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7 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

And this is unexpected for whom?

From me, since the 160 were saved orbs, not purchased orbs. I spent 13€ on the game for getting another unit, and of course nothing. The fact that i saved orbs and that is the result of a sacrifice multiplies the anger 

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11 minutes ago, Mr.Vercetti said:

Dear Intelligent Systems;

We all play your games because we love them. We do. It doesn't matter what the reviews say about it, if a game has the Fire Emblem name, it has to be played. And Fire Emblem Heroes is not an exception. But, if from the FOCUS banner i get a 5 Star Alm, a 5 star Celica, a 5 star Cain, a 5 star Karel, on a banner with Lucina and Tharja as heroes, and i spend ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY ORBS on that, at least i pretend to have something to play with for the new mode. 

Dear Intelligent Systems;

I supported you by giving money and time of my life. For the entertainment. But this game is a money trap. A continuous disappointment. 

I quit.

160 orbs for 4 5* heroes....thats actually quite high, especially since you are hunt summoning reds. If you pulled a full set with that many orbs, you would have gotten 40 heroes. That means you had pulled 5* units at a rate of 10%, well above the given 6%.

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1 minute ago, Mr.Vercetti said:

From me, since the 160 were saved orbs, not purchased orbs. I spent 13€ on the game for getting another unit, and of course nothing. The fact that i saved orbs and that is the result of a sacrifice multiplies the anger 

RNG gonna RNG. No need to be so angry. Especially if you are angry at a RNG that was benevolent to you.

Edited by Vaximillian
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1 minute ago, Fruity Insanity said:

If you're complaining about getting four five stars from just 160 orbs, you're in the wrong place.

Going beyond 100 orbs without a single 5* isn't exactly an uncommon occurrence.

I'm not complaining. It's a game. That is my way of let IS people to understand that by this system, no matter how many people download the game, after something like this, people will not feel encouraged to play the game. 

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Just now, Mr.Vercetti said:

I'm not complaining. It's a game. That is my way of let IS people to understand that by this system, no matter how many people download the game, after something like this, people will not feel encouraged to play the game. 

Somehow I doubt IS people are reading this forum, so yeah.

Summoning is basically gambling. A game of chance. It is not for everybody, naturally.

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13 minutes ago, Kiran said:

160 orbs for 4 5* heroes....thats actually quite high, especially since you are hunt summoning reds. If you pulled a full set with that many orbs, you would have gotten 40 heroes. That means you had pulled 5* units at a rate of 10%, well above the given 6%.

Still, not the units i needed. You can give me this conversation on new units, where getting the new units is a matter of RNG. But this is a FOCUSED banner, i choose to summon because i need the FOCUS units, not for fanboy-ism or whatever. I know i choose to keep summoning until i get what i want, even in my expense. But, i promised myself to be free on a free game, and not to spend money on it. Therefore, you guys can tell me whatever you want, that i was also lucky on the pull, but this logic simply hurts. I was waiting for this "Storm/Tempest" event for a long time, and i was actually happy about it since it could signify a lot to the game. But now i finally see FEH for what it is: a thing i will not be into. If you are happy about the way actually is, happy to be a minority, happier that you guys enjoy something as is. But i posted my feelings as a "direct letter to IS" to let them understand how even the hardcore fans may feel about FEH.


Don't know if they read it, don't know anything about it, but i'll be more than happy to know that there's still people who agree that this way of letting your fans play, is a little too extreme.


I know it is a gamble game as a lot of app-games. But it doesn't matter the game should let down on the things the game asks for: for instance, i Sent Home a Tharja a long time ago, a 4 star one, and now that i know that i need her, even a 2 star version would be COOL to have in order to try to get the bonus in the Storm. Is she not a 5 star? Fine, i can live with it, but at least give me the chance of trying to achieve the quest and get the bonus points. That's the everything i'm saying. Not that i need 5 star units.

Edited by Mr.Vercetti
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2 minutes ago, Mr.Vercetti said:

Still, not the units i needed. You can give me this conversation on new units, where getting the new units is a matter of RNG. But this is a FOCUSED banner, i choose to summon because i need the FOCUS units, not for fanboy-ism or whatever. 

Um...every banner is a focus banner? The only difference between banners are who the focus units are. The RNG is exactly the same.

Try looking at the bright side of things. I'm sure the 5* units can be used elsewhere. Maybe a voting gauntlet or arena bonus. Or maybe you can use them for SI. They might even help you have an easier time with the tempest trials once you trained them up. 

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3 minutes ago, Kiran said:

Um...every banner is a focus banner? The only difference between banners are who the focus units are. The RNG is exactly the same.

Try looking at the bright side of things. I'm sure the 5* units can be used elsewhere. Maybe a voting gauntlet or arena bonus. Or maybe you can use them for SI. They might even help you have an easier time with the tempest trials once you trained them up. 

What i'm saying is that you know that for having new units in a New Banner having new Characters is pure gamble since you know the chances of having them will not be high. But with "Focus Banners", a banner with already existing characters, you expect to summon because the chances of obtaing those units is higher than average. To me is not even about having 5 stars as i said before, is a matter of playing the game: if i'm without units for the Tempest mode, how can i try to get the bonus? This logic is not what i like from a game.

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Just now, Mr.Vercetti said:

But with "Focus Banners", a banner with already existing characters, you expect to summon because the chances of obtaing those units is higher than average.

You know what 6% is? It’s six out of hundred, average across thousands of pulls. Theory of probability.
Your sample is too small (160 orbs is what, 8 pulls? 40 orbs?) for you to make any assumptions and to come to any conclusions.

You are not promised to get a focus character—scratch that, any character, from a banner. Because it is entirely up to the RNG whether you do or don’t get something.

And that is how it works. And it does work.

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6 minutes ago, Mr.Vercetti said:

What i'm saying is that you know that for having new units in a New Banner having new Characters is pure gamble since you know the chances of having them will not be high. But with "Focus Banners", a banner with already existing characters, you expect to summon because the chances of obtaing those units is higher than average. To me is not even about having 5 stars as i said before, is a matter of playing the game: if i'm without units for the Tempest mode, how can i try to get the bonus? This logic is not what i like from a game.

Even if you didn't pull a focus unit you can at least still get a 20% bonus. And with the daily free orbs + orb rewards from tempest, you should be able to try your luck again if you really want the 40% bonus.

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1 hour ago, Mr.Vercetti said:

What i'm saying is that you know that for having new units in a New Banner having new Characters is pure gamble since you know the chances of having them will not be high. But with "Focus Banners", a banner with already existing characters, you expect to summon because the chances of obtaing those units is higher than average. To me is not even about having 5 stars as i said before, is a matter of playing the game: if i'm without units for the Tempest mode, how can i try to get the bonus? This logic is not what i like from a game.

On any banner, the chance is 3% for a unit of said banner. If the unit is not being introduced, you can add the chance you would normally have of summoning those units if they weren't on the banner, which is pretty small. The chance to get a banner unit is roughly the same for every banner, whether it is introducing characters or not.

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I was done with the bride banner but now that daily orbs are back I went for another full pull. Got -Atk/+Spd (4*) Titania, same as my 5 star version. And -Atk/+Hp (4*)Abel, same as my other 4 star. Not very good, but I can use him for swordbreaker 3 someday. And then -spd/+atk (4*) Wendy. That's a really good boon/bane for her! She's going on the backlog of units to raise after Tempest Trials is over.

Edited by Gustavos
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I decided to do a few pulls todar so tee if I get Robin, and nope, he didn't coe to me, but a 4* Lukas -spd +atk came :D So I am pretty happy, I will 5* him for sure eventually

I will save more orbs and at the end of the event I'm gonna do some more pulls... wish me luck ç.ç Robin please~

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7 hours ago, Mr.Vercetti said:

Dear Intelligent Systems;

We all play your games because we love them. We do. It doesn't matter what the reviews say about it, if a game has the Fire Emblem name, it has to be played. And Fire Emblem Heroes is not an exception. But, if from the FOCUS banner i get a 5 Star Alm, a 5 star Celica, a 5 star Cain, a 5 star Karel, on a banner with Lucina and Tharja as heroes, and i spend ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY ORBS on that, at least i pretend to have something to play with for the new mode. 

Dear Intelligent Systems;

I supported you by giving money and time of my life. For the entertainment. But this game is a money trap. A continuous disappointment. 

I quit.

Someone (I believe eclipse) said that the very worst thing you can do in a game like this is setting expectations.  Now matter how much planning you do for a summoning banner, luck can and will render your preparations moot, especially when the odds we are talking about here aren't that high to begin with.  This is just part and parcel of this genre of game.

With that being said, you have my sympathy for your unsuccessful summoning efforts (even if I agree with Vaximillian and Kiran that you got quite a nice selection of units as compensation).  There is nothing wrong with declining to invest your time and/or money into such an unreliable experience, and hopefully you enjoy your time spent away from the game :):


Anyway, I like rolling the dice far more than I probably should, so here goes another summoning session thanks to the Xenologue/Tempest orbs.

Round 46 Pulls




Round 46 [Bridal Blessings]: 4* Marth [+Spd, -HP] || 3* Draug [+Res, -Atk] || 4* Draug [+Spd, -HP] || 3* Cherche [+Def, -Atk] || 5* Lyn-Bride [+Atk, -Def]

Yep, you're seeing that correctly.  This is my 3rd consecutive +Atk Lyn in as many pulls.  RNGesus works in mysterious ways indeed.

  • First of all, this seems like a fairly excellent Marth.  I was fairly content with the +Atk, -Res Marth I got a few sessions back, but gaining 37 speed at the expense of some defense seems more valuable to me.  If anyone feels strongly about this one or the other, feel free to chime in.
  • I've got a nearly identical dilemma with Draug (well, the 4* one; the 3* one is... underwhelming at best).  The difference is that I find the idea of constructing basically an armored Subaki quite humorous (and the idea of offensive Draug still fills me with revulsion even though I know SI fixes him to a certain extent).
  • I've already got a perfect Cherche, so this un is basically Pivot fodder.
  • And finally, believe it or not, I was actually joking about constructing a mono-Bride!Lyn team.  However, since I'm 75% of the way there already, should I happen to get another one, I'm kinda obligated to actually put that into practice.  If not, I've got guilt free merge/Dazzling Staff fodder.

The Tempest Trials were significantly kinder in terms of orb yield than I was expecting; without taking into account the potential for the 1 billion point orbs, I should be fine for another summoning session as long as I can I get to 7000 points by the 13th... What a challenge that'll be :P

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Threw my last 20 orbs at the Bride banner in hopes for a Lyn, got Bride Caeda, awesome! +SPD. Ok what's her bane... -HP? -DEF? No those are neutral, -RES maybe? Not -ATK, not -ATK, not -ATK it could be any other bane as long as it's not -ATK-

...It's -ATK.

And my horrible luck with Blue Mages continues... should have tried my luck with the Tempest banner... I could really use one of those units.

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I'm becoming convinced that I might be better off not buying pulls as most of the best pulls I've had up to this point have come from F2P orbs. Case in point, my pull from Bridal Blessings I did yesterday morning after gathering enough orbs from the Tempest Trial stuff.

5* Leo (+DEF, -RES; new), 3* Donnel (+SPD, -DEF), 3* Saizo (+RES, -DEF), 3* Lissa (neutral), 5* Bride!Lyn (+ATK, -DEF; new)

Well, my devotion to Team Leo in last month's gauntlet paid off as my boy has finally come home to me! Now I'm just waiting on Elise to complete my 5* Nohrian Royals collection (not including Spring Camilla and Xander). In the interim, I did get a different 5* staff user and my first one too. *Sigh* When I found out that Cordelia and Lyn were both colorless for this focus, I just knew that if I got one of them it would be Lyn and well, here we are. Despite my disdain for Lyn, I suppose I'll begrudgingly make her my main staff user until and if I ever pull another 5* staff unit (like Elise) or decide to promote my Sakura. Oh well, at least I got a limited time character this time even if it was the one I wanted the least out of the four available. Getting one of my absolute favorites in Leo at the same time definitely helps that and I don't feel like I should ever complain about getting multiple 5*s in one pull regardless of who I get.

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Er...Is this pull a good one? This is my first 20 orbs on this banner.IMG_3370.thumb.PNG.3e06229b7eddd8e67477c3d2a779bfba.PNG (

Ok, I know Tharja means that I'm really lucky.) Which 4-star should I upgrade to 5-star?

Well, let's hope they are not F-ranked heroes in tier lists.

Edited by StahlTheStall
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2 hours ago, StahlTheStall said:

Er...Is this pull a good one? This is my first 20 orbs on this banner.IMG_3370.thumb.PNG.3e06229b7eddd8e67477c3d2a779bfba.PNG (Ok, I know Tharja means that I'm really lucky.) Which 4-star should I upgrade to 5-star?

Well, let's hope they are not F-ranked heroes in tier lists.

Certainly would accept that as my first roll when I started. Hell, I've been playing from day 1 and the only one of these I even have is Frederick! Of these, Tharja is pretty high up (and this isn't just because she's 5*) but the others certainly aren't bad either.

Of the units you have there, Chrom would benefit the most on the surface, getting Falchion (for both heals and dragonslaying) but it depends on playstyle, their bonn/bane (e.g. your Abel would benefit more from having a boon in attack) and your other units you're using. I wouldn't worry about upgrading just yet, but look into what they'll gain from promotion.

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22 minutes ago, Thienphu said:


so masked Marth came. What would be the best skillset for him? I was thinking about LnD, desperation and threaten defence.

She has the exact same stat distibution as neutral Lucina, so she could probably just run any Lucina set (a bit less good perhaps, since she can't have a benifitial nature). Fury might be better in your example, since it will help keep masked Marth in desperation range.

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Just pulled a second Lyn... who happens to be -atk +spd.

My other one... is +atk -spd...

Which one should I merge to the other?

(This is Lady of the Plains Lyn btw)

In a similar manner, I got a second Marth, who is +hp -spd

... And my other one is +hp -atk

So same question as before, which one should I merge?

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1 hour ago, Reloaded said:

Just pulled a second Lyn... who happens to be -atk +spd.

My other one... is +atk -spd...

Which one should I merge to the other?

(This is Lady of the Plains Lyn btw)

In a similar manner, I got a second Marth, who is +hp -spd

... And my other one is +hp -atk

So same question as before, which one should I merge?

I'm not 100% sure about Lyn, but +Atk, -Spd seems a little better.  -Atk leaves her with 24 base attack (before taking into account weapon might), which for context is 1 point lower than neutral Caeda.  The extra speed has nice synergy with the Sol Katti's effect however, as 40 speed will double a lot of units and Lyn can normally take a hit to get into that range in the first place.  On the other hand, +Atk, -Spd leaves her with the same offensive spread as neutral Marth, which is nothing to scoff at.  It's up to you.

When it comes to Marth, I would argue that +HP, -Atk is preferable, as Marth can't really afford to drop to 31 speed.  I don't know if -Atk Marth loses out on any essential KOs though, so I suggest looking into that :):

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16 hours ago, StahlTheStall said:

Er...Is this pull a good one? This is my first 20 orbs on this banner.IMG_3370.thumb.PNG.3e06229b7eddd8e67477c3d2a779bfba.PNG (

Ok, I know Tharja means that I'm really lucky.) Which 4-star should I upgrade to 5-star?

Well, let's hope they are not F-ranked heroes in tier lists.

I've run Abel on my Arena team most weeks, and he's a great anti-sword unit.  If you don't already have a good Blue on your team, I'd say he's a great option.

2 hours ago, Reloaded said:

Just pulled a second Lyn... who happens to be -atk +spd.

My other one... is +atk -spd...

Which one should I merge to the other?

(This is Lady of the Plains Lyn btw)

In a similar manner, I got a second Marth, who is +hp -spd

... And my other one is +hp -atk

So same question as before, which one should I merge?

I have 100 -Atk units, so I've come to compensate for them, but Lyn's main thing is being fast and doubling, so -Spd might hurt her more.  Honestly, I'd wait to see if you eventually get a better nature and save the bad ones.


I still want to get Lucina, but my luck has been getting the other unit of a certain color, whenever I try to get a unit who shares a color, and would end up getting Tharja.  I spent some money on the Brides, so I'm not wanting to drop money again so soon.

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On 6/8/2017 at 9:29 AM, Mr.Vercetti said:

I'm not complaining. It's a game. That is my way of let IS people to understand that by this system, no matter how many people download the game, after something like this, people will not feel encouraged to play the game. 

This is an RNG collector's game set in the Fire Emblem universe.  That's it - it's not a Fire Emblem game, you shouldn't expect it to be.  What you're complaining about isn't the game's fault, but rather the type of game.  It's like saying Football should turn into baseball because football sucks.  In fact, this is just about the only game I've seen that rewards you for missing with pulls by increasing your chances.

I see more people pulling for Tharja than Lucina, interestingly enough.  I guess that's cause everyone who wanted Lucina has her by now and everyone has 5* Nowi...

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