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Went in with 80 ish orbs thanks to the new story maps so I had hopes in getting one of the new brave heroes. Ended up with 2 of them, Lyn (+hp/-res) and Roy (+atk/-def) so I chose Ike as my free summon. Now I just need Lucina and I'll have all of them! Other noteworthy pulls were my first Tharja, Fae and Mae






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I just summoned an Ike.

EDIT: I just summoned ANOTHER Ike. WHY.

EDIT2: Also got my first Clair. She's +atk -spd, though. How bad is -spd on her?

Edited by Sunwoo
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Time to get started!

  1. 4* Leon: Meh.
  2. 4* Boey: New unit!
  3. 3* Fir: Bleh.
  4. 4* Lon'qu: Vantage fodder.
  5. 3* Hinata: Fury fodder.


  1. 3* Felicia: Ugh.
  2. 4* Florina: Got enough of you.
  3. 4* Roderick: Could be good SI fodder.
  4. 4* Gunter: Eh, I might need Goad Cavalry again.
  5. 3* Cecilia: Useless.

And again!

  1. 5* Brave Lyn: No more colorless hell for me (except the other three here). She seems to be +Hp/-Def, which seems decent. Mostly I'm just glad her bane's not Atk or Spd, which would piss me off.
  2. 3* Saizo: Why am I not surprised...
  3. 3* Felicia: Damnit.
  4. 3* Virion: Not even a freaking 4* unit...
  5. 4* Sophia: Eh.

So although those last three colorless orbs let me down majorly, I am 55 orbs poorer and one Brave Lyn richer! Got Boey and quite a few good SI units too. Now to go get my free Brave Lucina.






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So, um...




Yeah, that happened. I just decided I might as well do a summon before deciding on my free unit, on the off chance I managed to get Lucina or Lyn. I think he's +HP/-ATK. I mean, I have 5 green 5*s now, compared to be 1, 2, and 2 for red, blue, and colourless, but hey, a 5*'s a 5*.

Oh, make that 3 for blue, because of the free focus unit.




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Did my first full 20 summon in a while since it was 2 blue, 2 colorless, 1 green, to see if I'd get any of the CYLs on the first go. No luck, just a bunch of junk. I guess I'll pick Lyn for free and go after blues next.

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Oh well, it seems luck isn't totally on my side right now. I got my 5th Eirika which is really nice, she's +Def -Res which makes her the physical tank for my Eirika Emblem team alongside the +Res -Def which will act as a magical tank, a +Hp -Res as buff bot and a +Spd -Res as the attacker.

I went with the free Lyn so eh, I'll wait a few days and try again for everyone.

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The Roy I got for free was nice, but I can't help but be a little annoyed at my other pulls. I got two other 5 stars...and they where Sakura and Maria. Yet another batch of worthles healers instead of archers.

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Well, that just happened...



D*mn it Corrin !!

1st Brave Lucina : -HP +DEF, good builk I guess
2nd Brave Lucina : -RES +SPD, ooooooh here we are !
Brave Lyn : -DEF +RES, not the best again, but no -ATK or -SPD so I think it's okay !
Alm : -ATK +SPD, no problem, I already have a +ATK Alm, I can change with the other when I need some ATK boost
Aaaand Corrin (F) : +SPD -DEF, but I already have Corrin (F) 5* with +SPD -RES

I never had 3x 5* in 1 pull and only pulled 2x 5* in a row, so that one is pretty... incredible to me.


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I got super lucky

Tried my luck first with 80 saved orbs and there was Roy! With somehow neutral stats. Then a bunch of nothings till I wasted all, then got a few more orbs and on first green got Ike! +Spd -hp I think he doesn't need the extra speed but I'll take it! Backed out since the others were green and red.

Then I risked the remaining orbs went in again and pulled one colorless and got a perfect neutral Lyn! 

So for the freebie choose Lucina obviously as was the original plan :p

Got my first Soren Merric and Roderick with all those pulls as well as other good fodder so can't complain

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VG Freebies were 4 star Nino and Hana. Hana's a +Atk/-Res. I wonder if that's better than my current +Spd/-Res? Since the game will notify us when our free unit opportunity is about to go away, I'll just spend the few orbs I have while I can

First Pull. Got a Neutral Brave Lyn surrounded by 3 star fodder. Excellent. Now I don't have to feel bad about choosing Ike as my free unit over her

Second Pull. My Nineteenth and twentieth F!Corrin since launch. Still don't have one with a optimal nature. At least one is 4 star so she can be used for fodder. Nothing else to note.

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19 minutes ago, Thib-Ryu said:

Well, that just happened...

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D*mn it Corrin !!

1st Brave Lucina : -HP +DEF, good builk I guess
2nd Brave Lucina : -RES +SPD, ooooooh here we are !
Brave Lyn : -DEF +RES, not the best again, but no -ATK or -SPD so I think it's okay !
Alm : -ATK +SPD, no problem, I already have a +ATK Alm, I can change with the other when I need some ATK boost
Aaaand Corrin (F) : +SPD -DEF, but I already have Corrin (F) 5* with +SPD -RES

I never had 3x 5* in 1 pull and only pulled 2x 5* in a row, so that one is pretty... incredible to me.


Wait didn't this already happen a few weeks ago? Lightning may not strike twice, but damn it it shouldn't strike in the exact same place with the exact same pattern a few weeks later.

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Funny story, I didn't notice there were two different banners that allowed you to summon first and then choose the hero you wanted, so I picked Lyn, then in a throwaway move picked another colorless and got another CYL Lyn..so now I've got two of her, one Ike, but no Lucina or Roy. At 14 orbs, down from 168. Got some really mixed results, with a lot of trash and several good ones, so I think I'm fairly happy...but I want Lucina! 

And what am I going to do with this random, perfect nature Innes now that I've got Lyn?!

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Got my free Lyn which was nice, and then decided to do my pulls for Roy because I need his adorable face in my life. My first streak was broken by Young Tiki. She's the last red character I needed. Ended up being +HP -RES too. So not completely awful. Had to start over again. Next 5 star is my Roy! But he's +HP -ATK. Nuuuuuuu. In the same pull, I did get another Brave Lyn, and this one +ATK -DEF. Heeeeeey. Now that's pretty darn good. I decided to keep pulling for a better Roy. My next 5 star was Tharja is -SPD Tharja. I've already got a +ATK one, so no big deal there. In fact, I'm going to sacrifice her to my Raigh. Bwahahaha. 

After that I tried to purchase some orbs, and the game decided it didn't want to let that happen because of some sort of error with the iTunes store. RIP.


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So, I changed my mind about outright avoiding red and colorless stones on the CYL / Brave banner after learning they're in fact not limited-time units. Knowing how this game is with me, I'd probably blunder into both Brave!Lyn and Brave!Roy eventually so why fight it now? I did still stick with my decision to get Lucina with the freebie though.



Anyways, I go into the banner proper with 15 orbs + the free summon and get presented with four reds and a colorless. I use the free summon on the colorless and get 4* Lissa. I seriously considered backing out at that point since there were no chance at getting Brave!Ike but decided to finish the summon anyways and, well...



I swear, this game is a real comedian sometimes. It even gave him a very good boon/bane (+Spd/-Res) too because of course it did. Like I said, I knew I'd blunder into Brave!Roy and Brave!Lyn at some point but didn't expect it to happen pretty much immediately...

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Okay, the game was repaying my orbs from the SS banner. Holy crap !

Lucina is +HP -Spd, Ike is +Spd -HP. 15 orbes for that. So nice.


I get Lyn before for the free unit, and she is neutral, I don't know if all free Brave Heroes are neutral.


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Brave Hero time!

Obviously, taking my free Lyn and going. She's Neutral by the way.

As for the summoning banner:

3 Colourless, 1 each Red/Blue

3* Gordin (Gaggles makes me gag. I decided to check is nature and now he's +Att. Why was the previous one -Att for Valter, making the strat undoable? Either way, I am now angry at Gaggles), 3* Virion (Again, not the archer I want from it), 4* Kagero (Well, could be worse. +Res/-Spd, who even wants Daggerbreaker now that Robin has it?), 4* Lukas (Hey look, he finally showed up! +Def/-Att though, sad to say.), 3* A!Tiki (I got another Bonfire at least)

That was a wasted summon overall. Colourless hell indeed.

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So after my first summon (where I got -HP +Res Brave Lyn), I got together 20 orbs to do another summon.

1) Brave Ike, +Att -Hp AAAAA-

2) Fem Corrin, +Res -Def, Draconic Aura fodder yay.

3) Mathilda, +HP -Spd. Well at least I finally summoned her. Now I have someone with Cancel Affinity... to 5* and sacrifice to a colorless unit...

4) Ogma, +Res -Spd. Eh, someone to 5* for Hana.

5) Tharja, +HP -Def. I'd say Rauorblade fodder, but I don't have any good Red Tome users yet so... Vengeance Fodder?

All in all, I kinda regret free summoning early now, but also no I don't because I can immediately merge and have like half of Ike's skills in half the time.

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10 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

5) Tharja, +HP -Def. I'd say Rauorblade fodder, but I don't have any good Red Tome users yet so... Vengeance Fodder?

Tharja herself is a good red tome user, so you can just promote her to 5* while you wait for a better one to come along. Her default kit is passable, and you can inherit a positioning skill without issues---passing on -blade, -blade+, and the positioning skill to her replacement.

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My very first session had a...

+speed/-Res Brave Lyn!

Going to try for the others now. might end up picking Ike anyway to get him at least neutral (in case i pull him at a bad nature.. )

went for a second round but got nothing special.


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Welp. Managed a few more summons. Got a +DEF -ATK Katarina and a +SPD -ATK Brave Roy. Welp. XD The Rezzy curse is real. I think this is a sign to stop. +SPD will be pretty good on him though. I'm thinking of giving him Life and Death since I've got the fodder for it. So he'll end up with 53 ATK and 42 SPD which is a pretty good set-up. It'll make him kind of fragile, but he'll hit hard and fast. 

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