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3 minutes ago, December Knight said:


EDIT: Ehh, I don't know why this post is here since I just edited my first post but whatever.


I'm so sorry for wasting a post. Also, how do I get rid this that quote? Since I don't know how or why it did that.

Edited by December Knight
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Tried my luck for Summer Corrin and Elise. got 23 orbs after the paraogues.

Nothing but junk. 3* Batre, 4* Roderick, 4* Hawkeye. Stopped since no more green or blue orbs.

Oh well, time to wait for more log in orbs to stack up again.

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EDIT: Ouch, she's +HP -atk. That's okay, I'll fix that.

Edited by Sunwoo
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This has been the absolutely most spiteful the game has been to me ever since the 200-streak of no Ninian on her debut banner.

Did 88 pulls (characters, not sessions) off of Ylissean Summer to try to get another copy of Summer Robin or two to see if I can get a nice merge base or more merge material. Pulled only blue and green because a few more copies of Summer Tiki wouldn't be too bad, either.

Instead, I get 5 copies of Summer Tiki (12 total now), 2 copies of 5-star Soren, and 1 copy each of Minerva, 5-star Hawkeye Death Blow 3, Linde, 5-star Catria, and 5-star Nowi.

And no Summer Robin.

And now my barracks is at 999/1000.

With this being my last session for the night:



I mean, I'm grateful for the whopping 13.6% 5-star rate, but I can't help but think the game hates me tonight. What did I do wrong??? What must I sacrifice??? T^T

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This banner was really good to me.... I am quite content with my haul. 

5* Tharja (+ATK -HP)
4* Eirika (+SPD -HP)
5* Cordelia (+ATK -DEF)
4* Seliph (Neutral, +SPD -RES) (New Character)
4* Boey (+HP -ATK) (New Character)
5* Alm (+ATK -HP) (This is my second one. The nature of my first Alm is +RES -HP. This is definitely a step up.)
Summer Corrin x2
Summer Leo x1

Don't know the natures of the summer characters yet. Corrin 1 is 17/19/8/6/6. Corrin 2 is 16/20/8/5/7. I'm thinking the first one is probably -ATK +DEF...? The second one may be +RES -HP. Summer Leo is 18/20/5/7/6. Not so sure...Probably -SPD. Just gotta' wait for the wiki to update I guess! I wasn't going to pull for Leo but...well...My friend showed me his datamined dialogue. It was precious. So I had to have him even though I have no need for another red mage. I am quite content.

EDIT 1: If the wiki is correct Leo's neutral stats being 18/8/5/6/7 then mine is +DEF -RES! Maybe not amazing, but not bad either. Oddly enough...that's the same as my other normal Leo. o_O

EDIT 2: Gamepress updated the stats! Corrin 1 is +DEF -RES. Corrin 2 is +ATK -HP. Leo is indeed +DEF -RES. Dang. IDK how I managed to get this lucky. Training my OG Leo now with the double SP weekend.

Edited by Rafiel's Aria
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Just spent 58 orbs on Nohrian Summer to snipe F!Corrin. 5 sessions had zero blue orbs. Thanks game...at least I got a ....+Res/-Spd Tharja out of it....

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Had 33 orbs so went red sniping for Leo. I got
3* Palla x 2
3* + 4* Stahl
4* Hinata
4* Caeda
and 5* Summer Leo!

Apparently Leo is +hp/-atk which is unfortunate so I'll probably try pulling for a better one. Maybe if I get a better one, I'll give the Tomato Tome to my regular Leo. As for the rest of the pulls, got some good skill fodder and my first Caeda! Overall, pretty happy with the summons 

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Hellow there.

I just pulled the Nohr Summer banner, I got Summer Elise +Res -Def (not so bad I guess). Then, I tried to get another summer hero with a second pull, and... I got Summer Elise again (+Atk -HP this time, I think it's a little better than the 1st one). What do you think about those 2 Elise ? Which one would be increased by the other one ?

I've got 8X orbs left, I'm not sure to try another pull, my luck reserve is probably down now (I'm usually unlucky with champions' pulls...).

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I tried to snipe blues for Summer Corrin and...got crap for the most part. Many Ests, Oboros, a 3* F!Corrin, Jagen, Donnel and 3* Robin. What annoyed me the most was that after sending Est and Oboro home, they just came back right in the next summoning session. Well, the banner will last for a while so I'll try rolling again by the time my next paycheck comes along. 

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So far my search for Summer Leo has resulted in Raigh, Hana, Hinata and Lon'qu, all 3*. Even if I don't find a Leo, I should have an infinite supply of Raigh, so I can meme it up and making my home screen full of the little edgelords.

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Soooo... I caved and bought more orbs.  I really spent too much money this time, but that's okay, I guess.  I'll survive.  Man, I had some bad luck tonight.  :lol:  I had my pity rate ruined 3 times by non-blue orbs that I didn't even want to open!  I was pretty frustrated about that.

I'm feeling quite happy now because I finally got Corrin!  Two, actually.  Seems they are -Atk/+Def and -Spd/+HP.   Both natures seem pretty bad, but I just gave her Blarblade+, so I'm going to use the -Atk one since I can probably give her some buffs to make up for the lower Atk.  I might try for a better nature later since the banner lasts for a month (and I think her outfit is super cute).

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Just had my worst summoning streak ever. I did three full pulls on the Nohrian banner--

-- Donnel (x 3) 

-- Subaki (x 2)

-- Mathilda (x 2)

-- Fir (x 2)

-- Stahl

-- Sully

-- Tiki (adult)

-- Arthur 

-- Maria 

It's not a complete loss--I need the Subakis for Quick Riposte, I've got 3 Mathildas now which means I can play around with Cancel Affinity... as far as fodder goes, it could be worse. But this is the first time I've done three full pulls without getting either a new unit (I just counted & there are 23 heroes available in the 4 star pool that I've never pulled) or a five star. 

I definitely feel the temptation to keep pulling until I have something I like but I think I'll stop, replenish my orb supply a bit, maybe wait for hero fest. I haven't gotten anything really exciting in a while now.


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Well, that was lucky.  He was the second thing I pulled, the first being a 4* Nino from the initial red-less summon.  He's unfortunately +Def/-Atk, but eh.  I'll take what I can get.

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3 minutes ago, Glaceon Sage said:
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Well, that was lucky.  He was the second thing I pulled, the first being a 4* Nino from the initial red-less summon.  He's unfortunately +Def/-Atk, but eh.  I'll take what I can get.

Got the same :



+Def -Res. 10 orbs for him. The one I wanted, with a interesting IV. Time to make him a good unit !


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I try... 100 orbs, only red... Only got a bunch of 3 and 4... With 5*MCorrin and 5*Eldigan as the best, but no summer Leo :( .

I want to Keep trying, I really want him and we are going to have lot of free orbs but... I'm not sure... I want to still save a good bunch :(

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Well I managed to summon exactly who I wanted being Summer Female Corrin (Because Flyer Emblem) on my second try not sure how that happened but I'll take it she is Neutral IV (which is good enough), but Flyer Emblem is now Complete!


Edited by Locke087
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Tried for Corrin or Leo, got two trash 3* (Oboro and Sully) and a 5* Eirika instead. Not really complaining. She's +SPD/-ATK, but that doesn't matter so much since her main purpose will be to be a buffbot. Plus now I don't have to upgrade my 4* Eirika.

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First Summoning: 5 3-Star Characters

Second Summoning: 4 4-Star Characters, 5-Star Corrin (Nohrian Summer)

I'd say she was probably the one I wanted the most, might be the only chance we get at getting a blue tome flier. Hopefully she's a pretty good unit. I probably won't summon again until the free summoning comes around, I might try to get Xander.

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8 hours ago, December Knight said:

EDIT: Ehh, I don't know why this post is here since I just edited my first post but whatever.


I'm so sorry for wasting a post. Also, how do I get rid this that quote? Since I don't know how or why it did that.

Sometimes when you post on this website it will automatically double post.  If this happens, don't worry about it. As for removing a quote, it can be a little difficult but if you click in the quotebox and then click the upper left movement icon, you can hit the delete key to remove it.


My first pull on the new summer banner...

Summer Abel!  Ok, maybe just regular Abel.  Still, as far as blue units I don't want, couldn't be better than this since he already has a good weapon.

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My sis got Xander on her first pull, so now she has all three versions of him. He's + spd and -atk.

As for me, I'll try summoning later when I get more orbs.

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