

That reminds me of the time I fed Karel to my Navarre. Note that this was before he got the refinement, but I still don't regret it

Not +5, boo :(
(Michalis is the man!)

I fed my first Karel to my Navarre, and he was even Atk/Def. Scarlet Sword must have got his scarlet sword.

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2 minutes ago, silverserpent said:

What do you all think of a Flashing Blade Amelia with Bonfire and Bold Fighter to ensure a double?

My +Spd Amelia does wonders with Blazing Atk/Spd. I've been thinking of giving her Desperation too, but I'm so fond of Wings of Mercy, especially on armors.

Wait, doesn't Bold Fighter give her a +1 special charge anyway? Wouldn't that render Flashing Blade pointless?

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3 hours ago, mampfoid said:

I know you choose your units very much after your preferences and you have many swords in your roster, but if you have few fast units, Mia would have been a good one to keep. 

I suppose that's technically true, but Mia is one of my least favorite characters in the series. I also can't stand her voice in this game. I'm willing to use some characters I don't like (I use two versions of Lyn as well as Nino, for instance. Hell, I even built up Lucina because she had great IVs), but not my LEAST favorites (which only include a few characters).

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