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No 5*s, but I barely saved any orbs so that was to be expected. TT should give me the orbs to continue rolling. Already have 3 of the seasonal dancers so I can focus on this banner, aiming for Deirdre mostly.

Actual pulls:

3*: 2 stahls, A!Tiki, Arthur

4*: Eirika, Camilla

Camilla is draconic aura fodder. Eirika is -Atk so she's Hone Spd fodder. 

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This luck is beginning to scare me.

First circle - all colourless except for one blue. Pulled an Odin fodder I wanted, and then accidentally pulled again and got an Azama.

Second circle - One red. Roll my eyes and pull... Oh... Hi Sigurd! :D

I finished the circle, and tbf, it was mostly ones I didn't need. Maria, Clair and two others I can't recall. Hoping Clair has better IVs than my current one, and Maria will likely be used for physic fodder, since I like all my healers to get Physic and w/e that heal more when under half health is called.

And that's it for this banner. No desire to try for the other two.

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With about 50 orbs I managed to get a +SPD, -DEF Sigurd(my most wanted) and a Tailtiu that's +RES and -HP. I also got a -SPD Jaffar that I'll be saving for Life and Death. I'll try for Deirdre a few more times later on.

In all, I'm really happy with everything I got!

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Already promised to do one full pull before continuing to save for Halloween. So I go in and it’s 1 red, and 4 greys. Haha, no. 

Walked out with a bad Olivia, then back in for 2 red, 3 green. Now we’re talking. Didn’t get any 5 stars, but got a Roy and a 3 star Olivia with the nature I was waiting for: +spd/-hp. And my roster has... 9 other Olivia’s. I’m ready for my four star merge. So it’s a happy ending. Wish any of my greens were Gunter but you can’t have everything.

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38 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Entered with 87 orbs, left with 7 and my second CYL Ike as pity breaker.

Also got a not-bad 4★ Boey (Spd/Res), a bad 4★ Titania (HP/Atk), a good 4★ Merric (Atk/Res).

Also also got two Hawkeyes, two Barsts, two Gunters, and a Subaki among the overall load of crap.

I am pissed.

@SatsumaFSoysoy @DefaultBeep @GuiltyLove

Ouch. Well, Bike is okay I guess... I'm not sure if this new one is better though.

Maybe Steady Breath on Black Knight?

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I did another full pull and got another +SPD Beruka, another Boey (Ignis fodder, I know) and finally Athena (+RES, -DEF urgh). I guess I'll keep on spending every orb I get on this banner. I want Sigurd and Deirdre so much!

My Boey pulls since the arrival of B!Lyn are super suspicious. I don't believe IS that pulls are completely random anymore.

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@DefaultBeep congratulations for pulling Tailtiu so fast. 

After completing all quests, I also got Sigurd (+RES-DEF). He got lower RES than I thought, I'm not sure if giving him DC would let him survive many red mages. I'll have to run the numbers again before making such a big sacrifice. 

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Needed about 120 Orbs to get Deirdre. At least I have her, so I'm really happy. D= 
After all those Fredericks and Arthurs haunting me...

I don't care about boon/bane in this case. I'll look at it later.

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I just posted under an hour ago, but after completing the new story chapters, I got back up to 20 orbs again.

I had no colourless orbs in this session, yay.  Total orbs spent on this banner is now 75:

4* Draug
3* Arthur
4* Shanna
5* Sigurd (+Atk/-HP)
3* Florina

Got a focus character in just over 70 orbs.  Not too shabby. :^_^:

I'll go only for green and blue from here on.  I could always use more decent mages.

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30 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I’m keeping him for a while because I don’t know who will be the best to get Steady Breath from him. This one is Spd/Def, and my previous one is Def/Spd.

Everybody gets whom they want, and I’m here in the corner weeping.

I feel kinda bad for getting Tailtiu so quickly... I was hopeful that you'd at least get Deirdre pretty fast, since you had saved up for her specifically. I'll be rooting for you when the Tempest starts, though!


I also feel kinda bad for following up with the results of my last session, but I did say I'd be back once I got the Paralogue orbs. I just did a full summon (after a single blue summon) since there was no colorless, and I'd like to increase my pity rate quickly if possible.

  • 3-star Florina, +Res/-Def. Meh. Probably sent home.
  • 4-star Cherche, +Atk/-HP. This is incredibly ironic, since I was talking about my reluctance to promote my 3-star +Atk Cherche earlier in the General Discussion thread. I guess I'm glad I waited after all, though she isn't -Res like the 3-star unfortunately
  • 4-star Hawkeye, +Spd/-Atk. I just included him because I've never pulled a Hawkeye that isn't +Spd. Guess he's fodder.
  • 4-star Mathilda, neutral. Neat? I'll probably keep the +Atk/-Res that I have now honestly, but I appreciate the option.
  • 4-star Draug, +Def/-Res. Hey look, I got Arden! Yeah, as nice as his boon/bane is, he'll probably be fodder. I just can't resist waiting for Arden!
  • 4-star Eirika, +Atk/-Res. Finally, a truly ideal Eirika! I got an off-banner 5-star that's +Def/-Spd, and a 4-star that's a decent +HP/-Res, but I will gladly promote and merge this one instead. After spending feathers on building Tailtiu of course, and saving to promote the upcoming free Genealogy units.

Again, I feel a bit bad for getting a great summoning session now of all times, but I am happy with these results. Some bad stuff, some funny stuff, and some great stuff. I too will be back when the Tempest arrives, to hopefully get Deirdre as well.

1 minute ago, mampfoid said:

@DefaultBeep congratulations for pulling Tailtiu so fast. 

After completing all quests, I also got Sigurd (+RES-DEF). He got lower RES than I thought, I'm not sure if giving him DC would let him survive many red mages. I'll have to run the numbers again before making such a big sacrifice. 

Thanks! Although I'm not really sure what to do about my avatar and everything else now... I was expecting it to take longer.

I still find it funny that I predicted Sigurd's Res perfectly. I had originally predicted 20 with his Tyrfing included; I said 21 when I was making an example in the General Discussion thread, but that was mostly to have easy math with Sanaki's 51 Atk with her weapon. Same with Tailtiu's overall spread and Deirdre's Atk and Res tradeoff. I swear to only use my Genealogy character stat prediction powers for the very situational good that they can be used for.

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1 hour ago, kleenex said:

literally same haha -- got kinda meh stats so i'm considering diving back in (anticipating disaster) to try and get one more.

I literally don't care. I put him and Eldigan together on a team and almost cried.

Now if only they releasedCuan and Ethlyn my dream Horse Emblem team would be complete.

Edited by Okigen
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It's about time for a Genealogy banner.

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

3* Felicia (Really, BoL is alright I guess), 4* Klein (I was wondering if I'd get him again. +Att/-Spd, That's pretty good.), 4* Tharja (Hmm, another one. +HP/-Att, who wants Raoudrblade first?), 4* Frederick (Are your IVs good? You're Neutral, so eh I could give someone some skills instead), 4* Odin (Least I can choose what to sacrifice off him)

3.25% left behind. I'll need more orbs because both banners finish on my birthday. That's pretty dumb.

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Congrats to those that got what they wanted from the banner.

Finally got Tailtyu (+HP/-SPD) after 400 orbs, along with Deirdre (+RES/-ATK) and a 4* Athena (+DEF/-RES) as a bonus. 

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Well nothing too special. Got some interesting units though.

First account had a 4 star +Atk/-Res Hinata, which I decide I will keep. (My 3 star +Atk/-HP was now fed to my -Atk Ike)

Received a 3 star Draug who could be Ward Armour fodder for a specific armour knight.

Meh Titania who was fed to Camilla for Emerald Axe/Guard.

Everyone else was foddered and wasn't really noteworthy- including 3 stars of Laslow, Arthur and Corrin.

+Spd/-HP Marth which is better than my +Def one. Both 4 star, but +Spd may be worth promoting to 5 star? At least he can be a Renewal Reciprocal Aider.

Tried the PA banner again- 3 colourless and 1 blue.

Blue was +Def/-Spd Reinhardt which is...pretty good actually, although not +Atk. Maybe future merge. My 4th Reinhardt (2 other 4 star untrained ones)...I wonder if I should do a multiple Reinhardt defense team..(is it still too late for this @XRay lol)

A +Spd/-Atk Lissa, I already have a +HP one which survives more according to calculations...so she was foddered to..

THE BLESSED +Spd/-Atk AZAMA!!! The perfect nature for this tank of a healer! I don't have Fortress Res, so I just gave him Res+3 from a spare Nino (at 5 star he only loses to a full health Celica!). This colourless session wasn't too bad actually (I had a +Spd/-Def VIrion as well but gave his Seal Speed to Clarisse for debuff shenanigans when training. Already have a +Atk/-HP Brave Bow Virion) (Tanky Azama build begins @TheTuckingFypo!)


Second account had a worse Clair who became Hit and Run fodder for Hinoka.

A +Atk/-Spd Adult Tiki which sounds perfect actually!

3 star Beruka who will be SP for my 5 star Beruka (or Feathers?)

Finally a Tharja in this account! +HP/-Res so nothing too bad at least.

New session, had a +Def/-HP Odin, a +Spd Fir (is this better than +Atk?) and a +HP/-Def Fae (Already have a +Res/-Def one though?) Not to sure if I should merge her since +HP technically survives more or have her as Renewal fodder.


So yeah now under 20 orbs again so it's back to saving.

Edited by mcsilas
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  Sooooo, this is a first for me...


I managed to pull two Deirdres in one summon after spending 39 orbs.




Neutral IVs (I think)



+Att/-Spd (Well.  That's bittersweet. xD)

I'll be back to saving now.  Hopefully I can scrape together another 30 orbs  before the end of the banner.

Edited by Selena4Lyfe
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4 minutes ago, Selena4Lyfe said:

  Sooooo, this is a first for me...


I managed to pull two Deirdres in one summon after spending 39 orbs.






I'll be back to saving now.  Hopefully I can scrape together another 30 orbs  before the end of the banner.  (Will post IVs for the above units in just a couple minutes)

easy to see, first one is +spd-atk hte other is +atk-spd, 

pick your poison

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2 minutes ago, Prince Endriu said:

easy to see, first one is +spd-atk hte other is +atk-spd, 

pick your poison

Second one easily, she’s got QR anyway.

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7 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Second one easily, she’s got QR anyway.

Not even factoring that in, I figured that if speed is a particular issue, I could support her with an active and one-or-two passive buffs to help pull the slack in Spd.  The QR obviously helps in my decision making, though. :D


Definately going with the +Att for my main.  Will review her skills for the +Spd one and will decide whether to user her for SI or merge.

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Well I did my free summon on genealogy, low and behold the 5* Effie that appeared (not like I had a 4* one on day one) Also update, I have managed to pull PA Inigo and Azura, still working on Olivia/Shigure (I really want Olivia). Funnily enough both of those have some of the worse natures, both being -spd +def.

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Well I did my free summon on genealogy, low and behold the 5* Effie that appeared (not like I had a 4* one on day one) Also update, I have managed to pull PA Inigo and Azura, still working on Olivia/Shigure (I really want Olivia). Funnily enough both of those have some of the worse natures, both being -spd +def.

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