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So, after the absolute insanity that was my last pull, I was wholly expecting this set of units to be a swift return to reality.

Round 13 Pulls:


Round 13 [Sibling Bonds]: 3* Stahl [+Def, -Atk] || 4* Draug [+HP, -Spd] || 4* Caeda [+HP, -Atk] || 3* Cherche [+Res, -Atk] || 4* Matthew [Neutral]

Wow, I'm getting pretty good at this (in terms of properly grounding my expectations... I'm still bad at remembering to take pictures :dry:).  So what are the highlights of this one?  Well, I got a fairly excellent nature for Draug (since Brave Swords already do a number on his typical Knight speed), so he's assuredly getting trained up.  Caeda is new on this file - she is a little special to me, as I rolled her as a 5* the very first time I booted up the game (that said, I'm happy I re-rolled until I got a better units, but that's still something).  The nature isn't amazing, but I guess it boosts her ability to tank on the magic side?  Matthew is, I believe, the first neutral natured unit I've gotten from the Gacha, so that's cool.  He seems usable enough (and I believe eclipse was hyping him up earlier), so he'll get his time to shine.  Now on to the Cons:  Stahl is rather meh, especially with that nature, and I think I literally got the worst possible Cherche nature, so amazingly, my +HP, -Atk 4* variant overshadows her.

On the whole, this was far from a bad set of units, but it was nowhere near the giddy heights of last time.  Still, this banner continues to be fairly kind to me.


Edited by red-and-soulless
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Round 16 [Sibling Bonds]: 3* Azama (+DEF, -RES) || 3* Beruka (+ATT, -RES) || 3* Frederick (+HP, -ATT) || 3* Olivia (+SPD, -DEF) || 3* Odin (+ATT, -DEF)

Got excited from the unexpected Bonus Orbs from the Switch Launch and pulled immediately from my orb scraps. The results were less than desirable.

Azama, Olivia, and Beruka I already have with favorable Boons & Banes (Azama +SPD, -RES || Olivia = Balanced || Beruka +DEF, -RES), not to mention my Olivia and Beruka are of 4* rank. Then, Frederick has a poor nature of +HP, -ATT. Frederick would much prefer having DEF or RES if going defensive, but my personal preference would be +ATT, -HP for Frederick. Olivia gets a special mention though for possibly being a sacrifice to the Inherit Skill system or eventually being merged into my main Olivia.

This leaves Odin to become the sole hero of this batch. Once upon a time I did have an Odin, but I sent him home for reasons forgotten. Either way, this new Odin shows some promise with his nature, but when comparing him to the other "blade" users like Nino and Tharja, it is clear why the "all around nice guy" is outclassed. Below is a chart I made, stats are taken from FE:Heroes Wiki - Max Stats Table. (Note that the numbers assume a balanced nature.)

Tharja	39	45	34	23	20	161
Nino	33	46	36	19	29	163
Odin	43	35	32	25	22	157

Not only Odin has lower total stats than the other two, but his ATT is ten points lower than his competitor, Tharja. Sure, he makes up for it in terms of HP and DEF, but ATT and SPD are highly valued stats. After all, the enemy can do no damage to you if they are dead. Even with Odin's Defiant ATT and Moonbow, Tharja and Nino will still output more damage on a consistent basis and have more utility than Odin.

He may get his time to shine once a "must-have SS Ultra Awesome Tier" Red Tome is released as Odin can counter with Red Tomebreaker, but until then, Odin is sadly stuck on the sidelines. I'll use him because it's flipping Odin, but otherwise I don't see a reliable spot for him.

* * * * *

On the plus side (No! Stop the walls of text! Please!), we now have willing sacrifices for the Inherit Skill system that may be coming "soon." I don't know what all can be transferred, but here is a list of stuff I am interested in.

Olivia: Silver Sword, Hone Attack
Frederick: Hammer, Luna, Fortify Defense
Beruka: Killer Axe, Glimmer, Defiant Defense
Azama: Pain, Martyr, Threaten ATT

Now I just have to start writing now giant lists of all of my owned heroes and how to build them with the Inherit Skill system in mind. That however, is for a different topic.

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11 hours ago, Vier Mill said:

Well... didn't get any of the "bond" units again this time...

Another red 5*? the other day I had got 5* Tiki as I had posted, now I have 3 red, 3 green and 1 blue... (funnily I have tons of blue for 4* and 3*)


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Uh... I wonder what uses does male Corring have, or if he's worth using over Lucina and/or Tiki...

Nice seeing Camilla stalking him too, lol (though she was my second 5*)

If you have Lucina/Young Tiki, Corrin kind-of pales.  He's fairly bulky, and deceptively quick thanks to Yato.  If he ever gets his proc off, his target dies.

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Does anyone know if you actually have to Pull the 5* to get your chance to get a 5* to reset?  Say, if you focus on just Pulling Reds and Blues and ignore the Green or Colorless, does your chance to get a 5* reset if the Colorless or Green would have been a 5*, if you had spent Orbs on it?

On 3/2/2017 at 6:12 AM, Ledrert said:

Yesterday, I just got 20 orbs... So time to have my second pull of this season's focus.

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Okay, this is just the worst pull I ever get. Olivia is +HP -Atk, I'lm not sure this is even a good IV set. I was hoping for something good with the three grey orbs... What a shame...


For me, Olivia's first and foremost a Dancer, the -Atk might hurt a little, but not nearly as much as a -Atk nature would be on pretty much anybody else, except maybe a Healer.  The HP may help her survive an extra hit.

13 hours ago, Pikappa93 said:

I've just got the 7th Cecilia. I'm gonna cry.

I've been saving all my dupes until I figure out how the Skill inheritance works.

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4 hours ago, Rezzy said:

For me, Olivia's first and foremost a Dancer, the -Atk might hurt a little, but not nearly as much as a -Atk nature would be on pretty much anybody else, except maybe a Healer.  The HP may help her survive an extra hit.

Yeah, probably. Well, I keep her anyway.

So, I'll get 20 orbs with the login bonus today. I'll hope getting something... I'd like getting Ephraim, but that'd be lucky XD

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2 hours ago, Ledrert said:

So, I'll get 20 orbs with the login bonus today. I'll hope getting something... I'd like getting Ephraim, but that'd be lucky XD

OK, so, worst pull ever.

All 3*. Selena (+Res/-Spd) / Hinata (+Res/-HP) / Odin (+Def/-HP) / Sophia (+Res/-Spd) / Oboro (new) (+Spd/-Atk)

Even the IVs are bad. So... all going to trash, except Oboro.

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All this talk about IVs remind me of Pokemon. So has FE truly become Pokemon now?

Still building up orbs, but not going to attempt another pull until the banner with Effie comes on.

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Did 2 sessions and the best I got was 4* Donnel with +Atk -Res, will train him eventually for gimmicks and fun. Got a crapton of Ninos. All the other units were sent home, got like 3K extra feathers.

Building them up to 5* Robin.

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13 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Does anyone know if you actually have to Pull the 5* to get your chance to get a 5* to reset?  Say, if you focus on just Pulling Reds and Blues and ignore the Green or Colorless, does your chance to get a 5* reset if the Colorless or Green would have been a 5*,

The translated Nintendo interview says you're safe to pull nothing but one color.  The system they put in causes your chance to get a 5* to progressively go up and then resets once you get a 5 star unit.  They seem to indicate when you pull a five orb draw none of the pulls are determined until you pull a specific orb.

At least that's what they say.  

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Drew a 4* Marth (-HP/+ATK) while fishing for Eldigan. Not too disappointed as I now have a Falchion user. 

What are your thoughts? Is he worth using over Seliph?

My current team consists of Ephraim (-RES/+DEF), Eirika (Neutral), Nino (-ATK/+SPD), and Seliph (-SPD/+HP).

Edited by Zhu Qiao
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1 hour ago, Zhu Qiao said:

Drew a 4* Marth (-HP/+ATK) while fishing for Eldigan. Not too disappointed as I now have a Falchion user. 

What are your thoughts? Is he worth using over Seliph?

My current team consists of Ephraim (-RES/+DEF), Eirika (Neutral), Nino (-ATK/+SPD), and Seliph (-SPD/+HP).

You'll need to promote Marth to get access to the Falchion.  He's good, if you're willing to invest your feathers, but you've already got a couple Sword users, and if they're already 5*, you might want to promote a different type of unit to get a bit of variety.

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Welp, I decided to do one last trying on the new characters before stopping for this season (I still have 6 orbs + the ones from lunatic).

All the spheres where white!!! It was a good way to get Klein!!!

Annnnnnnnnnnnnd..... NOPE!

Got a bunch of 3 stars and 1 Niles with 4 stars. I'm keeping the Niles, I will say good bye to the others...

Damn, it was a good opportunity but hell, I'm so unlucky right now, even my 3ds die with no form of coming back

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Just want to share and boast about  my latest and luckiest pull so far. Finally the drought is over.

So glad to have Eirika, big fan of her + Sacred Stones and I was really sad I only started playing like a day after her focus banner ended. Her +Spd/-Def nature is pretty damn decent as well. While I don't care about lobster man too much, I know he's a really decent unit. He's got a neutral nature. Jeorge is +HP/-Def so nothing too special but I'll still give him a try.


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6 minutes ago, hunty said:

Just want to share and boast about  my latest and luckiest pull so far. Finally the drought is over.

So glad to have Eirika, big fan of her + Sacred Stones and I was really sad I only started playing like a day after her focus banner ended. Her +Spd/-Def nature is pretty damn decent as well. While I don't care about lobster man too much, I know he's a really decent unit. He's got a neutral nature. Jeorge is +HP/-Def so nothing too special but I'll still give him a try.


It looks like those animal sacrifices are actually paying off huh?

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3 hours ago, Maymeimai said:
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Again, I am searching for a RED TOME USER, game!
Anyway, welcome, Eldigan!!

I know that feeling. Except I got 4-Star Tharja. Which, hey, it's going in the right direction, at least. Still not gonna use her much (I have Nino for all my -Blade-ing needs), but maybe some day she'll be an Arena bonus character or something. Or I can give her skills to someone else, I guess.

Same set of pulls had a 4-Star Hana with +ATK or +SPD (don't recall which, but it was definitely a good nature either way) / -RES, who I merged my freebie 4-Star Hana that I'd been raising up into. Gonna enjoy using her in the Arena some day.

Also a bunch of Lon'qus, Laslows and Raighs, which I do not care for at all. Sigh.

Maybe next time I'll find Sanaki.

Haven't seen a 5-Star since I pulled Catria several rounds ago, so there's hope, yeah?

Or maybe I should just wait until this focus ends and Sanaki (and Olwen, but mostly Sanaki) becomes available at 4 Stars (and maybe 3 Stars? Do former focus characters drop to 4- and 3-Stars, or just 4?)?

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1 hour ago, ILikeKirbys said:

I know that feeling. Except I got 4-Star Tharja. Which, hey, it's going in the right direction, at least. Still not gonna use her much (I have Nino for all my -Blade-ing needs), but maybe some day she'll be an Arena bonus character or something. Or I can give her skills to someone else, I guess.

Same set of pulls had a 4-Star Hana with +ATK or +SPD (don't recall which, but it was definitely a good nature either way) / -RES, who I merged my freebie 4-Star Hana that I'd been raising up into. Gonna enjoy using her in the Arena some day.

Also a bunch of Lon'qus, Laslows and Raighs, which I do not care for at all. Sigh.

Maybe next time I'll find Sanaki.

Haven't seen a 5-Star since I pulled Catria several rounds ago, so there's hope, yeah?

Or maybe I should just wait until this focus ends and Sanaki (and Olwen, but mostly Sanaki) becomes available at 4 Stars (and maybe 3 Stars? Do former focus characters drop to 4- and 3-Stars, or just 4?)?

Male Robin's available as 3*, so it wouldn't be unprecedented to drop a Focus character down to 3*.

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3 hours ago, Arcanite said:

It looks like those animal sacrifices are actually paying off huh?

I didn't think I'd have to sacrifice my firstborn in order to get good pulls, but it's looking like that's going to have to be the case... :mellow:

All the jealousy...

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