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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Azura is generally agreed to be better because she has combat ability as well as dancing. Her higher res would also be useful to me because I have a lot of low res characters, and a lot of -res characters too.

Olivia was worse than Azura because of their starting skills, with SI factored in, they're about the same. Olivia has better bulk---more important than offenses for a dancer---but Azura is in the better color.

Edited by DehNutCase
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1 minute ago, DehNutCase said:

Olivia was worse than Azura because of their starting skills, with SI factored in, they're about the same. Olivia has better bulk---more important than offenses for a dancer---but Azura is in the better color.

Okay, but I don't have the resources to pour skills in an Olivia. Also, I like Azura better as a character.

Another thing I forgot to mention, and this is directed at GaleforceAbuse, I don't appreciate you telling me my Frederick is redundant, because it's basically the same as you telling me I put so much work into him for absolutely nothing and that I wasted my time which I find offensive.

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8 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Olivia, far better than Frederick? lol right. She might be better than a vanilla Frederick sometimes, but not mine, not when I've 5 starred him and stacked him with all sorts of nice skills.

I'd 5 star an Olivia over Frederick any day of the week (if they were the only 2 choices).

But you have different units so of course we have different priorities. Even so, Olivia can literally be put on any team in the game, while Frederick is a little more specialized. 

You may not have the skills to make an OP olivia, but a vanilla Olivia puts in more work than a decked out Frederick more often than not

But this all depends on whether or not you can keep her alive. If you can't, then maybe Fred is better for you

He's been working for you anyway so, I guess it doesn't matter eh? 

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2 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

I'd 5 star an Olivia over Frederick any day of the week (if they were the only 2 choices).

But you have different units so of course we have different priorities. Even so, Olivia can literally be put on any team in the game, while Frederick is a little more specialized. 

You may not have the skills to make an OP olivia, but a vanilla Olivia puts in more work than a decked out Frederick more often than not

But this all depends on whether or not you can keep her alive. If you can't, then maybe Fred is better for you

He's been working for you anyway so, I guess it doesn't matter eh? 

Exactly, I cannot keep Olivia alive, but thanks to his high def, Frederick DOES stay alive quite often. I really don't know why anyone would 5 star a lowly Olivia over him though. She doesn't have much use at all outside of helping to train units in the tower.

Also, why should I be forced to use certain characters in order to do good? I should be allowed to use whoever I want. I don't see anyone telling Troykv that his Sophia is redundant.

Edited by Anacybele
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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Exactly, I cannot keep Olivia alive, but thanks to his high def, Frederick DOES stay alive quite often. I really don't know why anyone would 5 star a lowly Olivia over him though. She doesn't have much use at all outside of helping to train units in the tower.

Well with my Fury Nino, her and Olivia can Erase teams in arena.

Like I said, it depends on your units. Also if you aren't good at keeping units alive there could be an issue

If you can get better at that, I think you'll be able to see her true potential.

Also the main reason people 5 star her is to make her more bulky and for a higher BST

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Just now, Arcanite said:

Well with my Fury Nino, her and Olivia can Erase teams in arena.

Like I said, it depends on your units. Also if you aren't good at keeping units alive there could be an issue

If you can get better at that, I think you'll be able to see her true potential.

Also the main reason people 5 star her is to make her more bulky and for a higher BST

A higher BST is a reason to 5 star anyone though. Another thing, I have a lot more trouble against dancing teams with Azura than I do with ones that have Olivia (except when I can get Frederick to take out said Azura early).

I'll never see any potential in Olivia, sorry to say.

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2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

A higher BST is a reason to 5 star anyone though. Another thing, I have a lot more trouble against dancing teams with Azura than I do with ones that have Olivia (except when I can get Frederick to take out said Azura early).

I'll never see any potential in Olivia, sorry to say.

Because Azura is Bae, and Olivia is good

Bae and good are 2 different things.

Azura is Blue which is an automatic advantage. And she also has a sapphire lance, which is innate T-adept. Olivia doesn't have that stuff though, but she does have Hone attack at base, making her very good for blade teams. But any dancer is good for blade teams so it's kinda funny.

And you will see her potential. One day! And I'm going to make sure of it!


Even if I have to march over to Pennsylvania and do it myself!


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10 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

That just makes training her even harder. Training is as much about SP as levels. A 500 SP detour just to TA3 hurts like hell.

Not when you have 1,200 SP from a +10 merge.


10 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

(Fury 3 is probably still optimal for dancer, both for arena score and bulk.)

Triangle Adept 3 gives her more bulk against red units, which is arguably more important. Fury 3 also no longer contributes much for score anymore because it is counted as a skill instead of as 12 points of stats.


10 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

A fully kitted out Lucina still 2HKOs TA-3 Ninan, anyway. (And I imagine everyone else carves big chunks.)

-Res Triangle Adept 3 Ninian (kind of) laughs at fully buffed Life and Death Tharja. Lucina and Marth are the only red units that have any chance of killing Ninian in a single round of combat, and that can easily be made a non-issue with Swordbreaker to prevent them from double attacking.

Ninian also has enough bulk to survive a round of combat against any blue unit that doesn't have a Brave Lance+ or is named Linde or is stacking Blarblade+ out the wazoo.


2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I really don't know why anyone would 5 star a lowly Olivia over him though.

Frederick has a more specialized stat spread. Olivia's Dance is more general-use. It all depends on what your team needs and what you have available to you.


4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

A higher BST is a reason to 5 star anyone though.

The arena matchmaking update made stat total differences between unit classes matter less. An average ranged cavalry unit is now worth the roughly same as an average armor.

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2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

The arena matchmaking update made stat total differences between unit classes matter less. An average ranged cavalry unit is now worth the roughly same as an average armor.

I'm aware of this, Arcanite was the one that said people upgraded Olivia for higher BSTs.

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17 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Exactly, I cannot keep Olivia alive, but thanks to his high def, Frederick DOES stay alive quite often. I really don't know why anyone would 5 star a lowly Olivia over him though. She doesn't have much use at all outside of helping to train units in the tower.

Also, why should I be forced to use certain characters in order to do good? I should be allowed to use whoever I want. I don't see anyone telling Troykv that his Sophia is redundant.

GaleforceAbuse definitely could have said things in a more considerate way, but I agree with their general point (not that Frederick is redundant but that Olivia is much, much better than you give her credit for).

You can ask just about any high ranking Arena player on here (or even people in the medium Arena range, which after the update is about 4.2k-4.6k or so), and I can guarantee you that all of them (or most of them, since I don't care for absolutes) will tell you that even a 3* dancer is better in most scenarios than another 5* unit.

The amount of versatility offered by a dance unit is second to none in this game, and if not for the fact that using a dancer would drop my rank out of the top 1k and into top 5k (unless I merge), I would never NOT have a dancer on my team.

Their lack of bulk is largely irrelevant as there's very little reason a dancer should EVER be in range of any enemies (including archers and mages) if you position properly. I use dancers heavily on my teams, as do many others, and whenever I find that I got a dancer caught out 9 times out of 10 it was because I made a mistake in positioning that I could have easily avoided had I played smarter. You continually cite Olivia's -Spd as a glaring weakness, but it doesn't matter when she shouldn't be getting hit at all. 

 There's a reason that pretty much every single person that I've ever seen respond to you about dancers has told you that they highly recommend them. These are all incredibly experienced players, many of whom regularly score in the mid to high 4000 range in Arena and complete Lunatic GHBs. They know what they're talking about. 

Anyways, I didn't mean to lecture you (so I apologize if I came off as patronizing in any way). In the end, it is your game, and how you play is up to you and you alone. If you adamantly do not care for Olivia no matter what anyone else here says then I will no longer try to convince you to use her.

Edited by MaskedAmpharos
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1 minute ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

GaleforceAbuse definitely could have said things in a more considerate way, but I agree with their general point (not that Frederick is redundant but that Olivia is much, much better than you give her credit for).

You can ask just about any high ranking Arena player on here (or even people in the medium Arena range, which after the update is about 4.2k-4.6k or so), and I can guarantee you that all of them (or most of them, since I don't care for absolutes) will tell you that even a 3* dancer is better in most scenarios than another 5* unit.

The amount of versatility offered by a dance unit is second to none in this game, and if not for the fact that using a dancer would drop my rank out of the top 1k and into top 5k (unless I merge), I would never NOT have a dancer on my team.

Their lack of bulk is largely irrelevant as there's very little reason a dancer should EVER be in range of any enemies (including archers and mages) if you position properly. I use dancers heavily on my teams, as do many others, and whenever I find that I got a dancer caught out 9/10 it was because I made a mistake in positioning that I could have easily avoided had I played smarter. You continually cite Olivia's -Spd as a glaring weakness, but it doesn't matter when she shouldn't be getting hit at all. 

 There's a reason that pretty much every single person that I've ever seen respond to you about dancers has told you that they highly recommend them. These are all incredibly experienced players, many of whom regularly score in the mid to high 4000 range in Arena and complete Lunatic GHBs. They know what they're talking about. 

Anyways, I didn't mean to lecture you (so I apologize if I came off as patronizing in any way). In the end, it is your game, and how you play is up to you and you alone. If you adamantly do not care for Olivia no matter what anyone else here says then I will no longer try to convince you to use her.

And I've kept saying that I have no dancers I can use (outside of the tower) and there's a reason for that too. If I had Azura, maybe. But she's a rare pull. I see her in the arena more often than Olivia too, by the way. Also, a 3 star dancer can't possibly be better than another 5 star unit. Not with much weaker stats and skills.

And dancers might not supposed to be getting hit, but they will no matter what. I find it impossible to keep them from getting hit by anything at least once.

You weren't lecturing me, you were just trying to help, so no worries there.


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1 hour ago, Arcanite said:

Just looked up Odins stats cause I got my first one

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Actually one of my best arena rounds was the one Odin was a bonus unit. Back in that time, he tanked Takumis with some spd help (to not get doubled) and hitted him back, entered defiant atk mode and killed most -hp/res variants. He was pretty good against chipping reds. He's not stellar though, but one can work a team around him in a similar way teams are made around nino or tharja, and he'll still be good.

That reminds me of an arena tharja that had rally atk/spd/def buffs and attacked my nowi for 22 dmg. Nowi then one shotted her (+atk +rally atk).

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I'm also one for for Any Olivia > another 5*. I'm someone who has 2 Takumis, in the earlier days where Takumi was most dominant arena character. I tested out Ryoma/Takumi/Takumi/Robin and Ryoma/Takumi/Olivia/Robin as teams. This was before I even had a lv 40 Olivia, much less my 5* Fury2 (mainly because I'm out of TAdepts to use) Swordbreaker Olivia now. The fact that Olivia contributed significantly to the survival of my team was the reason I grinded her to lv 40, given that she, at the time, was lv 27 (she too, was a -Spd, lv 27 at the time aside) and dragged my score down due to having a low BST. But even another Takumi wasn't worth it. So I trained her to 40.

The latter had a much easier time doing deathless runs. The fact I couldn't reposition anyone with the former team, despite having 2 Takumis, contributed significantly to deaths. If you're still worried about her positioning, I recommend passing around Reposition and Drag-back, as those will help to reposition Olivia after she repositions the rest of your team. Before I started running Ardent Sacrifice on Nino for the desperation set, one of my favorite combos was Nino kill a dude, Olivia dances Nino, Nino moves behind Olivia and drags her back. 

Did you get rid of your free Olivias or something? If the -spd bothers you so much, neutral might work better.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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49 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

And I've kept saying that I have no dancers I can use (outside of the tower) and there's a reason for that too. If I had Azura, maybe. But she's a rare pull. I see her in the arena more often than Olivia too, by the way. Also, a 3 star dancer can't possibly be better than another 5 star unit. Not with much weaker stats and skills.

And dancers might not supposed to be getting hit, but they will no matter what. I find it impossible to keep them from getting hit by anything at least once.

You weren't lecturing me, you were just trying to help, so no worries there.


A 3* dancer already has one of the best possible skills: one that lets one of your 5* combat units do about twice as much as they'd be able to otherwise by doubling their player phase damage, their mobility, or both. I personally tend to use 5*s over dancers, but it's way closer than you think.

Dancers will not get hit "no matter what". They get hit when you make mistakes and don't keep them out of areas the enemies can reach. It's absolutely possible for a dancer to do their job without getting hit, even by ranged enemies. That's just something you haven't learned how to do yet. Personally, I haven't spent any real time using dancers in the arena, but I used Priscilla as my bonus unit for two weeks and she was able to do plenty of healing while almost always avoiding getting hit.

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1 hour ago, DLNarshen said:

Yesterday I was feeling pretty bummed about my lousy pulls as of late, but this morning I was reviewing my roster, and realized "I have Eldigan", who's been killing it in the arena for the past month now.  I think that's pretty baller. 

It's always nice to look on the bright side.  There's a few characters I still don't have, but I'm overall happy with my lot of characters at the moment.  Just waiting on some Tellius units to join in, now.

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@Quintessence listen my g.



I don't care if Odin gave you a good arena run.

I don't care if he has a blade tome

I don't care if he gave you CPR

I don't care if he bought you a Switch

I don't care if he's your Husbando 

I don't care if he took you to Six Flags Great Adventure 

I don't care if he looks handsome 

When I see his stats 


My eyes


They burn 


lol jk. I know you can build a team and whatnot. I was just joking around





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4 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

@Quintessence listen my g.

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I don't care if Odin gave you a good arena run.

I don't care if he has a blade tome

I don't care if he gave you CPR

I don't care if he bought you a Switch

I don't care if he's your Husbando 

I don't care if he took you to Six Flags Great Adventure 

I don't care if he looks handsome 

When I see his stats 

  Hide contents

My eyes

  Hide contents

They burn 

  Hide contents

lol jk. I know you can build a team and whatnot. I was just joking around






Idk man at this point I'm pretty desperate for a Switch.


I just want to play Breath of the Wild already ;____;


Plus I'll need one eventually for the new FE game supposedly coming out in 2018


Though that's quite a ways away. 





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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Triangle Adept 3 gives her more bulk against red units, which is arguably more important. Fury 3 also no longer contributes much for score anymore because it is counted as a skill instead of as 12 points of stats.

*shrugg,* depends on how you look at it, I guess.


The way I see it: Azura and Olivia can have their cake and eat it since they can use their A-slot for +3 speed (either the skill itself or fury), while also having T-Adept up for maximum bulk. Ninian with TA-3 and Swordbreaker has similar tankiness, but =35 speed and up units with the same speed IV start doubling her with +3 speed skills since her A-slot is taken.


Given that Ninan can only get one or the other, I think I'll actually agree with you TA3 is more important---I just favor Fury 3 because it's 3 speed and you don't lose EHP until the third combat (First you're ahead, second you're neutral, only on third does fury start losing you EHP).

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1 minute ago, MaskedAmpharos said:
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Idk man at this point I'm pretty desperate for a Switch.

  Hide contents

I just want to play Breath of the Wild already ;____;

  Hide contents

Plus I'll need one eventually for the new FE game supposedly coming out in 2018

  Hide contents

Though that's quite a ways away. 





Don't forget about Warriors if that's your thing (yes, I know the 3DS version is a thing).

7 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

@Quintessence listen my g.

  Reveal hidden contents


I don't care if Odin gave you a good arena run.

I don't care if he has a blade tome

I don't care if he gave you CPR

I don't care if he bought you a Switch

I don't care if he's your Husbando 

I don't care if he took you to Six Flags Great Adventure 

I don't care if he looks handsome 

When I see his stats 

  Reveal hidden contents

My eyes

  Reveal hidden contents

They burn 

  Reveal hidden contents

lol jk. I know you can build a team and whatnot. I was just joking around





I hear his tome goes well with Spring Lucina, but you probably knew that.

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Just now, Arthur97 said:

I hear his tome goes well with Spring Lucina, but you probably knew that.

Indeed I did

If I knew I'd get an Odin later, I probably would have pulled for Spring Lucina but risking for Xander the Xexy wasn't worth a rat's behind for me.

Also Her stats didn't impress me too much 


But that swift sparrow? Yummy yum yum, I could get me some!


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4 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

I wish Odin wasn't so bad.

He's my favorite 3DS character and his stat spread sucks.  Sad times >~>.

I hope he's better as Owain.

I mean...Odin reclassed to Samurai was actually pretty good in Conquest. I just don't get why they thought giving him balanced growths was a good idea.

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2 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

I mean...Odin reclassed to Samurai was actually pretty good in Conquest. I just don't get why they thought giving him balanced growths was a good idea.

I don't know why they thought turning him into a dark mage was a good idea.

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