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7 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

But the newer character v. older character popularity numbers might be because IS is assuming that the people who like older characters are more likely to vote than the people who got in around Awakening+ (since older fans are more 'hard-core,' so more likely to actually care about popularity polls), so they compensate for that by treating newer games as more 'popular' even if the polls don't show it.

I don't understand this logic at all

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2 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I don't understand this logic at all

People who don't give enough shits don't vote. (But do pay for orbs to pull characters.)


This means that poll numbers are not necessarily representative of earning power, and IS might be compensating for that.

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6 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

People who don't give enough shits don't vote. (But do pay for orbs to pull characters.)


This means that poll numbers are not necessarily representative of earning power, and IS might be compensating for that.

The logic I don't understand is by what grounds IS has to make such an assumption if that truly is the case

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11 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

The logic I don't understand is by what grounds IS has to make such an assumption if that truly is the case

Income numbers.


Assuming all they want to do is make money all they have to do is compare orbs bought during certain banners and they'd get a good idea of the 'buying power popularity' of X character. (You'd have to do some statistics to eke out the individual numbers, but the most popular characters have been on tons of banners so they should have lots of data points.)

Mind, it's a short-sighted view (since it ignores the possibility of player-base growth/stagnation due to just cramming the most 'buying power popular' characters into every banner), but if all you're planning for a game is to milk as much money as you can from it in a short amount of time the strategy makes a lot of sense.

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20 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

Assuming all they want to do is make money all they have to do is compare orbs bought during certain banners and they'd get a good idea of the 'buying power popularity' of X character. (You'd have to do some statistics to eke out the individual numbers, but the most popular characters have been on tons of banners so they should have lots of data points.)

Mind, it's a short-sighted view (since it ignores the possibility of player-base growth/stagnation due to just cramming the most 'buying power popular' characters into every banner), but if all you're planning for a game is to milk as much money as you can from it in a short amount of time the strategy makes a lot of sense.

Maybe, but this also overlooks the possibility of people pulling for a certain character because of their niche or strength. This becomes harder to separate if they keep on giving popular characters the best stats, the most premium skills, rare and desired classes, etc., since people who just want a certain unit because it's strong or has fodder they want would've pulled for any character with that fodder or those stats/class.

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This week's GM Tactics Drill is actually bullshit.

WoM & Swap is already complicated enough in terms of the sheer amount of options, and you actually use Future Visions instead, which is like 5x more complicated than just swap.


And on top of all that, you needed to know dead units don't trigger smoke. (The tip is also pretty much completely worthless, the whole map is a bunch of trial and error with no obvious 'right move' at any step of the way.)


Edit: Oh and let's not fucking forget that you have to use Threaten Atk to clear, THREATEN FUCKING ATTACK.

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This time's Grand Conquest is by far the most one-sided slog I've seen yet. Team Ephraim went heavily in from the start to take a bunch of areas and has been getting full 3 area points every round except the very first one. Meanwhile here's me trying to get as much of the tier rewards as I can with fliers (and horses when they were boosted) because doing this mode with armors is way too bothersome.

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1 hour ago, silverserpent said:

Excellent. At 40k feathers now so I can get Naesala to +4...after he's available in the grail shop. And Narcien's Abyssal is another mark on the Boys' FEH Tour.

You and me both:)  I am so glad I have been saving every grail I have gotten since they were introduced since now I actually have someone I want to +10 with them.

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32 minutes ago, EricaofRenais said:

You and me both:)  I am so glad I have been saving every grail I have gotten since they were introduced since now I actually have someone I want to +10 with them.

another 100 grails would let me get 3 copies of him...but then I'd need 20k more feathers...

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7 hours ago, DehNutCase said:

This week's GM Tactics Drill is actually bullshit.

WoM & Swap is already complicated enough in terms of the sheer amount of options, and you actually use Future Visions instead, which is like 5x more complicated than just swap.


And on top of all that, you needed to know dead units don't trigger smoke. (The tip is also pretty much completely worthless, the whole map is a bunch of trial and error with no obvious 'right move' at any step of the way.)


Edit: Oh and let's not fucking forget that you have to use Threaten Atk to clear, THREATEN FUCKING ATTACK.

I've tried a bunch of things and I feel like I'm not even close.

What's your Turn 1 move? I don't want to know anything past that yet, but there are at least three different directions to take the map from that turn alone and I can't tell which it is.

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The game has been out for roughly two years.  Currently there are six versions of Camilla, so it could be said a new one comes out every 4 months or so.  Based on that, by 2026 there should be enough Camilla alts to clear Arena Assault using exclusively them.  

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1 hour ago, Othin said:

I've tried a bunch of things and I feel like I'm not even close.

What's your Turn 1 move? I don't want to know anything past that yet, but there are at least three different directions to take the map from that turn alone and I can't tell which it is.

At the start of turn 2 Hawkeye needs to have his special ready.

(Turn one should be pretty obvious from there---if you want me to be more specific I can be.)

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16 hours ago, Landmaster said:

When y'all get a hold of that Elise art, feel free to hit me up~

Though it looks like Elise's future is to be drawn by Mikuro which is highly depressing~ Miwabe Sakura Elise (in FEH) when~

Gotchu fam


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19 minutes ago, Sylphid said:

@silverserpent @EricaofRenais That makes (at least) three of us :lol: Except I'm fresh out of feathers after merging the copies we just got.

Other than the Black Knight, Naesala is the only grails unit I'm really interesting in merging right now. I think he'll get at least one rerun and should also appear in a yearly rotating quest (if they repeat that from last year), so we should be able to reach +4 easily even without grails. I like Winter Cecilia, and some of the other armors too, but probably won't spend grails to merge them. (If they introduce a Black Knight helmet accessory, I might merge Zelgius instead though because his stats are better.)

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1 hour ago, DehNutCase said:

At the start of turn 2 Hawkeye needs to have his special ready.

(Turn one should be pretty obvious from there---if you want me to be more specific I can be.)

I think I know what you're going for. Thanks!

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4 hours ago, Sylphid said:

@silverserpent @EricaofRenais That makes (at least) three of us :lol: Except I'm fresh out of feathers after merging the copies we just got.


3 hours ago, Tree said:

Other than the Black Knight, Naesala is the only grails unit I'm really interesting in merging right now. I think he'll get at least one rerun and should also appear in a yearly rotating quest (if they repeat that from last year), so we should be able to reach +4 easily even without grails. I like Winter Cecilia, and some of the other armors too, but probably won't spend grails to merge them. (If they introduce a Black Knight helmet accessory, I might merge Zelgius instead though because his stats are better.)

Well, I'm torn between Naesala and Xander. Xander's useful for my immediate f2p clears, but Naesala's on my "main" team. Of which will include a +1 NY!Hríd, +1 Tibarn, +0 Reyson (unless he demotes, then I will +10 him soon as i get the copies), and Naesala's +whatever I can merge him to once the February update goes live. Haven't done the merges yet because i want to physically see Tibarn's Atk bane get fixed.

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I'm so bored with GQ i don't think i will reach rank 25. 

I also still need to do the Three Heroes quests and this months Training Tower orbs.

Basically i'm not feeling like doing any grinding right now and am starting ro get bored by Heroes gamemodes.

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Oh wow...these boys are broken together ? switched out Swap for Reposition on Naesala and Navarre's Abyssal map just fell apart! I had yet to clear the Abyssals on my prior account and yet these guys are making it seem easy. I actually can't wait for the next Mythic/Legendary banner just so I can run these guys against them. Tibarn has a new pal to carry around on his head ?

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The game is such a rollercoaster right now. Sunday silhouette caught our interest, then Monday trailer demolished it.

And today it's new AR season and CYL3 - I'm not here to pick the top 4, I'm just here to put someone on the radar for IntSys and Nintendo (go FE6 Gale)

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I'm starting to feel CYL like:

-People: We don't want more alts in the game! We want X character who's still missing!

+ A wild CYL 3 appears

-Same people: C'mon guys, let's vote Nino/Micaiah/Reinhardt/Whoever has only 1 alt. There are 6 Camillas, so who cares about the characters that we have been saying for a year that we want in the game? Or characters without alts (only Alm has a real chance here)? Let's vote them!


This is not me complaining about who could win, because I literally don't care who does. I just hope not to see the same people then complaining every time there's a new seasonal banner or when characters get more than one alt or when their favourites get neglected in the scarce New Heroes banners. 

Edited by Javi Blizz
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