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... That is ridiculously ADORABLE XD

Marth's got competition in terms of people Tiki finds endearing.

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Expecting a new calendar tomorrow. But we already know what'll come up in the short term if you look at the datamine and quests in it

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When Camilla said that Linde's usual outfit "wasn't exactly modest," I had to go back and check because like...I've never considered it immodest... (except for that one picture I've seen floating around)... All she really shows is leg. I mean...it's a high slit, but it's also a long dress. There are plenty of other characters that show a lot more skin. Odin for example. XD Heck...Sothe probably. Cherche might even show a bit more skin between her back and thighs. 

Such an odd choice of dialogue. XD

All I really want from these paralogues is Anna to come out on top. C'mon, girl. 

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Dammit Peri, I don't even like you and WHY DO YOU KEEP STEALING ALL THE GOOD NATURES

On the summer banner, I've currently summoned, in order:

Lene, Siegbert, summer Tana, and Celica. The girls are -atk, Siegbert is -spd.

I don't know what's happening.

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Tak-Tak is so cute

Since both of Camilla’s first two alts pity broke me, I decided to just complete Camilla emblem. She’s -Atk +Def so she’ll probably need a bladetome which is a bummer because I wanted to use her weapon but I got her in around 50 orbs so I can’t complain. I even got a five star Tailtu in the session before Camilla’s, so I guess she was destined for a bladetome

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Decided to see if I can get Tana for atk/spd push. I got a few Caedas. Which is good because the amount of merges I have right now isn't good enough to bring me above cookie cutter horse teams and having more armor checks is good. I have enough copies to +5 her though I also need things like Galeforce and Sturdy Blow to complete her. I guess I'll continue doing the feather farming which I left behind a few months ago

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32 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

When Camilla said that Linde's usual outfit "wasn't exactly modest," I had to go back and check because like...I've never considered it immodest... (except for that one picture I've seen floating around)... All she really shows is leg. I mean...it's a high slit, but it's also a long dress. There are plenty of other characters that show a lot more skin. Odin for example. XD Heck...Sothe probably. Cherche might even show a bit more skin between her back and thighs. 

Such an odd choice of dialogue. XD

Linde's dress shows skin in all the right places. One leg all the way up the side. Shoulders and collar. We don't get much of a view of her back, but her shoulder blades are probably mostly or entirely uncovered.

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Hey, @Ice Dragon, question. As someone who spends a lot of money on Heroes, what do you think would be a "fair" system to change a units nature in some way (whether it be re-rolling or reversing or making completely neutral) that doesn't cost the developers too much money but doesn't piss off the whales? Personally, I was thinking it'd be nice if we could get limited items to change a unit's nature (for example, an item that reverses a unit's boon/bane, with either a limited number given out or a slow pace of obtaining, like once a month or every two months) and another item that just makes a unit completely neutral.

At the very least, I think it'd be nice to have a unit be neutral because -atk and -spd suck ass, and not everyone is willing to spend or purchase orbs to get a "better" one. After getting two -atk Olwens in a row, I decided that if I ever were to buy orbs, it would not be because of a shitty nature. I imagine whales wouldn't settle with neutral or would pull until they get 11 copies of someone if they're going to +10, so an option to turn characters neutral wouldn't hurt profits TOO much, would it?

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6 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Hey, @Ice Dragon, question. As someone who spends a lot of money on Heroes, what do you think would be a "fair" system to change a units nature in some way (whether it be re-rolling or reversing or making completely neutral) that doesn't cost the developers too much money but doesn't piss off the whales? Personally, I was thinking it'd be nice if we could get limited items to change a unit's nature (for example, an item that reverses a unit's boon/bane, with either a limited number given out or a slow pace of obtaining, like once a month or every two months) and another item that just makes a unit completely neutral.

At the very least, I think it'd be nice to have a unit be neutral because -atk and -spd suck ass, and not everyone is willing to spend or purchase orbs to get a "better" one. After getting two -atk Olwens in a row, I decided that if I ever were to buy orbs, it would not be because of a shitty nature. I imagine whales wouldn't settle with neutral or would pull until they get 11 copies of someone if they're going to +10, so an option to turn characters neutral wouldn't hurt profits TOO much, would it?

I'd written up a proposal a few weeks back and had one of my usual arguments over it with @DehNutCase that more or less went something like this:

  • Sending home a unit gives you an item corresponding to that unit's boon (e.g. sending home a +Spd unit gives you 1 Speedwings).
  • These items are also available as quest or event rewards.
  • Some amount of these items can be traded in to either change the unit's boon or bane.
    • For example, maybe 500 to change the boon to match the item or 300 to change the bane.
  • The acquisition rate for these items should be enough to change one boon per stat every ~2 months or so for free players and ~1 month or so for a whale bigger than me.
  • Items can be traded for items of other stats, but at less than a 1:1 exchange ratio.
  • Items can be used on reward characters, finally allowing them to have proper natures.
    • You need to spend items to change both the boon and the bane when changing from neutral. Similarly, you need to spend items to set a new bane if you change a bane into a boon in the same stat and vice versa.

The idea is that the rate at which you can use this feature is noticeably slower than the rate that new units, and therefore new projects, are released. This means that it's still generally more economical to try to pull a copy of a character with the correct boon than to change it, but that it would be less punishing if the game just doesn't cooperate (like how I still don't have a +Atk Ike after 14 copies of him).

Furthermore, this wouldn't remove the need to pull additional copies of characters with high-demand skills, which I feel is a larger driver of revenue from whales than pulling for better natures (since you're usually going to get at least one half-decent copy out of 11 copies).

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13 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Linde's dress shows skin in all the right places. One leg all the way up the side. Shoulders and collar. We don't get much of a view of her back, but her shoulder blades are probably mostly or entirely uncovered.

The comment just took me by surprise is all. I can see how her outfit is fanservicey in its own way...but it's also...tasteful? I feel like that's a dangerous word to use, but it's the best I could think of for now. Maybe they were just really reaching to find some sort of dialogue between Camilla and Linde. XD

Then again, a lot of my coworkers cover every inch of skin at work while it's easily 100 degrees in the classroom, so I shouldn't be too surprised. XD

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Hmm, makes sense. Unless I'm misunderstanding something, though, would you could change only one of the bane or the boon at a given time? Like ... if I spend an item to get rid of a bane then the boon is still there without making something else the bane? If that's so, that sounds like it could be either confusing or basically just paying items to get rid of a bane? If I'm mistaken, please let me know.

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8 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:
  • Sending home a unit gives you an item corresponding to that unit's boon (e.g. sending home a +Spd unit gives you 1 Speedwings).

Would the amount of items received depend on the rarity of the unit? Would it make a difference if the unit was promoted? This would make feathers valuable also in sense of changing natures. 

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1 minute ago, Sunwoo said:

Hmm, makes sense. Unless I'm misunderstanding something, though, would you could change only one of the bane or the boon at a given time? Like ... if I spend an item to get rid of a bane then the boon is still there without making something else the bane? If that's so, that sounds like it could be either confusing or basically just paying items to get rid of a bane? If I'm mistaken, please let me know.

If you wanted to switch [+Def, -Spd] to [+Spd, -Res], you'd need to spend both Speedwings (to make the +Spd) and Goddess Icons (to make the -Res).

Either you wouldn't be allowed to not set a bane or one could be generated at random if you don't explicitly specify one. Still just a design proposal, so brainstorming ideas is always a good thing.


Just now, mampfoid said:

Would the amount of items received depend on the rarity of the unit? Would it make a difference if the unit was promoted? This would make feathers valuable also in sense of changing natures. 

It's just a skeleton of a design, so I'm sure those things could be worked out in some way to be sufficiently fair.

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2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

If you wanted to switch [+Def, -Spd] to [+Spd, -Res], you'd need to spend both Speedwings (to make the +Spd) and Goddess Icons (to make the -Res).

Either you wouldn't be allowed to not set a bane or one could be generated at random if you don't explicitly specify one. Still just a design proposal, so brainstorming ideas is always a good thing.

That makes sense, so you'd have to spend certain items to create a certain bane, then. In that case, I'd hope that at the very least they'd let us change the bane. I can live with a terrible boon, but a terrible bane makes things harder. Which is why at the very least, we should have an item that will make units neutral. Also, in the event that the developers don't want us to give free GHB and tempest units boons/banes, switching the boon/bane might also be a good idea for something a bit simpler.

I don't know, do you think it's ever possible that the developers may introduce a limited (or costly) way to change a unit's nature?

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4 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I don't know, do you think it's ever possible that the developers may introduce a limited (or costly) way to change a unit's nature?

I think a first step would be to make boons and banes visible in the game at all. 

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2 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I don't know, do you think it's ever possible that the developers may introduce a limited (or costly) way to change a unit's nature?

It was brought up in that one interview a long time ago.

I don't think they'll have anything of the sort for a while, though.

However, I can see a bunch of ways to pilot the functionality, such as releasing the items in extremely limited quantities.

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2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Powercreep was brought up in that one interview a long time ago.

The weapon refinery is their answer to keep older characters from being obsolete.

You know, and the fact that older characters are still perfectly viable. My Arena offense core is still three launch characters with only launch skills plus Fortify Dragons, granted they're the characters that aged the best.

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Honestly, a lot of the newer units are pretty functional even with shitty boons and banes because of the powercreep. But it's still a sucky feeling whenever you pull a unit and it's -atk.

EDIT: I mean, there are some units who either want to be or don't mind -spd. No one wants -atk.

Edited by Sunwoo
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1 minute ago, mampfoid said:

Azama perhaps. 

Perhaps, but even then he's only one of over 200 characters.

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Eyy, more compensation orbs.


【Notice of bug and apology】
In super hero summon event "Summer, again" started on 7/10 today, some customers were unable to correctly summon themselves. Currently you can successfully summon.
For details, please check the next tweet and announcements in the game.

Details of trouble
- If you login with ver 2.6.1 without updating to ver 2.7.0, it was supposed to be able to summon with super hero summon event "summer, again" in the state where summoning banner is not displayed
· When you summoned "Summer, again" hero to ver 2.6.1, ★ 5 super hero of 5 pickup was summoned, it was not available

■ Cause of the problem
It was not possible to forcibly prompt update 2.7.0 before the start of summoning

We apologize for this inconvenience this time.

We are currently investigating and confirming customers who are experiencing problems.
For customers who are experiencing trouble, we plan to promptly compensate for heroes who were summoned but could not be obtained (marked ×).
Also, as an apology for this trouble, Orb will be distributed to users at a later date.


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2 hours ago, Sunwoo said:


... That is ridiculously ADORABLE XD

Marth's got competition in terms of people Tiki finds endearing.

It's indeed so cute. I checked out the Japanese version, because I was hoping she'd call him "onii-chan" like she does Marth in Japanese. But unfortunately, she doesn't have a name for him at all there. D:

This is one of the rare rare times I prefer the localization over the original.

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