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I tried the summer banner again with the free orbs I got while sniping blues...

- 3* Donnel (sent home)

- 3* Odin

- 3* Gwendolyn

- 4* F!Corrin 

- 5* Azura (+spd -atk) spooked my pity rate

Well, at least she isn't Peri and a dancer is always welcome. Also, I tried the free summon thing on Celica's banner hoping to get a Celica for Distant Defense fodder...no Celica. Only 3* Sophia. 

Edited by Lord-Zero
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Summon on the new Tempest focus:

  • 3* Lon'qu
  • 3* Henry
  • 4* Roy
  • 3* Clarine
  • 3* Florina

My, the rarity switch sure had a large effect on my results. At least I got three that I didn't have before, out of five. At some point in the past I also summoned Marth, Eliwood, Jeorge, and 5* Jakob, giving me a total of 83 unique characters.

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Well, I feel pretty silly when I pulled from the Tempest Trial banner, rushing to get a bonus unit on its launch day. I spent over 100 orbs just to get one, trained him to lvl 40, and got him some skills... only to learn TT doesn't start til Friday... orz

I did get some new units though. These are the units I got:

5* Gray

5* Lilina (repeat)

4* Abel

4* Merric

4* Athena


4* Klein

4* Fae

4* Eirika

4* Chrom

4* Tharja

I did manage to get some good fodder units too, along with some annoying repeats. My green pulls were pretty bad overall.

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Decided to buy a set of orbs to try one more time to grab a TT bonus unit before it started, and with a bit of luck, I actually did!!


Catria came first, breaking my bonus % streak for 5* units, and Gray came immediately after. Wrong Pegasus Knight to be chasing after, but whatever works!

Catria's +Atk/-Res, which is great. Gray is +Spd/-Atk, which isn't really amazing, but should be workable. Maybe I'll get lucky on another banner and grab a Sonya or Delthea eventually; I don't want to buy more orbs for now, especially since we should have a good lot of F2P orbs to come with the TT and other events.

Also grabbed a 4* Lukas (+Atk/-Spd) and Roy (+Def/-Res, so... probably fodder) among new units. 4* fodder included another Cherche to save to rank up and feed to my 5* Cherche, Ogma, two Arthurs, and Titania. Plus a few others, including a Barst I immediately fed to Cherche for Reposition. At least Summer Corrin has Pivot until I can find another Barst or Selena.

(Fixed that image, sorry; Dunno how it ended up so big.)

Edited by Mallow
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Eh, you're not Ike not that I was expecting the game to be that generous anyways but you're still a sword dude that I didn't have. So sure, come on down male corn flakes.

4* Lilina: +Atk/-Spd; freebie
4* M!Corrin: +Res/-HP; new

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And the good luck continues with Ike. I figured he had to have a bad nature considering how easily I got him. Nope. +ATK -RES. How? IDK what I've done to get all these fabulous characters with great natures. 

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Hero Fest free pull: 3* Olivia.

3*s: Hana, Gwendolyn, Oboro, Gwendolyn
4*s: Est, Gwendolyn, Cain(!), Clair, Henry, Selena, Corrin, Titania, Cecilia, Lissa

5*s: Abel, Ike(!)

Down to 113 orbs. I'll probably want a few more as reserve before my bid for Ninian. But I came out with two new Heroes to add to my Catalogue, a few good fodders, and some feathers. No way in hell am I using every Gwendolyn I have.

(The Ike is +Spd -HP. I'll probably check the other natures, but not the Gwendolyns- I just want them out of my barracks, because I'm close to full.)

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Only good thing I got so far on the hero fest banner was Abel. Other than that, I got three gray orbs and one red stone alongside the blue orb with Abel. Freaking Felicia and Sophia.

EDIT: At least Abel is +atk -HP.

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Well... 106 orbs down on Hero Fest, and all I have to show for it is a +HP/-Spd 5* Soren.  I hate Soren.   Like, a lot.  Boooo. :(:  (No, Ike isn't here!)

Ike and Julia continue to avoid me.  I've tried really hard to get them in the past too... I'm not optimistic that I'll get them at this point, but I guess there's still a week.

I promised my boyfriend that I wouldn't spend any money on orbs this month, so I'll have to throw more free orbs at the banner later in the week.  (I went a little overboard trying to get Summer Corrin.)

Feeling pretty bummed... I've had such bad luck lately.

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Hero fest is up! Pulled some and boy did it work out. Got a triple pull of Azura, Ike, and Luke. Got the wrong dancer but who cares! I'm not sure if I should merge Ike or not. I don't really need heavy blade. 

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I GOT JULIA!! FINALLY I have wanted her since she was released and now I can complete my Green Mage Dream Team, and have my most gimmickie arena defense team ever!

(she is +def/-hp for the record so practically neutral for all intensive purposes)

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Ayy, Hero Fest. "Time to waste all my orbs," I said. "I probably won't even get Genny," I said.




Oh how wrong I was. I expected to be nearly orbless by the end of it, but I ended up getting her in only 14 orbs. Now, it's a question of whether to keep saving for Sacred Stones, or whether to spend a bit on trying for Sonya.

I dunno if +SPD/-RES impacts her too much, but I wasn't really pulling her for gameplay reasons anyway.

I also got myself a 4* Wrys, Beruka, and Priscilla in the process, but sheep daughter is the important thing.

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Three full pulls on the Hero Fest banner & the unlucky streak continues: 

*** Cecilia, *** Draug, **** Soren (dupe), *** Fir, **** Gordin

*** Shanna, **** Sheena (New! Only good pull of the 15!), **** Barst, **** Bartre, *** Stahl

**** Subaki, **** Jagen, *** Saizo, *** Henry, **** Gaius

My five star rate is now 6% on focus units & 3.5% for non-focus; I think I'll be sniping blue from now on because what I want most is a Ninian. 

Seriously, what a depressing series of pulls. Ugh. I guess I'll check the IVs 

Edited to add: mostly poor IVs but the Shanna is +SPD/-DEF, so she might be worth keep instead of using for fodder, & the Sheena is +DEF/-RES... which makes her balanced defensive stats a little lopsided, but I'm not sure whether this is good or bad. 

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Hero Fest pull here I come!

Free Summon: Robin (M) 3* Ninian where are you... my 5* Eliwood has been waiting for so long... q_q

Sheena 4* (+DEF -ATK) Ah, the pure tank! I like her over Hector just because of her sweet bulk. I don't mind the ATK as long as I can Ignis enemies to oblivion!
Julia 5* (+DEF -HP) Woo! It's a score! Now that I have Julia, I can pair her with Seliph~ I mean an all-round strong mage! :)
Serra 3* ... my luck is drained...
Cecilia 4* I don't have much use as I have a 5* Cecilia. What to do...

5 minutes ago, DarkLordIvy said:

I GOT JULIA!! FINALLY I have wanted her since she was released and now I can complete my Green Mage Dream Team, and have my most gimmickie arena defense team ever!

(she is +def/-hp for the record so practically neutral for all intensive purposes)

Let me contemplate on one thing. We have the exact same Julia. cheers~!

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Saved up 228 Orbs for Hero fest. Was really hoping for Ike.

Mae 5* Neutral
Seliph 5* -hp/+atk
IKE (!!) -ATK/+Res....... :(

170 orbs left Switched to Tempest banner..

after 60~  orbs

Celica! +atk/-def

110 orbs left ams trying to slow down now!

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Alright, 156 orbs saved up, time to hunt some waifus on the Hefo Fest banner. sniping blue and green for Ninian and Julia.

First sesion: 2 green, 1 blue:

- Ninian

- 4* Arthur

- 4* Fae

YES! The unit I wanted most in my first pull. She's -HP +Spd, which doesn't seem to bad. And I also got some Renewal fodder. Pretty happy with this, but let's continue for Julia (only sniping greens now).

2nd sesion, 1 green:

- 3* Cherche

3rd sesion no greens, tried one red:

- 3* Tiki

4th sesion, 2 greens:

- 3* Barst

- 5* Camilla (little dissapointing she resets the pitty rate, but now I don't need to promote someone to give Cherche a Brave Axe!)

5th sesion, no greens again, tried red:

- 4* Lon'que

6th sesion, two greens:

- 4* Sheena

- 3* Fredrick

7th sesion, 2 greens:

- 4* Fredrick

- 4* Merric

8th sesion, no greens:

- 3* A!Tiki

9th sesion, 1 green:

- 4* Sheena

10th sesion, 2 greens:

- Julia (+Spd, -Res)

Finally got her as well! -Res is a bit dissapointing for a Reinhardt counter, but I'll take it. Finished the sesion because why not:

- 3* Arthur

- 4* Lukas (new)

- 4* Lucius

- 3* Saizo

Yay, another new unit!

74 orbs remaining, so I used about 82 orbs to get both the waifus I wanted. Doesn't sound to bad, and there was some decent fodder here and there as well. Still no Gunter for my horse emblem team though...


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