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I got Shiro in 80 Orbs. On the Plus side, the 4 stars I got were magnificent - I got spare Hinatas, Ninos, a Roy, Brave Bow fodder and even a Cherche,  I'm totally set for skill inheritance for like the next few months. i think I'm going to forgeet about Siegbert, I thought it would be nice to have a buff bot that didn't need to be literally glued all the time, and could serve a secondary role as a Death Blow offense unit, but really it's not like Eiraka does the job that badly to begin with....

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I spent money... the one thing I didn't want to do, and can you guess what I got? You probably can't because it's so fu  ing bad.


I GOT - ATK + HP Siegbert


-DEF +RES Shiro  


The only good pull I had was getting another Sigurd to merge to my +1 one, and that's it. 

After like so many orbs.

I hate you somtimes IS


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Finally accumulated enough orbs to do a full pull from the Block B banner. Let's see what the RNG has in store for me.

  1. 4* Tharja: Wrong banner.
  2. 4* Cherche: I am in need of Pivot fodder.
  3. 5* Dorcas: There we go! +HP/-Spd, so while his boon is eh (and way too common on my pulls), his bane's in the one stat where's he's utterly unsalvageable.
  4. 4* Lukas: You're not Catria...
  5. 4* Boey: Time to see if anyone could use Earth Boost.

That went quite well. Got Dorcas with good IVs and some handy skill fodder.

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Okay, done with the Children of Fate banner now.  I got the two peeps I wanted (Soleil and Shiro). :D:

Pulls since my last post:

  1. 4* Jagen
  2. 4* Nowi
  3. 3* Odin
  4. 4* Sully
  5. 4* Reinhardt
  6. 3* Gwendolyn
  7. 3* Shanna
  8. 4* Florina
  9. 4* Nowi
  10. 3* Donnel
  11. 3* Odin
  12. 5* Shiro (+HP/-Res)
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18 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

If it helps, I spent a crud tonne of orbs to get Siegbert and he turned out to be -Atk -.-

I have a -Atk Siegbert too......or well actually I have two +res/-attack Siegberts while having nothing else from the banner.

Edited by Sasori
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I was pity broken for the first time ever by Seliph today. Yay me?  He was +Spd -Res...not like that wouldn’t have been PERFECT for Soliel or Seigbert or anything. 

This, combined with my nightmare 30-crest run in the arena yesterday, make quitting enter my thoughts for the first time. 

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2 hours ago, Eridras said:

I was pity broken for the first time ever by Seliph today. Yay me?  He was +Spd -Res...not like that wouldn’t have been PERFECT for Soliel or Seigbert or anything. 

This, combined with my nightmare 30-crest run in the arena yesterday, make quitting enter my thoughts for the first time. 

Just give him Divine Tyrfing upgrade then. He actually sounds pretty useable now

Edited by mcsilas
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5 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Just give him Divine Tyrfing upgrade then. He actually sounds pretty useable now

I actually think he's really good, here's mine:



That said, I guess any unit with this much investment could be considered good...

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6 hours ago, Eridras said:

I was pity broken for the first time ever by Seliph today. Yay me?  He was +Spd -Res...not like that wouldn’t have been PERFECT for Soliel or Seigbert or anything. 

This, combined with my nightmare 30-crest run in the arena yesterday, make quitting enter my thoughts for the first time. 

There is highs and there is lows - yesterday I managed a seven win streak in AA at second try if I remember correctly - last week it took a couple of days. Same goes with summonings. The games randomness makes it unpredictable - its kind of cool.

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43 minutes ago, Prince Endriu said:

There is highs and there is lows - yesterday I managed a seven win streak in AA at second try if I remember correctly - last week it took a couple of days. Same goes with summonings. The games randomness makes it unpredictable - its kind of cool.

Now that I think about it, while it has been some time, I've been very lucky before. The last time this happened was on the last day of the Geneology Banner. I pulled a 5* Deidre, another 5* Seliph for some overpowering, and a 4* Taitlyu.

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1 hour ago, Birdy said:

I actually think he's really good, here's mine:



That said, I guess any unit with this much investment could be considered good...

If he had been +Atk I would probably consider it. The issue is that my +Spd is so useless on him when there were so many other pity breakers that would have been amazing with it.

My luck lately has been getting fantastic boon/bane combos on the wrong units, either fodder (+Atk-Hp Hawkeye/+Spd-Res Hawkeye) or this Seliph here. I’ve been counting getting true neutral versions of desired units as a total success as of late. 

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New banner, new free summon.

Main account was a +Atk/-HP Abel at 4 stars. Already have a -Res one so fodder

Second account was a 4 star +HP/-Def Niles. Decent but I have a +Res (or was it +Spd) Either way I needed more Iceberg fodder so this is perfect.

You're not going to tempt my orbs this time game!

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Argh. 3 reds and 1 colorless on the first summon for the Weapons to Refine banner. No 5*s and got Lissa, Chrom, Laslow, and Henry. Was hoping for another Lyn (for merging or having +Atk/-HP) or a Takumi.

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Free pull is free.

3 Green, 1 each Red, Colourless (Shoot, another change at Ephraim gone)

4* Tharja (Already have a great one: her nature sucks: Free Darting Blow Fodder (Also Raoudrblade, but most units wouldn't use it anyway)

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