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18 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:


Like, Veronica was runner up. If anything, Celica being number one female would've warranted what Veronica got a lot more.

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3 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Like, Veronica was runner up. If anything, Celica being number one female would've warranted what Veronica got a lot more.

I mean, I don’t disagree that Celica got done dirty. Being shoved into fodder box isn’t what she deserved. Her kit is blatantly secondary and boring, too.

Why did they put so much effort into Veronica whereas they put literally none into Celica and the guys? I wish to know just as much as you do.

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1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

Fuck off right here, Lucius.
Fuck off right here, Veronica.
*bashes head on wall*

Man, I can't imagine doing GC with 5 greens on my starting line-up, how does that work out for you?

Veronica is mildly annoying, but she's so soft that I don't fret since anybody I have will kill her for sure. Enemies like Lucius using Pain are an opportunity to deliberately put someone into WoM/Desperation range. Alternatively, if you can dish out a little bit of splash damage, you can trick them into using a heal

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2 hours ago, daisy jane said:

For people who pay (but not a lot/on a budget) - how much do you put in to your "orb" fund and as a follow up - is it just dependant on what you were able to grind up for the month re: orbs, or does it depend on the month/banner, etc? 

Depends on the Banner for me~

26 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Like, Veronica was runner up. If anything, Celica being number one female would've warranted what Veronica got a lot more.

They needed to make people have a reason to want Veronica

Besides, they're saving broken Celica for when she's given her REGAIN form LIKE SHE DESERVES

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1 hour ago, Sunwoo said:

The biggest mistake was making Veronica a cavalry healer with a personal staff that gave dazzling by default on top of another weapon effect (Sothe's weapon effect, in fact) ... especially when she was only the female runner up. What the fuck was IS even thinking.

Because every personal weapon created these days has their refine (or second effect) already built in. Thokk has Wrathful Staff built in, for example.

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1 hour ago, Sunwoo said:

Like, Veronica was runner up. If anything, Celica being number one female would've warranted what Veronica got a lot more.

Oh they give Cellica broken shit alright


Just not the Brave one


In fairness i still think Brave Cellica is really good. Would like her to have a good weapon though. Royal Swords pretty good but doesnt really fit her. The worst part it had they decided to drop their bond boner for once they could just give her Blazing Durandal

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8 hours ago, Glennstavos said:


Did we ever get a scene or support conversation in Fates of the Hoshidan siblings grieving over Mikoto? Besides the chapter where it happens, obviously. And the Revelations chapter where you fight zombie Mikoto. I can't recall any genuine acknowledgement of it from those characters.

I think Takumi mentions her in chapter 10 of Conquest in a "How dare you side with her murderers" kind of way, but it's been some time since I played through that.

What I do know is that in Takumi and Azura's S-support he has a nightmare about her death, where he cries for her not to die. 

Outside of that, there is not much aknowledgement though, sadly.

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Are you kidding me? This is, I think, the first time we didn't get a preview at the end of the month. Version 3.0 confirmed next update? I guess I'll wait until tomorrow.

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Is there any information on what the Japanese players suggested to improve about the game and such? 

I personally have a lot of things I'd like changed although am happy to wait, but I'm curious to see what aspects IS will address from any criticism. 

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Stupid thought I had in the dead of night: if Loki wins CYL3, then she should be a sword infantry and she should have a poke quote that makes fun of and trolls you about how there are so many swords in Fire Emblem: "Why a sword? Well, I thought you liked swords. After all, so many of your precious Heroes wield them."

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I'm quitting FE Heroes. I've quit a couple times before and later came back, but this time, I think I'm through for good. No point in going on when all I seem to be able to do in the game anymore is just level up units since IS insists on making everything else unnecessarily difficult and near impossible to beat. Videos have not worked for me.

Edited by Anacybele
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13 hours ago, daisy jane said:

For people who pay (but not a lot/on a budget) - how much do you put in to your "orb" fund and as a follow up - is it just dependant on what you were able to grind up for the month re: orbs, or does it depend on the month/banner, etc? 


By and large, it depends on the banner. If  nothing interests me in the slightest, I'll go for the monthly promo and call it a day.

Edited by Karimlan
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I also have a lot o trouble following these tutorial F2P videos, mastly because i haven't been raising 4* units or don't already have the GHB unit they ask me to have. I wish i could farm crystals or something, leveling Olivia is so boring, just like in the game.

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9 minutes ago, silverserpent said:

The convention i went to had an actual steel lance for sale. I'm so sad that I was too broke to get it this year ?

Well if you save up, you might be able to afford a Silver Lance next year! ;):


6 hours ago, Kaden said:

Stupid thought I had in the dead of night: if Loki wins CYL3, then she should be a sword infantry and she should have a poke quote that makes fun of and trolls you about how there are so many swords in Fire Emblem: "Why a sword? Well, I thought you liked swords. After all, so many of your precious Heroes wield them."

Sounds too meta. If she had to have a Sword-related quip, I'd expect it to be entendre.


6 hours ago, SlipperySlippy said:

I personally have a lot of things I'd like changed although am happy to wait, but I'm curious to see what aspects IS will address from any criticism. 

Hopefully FE6 + Laguz are somewhere in those complaints! As is TMS. Just put them on the CYL3 poll please! You put Amy on it, but no cool and classy Kiria? 



And triple Red Celica, two of whom are sword infantry, is a bit too much and a little bit of a disgrace to her. Red Tome and Sword make sense, Belica is the problem.

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6 hours ago, Kaden said:

Stupid thought I had in the dead of night: if Loki wins CYL3, then she should be a sword infantry and she should have a poke quote that makes fun of and trolls you about how there are so many swords in Fire Emblem: "Why a sword? Well, I thought you liked swords. After all, so many of your precious Heroes wield them."

...And now I want this to be a thing, just for the troll. And for her PRF sword to have something like “Grants Special Cooldown -1. At the start of each turn, grants a bonus to ATK/SPD equal to [number of Sword allies x2] for 1 turn. (Maximum bonus +6)” because that might actually be a half-decent joke weapon.

Damnit, now I have to split my votes between Velouria and Loki for CYL3 if it happens.

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My personal picks for the Binding Blade banner: Thea, Lugh and Idunn, because money. GHB would be Rudger. Otherwise I'd have Idunn be the GHB

Edited by silveraura25
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Wow, the new wind map had me for a while. Normally I just roll over wind stuff with my armour team, but not this time (at least not for the first map). 

In the end, I blessed Kagero, Shigure, Seth and A!Tiki and got them to sort stuff out for me. I hate dancer maps >.<

Second one wasn't too bad - I forgot to put the QR seal back on Zelgius after using it for other stuff, so that needed a quick change but then could beat it :D 

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4 hours ago, Anacybele said:

I'm quitting FE Heroes. I've quit a couple times before and later came back, but this time, I think I'm through for good. No point in going on when all I seem to be able to do in the game anymore is just level up units since IS insists on making everything else unnecessarily difficult and near impossible to beat. Videos have not worked for me.

Ow. Sad/disappointed to see you go if you go through with it since it's been enjoyable talking to you about particular FE topics. But, I completely understand and at the very least, maybe taking a break would be good since the game has been monotonous. I empathize with your position since I was in a similar one awhile ago and had to take a break because I was getting frustrated with the game and certain decisions they were making. 

If I may suggest, if it's not too much of a chore, you could just try logging in for the daily orbs (so you don't miss too much) and wait for the next PoR/RD banner and see where to go from there. IIRC, you did want Ranulf who should be one of the earlier Laguz releases if Laguz are ever announced. For me personally, TT and GC are when FEH gets most of my time/interest (as one of the few people that actually like GC). When they're not up, I tend to just log in for the dailies and whatever 

If it's the new Abyssal maps that are frustrating you... Honestly, I'd just skip them. They're going to keep repeating in the future (and I imagine we might get future upgrades such as "Skill Refinery" to help neutralize the ridiculous over-inflated stats). I've had to skip most of them, they're too frustrating.

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