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22 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Oh, okay,  Were you Rui?  I think I had you on my Friend list.  I'll try to remember not to tag you, but my memory can sometimes be bad with that, since time seems to go so fast lately.


It's ok. I can understand getting old as well ):

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1 hour ago, Rezzy said:

Eirika is -Atk+Res.  Been getting lots of +Res lately.  Oh well, her -Atk can be patched up with a Blade tome.  I'll just need to promote a Tharja to sacrifice.

RIP, but grats on all the focuses! I have 120 or so orbs waiting. I'm not really going to try for L'Arachel that much since she will drop, even if she might elude me like how Titania did. Eirika is my goal. Hopefully I don't get cursed by -Spd like how you got -Atk'd...

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Before I could even properly summon on the new banner, I got pity broken by a 5* Roderick....on a bright side, it is another 5*.

And.... I got a 5* L’Arachel +atk/-spd right after that at 3% rate. Thanks game.

Edited by Silent shifter
No point creating another new post for something small.
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Well, got some story orbs. Time to try my luck for more Sacred Stones characters.

  1. 3* Fir: Bleh.
  2. 3* Sophia: Useless.
  3. 4* Florina: Maybe Darting Blow fodder.
  4. 4* Sophia: Wat. Well, I suppose Dragon Fang is useful.
  5. 5* Myrrh: Well, seems like my previous prediction of swift good luck came true! IVs are +Res/-Spd, which is a tolerable boon and what is probably her best bane, since 25 Speed at neutral is right on the edge of utterly unsalvageable even by my biased standards. Time to level her up and lay waste to my enemies.
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4 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:


It's ok. I can understand getting old as well ):

Okay, I'll leave you there for now, in case you change your mind.  I may have to clear space in the next Gauntlet, though.

4 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

RIP, but grats on all the focuses! I have 120 or so orbs waiting. I'm not really going to try for L'Arachel that much since she will drop, even if she might elude me like how Titania did. Eirika is my goal. Hopefully I don't get cursed by -Spd like how you got -Atk'd...

I certainly hope the Rachel gets the drop, since I'll never get a high merge otherwise, but she almost seems to iconic.  But that would mean zero units get the drop next banner and that seems pretty stingy, but then again, we used to get two new 4*s every banner.

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7 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I certainly hope the Rachel gets the drop, since I'll never get a high merge otherwise, but she almost seems to iconic.  But that would mean zero units get the drop next banner and that seems pretty stingy, but then again, we used to get two new 4*s every banner.

Sothe dropped, so it's pretty reasonable to expect L'Arachel drops, imo.

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6 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I certainly hope the Rachel gets the drop, since I'll never get a high merge otherwise, but she almost seems to iconic.  But that would mean zero units get the drop next banner and that seems pretty stingy, but then again, we used to get two new 4*s every banner.

Sothe was a pretty important RD character and straight up had the best offensive stats for a dagger user as well as a legendary and natural L&D 3 and he managed to get the drop so I am fairly sure Racheal will get it because she has a rather sub-par kit and her stat spread isn't as good as sothes was the only thing that makes me unsure is Res Tactic, but since it is a defensive tactic as opposed to an offensive one they might let it drop 

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Got Myrrh on my free summon holy sweet Naga! Decided to pull on the rest of the orbs on that round and... well, I got fodder at least, but nothing else. But still! Did the story missions and the other quests and made up the 15 orbs pretty quickly.

Myrrh is +Spd/-Res. Not the best but that's okay! One of the better stat combos for Arena due to the Speed "Superboon." Sacrificed 20K feathers to give her Quick Riposte 3. Her illustration and sprite work look fantastic! The dragon form is a little strange looking in comparison to the others, but I love that they're keeping true to the spirit of the original games.

Also got Zelgius (+HP/-Res) on my first round of summons and Sothe (+HP/-Def) a cool 75 orbs or so later on their banner. Micaiah... maybe someday!

As always, good luck everyone!

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Summoned again against my better judgement and suffered for it. Well, at least Hinata is there for me.

4* Raven +Def -Spd
4* Bartre +Res -Spd
4* Nino +Def -HP
3* Lon'qu +Atk -Spd
4* Hinata +HP -Res
3* Cherche +Spd -Res

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I was unsure at first whether I wanted to use my orbs on this banner. 

But... Myrrh seemed pretty interesting as a unit, and Eirika is well, Eirika.  She's cool. 

I thought about it, and I decided I just couldn't sit on this massive pile of orbs any longer.  :lol:  I needed to make a dent in it... 

  1. 4* Ogma
  2. 3* Henry
  3. 4* M-Corrin
  4. 3* Raigh
  5. 3* Draug
  6. 4* Cain
  7. 4* Barst
  8. 3* Barst
  9. 3* Draug
  10. 4* Cecilia
  11. 4* Laslow
  12. 4* Henry
  13. 4* Camilla
  14. 4* Eliwood
  15. 3* Raigh
  16. 4* Roy
  17. 4* Fir
  18. 4* Hana
  19. 4* Cecilia
  20. 4* Chrom
  21. 4* Arthur
  22. 3* Cherche
  23. 4* Beruka
  24. 4* Nino
  25. 3* Gunter
  26. 3* Stahl
  27. 3* Beruka
  28. 4* Laslow
  29. 4* Boey
  30. 5* Amelia (+Atk/-Spd).  I was not very happy to see her this time.  I guess I'll merge my other one into this one, since my other one is +HP/-Spd.  
  31. 4* Eliwood
  32. 3* Beruka
  33. 4* Henry
  34. 4* Tiki
  35. 4* Fir
  36. 4* Henry
  37. 4* Soleil
  38. 5* Mia (+Atk/-Res) New.  Okay, I was a little happy to get her, especially with a good nature like this!
  39. 3* Tiki
  40. 5* Young Tiki (+Atk/-Res) New.  Wow, another new edition with the exact same nature as Mia!  I'm okay with this.
  41. 4* Caeda
  42. 3* Laslow
  43. 4* Raven
  44. 4* Athena
  45. 5* Myrrh (+Def/-Atk) New.  Yay, I finally got her!  Her nature seems... eh.  -Atk always sucks, but +Def might make up for it a little?  I'm just happy to have her!  Can't wait to level her up tonight.
  46. 4* M-Corrin


Um.  I spent just a few more orbs than I wanted to, but eh... They were all saved orbs, so I didn't drop any $$ this time.  I'm still at 80 orbs right now, so I'm not in terrible shape.  I can buy some for the legendary banner if I really need to, but this whole saving thing is really paying off!  :^_^:

I will surrender for now and try to get Eirika another time.  

Edited by Infinite Dreams
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I got some more orbs from log-in rewards and quests I've been slacking on, so back to Sacred Memories.

  1. 3* Gaius: Useless.
  2. 5* Sonya: Excellent! Unfortunately she's +Spd/-Atk, which is inferior to my current +Spd/-Def copy. Merge time.
  3. 3* Wendy: Unneeded.
  4. 4* Mathilda: Okay, Hone Atk 3 fodder.
  5. 3* Est: Bleh.

And once again good fortune comes to me. I'm wondering whether I should keep trying for Eirika or stop pressing my luck. Who am I kidding?

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So used the log in orbs + some others to open a session. 2 Greens. 3.75 Pity. Here is hoping for a Myrrh! And. . .

I get my first ever Julia(-DEF/+HP). Uhh . . . does this mean a Myrrh has been horribly Naga'fied somewhere? Will probably be a bit until I level her. I already have a +RES/-ATK Deirdre, who admittedly underperforms a bit thanks to dragons hitting her defense now.

@Infinite Dreams Myrrh definitely likes +DEF and -ATK only marginally effects her matchups from what I have seen. Honestly with a 167 BST no bane is going to ruin her day. That said that Boon/Bane is definitely asking to keep her Great Flame rather than going for a Lightning build. I would probably be willing to trade you my Neutral Myrrh for her if I could.

Edited by Usana
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I WAS going to complain on here about how much I hate summoning, the infuriating way you see your orbs decline while pulling characters you have 666 copies of, having to console myself I at least got Glimmer fodder...so on and so forth like this...and then I pull Myrrh.  +Atk -Hp seems like a not bad nature.  I also got an Amelia as a pity-breaker.  Her damaged art is pure filth lol.  I hope at least one of you has it as your phone background.

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Tried going for Myrrh, got pity-breaker Sonya. +SPD/-HP would be nice, except that's the same as my other Sonya. Eh, I'll use her for RES Ploy fodder or something, I dunno.

Also pulled 4-Star Soleil. Neutral boon/bane, but I'm still pretty happy with this since I didn't have her.

Gonna save up Orbs until just before the banner ends, so I can take one more shot for Myrrh after the Tempest Trial and Valter's rerun.

Edited by ILikeKirbys
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I think you are luckiest on your birthday. I got enough orbs to summon on the SS banner, and got Myrrh. She is +atk/-hp, which is a nature that is perfect for her. I did want Eirika, but knowing my luck I might get her off focus. Now, to save orbs to see what the legendary banner has to offer.


Edited by Poimagic
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1 hour ago, Poimagic said:

I think you are luckiest on your birthday. I got enough orbs to summon on the SS banner, and got Myrrh. She is +atk/-hp, which is a nature that is perfect for her. I did want Eirika, but knowing my luck I might get her off focus. Now, to save orbs to see what the legendary banner has to offer.


Happy Birthday, hope you keep having a cool day! Congratulations on that great pull! 

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2 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Happy Birthday, hope you keep having a cool day! Congratulations on that great pull! 

Thanks. I’m gonna save in grinding her up until the TT starts. It might be her, Nowi, Ike, and Genny for my TT team

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3.75% has to be enough, right?

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

4* Tharja (Not quite what I was looking for. +Spd/-HP, already have better), 5* L'Arachel (WOOOO! The queen of justice, about time a focus unit showed up! +Res/-HP, probably should see how much I could do with ploys), 4* Camilla (I was hoping she'd be 5* for a sec. +HP/-Res, could be better), 4* Klein (Best fodder! +Res/-HP), 4* Lucius (Lucius Locks, poor fodder, shows up again. +Spd/-Atk, shame)

80 orbs for L'Arachel > more than 100 for Jakob and Rebecca. I shouldn't have bothered with the RD banner.

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