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Poll Results Update - Current Top 20 of each gender


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Just now, Birdy said:

Being a Soldier / Halberdier probably also helps. I remember people going nuts when the game was released that we got that class. 

It started off as a theoretical joke iirc, which turned into the exact opposite when we got a Loldier with actual stats & promotion options (well, a promotion option).

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Midterm Males

Looks solid overall. I find it funny that Ike takes up two spots in the top 10, but it goes to show that people do indeed like Ike (myself included). However, a part of me wants to say Roy (and to a lesser extent Ike) are so high because of Smash Brothers and not necessarily Fire Emblem. Robin is relatively recent and could have some Smash influence, but I doubt it is significant.

Love the fact that Hector, Ephraim and Takumi are in the top 10. It would be nice to knock down Donnel and give his spot to Leo, but Henry can work as well. I am also amazed that Joshua, who came from an obscure game called Sacred Stones, managed to make it in the top 20. I guess lady luck was on his side, especially considering he is not a lord character.

Midterm Females

Not too surprising to see Tharja and Camilla so high on the list, but I wouldn't mind replacing them with Flora and Nephenee (won't happen, but I digress).

I would like Lyn to keep the #1 spot, if only to show IS that FE fans do care about the older games and not everyone is focused around the "Awakening Generation" (Awakening, Fates). Otherwise, I'm fairly happy with how the top 10 turned out. It may not have my "top top" favorites, but they are all solid characters (save for Tharja and to a lesser extent Camilla who I don't care much for).

It is also nice to see Adult Tiki winning out over Child Tiki (wherever she is) and that the beloved Anna still makes her spot in the top 20. The other characters are also solid choices, but I never understood the love for Lute. Nino I can sorta get, but I don't care much for her.

Personal Thoughts

Well, almost everyone I voted for made it to top 10 (Micaiah x2, Ephraim x2, Lyn x2) save for Arthur (x2). Curse his luck...

I'm probably going to toss some votes for Leo in an attempt to dethrone Donnel from 10, and then spend my last three votes on personal favorites instead of voting twice for characters. These will probably end up being Duessel, Nolan, and Flora.

I hope the #1 spots stay as they are (Lyn and PoR Ike). While I like Lucina, Lyn represents the more veteran fanbase to me, and I do not want a fanservice character (Tharja, Camilla) to win #1. For the guys, I just don't want Roy to win. Roy is all right because of Smash, but Fire Emblem wise I rather have another character in the top 10 win (save for Donnel, he can go back to the farm.)

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18 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

I would absolutely love it if @Thane and @Brand_Of_The_Exalt could both tone it down a notch, just throwing that out there. (Not that anyone super cares what I think but I'm willing to bet that others aren't super enjoying having to wade through the argument either shrug)

Speaking of people not caring about my opinion, I for one think it's really funny how much hate Camilla and Tharja are getting. 

You know what? I'm gonna say it-- I like them both, and I'm happy they're both as high as they are. Make no mistake, I'm in the camp that wants Lyn to win, but I don't think their popularity is so totally undeserved as everyone seems to think it is lol. -slaps chest- come at me scrublords I'm ripped

Well, to be fair, most people are voting based on character personalities and the what not. I can't speak for everyone, but Camilla and Tharja kinda feel like they're up there due to appearance and their obsessions with the avatar(or more so fanservice...whichever one) and less for their character...something a lot of people feel others are much better in that category. Also, personally, Tharja I don't mind as much(because there is more to her character that is actually shown more), Camilla...eh...not a lot(even if there a character there, you probably miss it since she's so focused on Corrin all the time...supports and all)...

30 minutes ago, Birdy said:

Being a Soldier / Halberdier probably also helps. I remember people going nuts when the game was released that we got that class. 

For a class that, pre Tellius, was pretty much a punching bag, to finally get someone in that class must have been very interesting(And dang...did they make an impression with Neph!:B):).

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General, unorganized thougths on poll:


So we got Corn, Robin, Cow-mill, and Tharja, but no Oboro, SD Pegasus Sisters, Elincia, or Caeda?  And they're also above Tiki, Anna, Mia, and Nephenee?  How dare they?!

Glad for the other non-Awakening/Fates reps, though.  Surprised Miss Superior herself got a spot among the top twenty.  I've been gravely underestimating the chances of some of these characters.  And at least Nephenee got up there.

Can't say I like Donnel being above the likes of Henry, Owain, Josh, Niles, or Leo.  I think he's fun to use, but he is hardly my favorite.  Takumi might be a tinge overrated, but I'm still glad that he got the top ten over some characters.  Like goddamn Corrin; I see your smug, shit-eating face at 19, you PoS.

Can I get a "We like Ike!", though?  He definitely deserves #1, and he needs to keep that spot.  And apparently he deserves #5 too.

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14 hours ago, Sentinel07 said:

And looking at this...sigh...I will never understand the love for Tharja and Camilla. Seriously, both characters' most distinctive trait is an unhealthy obsession with the Avatar. It makes me question what kind of fanbase this is sometimes.

I see people who swear that these characters are deep, well-written characters, but they aren't.  All the stuff they say is good about these characters is strictly gaps that are filled in with head canon.  If they didn't have sex appeal, they'd be nowhere near top ten.

12 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

I always find it funny when people get salty about "fanservice-y characters" topping polls. It is a popularity contest, after all; it doesn't really matter how well-written a character is.

I know it's a popularity contest, but dammit, I want my calendar wallpapers to be filled with good characters, not what a bunch of horny teenagers get off on.  At least thus far, the top two aren't fanservice characters.

6 hours ago, Thane said:

But seriously Azura? And Felicia being placed above her sister!? I'm literally shaking right now. If I have to vote on Micaiah to knock down Azura I will!

And I'm triggered by the lack of Flora and Oboro over some of these choices.  Do you want to build a Safe Space with me?

5 hours ago, Thane said:

And there are people who love watching people suck at video games too and watch because the personality of the let's player is appealing to them.

DSP and Vinesauce in a nutshell.  Well, actually, a ton of streamers/LPers in a nutshell.

About Etika and Youtubers in general:



I literally have no idea who Etika is, but neither they nor any other YouTube/Twitch/social media personality is solely responsible for any one character being popular.  They can boost pre-existing popularity or bring attention to stuff that doesn't exactly get seen, but that's it.  The bottom line is, if a character has no appeal - whether that's sex appeal, unit appeal, or actual character appeal - no amount of advertising will make them suddenly popular unless they somehow get turned into a meme.

Suffice it to say, all characters who've made these spots in the polls have some kind of appeal to them.  We can argue about who may have made, say, Tharja more popular than Camilla, but unless we gather a sizable amount of people who voted for one these two more than the other and conduct a survey, the best we can do is pure conjecture.



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@Ertrick36 One of my votes is def going to Oboro, I'll try to help you get her on there x3x SHE DESERVES A SPOT

14 minutes ago, Busterman64 said:

Well, to be fair, most people are voting based on character personalities and the what not. I can't speak for everyone, but Camilla and Tharja kinda feel like they're up there due to appearance and their obsessions with the avatar(or more so fanservice...whichever one) and less for their character...something a lot of people feel others are much better in that category. Also, personally, Tharja I don't mind as much(because there is more to her character that is actually shown more), Camilla...eh...not a lot(even if there a character there, you probably miss it since she's so focused on Corrin all the time...supports and all)...

For a class that, pre Tellius, was pretty much a punching bag, to finally get someone in that class must have been very interesting(And dang...did they make an impression with Neph!:B):).

I have zero doubts that the egregious fanservice / player pandering attached to their characters are a big of their popularity, no disputes about that whatsoever. 

With Tharja I agree, her character is actually pretty good if you get past the whole yandere thing (and actually TBH I think even THAT had some potential to be more than just a shallow trope if they'd gone into WHY Tharja stalks Robin what with the Grima stuff and whatnot, but they never do, probably because if it were in support convos it could potentially spoil the story). 

For Camilla, I can't defend her character/writing TOO much-- there's definitely too much of her obsessing over Corrin (to the point where it leaks into a LOT of her supports with other characters) and not enough examination of her own character; I think with what an actually-dark character she is (the way she threatens people who might leave her is interesting and terrifying to me and I wish we actually got something bloody along those lines happening with her either through support backstory or during the campaign), she had some great potential but it's being discarded in favor of fanservice. So that's a shame, and I agree with that being a problem with her. However, she's a strong unit with a very cool class (going back to the whole Nephenee thing if you believe that could be a factor, as I do) and her design is pretty good aside from, again, some of the overly-fanservicey elements (battle panties I could do without, but she herself is pretty and she has some interesting design elements to her outfit). She's definitely not as strong a case, but she's understandably appealing in some aspects, IMO. 

That's the thing that I feel a lot of people forget to account for, is that there are THREE main factors that will get characters votes: personality, design, and usefulness as a unit. Characters like Canas and Nephenee? Their personalities are likable enough, certainly, but I think it's undeniable to an extent that their usefulness as units is what makes a lot of people like them (combined with design when we're talking Nephenee). Not all characters have all three, true, but one or two can be enough to get a character votes is what I'm sayin'. 

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3 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

@Ertrick36 One of my votes is def going to Oboro, I'll try to help you get her on there x3x SHE DESERVES A SPOT

I have zero doubts that the egregious fanservice / player pandering attached to their characters are a big of their popularity, no disputes about that whatsoever. 

With Tharja I agree, her character is actually pretty good if you get past the whole yandere thing (and actually TBH I think even THAT had some potential to be more than just a shallow trope if they'd gone into WHY Tharja stalks Robin what with the Grima stuff and whatnot, but they never do, probably because if it were in support convos it could potentially spoil the story). 

For Camilla, I can't defend her character/writing TOO much-- there's definitely too much of her obsessing over Corrin (to the point where it leaks into a LOT of her supports with other characters) and not enough examination of her own character; I think with what an actually-dark character she is, she had some great potential but it's being discarded in favor of fanservice. So that's a shame, and I agree with that being a problem with her. However, she's a strong unit (going back to the whole Nephenee thing if you believe that could be a factor, as I do) and her design is pretty good aside from, again, some of the overly-fanservicey elements (battle panties I could do without, but she herself is pretty and she has some interesting design elements to her outfit). She's definitely not as strong a case, but she's understandably appealing in some aspects, IMO. 

That's the thing that I feel a lot of people forget to account for, is that there are THREE main factors that will get characters votes: personality, design, and usefulness as a unit. Characters like Canas and Nephenee? Their personalities are likable enough, certainly, but I think it's undeniable to an extent that their usefulness as units is what makes a lot of people like them (combined with design when we're talking Nephenee). Not all characters have all three, true, but one or two can be enough to get a character votes is what I'm sayin'. 

You do have a good point there. However, that's kinda why people like Elincia and Jill are brought up on this thread a lot. They have those 3 factors, yet they aren't anywhere. I think that's the main kicker here(and why people have issues with some people on here).

And as for Camilla, I still do like her...in a way. Her design(minus the shown off undies) is pretty nice(and I can't deny that she is very pretty) and her character, when you actually see it, is pretty interesting. But with Camilla I feel, just like with Fates as a whole, there is a lot of potential, but it isn't used to it's fullest potential(since there is barely any of her character shown through most of her supports and interesting points of discussion, like how Silas was jealous of Corrin for having an older sister AND him having a crush on Camilla as a kid, leaves a lot to be desired since it's only in her A support with him...still ticked about that). As for strength, I wouldn't really know, I used Beruka instead on my playthrough(and she freakin' rocks)! :P: 

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3 minutes ago, Busterman64 said:

You do have a good point there. However, that's kinda why people like Elincia and Jill are brought up on this thread a lot. They have those 3 factors, yet they aren't anywhere. I think that's the main kicker here(and why people have issues with some people on here).

And as for Camilla, I still do like her...in a way. Her design(minus the shown off undies) is pretty nice(and I can't deny that she is very pretty) and her character, when you actually see it, is pretty interesting. But with Camilla I feel, just like with Fates as a whole, there is a lot of potential, but it isn't used to it's fullest potential(since there is barely any of her character shown through most of her supports and interesting points of discussion, like how Silas was jealous of Corrin for having an older sister AND him having a crush on Camilla as a kid, leaves a lot to be desired since it's only in her A support with him...still ticked about that). As for strength, I wouldn't really know, I used Beruka instead on my playthrough(and she freakin' rocks)! :P: 

I don't know if this means anything but Jill's my favorite character in all of fire emblem but I voted for ike instead because he had a greater chance of winning. Maybe others thought the same thing?

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Camilla's design is just so god awful to me and I HATED having it shoved in my face in a Birthright cutscene so much that I don't want to bother with her ANYWHERE. AT ALL. I'm sorry, but how can anyone condone battle pantie window + huge breasts with insane cleavage and a cutscene that's nothing but showing off those things as well as her ass? Not everyone is into this shit and it should be left at least as optional side content so people like me don't have to be forced to view it.

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2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Camilla's design is just so god awful to me and I HATED having it shoved in my face in a Birthright cutscene so much that I don't want to bother with her ANYWHERE. AT ALL. I'm sorry, but how can anyone condone battle pantie window + huge breasts with insane cleavage and a cutscene that's nothing but showing off those things as well as her ass? Not everyone is into this shit and it should be left at least as optional side content so people like me don't have to be forced to view it.

Careful there complaining about sexy designs as you don't want to have people make fun of you just for not liking it. I agree it should be optional instead of the default design for characters like camilla. Then again, the option should be there for those that want it. That's a fair compromise imo.

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Just now, Dinar87 said:

Careful there complaining about sexy designs as you don't want to have people make fun of you just for not liking it. I agree it should be optional instead of the default design for characters like camilla.

Honestly, if people make fun of me for not liking Little Miss Fanservice, they really need to get a life, imo.

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Honestly, if people make fun of me for not liking Little Miss Fanservice, they really need to get a life, imo.

I prefer the name Whoremilla personally. And yeah this sort of stuff should be optional content. Maybe if they were really ambitious the could have the cut scenes use whatever armor we give them? Boom everyone's then satisfied.

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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Camilla's design is just so god awful to me and I HATED having it shoved in my face in a Birthright cutscene so much that I don't want to bother with her ANYWHERE. AT ALL. I'm sorry, but how can anyone condone battle pantie window + huge breasts with insane cleavage and a cutscene that's nothing but showing off those things as well as her ass? Not everyone is into this shit and it should be left at least as optional side content so people like me don't have to be forced to view it.

While mostly I agree, same could be said about some muscled men, which for some I have heard you sing praise about. That said, Camilla is taking it too far for my liking aswell.

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1 minute ago, Birdy said:

While mostly I agree, same could be said about some muscled men, which for some I have heard you sing praise about. That said, Camilla is taking it too far for my liking aswell.

Yeah I guess I'm kind of a hypocrite for liking characters like Ike but hating characters like camilla. I think it has something to do with my upbringing that's made me feel this way.

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Just now, Dinar87 said:

Yeah I guess I'm kind of a hypocrite for liking characters like Ike but hating characters like camilla.

Oh, I think Ike as a character is pretty good, especially in Path of Radiance. And in no way is Ike as bad as Camilla, but sexyness/looks in whatever way of shape will result in people liking certain characters. The line where it goes from acceptable to unacceptable is different for some people, that's all. :)

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9 minutes ago, Birdy said:

While mostly I agree, same could be said about some muscled men, which for some I have heard you sing praise about. That said, Camilla is taking it too far for my liking aswell.

I don't like overly muscled men either though. They look awful. Largo looks weird to me because I think he kind of looks like he's on steroids, for example. And you can't possibly put characters like Ike on the level Camilla is. Ike only shows off one bicep, he's not going around in tight boxers with his man-bulge sticking out at us or anything. And also, it's not as unusual and impractical to see a shirtless muscular man on a battlefield than it is to see a woman in a bikini fighting atop a dragon. There's a reason people riding animals wear pants...

Also, I don't like Odin's design either. The v-cut is dumb and his outfit goes too out of the way to show off those abs. I think he takes it too far as well.

EDIT: Okay, I do NOT love RD Ike's design just because I think he's incredibly handsome/hot. I think it's also practical for him and badass too. I can see why he wouldn't wear a full suit of armor, he strikes me as the kind of guy who wouldn't want armor to slow him down too much, but to still have at least some for some degree of protection (explaining his single shoulder pauldron and stuff). And his sleeveless tunic is likely convenience because of how big his arms got. :P He also still retains a tattered cape and headband like he did in PoR, and he's got the generic white pants. It's practical, cool, and shows how Ike still doesn't care much about the way he looks or dresses.

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

I don't like overly muscled men either though. They look awful. Largo looks weird to me because I think he kind of looks like he's on steroids, for example. And you can't possibly put characters like Ike on the level Camilla is. Ike only shows off one bicep, he's not going around in tight boxers with his man-bulge sticking out at us or anything. And also, it's not as unusual and impractical to see a shirtless muscular man on a battlefield than it is to see a woman in a bikini fighting atop a dragon. There's a reason people riding animals wear pants...

Also, I don't like Odin's design either. The v-cut is dumb and his outfit goes too out of the way to show off those abs. I think he takes it too far as well.

No offense but I thought I was the only prude around here but I guess life is just full of surprises.

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1 minute ago, Dinar87 said:

No offense but I thought I was the only prude around here but I guess life is just full of surprises.


Also, before anyone mentions it, I might as well add this: I'm aware Frederick has the man-bulge thing going on in his official art. And it does bother me a bit. But it's not shoved in my face in a cutscene and the pants are still practical enough for riding his horse.

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2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I don't like overly muscled men either though. They look awful. Largo looks weird to me because I think he kind of looks like he's on steroids, for example. And you can't possibly put characters like Ike on the level Camilla is. Ike only shows off one bicep, he's not going around in tight boxers with his man-bulge sticking out at us or anything. And also, it's not as unusual and impractical to see a shirtless muscular man on a battlefield than it is to see a woman in a bikini fighting atop a dragon. There's a reason people riding animals wear pants...

Also, I don't like Odin's design either. The v-cut is dumb and his outfit goes too out of the way to show off those abs. I think he takes it too far as well.

I can agree with you on this. Camilla is indeed taking it too far (though honestly, I don't care so much, I'll just shrug it off and bench her, but it does make me wonder what I'd be missing from her supports... In a way I feel superficial for doing this.), I don't mind Ike's looks whatsoever. This is personal however.

As for Odin, I guess, as a showman, he uses whatever 'tools' he has to attract people :P.

Just now, Dinar87 said:

No offense but I thought I was the only prude around here but I guess life is just full of surprises.

Ahaha, I don't think it's so much a matter of prudeness. I actually think she's revealing too much to be sexy, personally. Give me Nephenee instead, rawr.

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27 minutes ago, Busterman64 said:

You do have a good point there. However, that's kinda why people like Elincia and Jill are brought up on this thread a lot. They have those 3 factors, yet they aren't anywhere. I think that's the main kicker here(and why people have issues with some people on here).

And as for Camilla, I still do like her...in a way. Her design(minus the shown off undies) is pretty nice(and I can't deny that she is very pretty) and her character, when you actually see it, is pretty interesting. But with Camilla I feel, just like with Fates as a whole, there is a lot of potential, but it isn't used to it's fullest potential(since there is barely any of her character shown through most of her supports and interesting points of discussion, like how Silas was jealous of Corrin for having an older sister AND him having a crush on Camilla as a kid, leaves a lot to be desired since it's only in her A support with him...still ticked about that). As for strength, I wouldn't really know, I used Beruka instead on my playthrough(and she freakin' rocks)! :P: 

It's true, Elincia and Jill are both good and deserve more attention too! What can you say, there are a lot of good female characters, it's tough. x3x I guess another factor to be considered on top of the three I mentioned is exposure, though; Fates and Awakening got a lot more attention in terms of sales and popularity-- literally, just more people played them-- so you have to factor that in too.

100% agree about Fates. Lotta potential that wasn't lived up to, it's a shame. I like Beruka too haha =w= she's very underrated IMO. Solid crit machine. 

23 minutes ago, Dinar87 said:

I don't know if this means anything but Jill's my favorite character in all of fire emblem but I voted for ike instead because he had a greater chance of winning. Maybe others thought the same thing?

Dude you should definitely vote for your favorites, their representation matters too! Erk is my favorite character in FE7 and I have no shame in my vote for him, despite knowing he has no chance of making even the top 20... Jill COULD actually have a chance, though! You should dedicate at least one vote to her, IMO :0 (your decision ultimately, ofc, but I say don't leave your favorites hangin')


Also, just throwing this out there, I think the funniest thing about my defense of Tharja and Camilla is I didn't even vote for them lol. And I won't, either (they don't need the help and I'd prefer Lyn win outright), but I'm not complaining about their placement haha. 

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I think it just differs with men and woman as a whole. Guys are able to fight without armor on or a shirt...but it's doesn't make sense to do so(especially in a war). It's worse with girls since there isn't much reason to show much skin unless your fighting style requires more leg room, that's just your native attire(like Lyn for example), or maybe where you lived has you wear more or less clothing(Hawkeye and Tharja, they lived in the desert). At the same time, you can show some skin, just don't let that be a focus...

7 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I don't like overly muscled men either though. They look awful. Largo looks weird to me because I think he kind of looks like he's on steroids, for example. And you can't possibly put characters like Ike on the level Camilla is. Ike only shows off one bicep, he's not going around in tight boxers with his man-bulge sticking out at us or anything. And also, it's not as unusual and impractical to see a shirtless muscular man on a battlefield than it is to see a woman in a bikini fighting atop a dragon. There's a reason people riding animals wear pants...

Also, I don't like Odin's design either. The v-cut is dumb and his outfit goes too out of the way to show off those abs. I think he takes it too far as well.

That's another thing...what was with the "barely any clothes" with the dark mages in Fates(and Awakening to a certain extent)? 


Just now, Anacybele said:


Also, before anyone mentions it, I might as well add this: I'm aware Frederick has the man-bulge thing going on in his official art. And it does bother me a bit. But it's not shoved in my face in a cutscene and the pants are still practical enough for riding his horse.

Wait, there is? I wouldn't notice(but I can't get the thought out my head now...crap...gonna need an hour to get that out).

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1 hour ago, 11volt said:



Also Dorcas is ahead of M!Corrin. I haven't stopped laughing at this since I first saw it.


Edit: Vote Henry or Hector (or Bord), make FE Great again!

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4 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

It's true, Elincia and Jill are both good and deserve more attention too! What can you say, there are a lot of good female characters, it's tough. x3x I guess another factor to be considered on top of the three I mentioned is exposure, though; Fates and Awakening got a lot more attention in terms of sales and popularity-- literally, just more people played them-- so you have to factor that in too.

100% agree about Fates. Lotta potential that wasn't lived up to, it's a shame. I like Beruka too haha =w= she's very underrated IMO. Solid crit machine. 

Dude you should definitely vote for your favorites, their representation matters too! Erk is my favorite character in FE7 and I have no shame in my vote for him, despite knowing he has no chance of making even the top 20... Jill COULD actually have a chance, though! You should dedicate at least one vote to her, IMO :0 (your decision ultimately, ofc, but I say don't leave your favorites hangin')


Also, just throwing this out there, I think the funniest thing about my defense of Tharja and Camilla is I didn't even vote for them lol. And I won't, either (they don't need the help and I'd prefer Lyn win outright), but I'm not complaining about their placement haha. 

I'm just hoping that, if Ike wins, we'll have a better chance at getting more tellius-like content in the future...or just straight up ikeservice which I'm fine with. I just want more people to play 9 and 10 as they're some of my favorite games of all time and hopefully if people go "dayum who's ike and why's he so popular" the'll hopefully check out his games too.

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8 minutes ago, Dinar87 said:

I'm just hoping that, if Ike wins, we'll have a better chance at getting more tellius-like content in the future...or just straight up ikeservice which I'm fine with. I just want more people to play 9 and 10 as they're some of my favorite games of all time and hopefully if people go "dayum who's ike and why's he so popular" the'll hopefully check out his games too.

Yeah, same here! Although just as with any fanservice, the "Ikeservice" should be on the side and not in your face. Not even I want to see Ike get the Camilla treatment...

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