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12 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

at least it wasn’t Azura? And at least that’s extra stats for Ishtar

Yeah, already merged. First merge gives her +1 Spd! Which is very nice in my book regardless:

2 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

What's the best nature you got? Optimal nature comes with the eleventh copy.

“Best nature”, heh. The best of one is HP/Res.

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52 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Also, Res/Atk. @Rezzy why. There go my dreams of merging my Ishtar into a better base. Oh well.
Also I just can’t seem to pull Cecilia to save my life. I only need one more Cecilia, game. Please. Not Bartre, not Gunter, not Frederick. Just one Cecilia.

A merge is a merge, I guess. Get that +1 HP and Spd(?).

Same, no Eirikas or Kageros. I just need one of each.

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12 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

A merge is a merge, I guess. Get that +1 HP and Spd(?).

Same, no Eirikas or Kageros. I just need one of each.

Yeah, +1 HP and Spd. Atk and Res would be next. But they won’t because no orbs.

I even almost forgot thinking about +10’ing my Marth because red orbs are troll orbs.

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40 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Yeah, already merged. First merge gives her +1 Spd! Which is very nice in my book regardless:

“Best nature”, heh. The best of one is HP/Res.

But that's not bad at all, offense stats are untouched. Fishing for natures of 5* exclusives is expensive and brings only pain. 

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1 minute ago, mampfoid said:

But that's not bad at all, offense stats are untouched. Fishing for natures of 5* exclusives is expensive and brings only pain. 

I didn’t say it’s bad. I just poked a tiny little bit of fun about trying to choose the best among one. It’s like Fae used to be the best green dragon some time ago.

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I, uh... I couldn't resist the temptation...

I regret nothing. +HP -Def Glorious Archer Lucina.

I mean, not saying the nature is good, but... it's certainly better than what I thought it was (I thought it was -Spd for a moment...)

Okay, NOW orb saving time. Even if I did get a 5* on each of the daily skill banners I full summoned on, I need to save these orbs now more than ever.

Edited by Xenomata
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1 hour ago, Jules said:


The first legendary banner without a 5* for me...

I can be almost relieved that Micaiah wasn't the legendary hero, but I'm still a bit salty.


160 orbs, That's Hurt. But you got a lot of fodders I guess (even though Legendary banner is for 5 stars seasonal...) 

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26 minutes ago, Kozac said:

160 orbs, That's Hurt. But you got a lot of fodders I guess (even though Legendary banner is for 5 stars seasonal...) 

Not really honestly

Two Legaults and Shigures and a Hana and Shanna were the "best" pulls yet.

I didn't even pull bonfire / ignis because Hardin and Sheena need it badly. 


Just said I pulled eight five star units with less than 100 orbs in last legendary, but this is currently no "equal" anymore since I invested way more orbs in current legendary. 

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14 minutes ago, Jules said:

Not really honestly

Two Legaults and Shigures and a Hana and Shanna were the "best" pulls yet.

I didn't even pull bonfire / ignis because Hardin and Sheena need it badly. 


Just said I pulled eight five star units with less than 100 orbs in last legendary, but this is currently no "equal" anymore since I invested way more orbs in current legendary. 

Game has a teeth against you, hope you will have more luck for next legendary banner (If you don't summon until next ) 

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My summoning on the Sketchy summer banner has gone horribly. Three pity breakers, all awkward or bad natures. A +def/-atk Lute, a +hp/-res Soleil (Gave Firesweep S+ to Elincia), and a +res/-hp Shigure (Gave Harmonic Lance+ to Effie)

At least all of my summonings haven’t gone horrid. My free summon on the DD banner was a +spd/-hp Delthea

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Free pull today was 4*A!Tiki who will be merge fodder and I did more pulls trying for Flying Olivia but no luck I pulled Jaffar instead which was nice and I give up on flying dancer for real this time.

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30 minutes ago, Kozac said:

Game has a teeth against you, hope you will have more luck for next legendary banner (If you don't summon until next ) 

Ah, it's not the end of the world for me. Better times will come... 


At least I know how it is to discover the heights and depths of a gacha. ;]

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YEEESSS, got Lucina on today's first pull and with that, I am SATISFIED. Was running out of time and Orbs and now I'll just try for Azura, Lissa, and Lilina if I have some extra Orbs on the side. 

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The Fury banner- Let's get Eldigan?

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

4* Lilina (There's better fodder. +Atk/-Res, so close to perfect.)

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Guys I had a bonanza of crazy luck.  

126 orbs it took.  Got an Ishtar merge, my first  Azura! +atk/-HP(glorious IV! and actually a unit I've wanted for a long time.  Finally the unit I wanted the most, or close to it (wanted Ryoma maybe more).  WINTER LISSA!  +def/-res which is fine, I res fined her handbell and she rocks.  So now sitting at 74 orbs left, I made my way to sketchy summer.   First pull got me a Shiro merge, anyways 53 orbs later my most wanted unit this summer arrives.  YOUNG SUMMER TIKI!  +HP/-SPD and I don't care, I love and wanted this unit so much! 

I'm not done.  We got all these orb gifts from summer celebration, so I thought well why not pull reds from the legendary banner since I have none of them and want all 3.  50 orbs later I got Exalt Chrom!  +HP/-atk so not the IV of course, but still very pleased. I also got another Winter Lissa!!!  YES!  After much deliberation I decided to give Bold Fighter 3 to my Zelgius who is +atk/-def.   

So in total on these 2 banners....

176 orbs Legendary Lucina banner.  Exalt Chrom, Ishtar, Azura, 2 Winter Lissa.

169 orbs Sketchy Summer banner.  Young Summer Tiki, Shiro, Summer Linde, Summer Takumi, Lyn (sword), and Tailtiu.  

I only found out a few months ago about how pity rate does not reset until the summoning session ends so pull everything on the circle after you get your 5 star if the pity rate is high.  This has benefitted me so much as many times I've gotten an additional 5 star or even 2 additional ones.  



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Okay, this is just sorta weird.


I summoned two reds on the latest daily banner and scored myself, of all things, a Roy.


As you can see,  IVs suck.  As such, I have a Galeforce just waiting to be used.  And yet, irritatingly, mages cannot learn the skill...

So, what should I consider when choosing an ideal candidate for the special?

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20 minutes ago, Selena4Lyfe said:


So, what should I consider when choosing an ideal candidate for the special?

Raven with refined Basilikos and Flashing Blade seal.

Any fast and strong melee Flier/Cav with a Slaying weapon and Heavy Blade seal: Elincia, Caeda (Flashing Blade prf), Minerva (Slaying prf), Ryoma, Oscar, Peri, Siegbert (Swift Sparrow prf), Tana, SS!Cordelia, HF!Alfonse and perhaps Clair (Flashing Blade prf) to name some. 

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2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Raven with refined Basilikos and Flashing Blade seal.

Any fast and strong melee Flier/Cav with a Slaying weapon and Heavy Blade seal: Elincia, Caeda (Flashing Blade prf), Minerva (Slaying prf), Ryoma, Oscar, Peri, Siegbert (Swift Sparrow prf), Tana, SS!Cordelia, HF!Alfonse and perhaps Clair (Flashing Blade prf) to name some. 

Well, I do have a Caeda that I'm pretty invested in.  I also have a Clair, but don't have enough DD to upgrade the Rhomphea(?) to its prf state.  I guess my choice is obvious.


Thanks, dude!

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