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1 hour ago, XRay said:

Instead of buying the next Fire Emblem game, you can spend $39.99 for 75 Orbs.

What is that, like 3 rounds of summons?

Just did my next summon.

Got f'ing Jagen. I must be cursed when it comes to the special events. Any normal round of summons I can get a few good units. I have several 5 stars, and a ton of 4 stars waiting to be upped. But anytime I toy with an event its all the three stars wanting their turn.

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@Tolvir That is 15 characters and 75 extra slots.

I like Jagen. I need more Hone Cavalry.  I like 3* units. I can send them home for Feathers if I have no other use for them. Since they increased the Barracks size, my Feather income will drop for a while since I will not be sending home 4* units anytime soon.

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31 minutes ago, XRay said:

I like Jagen. I need more Hone Cavalry.  I like 3* units. I can send them home for Feathers if I have no other use for them. Since they increased the Barracks size, my Feather income will drop for a while since I will not be sending home 4* units anytime soon.

Gunter is the one with Hone Cav. Jagen provides Fortify Cav which boosts your defenses instead.

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34 minutes ago, XRay said:

@Tolvir That is 15 characters and 75 extra slots.

True, but the new game would have more than 15 playable characters.... :)

I'm surprised I have evaded my inner whale.  I just hope nothing good comes out next month so I can save my orbs up again.  

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3 minutes ago, Gustavos said:

Gunter is the one with Hone Cav. Jagen provides Fortify Cav which boosts your defenses instead.

Ah. Yes. I got the old men confused. I need more Fortify Cavalry too.

1 minute ago, Lushen said:

True, but the new game would have more than 15 playable characters.... :)

I'm surprised I have evaded my inner whale.  I just hope nothing good comes out next month so I can save my orbs up again.  

But those 75 extra slots will eventually be filled with summons from free Orbs. Not even Awakening gives you 275 characters to play with.

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So I was feeling depressed every time I went back to Heroes as I'd poured all the free orbs I had into the Shadows of Mystery banner and failed to get a single one of the Focus heroes - particularly annoying as I really wanted Katarina. I've been picking only red orbs since then on all of the banners on the off chance that I randomly managed to pick up Katarina.

And then today, it happened. 5* Katarina, Speed boon, Def bane.

As you can imagine, I was on something of a high and decided to blow the last of my orbs on the only other red orb in the circle.

... 4* Tharja.

Seems like the universe is trying to tell me something. Hopefully I can get the SP together to get a fully decked out Raudrblade+ Spd+ Katarina - not bad for nothing but F2P.

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2 minutes ago, bugmaniacbob said:

And then today, it happened. 5* Katarina, Speed boon, Def bane.

If it makes you feel better, that's one of the two best natures for her.  And there's only a 4.5% chance of getting either one.

Wait was probably worth it ;)

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10 hours ago, Arcanite said:

You should be ashamed of yourself!

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At least I got something good out of my gambling problem.

Plus they were f2p orbs. No whaling involved. 

And I didn't spend all of them... I've gotten back up to 10 orbs. 


I know I have a huge problem. >.> Ephraim should be ashamed of me.


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6 minutes ago, Kiran said:

Because I have no control I pulled using my 20orbs. Totally worth it! I think I'm done with the banners for now XD



Hate you!  

I've been craving just two 5*s in one summon for a long time.  I don't think it's ever happened to me, but I think it's pretty unlikely considering I usually only pull from colors I want which is usually like one color per banner.

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Just now, Lushen said:

Hate you!  

I've been craving just two 5*s in one summon for a long time.  I don't think it's ever happened to me, but I think it's pretty unlikely considering I usually only pull from colors I want which is usually like one color per banner.

I got my first double the pull before this XD But yeah, I always pull full summons because I can't leave any unit behind. 

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Since I got some good amount of orbs and I had a big rate in the summer banner, I decided to pull to try to get another 5* to take advantage of my rate. I opened 3 orbs:


4* Asama - Another one, are there something good to inherit from him?

4* Gordin - Well, this one can take the place of the one I sacrificed to Takumi lol

5* Hawkeye - +Spd -HP

Yes! There is a 5* ! And a Green one that is not Beruka and Cherche!! (too much Cherches and Beruka, I already have a good one of them)

This is the end of this banner, I still have lot of orbs to win, so now I used my good rate, and I finally got an infantry axe user, I can start saving my orbs again until Innes decide to show up (or until a character I like show up Kliff were are you?)

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Another set of pulls on Fury banner in search of Celica, Eldigan, or any red 5⋆. Four sets with six red orbs in them.

⋆⋆⋆ Sophia   +Res −HP (18→13)
⋆⋆⋆⋆ Eirika   +HP −Atk (17→12)
⋆⋆⋆⋆ Tharja   +Def −Spd (18→13)
⋆⋆⋆ Selena   +Spd −Atk (13→9)
⋆⋆⋆ Selena   +Spd −Atk (17→12)
⋆⋆⋆ Palla F +Def −HP (12→8)

You’ve got to be kidding me. One more orb, and I’m at 4.25% with one day to go on this banner.

Celica-less streak count: 69 since May 15th

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9 hours ago, Kiran said:

Because I have no control I pulled using my 20orbs. Totally worth it! I think I'm done with the banners for now XD



Damn, you're like the fourth person who's gotten a triple 5 star pull on this summer banner! It must be the luckiest banner of them all so far. lol

I had a triple 5 star pull (SUMMER FREDDY, second Summer Gaius, and second Ephraim).

Someone else on the same page posted one.

Then a third person posted one later and asked if anyone else had crazy luck like that, which I responded yeah. :P

Now you have the same kind of luck! This is nuts. lol

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5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Damn, you're like the fourth person who's gotten a triple 5 star pull on this summer banner! It must be the luckiest banner of them all so far. lol

I had a triple 5 star pull (SUMMER FREDDY, second Summer Gaius, and second Ephraim).

Someone else on the same page posted one.

Then a third person posted one later and asked if anyone else had crazy luck like that, which I responded yeah. :P

Now you have the same kind of luck! This is nuts. lol

I got a double 5* with Eldigan and Faye, but I'm silly and was more excited about the 3* +Spd Cecilia that I got with them in that Pull.


I'm hoping there's a new Banner next week.  The Summer Banner was fun, but it's the New units that I'm looking forward to.  Either Tellius or Magvel would be great.

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1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

I got a double 5* with Eldigan and Faye, but I'm silly and was more excited about the 3* +Spd Cecilia that I got with them in that Pull.


I'm hoping there's a new Banner next week.  The Summer Banner was fun, but it's the New units that I'm looking forward to.  Either Tellius or Magvel would be great.

lol, figures you would be, Rezzy, with how many -Atk 5 stars you seem to get. :P And I agree, a Tellius or Magvel banner would be welcome! Well, unless said Tellius banner has the DB on it instead of Elincia's group or something. I'd like Elincia and Kieran. Micaiah and her borefest can come later.

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On 7/6/2017 at 6:39 AM, Aera said:

Tried pulling for SI Units from Summer banner. Gets three colorless orbs. Tries for Summer Frederick or Gaius... Gets Genny when her banner is literally a page over. :)))))))


Pulled for Genny on her banner right after I got Genny and I got her again! I'm so happy! I only used 13 orbs, whereas the previous one I used 20 orbs. Got 5 5* with less than 80 orbs, I'm amazed.

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I just had probably the favorite pull yet. Four Star Florina, Cordelia, Roderick, Gordin and three star Felicia. I had just used a Gordin for giving Camus Vantage 2, so I didn't mind; Felicia is a great Breath of Life source; first time for both Cordelia and Roderick...and I am sure Florina has some value somewhere.

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3 Colorless, 1 Blue, and 1 Green.

  1. Green: Summer Tiki! +Att -HP. Brave Axe+ Death Blow 3Anyone?
  2. Colorless: 4* Matthew. Hone Speed 3 fodder is always nice.
  3. Colorless: Wrys. Probably should keep this Wrys so I have some Live to Serve 3 fodder someday.
  4. Colorless: Niles. Eh.
  5. Blue: 4* Est. -Spd +Res. Bulky Mage sponge much?


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I'm dying on this banner. About 40 more orbs since my last post between finishing a couple more Chain Challenges, Tempest orbs, and new log in orbs.

Mostly trash, but some decent Fodder like a few Fredricks for Luna and whatnot, but always 3* so that's 2k feathers to even use any fodder units I get.

Before I thought maybe I'd have to spend some money on this banner to get the units, but at this point my luck's so bad I don't even want to waste my money either. I thought a month long banner would make it a lot more likely I'd get Robin and Tiki, but I think it's only cursed me.

It's been too disheartening to keep track, but I'm probably nearing or at 300 orbs on this banner and no Summer units.

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The fury banner is coming to a close and I have very little to show for it. So far, while exclusively sniping reds, I have brought the focus percent up four times. Still no sign of Eldigan, though I have gotten 3 4* Tharjas, a 4* Ogma and 2 Hinatas (the only two I've ever gotten). The game seems to like to torment me by giving me only one red orb on most pulls, forcing me to waste a few more orbs than I would otherwise. At this point, I don't even care that much if I get Eldigan or not; I just want to get something 5* out of this banner. I think I might do my best to work up as many orbs as I can tomorrow then make the fullest pull possible, red orbs be damned. I haven't failed this hard at a banner since the Bunnies.

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Used all of my Orbs through four full pulls in the Summer Banner (No Whaling):






Maaaaaan... at least Boey and Roderick are new, and got some nice skill fodder, but geez, I would have liked at least one fiver. I got excited when I got three blues in the last set since I was hoping for Pin-Up Robin (imagine my face when I got regular Robin in the very last orb instead).


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