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Alright, got to 20 orbs and decided to make a full pull from the new banner. Everybody looks cool and I'd like to have everybody. Here we go!

3 red, 1 green, 1 blue. Started with a top red and moved clockwise:
3⋆ Hana (20→15, sort of meh); 3⋆ Henry (15→11, why); 4⋆ Clair (11→7, new one, nice!), 5⋆ Roy (7→3, our boy is home, so proud!), 3⋆ Gunter (3→0, way to end on a whimper).

Assets and flaws of the gang:

⋆⋆⋆ Hana   +HP −Spd
⋆⋆⋆ Henry   +Def −Atk
⋆⋆⋆⋆ Clair F +Def −Atk
⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ Roy   +Def −Atk
⋆⋆⋆ Gunter C +Res −HP


My goddess @Rezzy, what did I do to incur your wrath?

Now I know which of my four Hanas will be a L&D fodder. Henry will give away his G Tomebreaker, Roy will probably give away his Triangle Adept (or not), Clair will cry on the bench forever. And of course, a fucking Gunter is here. At least it's not a Cecilia. 

Edited by Vaximillian
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I made one full pull from Rite of Shadows after gathering enough orbs from Chapter 11.

3* Lissa, 3* Lissa (...), 3* Beruka, 5* Boey (new), 3* Fir

Well, it started out with Lissa twins but it ultimately ended with me pulling my 4th 5* mage in this month alone. While I was already covered on green mages with Nino and Soren, Boey and his Gronnowl will be interesting to play around with. If the stats on the wiki are accurate, my Boey would be +SPD, -DEF. It kinda sucks he ended up with -DEF given that he appears to built to be a physically defensive mage like Henry and Merric. I suppose Earth Boost will help to compensate for his Defense bane at the very least.

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Three full pulls got me 3 4* and... 12 3*.

A bit disappointed, but at least I got a couple new units and some Reposition fodder, so it could have been worse, I suppose.

Still kinda hurts, though, since I was kinda screwed during the Hero Fest banner, too.

Maybe my 7.5% chance will be put to use on with the 20 gauntlet orbs. I hope.

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1 minute ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

while Celica is +Def -Atk (not so perfect...)

Is today the day of +Def, −Atk? Three out of my five today's pulls were +Def, −Atk, including 4⋆ Clair and 5⋆ Roy.

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So... No Julia for me. 5* Peri (+atk - hp) got in the way and I'm not summoning on this banner again. I have not been lucky with greens lately and after pulling 5 3* Cecilias in a row it's clear that Julia isn't coming home... Yet.


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2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

3* Donnel (I can make a Donnel Dice!), 3* Floina (Dupe once again), 3* Saizo (CAN I GET A 4* COLOURLESS FOR ONCE? OR GORDIN SO ALL MY 3* UNITS ARE DUPES?), 3* Beruka (Threw away before, could be useful) and 3* Laslow (Axebreaker sacrifice)

Roy you disappoint me once again, still not my boy.

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I tried pulling only reds for celica. Got no 5* till I hit a pull batch of colourless... Damn 5* healers <.< I give up. :( Not gonna try again. Don't wanna spend another $400 like I did for S!Camilla.

Edited by Clogon
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Managed to get this after a couple of summons on the new banner:


It's not Celica, which was who I was looking for, but Mae will be useful for me, considering that I'm lacking 5*s in both blue units and magic users (My only 5* blue unit is Catria, and my only 5* magic user is Lilina).


I also got a 4* Soren in another summoning session, though I'm not sure what his boon and bane are.  His level 1 stats with all skills unequipped are 15/7/9/3/7.  If someone knows what his boon and bane is, that would be greatly appreciated.

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My saved 22 orbs got me my second ever Hinata and my first (4*) Lucius.  I cracked and bought 23 more orbs, and was happily rewarded with my third double-5* pull. Both Celica and Tharja were +Atk, -Res, too!  


Edited by Eridras
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Went red and green orb sniping hoping for Celica and Boey. Didn't get either, instead I got:

4* Titania x 2 - A new unit for me though I don't know there boons and banes yet

3* Cherche (+hp/-atk) - Pivot fodder

5* Ogma (+spd/-atk) - Another new unit though his ivs are pretty bad. Probably going to give his brave sword to someone

4* Chrom (+hp/-res) - A new unit who would be my first falchion user if I 5* him which I probably won't do as I don't really need him atm 

3* Adult Tiki (+hp/-spd) - meh

3* Bartre (+def/-hp) - meh

4* Beruka (+atk/-spd) - meh

3* Stahl (+atk/-spd) - swap fodder

3* Selena (+res/-spd) - reposition fodder

3* Lonqu (+atk/-spd) - always happy to pull more lonqu for vantage fodder though I would like to pull a better iv one to train and keep

4* Lonqu (+spd/-atk) - exact opposite of the one I just pulled. Why won't the game give me a good natured lonqu?

5* Eldigan (+spd/-hp) - Not to sure how I feel about this as he is a contender for horse emblem, but I already have a Xander trained up. Still happy to pull him though

Overall I was quite happy with these summons though a little disappointed in not getting any of the focus units. I think I'll just save my orbs now for the summer banner

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11 minutes ago, Symphonica said:

Went red and green orb sniping hoping for Celica and Boey. Didn't get either, instead I got:

4* Titania x 2 - A new unit for me though I don't know there boons and banes yet

3* Cherche (+hp/-atk) - Pivot fodder

5* Ogma (+spd/-atk) - Another new unit though his ivs are pretty bad. Probably going to give his brave sword to someone

4* Chrom (+hp/-res) - A new unit who would be my first falchion user if I 5* him which I probably won't do as I don't really need him atm 

3* Adult Tiki (+hp/-spd) - meh

3* Bartre (+def/-hp) - meh

4* Beruka (+atk/-spd) - meh

3* Stahl (+atk/-spd) - swap fodder

3* Selena (+res/-spd) - reposition fodder

3* Lonqu (+atk/-spd) - always happy to pull more lonqu for vantage fodder though I would like to pull a better iv one to train and keep

4* Lonqu (+spd/-atk) - exact opposite of the one I just pulled. Why won't the game give me a good natured lonqu?

5* Eldigan (+spd/-hp) - Not to sure how I feel about this as he is a contender for horse emblem, but I already have a Xander trained up. Still happy to pull him though

Overall I was quite happy with these summons though a little disappointed in not getting any of the focus units. I think I'll just save my orbs now for the summer banner

That's my Eldigan, and he's an awesome tank with that boon/bane. A lot of people stop doubling him with 31 speed, making him very durable. 

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5 minutes ago, Eridras said:

That's my Eldigan, and he's an awesome tank with that boon/bane. A lot of people stop doubling him with 31 speed, making him very durable. 

What build do you have for him? When Xander becomes a bonus unit in the arena I think I might make a horse emblem team consisting of Xander/Olwen/Reinhardt/Eldigan

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Finally built up enough orbs and I got a new 5* Eldigan and thought I could replace Eliwood on my horse emblem team  then I realised he was (-Atk/+Res) (damn you Rezzy why must you inflict your curse upon me)  so now I am a bit lost what to do with him. The rest where nothing noteworthy

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On 5/14/2017 at 3:24 AM, TheTuckingFypo said:

Hell yes. After being ranked #46 in his army in round 1, I think I EARNED him at this point >w<

.... he's +spd/-res.... but, it's Leo. I'm not gonna complain

This is the exact same nature as mine, wow.

I'm grateful for the extra speed sometimes, it can be the difference from being doubled or not, a Hone Cav Boosted +Speed Leo has 31 Speed, which is nice.

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2 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Is today the day of +Def, −Atk? Three out of my five today's pulls were +Def, −Atk, including 4⋆ Clair and 5⋆ Roy.

I got a 5* Cain today! +Def, -Atk...

But why?

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1 hour ago, Symphonica said:

What build do you have for him? When Xander becomes a bonus unit in the arena I think I might make a horse emblem team consisting of Xander/Olwen/Reinhardt/Eldigan

Swap (Reposition is bad for Horse Emblem, since forests prevent it from working)
Bonfire (+18 damage on a 2 turn cooldown is awesome)
Fury 3
Vantage (I had a lot of Vantage 3 fodder for arena points, plus Eldigan just needs to take 5 damage from the enemy to enter activation range)
Hone Cavalry (to boost Cecilia and Reinhardt.  Cecilia has Fortify Cavalry to make Eldigan even tankier)

I've heard people say Quick Riposte is also good for him, though in that case I'd run Ignis so as not to "waste" a Bonfire activation on a counter attack.

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After getting most of the rite of shadows ors, I continued sniping red orbs in mage girl banner hoping for Sanaki:

first session had two red orbs:

- a 3-star Stahl (more swap fodder I guess, though I already have a lot of that)

- a 3-star Draug (already have quite some of these, at least I don't have to worry about having brave sword fodder if I want to give that to someone)

second session also had two orbs:

- a 5-star Tharja (+spd -def) (not the red mage I was hoping for, but she should be quite useful nonetheless.)

- a 5-star Roy (already have him as a five star, but I won't complain about getting two five stars in a row. I'll probably use one as TA fodder).

Damn, that second session. I finaly have a great red mage, which is what I wanted most from this banner (although I prefer Sanaki for her character). I also have a few units at 4-star who would enjoy that triangle adept, and while it will take sometime before they get their turn at being promoted, already having SI fodder at hand never hurts. Honestly, after saving up orbs for more then a month I'm suddeny getting a 5-star for pretty much every five pulls. Did they save up or something?

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saw that soren went down to 4, so I thought before I tried full summons i'd pick some greens until I got him

but i'd be pretty happy getting boey too, almost solely because of his name, but i also like his art a lot.

first attempt had two greens



on the first focus, I got four focus units

3 5 star camillas and one lyn

i sent the camillas home but used lyn

after that, i did not get a single focus unit up until today, nor did I get a camilla

the first green in this summon was camilla and the second was a focus unit

the curse has been broken


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4 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Lol, maybe. tfw we're all getting hit by Rezzy

I managed to pull a Celica with the last of my free orbs from Chapter 11 and she was +Res/-Atk

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