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Well my free summon got me a Hawkeye. And another four orbs got me a Gunther. Could have really used another Amelia for merging. But I don't want that enough to whale on this. Though I don't have Tana. . . so maybe I should have pulled on that blue orb. Sometimes I wish we had a 'reveal what you could have got option' after we close the summon session out. But that could very well lead to a lot of internet rage.

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This banner is boring to me since I already have everyone on it (and I didn't even want Amelia...), so I only did the free pull hoping for some good fodder if not another Frederick or Titania.

But there was no green, and I was given a Tana instead. >_> I already had one with good IVs and a merge. Making her +2 isn't a bad thing, but I would've MUCH rather had an Oscar or good fodder if I had to pull blue. Reinhardt would've been nice so I could give Vantage 3 to RD Ike.

I guess my luck was bound to run out soon though, given how crazy it was on the RD Ike banner.

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Movement banner had one blue and one green. Used my free pull on the blue and got Tana. +HP/-Res. That's freebie five star #3. Spent 4 orbs checking what was under the green, and it was just +Atk/-Def Bartre. Join my club of almost-optimal Bartres.

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Well, I've got just enough orbs to make one more pull from the Hero Fest. Time to pray to Feh and the RNG.

  1. 3* Est: Worthless.
  2. 4* Marth: I do need SP for my 5* Marth...
  3. 3* Cecilia: Escape Route 3 fodder if ever needed.
  4. 3* Wendy: Useless.
  5. 3* Draug: Even more useless.

Unbelievable. 4 full pulls from this banner, nothing more than SI fodder and garbage. Not even a 4* worth training. Depending on my mood I might scrape together a few more orbs from quests to do desperation pulls later, but I doubt it.

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Scrounged up all the orbs I could bear in a last ditch effort for Eirika. Spoiler: it didn't go well.

First round, starting with 20 orbs - three greens, two grey. Well, if I get another Myrrh I'll be happy to call it a day, so I open all three greens.

4* Titania +Atk -Spd
4* Cherche +HP -Spd
4* Titania Neutral

No good, the best thing I can say about that bunch is that I can save 2000 feathers by merging this Cherche instead of my 3* one to make her +9. I couldn't leave it at that so I scrounge up what I can, four of the single-chapter Chain Challenges and two additional orbs from completing 10th Stratum with fliers fifteen times. 17 orbs, it'll have to do because no way in hell am I doing the long Chain Challenges anytime soon, I hate them.

Four red orbs, one blue. Glad I went to 17 orbs instead of 13 as originally planned.

4* Laslow +Res -HP
4* Chrom +HP -Atk
4* Roy +Res -Atk
4* Male Corrin Neutral


And so it ends. Rest in pepperonis Eirika, we'll meet again some sunny day. I guess deep down I'm kind of okay with the fact I gave it my absolute best effort, including sacrificing both 8% banners - I can't say I left anything on the table. The pity rate was only at 3.5% so I can't claim to be hard done by, indeed I have gotten more than the expected number of 5-star units than would be expected of the orbs I spent.

My deep regret I suppose remains wasting so many orbs in pursuit of Micaiah, but it's a lesson well learnt. To use a sports analogy, I need to be smarter and save my resources to sign up those units good enough to make the starting team, instead of signing handy bench units that increase my squad depth but won't help me take the next step.

Onwards and upwards now, for that's the only way I can go with exactly zero orbs. Buff Ike, if he is indeed the free unit, will be good consolation, even though I will use every single one of my votes now on Eirika in some misguided hope it'll have her reappear sooner. Plenty of time to decide what to do with the Valentine's banner, from which only Lyn is the kind of game-changer which I mused about above.

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I just recently got back into FEH. In the beginning, I actually spent a bit trying to get Marth and Caeda during launch and only ended up with two 4* Marths to show for it. I did some pulls today aiming for a Hinata for fodder but ended up getting a Caeda 5*! I was really ecstatic and immediately put her on my main team along with Marth.

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@Tori Himemiya Congrats! Caeda is looking particularly fun these days.

Another pull to get another Myrrh got me Sheena at 4* instead.


Edit- Pulled together another set of orbs from the dev maps that I apparently haven't done yet. This Session had no greens so I pulled on red and got Eirika. Sword Eirika. I thought I had filed a restraining order against her. I already have you at 4*+10, 2 5* sitting around, and another 6 4*! LEAVE ME ALONE~! And then I pull again(no greens again) and get Tome Eirika. Really? Really?! WHY?!

And finally I get one with a green and pull the +DEF Myrrh I have wanted since the banner began. -HP isn't too terrible.

Edited by Usana
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Well, Hero Fest 3 is going to end soon, so I finished up my summoning spree on it.
tldr; pretty good but I had an accident.

So, my first 5* pull was my most anticipated one; Brave Ike. Ironically he is neutral but that's fine. It's better than having to suffer through a bad bane.
In the same circle I got a +Atk/-Spd Frederick who I wanted to have in my 2nd Cavalier team for a long time. That also meant I could sacrifice the 5* Camilla I got way back from the Deep Devotion banner.

But then that accident happened. I pulled a 5* Camilla. Not only did she ruin my pity rate (~7%) but she had an even worse boon/bane (+Def/-Spd). Let's just say I didn't need any salt to my popcorns that night.
Though the next session gave me a +Atk/-Res Cherche who could use a Brave Axe+, hm ...

Fortunately the last of my paid Orbs yielded me another Brave Ike, this time a +Res/-Def. I needed more copies of him since a good amount of my roster would enjoy Steady Breath as their A passive (Adult Tiki, Black Knight, regular Ike and Lukas). I gave this one to Tiki and that concluded my last summoning session on the banner.

My goal was Brave Ike, Steady Breath and Wrath fodder, which I mostly got.
Stil need more Steady Breath and no Wrath is a bummer since both Lyn and BK would greatly appreciate it for their kits, especially the latter since I use him very often for Arena Assault.

Edited by Zeratul
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My free pull yesterday was a 5* Clair.  My second free 5* and a savings of 20k in feathers since I only had a 4* of her.  If I V!Hector right away I may come back to this banner and try for armor march.

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Gotta love Valentines Hector.

"Just here to fight"? Man such a funny-

Wait shit what, +Atk Hector is +4 to base stat? That can't be right. Then does that mean this Hector, who appears to be +Atk -Res, just became even more valuable than normal Hector???

...shit bro.

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Got up to 15 orbs so all set to do a full first round of summoning!

Oh, three reds, a green and a grey. Figures. Well, we've got all month, let's see what we got:

5* Horse Lilina! +Atk -Def! - Well then, I guess I can forgive you for not giving me Eirika, game. Coincidentally the game gave me an off-focus normal Lilina with the same natures on the SS banner. And before Lilina was my first good character in FEH who carried me through the original story mode. I guess she's my mascot now.

3* Saizo +Atk -Spd - Well, can't win 'em all I guess.

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I got Hector in 2 sessions!

+SPD/-ATK, but still, I wasn't expecting any luck pulling him, so I'm happy. Besides, Berserk Armads's effect can make up for the bane (after he gets Bonfire or Moonbow, since I have fodder for either), and even with that his ATK is still pretty good, so I just need to figure out how to make his SPD into an amount that won't get doubled... I suppose Hone Armor + Goad Armor could work, but if I wanna run him outside of Armor Emblem then I'll need something else...

Gonna save Orbs for a while, wait and see what the next banner is before I try for anyone else.

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Since I got back up to 15 orbs from the training maps, it's also time to claim my free summon on the movement skills banner. Didn't expect to be able to do both banners today but here we are. Three blue orbs looks promising since Tana is the one I want most here:

3* Jagen +Def -Spd
3* Lon'qu +Spd -HP
4* F Corrin +Def -Res
3* F Corrin +HP -Res

Welp, so much for that banner.

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Free pull was 5* V!Hector. He’s +Def -HP. I went and tried my luck for Lilina and I ended up with a second V!Hector(+spd), a +Def -HP V!Roy and a few Barsts and Bartres. No Lilina makes me a bit upset since I wanted to run her in a cav team for TT but I now have a spare Hector to sac to V!Eliwood. I guess I’ll run a variation of my Christmas TT armor team and then swap Robin for Eliwood when I finally get him. 

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Now up to 684 total units.




Forgot to take the first one.  Oopsie!

For boons/banes:


Serra (+Spd/-Res): This works, somehow.
Hinata (+Atk/-Def): I, um, crap.  So much for Fury fodder.
Saizo (+Res/-Def): I'm running out of things that want Poison Strike.
Ogma (+Atk/-Spd): Let me figure out what to do with him as soon as I pick my jaw up off of the floor.

Robin (+Res/-Def): Bonfire is a good skill.
Azura (+Atk/-Def): Oh, I'm conflicted.  On one hand, she'll kill things even faster.  On the other hand, this will cut into her ability to tank Zelgius.  It's definitely an improvement.  I'm seriously thinking about Fortress Def on her, to patch up that bane and break even on the boon.
Effie (+HP/-Atk): :facepalm:
Wrys (+Spd/-Atk): Not quite the boon I was looking for, but close enough!
Clarine (+HP/-Res): I think you're going for merge levels.  Yeah.

Matthew (+Res/-Spd): Hone Spd is a very good skill!
Stahl (+Res/-Def): I think his Ruby Sword is helpful?
Sully (+Res/-HP): Still my favorite fodder for red units.
Jagen (+HP/-Res): He's still relevant Horse Emblem fodder!
Shiro (+Spd/-Atk): I'm sorry dude, your A skill is being replaced.  You really need the Atk boost from Fury, man.

This was. . .unusual, to say the least.  But I'm not complaining!


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So, I tried summoning on the movement banner again. Two reds, one blue. Looks promising.




EDIT: The male Corrins are identical, +def -res. Female Corrin is +atk -spd. I have better versions of both already. Worst summon ever.

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12 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

What are green orbs and where can I find them?

That's something I'd like to know too. That and can I not keep getting multiple reds in given circle?

Anyways, nothing to see here but a 3.75% rate. I at least got a stray Sothe (+Res/-Def, which by default is better than the incumbent +Def/-Atk) and Klein for my troubles, but not much else other than that.

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