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8 minutes ago, Zeo said:

I couldn't even hear you after that.

I already had a 5-star Reinhardt that I've finished building up completely. Much as I like him, I'm really hurting for some new characters and I was really hoping to get Ephraim when he was on a banner.

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Because I cannot save orbs for the life of me, I made one last attempt for Ninian on the Tempest banner. Went in with 23 orbs, and... no blues. Decided to open a colorless, and it's...

A 3-star Felicia. -HP/+Def. Much worse than my current neutral merged 4-star. I seriously debated just doing a full summon, but decided to back out, get the last four orbs from Tempest, and come back. I did so, and... no blues, again. One colorless, and four reds.

I decided to put the rest of my summons in a spoiler, because I haven't had such a wild ride on base pity rate since the Ylissean Summer banner.


I went for the colorless, because it's all alone. And...

It's Lucius again!... But this time a 5-star! Okay! Weird to get a 5-star version of someone I first pulled at 4-star only one day ago, but I'll take him! +Atk/-Def, so he's almost the exact same as the 4-star too. I'm kinda tempted to promote my 4-star and merge them, since that one has a slightly better boon, but we'll see. I'm certainly not complaining, he's one of my favorite healers so far.

I again debated pulling out and getting to 17 orbs to try again for Ninian, but hey, maybe this'll be a lucky session. Let's try a red!

Chrom. 4-star, +Atk/-Def, which I guess is okay. I just sent home a neutral Chrom for feathers, so I suppose this is his replacement. Not horrible, so let's try another red!

Eliwood. Except... 5-star! Really would've appreciated having you at the start of the Tempest, buddy, but I'll forgive you because now I don't have to promote you to get your conversation. +Atk/-Spd, which is actually better than the 4-star I've been using, so I'm even happier. A bit off-topic, but does anyone else think Yuri Lowenthal is a great fit for all of his characters except Marth? Anyway, almost wish he was Lyn instead, but whatever; let's keep goin' red!

...OOOOOKAY, nevermind, this one's actually Lyn! -Spd, which really hurts, but +Atk, which is really great! Good enough! I also now know exactly who Brave Lyn will be supporting. My luck has been surprisingly good, so let's try the last red!

3-star Hinata. +Spd/-HP. After the last four pulls, it could've been a 3-star +Res/-Def Draug, and I would still come out of this happy.

Also, everyone in this summon was +Atk except for Draug, which is kinda weird.

In summary... I'm so sorry Zeo. If it makes you feel any better, I've spent all of my orbs plus $40 trying just for Ninian, and I never got her.

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2 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I already had a 5-star Reinhardt that I've finished building up completely. Much as I like him, I'm really hurting for some new characters and I was really hoping to get Ephraim when he was on a banner.

Double Reinhardt defense team? :P

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Just now, mcsilas said:

Double Reinhardt defense team? :P

So he can suicide into Julia twice in one arena run? I'd feel bad. But speaking of Julia ... there's another character I haven't pulled. And Seliph, too. Why do all of the characters from that first sibling bonds banner except Eirika hate me?

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Just now, mcsilas said:

Double Reinhardt defense team? :P

So he can suicide into Julia twice in one arena run? I'd feel bad. But speaking of Julia ... there's another character I haven't pulled. And Seliph, too. Why do all of the characters from that first sibling bonds banner except Eirika hate me?

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5 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I already had a 5-star Reinhardt that I've finished building up completely. Much as I like him, I'm really hurting for some new characters and I was really hoping to get Ephraim when he was on a banner.

This is exactly what happened to me while trying for Ninian. Poor guy probably doesn't realize the heartbreak he's causing us; he just wants to know if we have any siblings. I also got my second 5-star Lukas on the actual BHB banner, so I'm thinking about just swearing off blue summons for a while.

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5 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

And Seliph, too. Why do all of the characters from that first sibling bonds banner except Eirika hate me?

If I could have given my three 4★Seliphs instead of sending them home, I would have done so gladly. I also have a 5★ HP/Def Seliph+1.

But no Julia (or Ephraim for that measure).

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8 hours ago, Soul~! said:

I'd definitely take significantly better Spd.

She will mainly be a support bot and anti Swordy. Her 33 SPD + Swordbreaker is more than enough to double most reds. The 34 ATK vs 31 is necessary to kill the likes of Fort Cav Xander/Eldigan.

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Hello there! You’re not Julia, but I won’t complain:


She is Spd/Def. More horses for the Horse Emblem!

EDIT: you’re not Julia either!


He’s Def/Spd. QR+Ignis go!

Edited by Vaximillian
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14 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

In summary... I'm so sorry Zeo. If it makes you feel any better, I've spent all of my orbs plus $40 trying just for Ninian, and I never got her.

It hurts, but I'm going to have to pass on her. Saving for whatever comes next, if I pull for Lyn again, the PoR banner sucks and I got a really really strong impulse to try one last time instead of going for Brave Heroes.

Edited by Zeo
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Well, after spending all the orbs I could (100+ free orbs), I can say that I'm somewhat frustrated with my luck with this banner.
Pulled mostly for Lyn and Lucina as a second option. Got 5 5* on these pulls and not even one were from the banner. Genny(Elise fodder), Lachesis, Priscila, Gray and Mae broke my streaks and left me thinking what kind of "luck" is that. At least I've got some cool skill fodder (Klein) that otherwise I would never have as I don't pull Colorless, and finally pulled a Reinhardt. Better luck next time, I guess.

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Finally got Brave Roy! He's +Spd/-Atk, so not the best, but I'm completely fine with that! With that Blazing Durandal his Atk bane pretty much turns into a +Spd/everything else neutral and I'm just glad I got 'em! Thank goodness for those free orbs! Though the free 10 that I got turned into two identical Ests... so that's sad. But Roy!

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I pulled another Julia out of my free orbs and my son pulled Alm and Tana as he saved up 75 orbs. I was so jealous lol but he was happy. He really wanted Alm.  I do as well so hopefully my day will come 

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Since my 5* rate was at 3.75%, I went back and pulled from Brave Heroes one last time to see if I could milk one more 5* out of that banner. Well, I actually did but...



I just promoted a +Spd/-HP M!Corrin on Monday and not even two whole days later, a 5* M!Corrin shows up in one of my summons. Honestly, I'm surprised it took this long for something like this to happen. Since this Corrin was +Res/-Def, he immediately got merged into my existing one. Ah well, at least I'm not leaving a pity rate behind on this banner now. I got some nice fodder out of the deal as well except Fir, screw you Fir.

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Screw this! I was really excited spending my 20 orbs today at 4,75% on the brave heroes banner and this is what I got. (I didn't summon colourless because I already have Lyn and did not want to get another 5* healer...)



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Well okay, let's go over what wasn't that great first...

  • +Def -Spd Nino (3*)
  • +Res -Spd Camilla (4*)
  • +Def -HP Niles (3*)
  • +Def -HP Oboro (3*, probably the best underwhelming unit of the bunch)

And now for the one that has me so happy.

IKE. +Att -HP.


...I will never be more excited for plainess over awesomeness ever again will I?

I wasn't looking forward to the results of this last possible pull, but I am now an exceptionally satisfied customer.



EDIT: Now that I think about it, if the next Tempest Trial really is World of Radiance based... the timing here couldn't be better. Awesome! Best summoning in a very long time, at least since I summoned my first Nowi.

Edited by Xenomata
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Well I think I made my last pull on braves. I just broke the 3.75 Pity I had left on it. I was really wanting to get another Roy, my -Atk/+Def one is just kinda sad. He is not performing nearly as well as I would like and likely won't replace Eldigan as my red horse. So I get a session with two reds. I do get another 5 star red horse this time. One who also won't likely be replacing Eldigan since Eldigan has apparently decreed that there will be no red horse other than him with anything other than an attack bane. That said I am not too unhappy, because this is my first Leo. -Atk/+Def. Cause apparently he wants to be Roy. Or maybe he is trying to compete with my Boey for lowest attack? I am not sure if 25 attack is even usable. Boey with a raven tome AND TA regularly gets his arse kicked by the colorless units in that squad assault map with only colorless units.

The other red I pulled in that session was a 4 star Male Corrin. +Spd/-HP. Better than the +Atk/-Def one I did have sitting in the barracks. So Yay?

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Well I think I made my last pull on braves. I just broke the 3.75 Pity I had left on it. I was really wanting to get another Roy, my -Atk/+Def one is just kinda sad. He is not performing nearly as well as I would like and likely won't replace Eldigan as my red horse. So I get a session with two reds. I do get another 5 star red horse this time. One who also won't likely be replacing Eldigan since Eldigan has apparently decreed that there will be no red horse other than him with anything other than an attack bane. That said I am not too unhappy, because this is my first Leo. -Atk/+Def. Cause apparently he wants to be Roy. Or maybe he is trying to compete with my Boey for lowest attack? I am not sure if 25 attack is even usable. Boey with a raven tome AND TA regularly gets his arse kicked by the colorless units in that squad assault map with only colorless units.

The other red I pulled in that session was a 4 star Male Corrin. +Spd/-HP. Better than the +Atk/-Def one I did have sitting in the barracks. So Yay?

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