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So I decided, what the hell, and went off and used the rest of my orbs in the Legendary Hero Banner. Aside from the Vanguard Ike I got beforehand; I got, Sanaki, Brave Lucina, and a second Vanguard Ike. So I got everyone I wanted out of this except Gunthuura. Also got Brave Lyn in the other banner on my fifth try. So, now I finally have all Brave Heroes. Man, now Hector is the only character I really want left in this game.

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I've got 15 orbs, so time to make a pull from the Hero Fest.

  1. 3* Frederick: Bleh.
  2. 4* Frederick: Really?
  3. 4* Titania: No thanks.
  4. 3* Hinata: More Fury fodder.
  5. 4* Lachesis: Meh.

That was worthless.

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Myrrh from Sacred Memories, +Spd -HP. Not the worst, but certainly not great...

Catria from Hero Fest, with a bad nature so least i got some more killer lance+ fodder

Fjorm +Spd -Atk, literally useless she is fodder.

Guntthra +Def -Atk. Could be worse, least she can still be a Gronnblade+ user. (or a general debuff wizard, but Gronnblade+ seems easier to set up)

2 Sanakis, +Res -Def on one +Def -HP on the other. MERGE FODDER.

And what I burned more orbs than I want to admit on, Vanguard Ike... +Res -HP. So I guess I can make him decently magically bulky...?

I've learned my lesson, never mass summon while sitting in a city park...

Edited by Xenomata
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So, I've been on the legendary banner trying to see if I can pull either Legendary Ike or Gunnthra (after successfully pulling PA!Azura). I don't have either Ike or Gunnthra yet. Actually, I haven't gotten any of the red focus units. Green, on the other hand ...

Please stop showing up, Summer Xander. I now have three of you, and I only needed one. The first one even had a great nature. I need Gunnthra. Even if neither of us can swim, please stop showing up.

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100+ orbs into the Vlike Banner, and so far I got 2 Fayes, and 1 +Atk/-Spd Siegbert (not sure how I feel about his nature in comparison to my other 2 +HP/-Atk/-Spd Siegberts). So far not looking too good on my main account.

However, I easily managed to pull Vlike -HP/+Atk on my alt account so that's positive I guess. Too bad my alt account sucks ass still.

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I wasn't expecting to summon again today, but Valter plus all the miscellaneous orbs lately got me back up to 20, so, back into Sacred Stones hell with my 4.25% pity rate:

5* Katarina +Def -HP - Welp, unless the only other red orb in this circle is Eirika, my quest for her will have ended in failure. Katarina herself is eh, whatever, not sure I can be bothered spending 20k feathers build when I have a superior Tharja I barely use as it is.

4* Hana +HP -Res - By far my most common pull this banner, which has now gotten her up to +5 from scratch. Goodbye Eirika, maybe someday I'll get you but I can't bear starting back at 3% with so little time left.

3* Cherche Neutral - My quest for a +Atk variant continues. This will bring mine to +9 so I'll have to start sending any non-Attack ones home, sadly.


Might as well open the blue orb I guess, since I'm done with this banner.

5* Delthea +HP -Def - Huh, well that's something different. I've already upgraded my Linde+1 for Dark Aura so Delthea doesn't bring anything new to the table, but a decent consolation prize.


So then, that was a mirror of my experience on this banner. A quest for two focus units, that ended in the acquisition of one Myrrh and five off-focus units, including three wrong red mages. Sanaki, Lilina, Katarina, Alm and Delthea, you represent a decent haul, but I can't help but feel a little hollow for what might have been. My orbs for the next week or so will be saved until such a point I can decide between Bike or the Valentine's Day stuff.

Edited by Humanoid
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So so we have 1 day left from the Legendary banner and I caved- even if I already had my goal 1 5 start from each Legendary banner. Just because Summer Robin would be nice for the valour and I wouldn't mind a Brave Lucina. (Also for a better Axura and any of the colourless would be nice).

Sadly I went from 50 to 20 orbs in my second account (also tried for Nephenee or spare B!Ikes but no green orbs). Also tried one last time for Myrrh but instead got 3 star Beruka (again?) and Camilla. I seem to be getting +Atk and +Spd Camillas only which is weird.

Also got a +Res Oboro which...I might want to give her Berkut's Lance someday, but I also pulled a +Def one which is cheaper to build. And a +Res/-Def Kagero which should probably be better than +Res/-HP. And a +Atk/-Res Gunter while I was training a +Def/-Res...now not sure what to pick (mostly for a defense team when he is a bonus unit).

Also ran out of space so I finally feathered some 3 star Olivias and now she's 4 star +7. I really needed to +10 her sooner or later anyway.

My main had more orbs (about 130), now down to 101 so still a decent number. Of note was finally getting a good Klein! 4 star +Spd/-Res, I can finally get rid of my neutral one and start to properly build a Klein (unless I get a +Atk). Now I also don't need to pull for the fodder banner for Kleins. (Okay maybe 1 session to try and get Roys/Hinatas but I'll see test my self control later).

Blues were an Oboro and Est who jsut became merges so my Oboro is now +6 and Est is +5.

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Gathered ~200 Orbs to spend on the Hero fest banner with a mission in mind: Get Steady Breath for Nowi and Distant Counter for Camilla.
Did these pulls Yesterday.



My previous one was +Atk/-Spd. This one is +Spd/-atk and it means a lot of better matchups. I'm okay with this and probably will merge.

I was hoping to finally get this man and I wasn't disappointed. +Atk/-Res Which is a really good nature. I just leveled up to 40 and turned into fodder.
Right after Hector, I don't even consider it a pity breaker. +res/-hp. Probably going to give Aether to A!Tiki.
Pity breaker. +hp/-spd a fine nature, I guess. Not sure what to do whit him, actually.
+Spd/-res. Leveled up to 40 and turned into fodder.

Today I decided to do a Wake Up pull from the Legendary Bonus.
First green orb:
5* PA!Azura +Spd/-Res!
Exactly who I wanted.
Super satisfied with these banners even tough I didn't get any Camilla/Nowi to promote and merge. Now, back to gathering orbs to the next Banner where ToD! Nowi appears.

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On 02.02.2018 at 2:00 AM, Alexmender said:

We feel the same pain...

I finished the monthly quests, got enough orbs for another round...Got trash and something that seems like a +Spd Camilla. I'm not liking these odds but hopefully the 50 orbs are going to give me Eirikalter and Myrrh.

late reply but i got her ! she is +attack -defense !! so happy :D

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2 hours ago, FiyaaEmburem said:

late reply but i got her ! she is +attack -defense !! so happy :D

Congrats! Hope she serves you well!


I gave another try for Myrrh, no green stones and ended with a pity breaker Gray (+Res -Atk). I guess Sword Valor fodder is nice at least.

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@Rezzy @Arcanite



Not great IVs this time (+Res, -Def lol), but another merge! :D Plus this merge added Spd and Def!


He's so gorgeous now. <3

I'm gonna stop here though, I'm pretty happy with how he is now even though I didn't get +Atk or +Spd or anything. lol And who knows who'll be on the banner coming on the 8th.

Edited by Anacybele
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Really, gacha? Not one, but TWO seperate 5* Hawkeyes from the SS banner while trying to get as many Myrrhs as possible? Not even whaling, just F2P orbs. I know you like punching someone in the face, but this really hurts. And now I'm out of resources to contiue trying.... sadness.

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52 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

Congrats! Hope she serves you well!


I gave another try for Myrrh, no green stones and ended with a pity breaker Gray (+Res -Atk). I guess Sword Valor fodder is nice at least.

I got a pity breaker too ! i got Alm and he has perfect IVs so hyped about Falchion upgrade !

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

@Rezzy @Arcanite



Not great IVs this time (+Res, -Def lol), but another merge! :D Plus this merge added Spd and Def!


He's so gorgeous now. <3

I'm gonna stop here though, I'm pretty happy with how he is now even though I didn't get +Atk or +Spd or anything. lol And who knows who'll be on the banner coming on the 8th.

Congrats on your +2 Beach Frederick, good IVs can be a bit rare, so as long as they aren't bad, I'm usually happy.

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8.5%, is it enough?

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red

4* Raigh (Joy. +Atk/-Res, merge), 3* Frederick (Well, it's Luna.), 3* Cherche (Meh, the unit. Though I'm wrong, she +Atk/Res. I have been waiting for this day. Took a year to get a great one, but I am likely to promote her now.), 4* Kagero (+HP/-Def, sacrifice), 3* Saizo (Meh.)

It'll be a mad dash tomorrow to get enough for a pull. 9%

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Only posting the more relevant sessions since there was a lot of sniping involved and a lot of one-orb sessions.

Sacred Stones banner:






Managed to get L'Arachel and Mageirika but Myrrh evaded me.

Legendary banner:






Not a bad haul considering it was around 80 orbs spent total. Summer Xander is the only new one and all others ended up in merges.

Hero fest:






Brave Ike was the only one missing from that banner so I sniped for him, and while I did eventually get him, that pity breaker Boey was painful. I ended up whaling a bit but immediately got Bike, so I have some saved orbs now for the next banner.


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Brave Ike, Vanguard Legend Ike, four Summer Xanders, two Sanakis, two Performing Azuras, Camilla, Rhajat, three Siegberts,  and Sonya.

Admittedly, I decided to whale a bit.

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After looking at all the Myrrh’s on the AA list near my ranking, I decided to make one more pull, and grab all the greens on that circle. 3 greens, and one was a +Atk -Hp Myrrh!  Magically, it took me just 39 orbs to complete this banner, the first one I’ve ever gotten all the focus units from. Super stoked to build her. 

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Well, my friend and I blew all our orbs at our D&D session this afternoon, and I had the weirdest luck. Two summon sessions in a row had 4* Hawkeye, 4* Peri, and Fjorm. I also managed to get Siegbert out of it.

This is a nice counterpoint to the Happy New Year banner, on which I got Seliph at a 3% pity rate, then Rhajat at a 5% pity rate, and no other 5* units for the whole month. Yeah, that's just over 300 orbs gone for 2 5* units.

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And she's +ATK/-HP, too! That's pretty good, I think!

Gonna just save up my Orbs for March now... or maybe just the end-of-month Legendary banner, depending on who gets on that one.

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