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36 minutes ago, Jave said:

Used all of my Orbs through four full pulls in the Summer Banner (No Whaling):

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Maaaaaan... at least Boey and Roderick are new, and got some nice skill fodder, but geez, I would have liked at least one fiver. I got excited when I got three blues in the last set since I was hoping for Pin-Up Robin (imagine my face when I got regular Robin in the very last orb instead).


Hey, you could be like me and having pulled nothing but nocolors for the last two banners, I've forgotten that the exclamation point was a thing.  And I still don't have a Kagero.

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Last day of the Fury banner; I’m almost at 4.25%. A generous pull: 3 red, 1 green, 1 grey.

⋆⋆⋆⋆ Hinata   +HP −Res (17→12)
⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ Eldigan C +Res −Spd (12→8)
⋆⋆⋆⋆ Hinata   +Atk −HP (8→4)

Eldigan! And two fodder-ready Hinatas! That −Spd isn’t too nice though. I’m going to abstain from pulling reds for a while; half of my box is red already.
Celica-less streak count: 72 since May 15th

And then I pulled the grey because why the hell not:

⋆⋆⋆⋆ Lachesis   +Atk −Def (4→0)

I’m fine with Lionheart’s sister immediately joining him. Also hey, +Atk. Genny, where are you?

Edited by Vaximillian
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Still no Summer units. Now I have one good nature Nino (+Spd/-HP). 3* but not fussy over Feathers. The other Ninos are +HP/-Res and +HP/-Spd.
First pulled Catria. Decent actually! +Spd/-Res is probably one of the best ones for her.
Rebecca continues my trend of +Atk/-Spd units.


Notable pulls in Summer banner:

  • +Spd/-Def Lucina (first one)
  • another 5* Roy
  • +Spd/-HP 3* Nino
  • +Spd/-Res 4* Catria (first pulled)
  • Nowi (first one)
  • Setsuna (first one)
  • Lachesis (two; hadn't pulled her before)
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2 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Last day of the Fury banner; I’m almost at 4.25%. A generous pull: 3 red, 1 green, 1 grey.

⋆⋆⋆⋆ Hinata   +HP −Res (17→12)
⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ Eldigan C +Res −Spd (12→8)
⋆⋆⋆⋆ Hinata   +Atk −HP (8→4)

Eldigan! And two fodder-ready Hinatas! That −Spd isn’t too nice though. I’m going to abstain from pulling reds for a while; half of my box is red already.
Celica-less streak count: 72 since May 15th

And then I pulled the grey because why the hell not:

⋆⋆⋆⋆ Lachesis   +Atk −Def (4→0)

I’m fine with Lionheart’s sister immediately joining him. Also hey, +Atk. Genny, where are you?

Lol, great how those things always happen in the final moment right?

But hey, congrats on your Eldigan!

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24 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

Lol, great how those things always happen in the final moment right?

But hey, congrats on your Eldigan!

Yeah, now I’m at 3/4 for Genealogy characters. But now I think I’ll go blue (even though green has Julia and Titania).

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I've been saving up my orbs since the summer banner came out (got 2 focus characters in only 80 orbs on that banner).  I had an itch, so I decided to pull on the Tempest Trials banner until I got Mae, Boey, or Faye since I don't have them.  I avoided reds cause I have 2 Alms already.  I also purchased some orbs too.  I think I used 180ish orbs in total or something.  Anyway, I got three 5* peeps.

-Hector (+HP/-Res)

My third Hector!  None were pulled during Hero Fest, I might add.  Maybe he is rewarding me for hauling his slow ass around my arena team, hehe.  I'm gonna hang on to him for a bit.  I fed my last Hector to my Ruby Sword+ Olivia cause I like using her to bait green mages.

-Elise (+Atk/-Res)

Normally I hate getting 5* healers, but I wanted her.  I love her Heroes art.

-Boey (+Atk/-Res)

Annnnd, I'm done!  Wow, all 3 of my 5 stars today were -Res.  Boey is gonna have 14 Res at level 40.  Hahahaha, oh my. :lol:

Edited by Infinite Dreams
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1 minute ago, Zeo said:

A mage with no res. That's... troubling.

Well, at −Res Spring Camilla and Merric cap Res at 16, Tharja at 17. Celica and male Robin tie for the fifth place at 19.

I mean, it’s not unknown for a mage to lack Res in this game.

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Just now, MrSmokestack said:

Reinfart knows not what a "Res" stat is. He knows only Magic.

If we were discussing other games in the series, I would have said “in this series”.
“In this game” means Heroes and Heroes only.

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14 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

If we were discussing other games in the series, I would have said “in this series”.
“In this game” means Heroes and Heroes only.

That's awfully particular considering every FE game plays roughly the same way, but all right.



There is no actual Res stat in Thracia Just take the joke for what it is ok


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16 hours ago, Lushen said:

Hey, you could be like me and having pulled nothing but nocolors for the last two banners, I've forgotten that the exclamation point was a thing.  And I still don't have a Kagero.

I know how that feels.  I still don't have a Jakob, nor any summer units.  I pulled two 3* Serras in one session today plus a 3* Clarine *sigh*

Edited by mewyeon
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8 hours ago, Bartozio said:

Lol, great how those things always happen in the final moment right?

But hey, congrats on your Eldigan!

Wish that would happen to me for once xD..

4,75% on Fury Banner. I thought I'd pull till I get a 5* and start save my orbs after.
Only 1 character had a skill for inherit; 4* Fae's Renewal 3.

I maybe can manage 1 more pull if I finish all the quests. Lost quite all motivation for TT.
Same thing happend on the Vantage banner. Over 100 orbs and nothing with any value.
Pulled a -atk Lillina eventually, which got absolutely nothing to inherit from aswell.

Tough life for F2P, not getting any value from 200 orbs -_-.

I bet they are gonna release a sick banner next week after everyone wasted their orbs.
Feels so gachaaa right now, haha..

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On 6-7-2017 at 3:39 PM, Aera said:

Tried pulling for SI Units from Summer banner. Gets three colorless orbs. Tries for Summer Frederick or Gaius... Gets Genny when her banner is literally a page over. :)))))))


Damn that's harsh. At least you got the best offensive healer in the game amirite?

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I'm here to update you all on the whole Fury Banner thing. I did not end up making one mass-pull like I said; stubbornness drove me to keep pulling individual red orbs (and they remained largely individual). When met with more failures, I even caved and shelled out a few bucks to buy another 13 orbs. Ultimately, I wound up, in my final pull with 5* Seliph (+Atk/-Spd) and a 5* Bartre (+Res/-Def).

I mean, I'm not too upset about how this turned out? I can probably make Bartre good with a Brave Axe, though how I'll use Seliph is beyond me (suggestions appreciated). The journey here got me some lovely skill inheritance fodder (like giving my newly-5* Nino Fury 3. Funny how, in missing the unit I wanted most, I was still able to fulfill the purpose of the banner and get a few units with Fury.) and my very first Ogma and Eirika (both 4* unfortunately, but what can you do?). I guess this just means Stahl isn't going to be replaced on my cavalry team any time soon. If nothing else, I'm now free to spend my orbs trying to get Summer Robin or Alm or something like that. 

Edited by Orange Juice
I forgot to close a parenthesis
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Time to post pulls~!  Up to 247 pulled units.




First pull was off of the banner with Lukas' mug on it, second was a random pull on the summer banner.  Reasoning will be in the unit evaluation.

For boons/banes:


Jagen (+Res/-Atk): Perhaps I can give Ward Cavalry to Ursula.
Corrin (+Def/-Res): I already have a +Spd/-Res one trained up, so this one will be Hone Atk fodder.  Or maybe Dragonic Aura.
Ogma (+Def/-Atk): Normally, I wouldn't think of using a pulled 5* for SI.  HOWEVER, I already have a really good 4* Ogma.  Thus, I need to figure out who wants a Brave Sword+ (maybe Tobin?).
Wrys (+HP/-Spd): Wrys' base Speed is so awful that this isn't a bad boon/bane combo.
Wrys (+Spd/-Res): This, however, is perfect Heavenly Light + Live to Serve fodder, and I don't need to spend feathers!

Odin (+Def/-Res): It's been a long time, man!  One day, I'll get a +Atk one, then we'll really party.  Until then, I need to figure out who wants R Tomebreaker.
Est (neutral): I. . .honestly have no clue who'd want Shove + Seal Spd 2.
Mae (+Atk/-HP): OMGOMGOMG!  This one will actually work!  The other one's gonna give Draw Back + Desperation to someone else (who, I don't know).
Cherche (+Def/-Atk): THIS was the unit I wanted to pull!  She gave Hector Pivot + Fortify Def 2.
Azama (+Res/-Spd): Immediately used as merge fodder, since I already have a perfect Azama.

So, two near-perfect pulls.  The second one was especially great, since I can make 4/5 of them useful (maybe I'll merge that Est).


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32 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Time to post pulls~!  Up to 247 pulled units.

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First pull was off of the banner with Lukas' mug on it, second was a random pull on the summer banner.  Reasoning will be in the unit evaluation.

For boons/banes:

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Jagen (+Res/-Atk): Perhaps I can give Ward Cavalry to Ursula.
Corrin (+Def/-Res): I already have a +Spd/-Res one trained up, so this one will be Hone Atk fodder.  Or maybe Dragonic Aura.
Ogma (+Def/-Atk): Normally, I wouldn't think of using a pulled 5* for SI.  HOWEVER, I already have a really good 4* Ogma.  Thus, I need to figure out who wants a Brave Sword+ (maybe Tobin?).
Wrys (+HP/-Spd): Wrys' base Speed is so awful that this isn't a bad boon/bane combo.
Wrys (+Spd/-Res): This, however, is perfect Heavenly Light + Live to Serve fodder, and I don't need to spend feathers!

Odin (+Def/-Res): It's been a long time, man!  One day, I'll get a +Atk one, then we'll really party.  Until then, I need to figure out who wants R Tomebreaker.
Est (neutral): I. . .honestly have no clue who'd want Shove + Seal Spd 2.
Mae (+Atk/-HP): OMGOMGOMG!  This one will actually work!  The other one's gonna give Draw Back + Desperation to someone else (who, I don't know).
Cherche (+Def/-Atk): THIS was the unit I wanted to pull!  She gave Hector Pivot + Fortify Def 2.
Azama (+Res/-Spd): Immediately used as merge fodder, since I already have a perfect Azama.

So, two near-perfect pulls.  The second one was especially great, since I can make 4/5 of them useful (maybe I'll merge that Est).


Very nice Mae! I hope I can get her some day too, she's one of my Echoes favorites.

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4 minutes ago, Thane said:

I just got a three star Nino on a banner where she's one of the focus characters. I didn't think that was possible.

She doesn’t magically vanish from the 3⋆ pool, you know.

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6 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

She doesn’t magically vanish from the 3⋆ pool, you know.

I learned that the hard way.

80 orbs gone on nothing. One five star Athena (and one four star), but I couldn't care less about her. Lots and lots of trash. I guess we'll get a really cool banner on Friday just to add salt in the wounds. 

4% appearance rate on five stars in the summer banner now, but I'm scarred for life from that one now.

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This game ought to stop tempting me from pulling multiple Sanaki.

On the other hand, I'd love a +Spd/Atk Corrin. Not like it's likely for me to impulse-spend this time around again.

Edited by Soul~!
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